
MzR_MasseyGood evening01:21
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xbfrogi have ubuntu 20.04 installed for some months. i have an Hp printer and linux Hplip installed which puts an icon on my desktop with device manager in the contents. Clicking on device manager should open settings for fax and printing. well, clicking on it once opens up the app. close it and minutes later try to open it agan? won't open. only reboot seems to refresh it.02:32
xbfrogany ideas what's wrong?02:33
willmaI was installing build-essential on old system ubuntu 18.04 but there has unmet dependencies...When I use aptitude, I found that it could solve the problem by downgrade one package and it worked very well for me ... Now the problem is that I want aptitude to automatically respond to choose the solution of the resolver since I was building a Docker image ... Does anyone know how to use aptitude to automatically choose the solution ???02:33
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TeachmehowHi. I mistakely deleted everything inside /var/logs in my ubuntu. My laptop is working fine but will I encounter any possible problems in the future because of the deletion? Thanks.04:37
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lotuspsychjeTeachmehow: logs renew when they occur04:45
lotuspsychjeTeachmehow: you can also trigger your logs in realtime with: journalctl -f04:45
coolchrishello after careful evaluation i have determined ubuntu is a peace of shit and i am going back to windows05:32
coolchrisman it really sucks bad05:33
Kolasok. bye05:47
=== zedde is now known as Varaizr
CymewAnyone know if there's  a way to stop that annying "What's new in ubuntu" popping up on a newly installed system?07:30
diskinCymew, there should be a checkbox "[x] show next time" or something similar, no?07:32
=== Varaizr is now known as Varazir
Cymewdiskin: I must have missed that. That would help a bit. Is there a way to make sure it never shows up at all? I'm installing multiple machines pre-prepped and I really don't need it. Is it a startup service or something?07:40
diskinCymew, https://askubuntu.com/questions/1028822/disable-the-new-ubuntu-18-04-welcome-screen07:43
crstHi, something messes up my ip rules. They change to something else a couple of seconds after `netplan apply`. 18.04 with docker and kubernetes on it. This prevents my cluster from being reached from the outside. Please help.07:49
Cymewdiskin: Looks like there are options. Many thanks diskin.07:51
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fritzroy15hello, i'm on ubuntu 18.04 which runs python 2.7; is it possible to have a specific program run in python3? I need to run "git pull-request", but that only works with python 3, and I'm not sure how to set it up so only that one uses p308:17
jellyfritzroy15, 18.04 has both python2 and python3.  What fails to work specifically and in what way? (pastebin full command line and output)08:21
fritzroy15jelly I remember switching over to p3 and a bunch of stuff broke, so I never tried it again08:28
xtaoif a script requires python3 it should have python3 in the #! line at the top of the script. i'm guessing it just has python which is probably symlinked to python208:28
xtaopython 2 isn't even installed on my 20.04.108:29
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jellyfritzroy15, I have no idea how you "swithed over to py3" but messing with /usr/bin/python would be a very bad idea09:55
tacomasterI have recently switched over to linux and the only issue I am having is I cant seem to get my audio to play well. I have a usb hyper x cloud stinger style headset. It does play but I am not getting near the range that I was in windows 10. Can someone help me out here to figure out what is going on?10:02
tacomasterI use my headset for work all of the time so it pretty important to me10:02
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styx-tdo_hi, where would i find an ancient package version?10:16
styx-tdo_i look for sudo-ldap 1.8.16-0ubuntu1.710:16
furycd001@styx-tdo_: Here you go friend >> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/amd64/sudo-ldap/1.8.16-0ubuntu1.710:22
styx-tdo_thanks - that wasn't it, sadly. *sigh*10:37
styx-tdo_does anyone here use SUDO with LDAP and wildcards?10:37
styx-tdo_for whatever reason, some hosts accept * in the hostname, others don't10:38
furycd001I tried -_-*10:38
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styx-tdo_host dc-city-role-aa*   - this works on dc-city-role-aa01 but not on dc-city-role-aa1010:42
styx-tdo_actually just role-*10:43
=== Wryhder is now known as Lucas_Gray
styx-tdo_even without the - ...     sudo: ldap sudoHost 'xxx-yyy-zzz*' ... not10:44
styx-tdo_* should be eeither aa01 or aa10 (or aa 18,... )10:44
styx-tdo_wait.. these hosts seem to have an identity crisis10:46
styx-tdo_which hostname does sudo use?10:46
styx-tdo_... not hostname. not uname -n. just good ol' /etc/hosts.11:26
styx-tdo_and if you have localhost xxxxxxxx - then localhost it is11:26
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tacomasterCan someone help me get sound working in qemu working? I have installed the spice guest drivers but I am still not getting sound on my windows 10 vm11:56
Ellipsis753Do Samba network shares store full linux permissions? If I backup my files to one and restore later will it be lossless?11:57
akemEllipsis753, No afaik.11:58
akemtacomaster, Try virtualbox instead if you can, with guest additions.12:00
akemI never had any driver problem with it, and Windows 10 runs like a charm.12:00
tacomasterWill virtualbox support passing my mic and audio to the guest with out stealing it from the host?12:02
Ellipsis753akem: Ok. Thanks. I'll have to tar.gz my backups or something.12:02
akemtacomaster, I don't think you can record the mic on host and guest at the same time even with qemu. Audio out is just like any other programm mixed normally. And mic is not locked if not in use.12:04
prappl93Ellipsis753, you could use a program like deja-dup to do the backup/restore. I just did this the other day to back up my /home directory from a desktop I was decommissioning to a NAS, then restore it on my laptop that I'm using instead and it worked pretty well.12:05
akemJust like any regular audio program you would use tacomaster/12:05
tacomasterakem, I am postive it is possible in qemu as one of my friends has it setup in manjao.12:05
akemtacomaster, I see. Then maybe its possible with Virtualbox too then...I couldn't tell.12:06
Ellipsis753prappl93: Thank you. I'll look into it.12:07
BluesKajHi all12:08
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eraserpencilhey all, trying to figure out what I did wrong. I did an `apt upgrade` from a flavor of Ubuntu 20.04 (Regolith1.3), after which I found myself to be on a development branch of Groovy Gorilla.12:40
kre10hey guys, how are you? Can you please help me with something? I want to create a bash script for following things:12:51
kre10delete folder, run python script, coppy .sh script to the folder which python script created, run .sh script and coppy the modified folder to new place12:52
kre10thank you.12:52
tacomasterakem, Ha I was able to get it setup in virtualbox with it still having the speakers and mic on both the host and guest.12:56
tacomasterakem, Ty for the recommendation12:56
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akemtacomaster, Cool. Np.13:08
telmich__good day13:32
telmich__I am running ubuntu 20.04 on a computer with a touch screen. Since today's upgrade, an on screen display is showing, whenever I touch on a text field13:33
telmich__As the computer has a physical keyboard, I don't want/need this. I checked the universal access settings and in there the screen keyboard seems to be disabled13:33
telmich__Does anyone have a hint on how to disable it correctly?13:33
BurgundyBirdDoes anyone know i can change my computer fan speed?13:34
telmich__I just see - if I enable it, it is stuck there all the time. If I disable it, it only appears when I touch a text field. But I want neither of it13:34
BurgundyBirdknow how*13:34
telmich__It seems I am hitting https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=742246, however it seems https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/1723857 states that it has been solved13:53
ubottuGnome bug 742246 in keyboard "On-screen keyboard pops up with touchscreen even when physical keyboard present" [Normal,Resolved: duplicate]13:53
telmich__I am confused13:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1723857 in gnome-shell (Arch Linux) "onscreen keyboard appears whenever i touch touchscreen" [Undecided,New]13:53
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croraf_Hi, I would need fast help, please. How to verify that I have disabled Nvidia GPU?14:29
croraf_I have another Intel GPU14:29
croraf_that is like integrated.14:29
lotuspsychjecroraf_: sudo lshw -C video14:30
croraf_*-display UNCLAIMED14:31
croraf_       description: VGA compatible controller14:31
croraf_       product: TU104BM [GeForce RTX 2080 Mobile]14:31
croraf_       vendor: NVIDIA Corporation14:31
croraf_       physical id: 014:31
lotuspsychjecroraf_: unclaimed means, no driver loaded14:31
coconut!pastebin | croraf_14:31
ubottucroraf_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:31
croraf_so Nvidia is disabled?14:32
lotuspsychjecroraf_: the driver for your nvidia card is not loaded14:33
lotuspsychjecroraf_: check your dmesg for what went wrong14:33
croraf_I intentionally disabled it, I just needed to verify14:33
croraf_I also disabled Nouveau.14:33
lotuspsychjeoh you did14:33
croraf_What is confusing is that when I open Software&Update->AdditionalDrivers it shows that "Using X.Org X - Nouveau" is checked14:34
=== overclock is now known as blackgoku
=== blackgoku is now known as BLACKGOKU
eraserpencilHi, reposting my question here should someone know what happened. hey all, trying to figure out what I did wrong. I did an `apt upgrade` from a flavor of Ubuntu 20.04 (Regolith1.3), after which I found myself to be on a development branch of Groovy Gorilla.14:55
prappl93eraserpencil, This article is from going to 18.04 to 20.04, but I think it may help: https://www.howtogeek.com/351360/how-to-upgrade-to-the-latest-version-of-ubuntu/14:57
prappl93You might've entered an early release channel at some point.14:58
coconuteraserpencil, are you sure ? Apt upgrade should not upgrade to another system when your sources.list is not modified15:04
* BluesKaj wonders if eraserpencil used the -d flag15:07
eraserpencilcoconut, I am pretty sure it was the apt upgrade. 1) there was a considerable list of packages to upgrade which first caught my attention, but nothing I saw could break what I'm doing (which I now know am wrong). 2) the upgrade changed a some kernel things (too late to abort, i guess). 3) my computer fans went crazy after the upgrade15:08
eraserpencili too suspect the sources.list have been edited, just not sure what edits could bring me to the early release channel15:09
eraserpencilBluesKaj: isnt -d download-only?15:12
BluesKajsudo do-release-upgrade -d is development release command...if that's what what you used15:16
eraserpencildefinitely not15:16
eraserpencilwould any of the checkboxes in the software updater have configured apt sources.list in such a way I could enter the early release branch?15:17
BluesKajeraserpencil, not sure if the preleased updates box would upgrade to dev release tho15:21
BluesKajI've never used it15:22
eraserpencili don't believe it will.. but shouldnt be hard for me to check it with a fresh install anyway15:24
croraf_Does this mean that I'm using Nvidia with Nouveau drivers, and not propriatery?15:27
coconuteraserpencil, with the "pre-released updates" enabled from software & updates(that checkbox) you would have stayed with focal. I would have checked whether my sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* files are proper.15:28
eraserpencilcoconut: would you be able to share with me how /etc/apt/sources.list.d would have to be configured for me to be on the eraly release branch?15:30
BluesKajcroraf_, yes, looks like nouveau is still in use15:30
croraf_BluesKaj, this is so strange because I did: Additional Drivers -> "Using NVIDIA driver metapackage from nvidia-driver-440" and then Apply15:31
croraf_Could it be that my kernel didnt load Nvidia drivers?15:31
croraf_I did this on kernel 5.4 and then switched to 5.8. Does this impact?15:32
BluesKajdoes nvidia still require dkms build?, haven't used my nvidia card for a few yrs15:34
croraf_BluesKaj, not sure what dkms is, but it might be that the mainline kernel didnt load the drivers then fallbacked to Nouveau15:35
BluesKajcould be15:35
coconuteraserpencil, you would have done that by hand, afaik ## you can check yours with "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" and "cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*"15:38
croraf_BluesKaj, but it shouldnt matter that I did the driver switch in kernel 5.4 and then i booted with 5.8?15:38
coconuteraserpencil, and use a pastebin if you need to share them here15:38
BluesKajcroraf_, check this out,  https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/ubutun-20-04-driver-440-installed-but-cant-enable-nvidia-gc/125019/615:42
croraf_BluesKaj, I think Nvidia will be loaded when I return to ubuntu's kernel15:50
croraf_I'm on mainline kernel atm15:50
coconuteraserpencil, if they are ok, then you probably have used do-release-upgrade, and not apt.15:52
BluesKajyeah, mainline is a non default kernel, so don't think the kernel module/driver will load15:52
=== BLACKGOKU is now known as mastah
MadLambI'm getting this very annoying power connect/disconnect notifications randomly. Sometimes every minute, sometimes every 5 minutes... Its a notebook and it is always connected.15:56
MadLambI already tried to look at dmesg and journalctl but it does not produce a log when the sound happens15:57
MadLambwould nice to know why it happens but worst case I just need to disable it as it is driving me crazy15:57
prappl93MadLamb, is your charger cable fully connected everywhere and not shorting out?15:58
MadLambprappl93, I'm sure its fully connected. If its shorting out is a more difficult thing to know15:59
prappl93Do you have a second one you could test to see if it persists?15:59
Maiknotebook model and brand? Maybe there are reports out there with the same issue16:00
Maikalso which ubuntu version?16:01
MadLambprappl93, will do it16:01
MadLambMaik, its a razer blade stealth 201816:01
eraserpencilcoconut hmmm.. perhaps you're right. unconvinced, but that seems logical16:04
coconuteraserpencil, oh wait... if you are on groovy then your sources.list is already changed, so you cannot check that...16:04
coconutwhat does "lsb_release -a" say?16:05
eraserpencili was thinking the distro swapped to an early-release branch, but i am not able to reproduce with a fresh install of said distro.. soo16:06
eraserpencilerrr i dont have that machine with me right now, But i determined i was on the development branch of groovy gorilla cause that was what it said on Settings-> About16:07
MaikI didn't see the rest of the discussion but iirc support for development branch is in #ubuntu+1 so if you have issues with groovy you should go there. :)16:09
jwashdoes anyone know of a panel that will remain on top even when programs like firefox are full screen with f1116:11
coconuteraserpencil, downgrading is not supported, so you would need to reinstall from 20.04.1 or 20.04.16:13
eraserpencilcoconut: yeap, i have accepted that fate. Just curious what I might have done.16:14
coconutmaybe you have been drunk, i don't know :)16:15
eraserpencilThere is a certain peace one has during a fresh install, a certain hope that this time will be the last time16:15
rapidwaveHow come on 20.04 trying to download virtual guest additions iso, it cannot download all the source files?16:24
rapidwaveI noticed it's speciifcally libvncserver1 that is failing16:30
aroonianyway to get ubuntu to stop cutting off my time/date? 20.04.  https://imgur.com/a/5aLo5vI16:33
tatertotsarooni: was your time/date covered immediately after installing? or not until you got things cluttered like that?17:11
aroonitatertots:honestly i dont recall; i did an upgrade from 18.0417:11
=== MrSheesh is now known as Mr_Sheesh
Exterminadorhello guys. so, every time I boot my system I'm presented with a pop-up that says that a system problem was detected and if I want to report it. I remember of having this issue once in another laptop and I just had to delete a file somewhere to get rid of this. any ideas?17:43
tomreynExterminador: yu could look in /var/crash - but chances are this will just come back.17:44
tomreynthat's unless you have since solved whatever causes the system problem to occur17:45
Exterminadorwell, how can I see what might have caused this?17:46
Exterminadorthe file is: _usr_bin_onboard.114.crash17:47
tomreynExterminador: what's the timestamp on it?17:47
Exterminadortomreyn: August 2417:48
tomreynand is there also an .upload and .uploaded file?17:48
Exterminadortomreyn: nope, there isn't17:49
tomreynso it wasn't reported, yet, which makes sense, after all that's what the prompt is about.17:49
tomreyn24th is 3 days ago here, though17:50
tomreynyou couzld just delete it and see whether it comes back, maybe on next reboot?17:50
tomreynonboard is the onscreen keyboard17:50
tomreynyou could also unpack the crash report using apport-unpack17:50
xtaomy experience is that if you click to report them you just get "an internal error has occured" so i never bother17:50
Exterminadorthe output of `ls -lh _usr_bin_onboard.114.crash` is: -rw-r----- 1 lightdm whoopsie 6,6M août  24 20:04 _usr_bin_onboard.114.crash17:51
Exterminadorlet me reboot and try to report it 1st17:51
tomreynso the on-screen keyboard application must have crashed at the graphical login (lightdm) then17:52
Exterminadorthen I'll delete the file and reboot to se if it re-appears17:52
Exterminadorbut now all works fine, so..17:52
tomreynor just move it elsewhere before you reboot now17:52
Exterminadormoved the file and I'll reboot now. brb17:53
tomreynif you want to repor tthe bug now, you could also run   apport-bug /var/crash/_usr_bin_onboard.114.crash`17:54
tomreynwithout the trailing '17:54
Exterminadorjust moved the file, rebooted and no pop-up17:55
tomreynhere's how you can access a lit of crashes previously reported for your system:   x-www-browser https://errors.ubuntu.com/user/$(sudo cat /var/lib/whoopsie/whoopsie-id)17:58
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xtaodo you have to have an account to be able to report crashes then? that might explain why it always just says there's been an internal error when i try it17:59
Exterminadoralso, `apport-bug _usr_bin_onboard.114.crash` lead to a nice: Sorry, Ubuntu 20.04 has exeprienced an internal error.17:59
xtaoyes. that17:59
tomreynExterminador: maybe the bug report is incomplete or something. unfortunately, apport itself is also full of bugs, and doesn't get enough love these days.18:01
tomreynmost of the time it just works, though18:01
xtaoif i switch bluetooth off then it always crashes on every reboot. but i've tried reporting it 4 or 5 times now and always just get the internal error. so i gave up and now i just leave bluetooth enabled instead where it doesn't crash18:02
Exterminadorthis is what happens when I try `/usr/bin/onboard` directly: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZQN23V89Dw/18:02
=== Sven_vB_ is now known as Sven_vB
mastahxtao: try this > ExecStart=/usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd --noplugin=sap18:04
Exterminadorthat was using root. with  normal user i get `20:03:20.304 WARNING Config: mousetweaks GSettings schema not found, mousetweaks integration disabled.`18:04
mastahin bluetooth.service18:04
tomreynExterminador: warnings are fine. and dont run guis as root18:04
mastahthen systemctl daemon-reload ; systemctl restart bluetooth18:04
Exterminadorjust let me try to open the onboard on the login screen18:05
Exterminadorthat might reproduce the crash?18:05
tomreynExterminador: possbily. if it does, tell us about what you're running there, and whether it's fully up to date.18:05
Exterminadorno error this time. possibly it was an 1st-time-after-install the OS?18:08
tomreynmaybe, if you installed 3 days ago18:09
Exterminadoryeah I did. since then, the pop-up was been there but I was just ignoring it18:10
Exterminadorabout the system being updated, I do run `apt update && apt dist-upgrade` every single day lol18:11
ExterminadorI was wondering.. is it possible to use the same pubkey from one laptop in another one?18:14
Exterminadormy VPS (remote) are only accessible when I use the public key(?) to login (no username and password allowed). and they need to be rebooted to accept another new pubkey.18:16
xtaomastah: that didn't work. still crashed18:16
xtaoi've tried reported it again, same issue, "an internal error has occured"18:16
xtaooh. but it worked on the second attempt. good18:17
Exterminadorthe crash happens when you reboot with BT off?18:17
xtaoyes. if BT is switched off it crashes. if it's enabled then it works fine18:17
Exterminadorlet me try to reproduce it in my laptop :)18:17
xtaoi've managed to get the crash report to upload on the 2nd attempt :)18:18
tomreynxtao: which ubuntu version is this, and is it fully up to date?18:18
xtaoit's actually xubuntu 20.04.1 and yes it's 100% up to date18:18
xtaoso i'm talking about it in the wrong channel really. but i got involved because of the discussion about crash reports18:19
Exterminadoron my system, no crash log even with BT off18:19
tomreynanything regarding official flavours is fine here, when it comes to the foundation18:20
Exterminadorit turns on itself w/o any issues18:20
tomreynxtao: ^ also, do you want to share the unique url for your ubuntu installation?18:20
xtaohow do i find that out18:20
tomreynxtao: i explained a couple minutes ago: <tomreyn> here's how you can access a lit of crashes previously reported for your system:   x-www-browser https://errors.ubuntu.com/user/$(sudo cat /var/lib/whoopsie/whoopsie-id)18:21
xtaooh i see18:21
tomreynand i just reproduced the 'list -> list typo again18:22
tomreynignore that last line ;)18:22
tomreynfresh installation, hmm?18:22
xtaoyep. installed a week ago18:23
tomreyn8 days :)18:23
tomreynit tries to find a file  $HOME/.cache/blueman-tray-$UID   but this does not exist, which apparently makes it crash18:24
tomreynrun    echo $HOME/.cache/blueman-tray-$UID    to get the specific file it is looking for18:24
xtaothat file does exist right now. but i've got it enabled again18:24
xtaoi could try disabling it and rebooting it again to check?18:25
tomreyndoes /usr/bin/blueman-tray belong to some debian package you have installed?18:26
tomreyndpkg -S /usr/bin/blueman-tray18:26
tacomasterIs there a tool that checks ubuntu installs for common mistakes that make it less secure?18:26
xtaoit just outputs blueman: /usr/bin/blueman-tray18:27
xtaoit's likely to be this: blueman/focal,now 2.1.2-1 amd64 [installed,automatic]18:27
tomreynah right, this package provies the file on focal18:27
tomreynxtao: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/blueman/+bug/187133618:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1871336 in blueman (Ubuntu) "blueman-tray crashed with FileNotFoundError in check_single_instance():[Errno 2]" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:28
xtaoknown issue then :)18:29
tomreynand another https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/blueman/+bug/187752418:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1877524 in blueman (Ubuntu) "blueman-tray error /home/username/.cache/blueman-tray-1000" [Low,Fix released]18:30
ExterminadorI'm a bit annoyed with one thing. on Windows, I can type A with tilde (Ã) using `AltGr+2` (in a French keyboard) but I can't make it work in Xubuntu?18:31
Exterminadorwhenever I try that, I get `~A` instead18:31
xtaoright. so it's fixed in 2.1.3 and i'm running 2.1.218:31
tomreynexactly, focal has 2.1.2-1, not 2.1.3-1 (groovy has 2.1.3-2 to date)18:32
tomreynExterminador: you probably have a non UTF-8 locale set18:33
xtaothanks :) good to know. and also now i know that report issues *does* work if you just retry it a few times18:33
ExterminadorI'm using 2.1.2-1 of blueman and i can't reproduce the BT issue18:33
tomreynxtao: this bug is being reported a couple times every minute, so i guess there's a chance it will get handled at some point.18:34
Exterminadortomreyn: my `locale` output: https://termbin.com/hfwq18:34
grimpoIf there's a package which doesn't have an actual Ubuntu maintainer (only an upstream maintainer), do bugs reported in launchpad basically sit there, unseen, forever?18:35
sarnoldgrimpo: pretty much; if no one who is affected goes to the work of finding a fix and preparing an SRU update to sponsor, that's the usual outcome https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates18:36
tomreynExterminador: i guessed wrong. maybe it's just the keyboard layout then:   sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration18:36
grimposarnold: thanks18:36
Exterminadortomreyn: there's a small problem. Portuguese on Xubuntu doesn't seem to have an AZERTY (French) layout?18:38
tomreynExterminador: you'd need to ask this on in #xubuntu please18:39
ph0gi installed openvpn as a service and made it connect on boot through my openvpn config -> this also works.18:42
xbfroghi, i have ubuntu 20.04 installed and Hplip and Hpgui installed. i can open the gui device manager just once. if i need do open it again i must log off or reboot why is this happening?19:15
xbfrog*Hp makes the app but offers no support19:16
xbfrogwhat i would like to do is completely remove both and reinstall to hopefully fix it19:18
sarnoldxbfrog: start up journalctl -f in a terminal, start the gui, close the gui, start the gui, and pastebin the journal contents; someone may have suggestoins19:20
xCfJust installed Ubuntu Budgie Linux anmd I am superhappy! Configured the theme and the layout also and I like it so much :)19:20
xbfrogok will do19:20
xbfroggotta log off to do this19:22
xCfI have to take a beer and enjoy my super nice screen setup :)19:22
xCfoooo nightlight xD19:34
xCfAnyone else uses the budgie flavour?19:41
xbfrogHplip gui can only be opened once per login19:41
xbfrogbut here is the pastebin19:41
xbfrogtrying to open hplip gui a second time does nothing19:42
xCfwhere can i find some nice free linux wallpapers? rather without any text19:44
xbfrogi found all my linux wallpapers by googling "linux wallpaper" there are several sites that offer them19:45
xbfrogsome have text some dont19:46
xbfrogi picked thru them19:46
coconutxCf, apt search wallpapers19:47
=== dominic35 is now known as dominic34
coconutxCf, if you have a picture of you screen setup and willing to share, then query me :)19:54
xbfroghttps://pastebin.com/qzXRqjP9 any help?20:18
sarnoldxbfrog: very helpful :)20:20
sarnoldxbfrog: first, please use ubuntu-bug hplip-data   to file a bug report on this package -- include one of those DENIED lines in the bug report20:21
xbfrogok, never did a bug report, you really think it's a bug?20:22
xbfrogwhere do i go to report this? i have no idea20:22
sarnoldxbfrog: yes, the apparmor profile is apparently too restrictive20:22
xbfrogok got that20:23
xbfrogso report this to github or what? i'm in the dark how to proceed20:23
xbfrogi can write the report just need to know where to go20:24
xbfrogi'm googling20:25
xbfrogheh, seems Hp linux has a bug site :)20:25
xbfrogok nevermind20:26
sarnoldxbfrog: first, 'ubuntu-bug hplip-data' -- to make sure our printer maintainer guy sees it too :)20:26
pavlosxbfrog: ubuntu-bug will post in launchpad (you need an account there)20:26
xbfrogi log accounts so thats no issue20:26
pavlosxbfrog: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs20:26
xbfrogok sooo, how do i send ubuntu-bug hplip-data to printer maintainer?20:28
xbfroghe have an email or website?20:29
xbfrogheda hopper would be proud :)20:29
sarnoldxbfrog: just run ubuntu-bug hplip-data20:30
sarnoldxbfrog: launch the browser20:30
sarnoldxbfrog: fill out the bug :)20:30
xbfrogok, i'm still now following you. how do i run that?20:30
xbfrogi'm still a nOOb20:30
xbfrogok can fill out the bug20:31
xbfrogi just thot you were saying send a copy to the printer maintainer20:31
xbfrogthat lost me20:31
xbfrogok will start with the bug report20:32
sarnoldxbfrog: ah, sorry :) our printer guy follows the bug reports, so that should be good :)20:33
guntbertxbfrog: the intention was that you should not only tell HP about the bug, but use    ubuntu-bug hplip-data   on the command line20:34
xbfrogok, thanks now i understand ;)20:34
xbfrogthank you20:34
grobkornhi @all .... tried to change the icon size in the "start menu" - (the menu, that appears when you hit the button, located in the lower left corner) - in found a solution, where i can change the desktop icon size and/or the icons in the tab on the left - but no hint, how to change the other icons... it would be nice, if they are smaller than now...20:51
grobkorncan someone point me to the right direction, please?20:51
oerheksicons size is in systemsettings20:53
oerhekssystemsettings > dock20:54
xbfrogin apperance20:54
xbfrogyou should see icon size20:54
xbfrogyes dock20:54
xbfrogmine is systemsettings/apperance/dock20:55
grobkornoerheks i am using 20.04 ... icant see this menu item :(20:55
oerheksoh you will find it20:55
xbfrogi'm using the same20:56
grobkornoerheks ah yes ... now... sorry, im blind... ok .. but this feature changes the icon in the dock.... NOT the icons in the start menu20:56
xbfrogi dunno what your doing but it does for me20:58
oerheksnot sure there is such option.20:58
xbfrogwhat do you mean start menu?20:58
grobkornwhen u press super - that menu that appears... how is it calld?20:59
xbfrogmayb i see, you mean when you click on the square dot pattern ? and it brings up apps?20:59
xbfrogas far as i know, they are only controlled by your screen resolution21:00
grobkornhow is that menu called?21:00
xbfrogshow apps21:01
grobkornah ok...its only controlled by screen resolution? thats a pitty...21:01
xbfrogor most corretly show applications when you hover over it21:01
xbfrogyou can submit a christmas list to ubuntu :)21:02
xbfrogdid you want them smaller or bigger?21:02
xbfrogi'm im wonering if there is an app to customize them. thats the only answer i see atm21:03
pavlosgrobkorn: cant you change Settings>appearance Dock icon size from 48 to 3621:04
oerhekspavlos, true, for the dock, not the app menu..21:04
xbfroglemme see21:04
oerheksi find no instance with dconf either21:04
xbfrogright oerheks21:04
grobkornyeah - that changes the icons in the dock ONLY21:04
gambl0redoes ubuntu or debian based distros support docker?21:06
oerheksgambl0re, 'based distros' we don t know, ubuntu does21:21
oerheksand you know that too21:21
grobkornits strange... no google entries about that icon-size.thing... seems, im the only one who wants that feature ;)21:23
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KaedennUbuntu 20.04. How difficult is it to write a new notification applet that appears in the notification area? I want a little icon to appear when a program is running and disappear when the program exits.22:22
KaedennI don't know if things like geyes work anymore with the new panel22:22
KaedennMoreover, how do I move the clock from the center to the right of the top panel? No combination of ctrl, alt, shift, and clicking gives me a context menu22:23
MrFixItKaedenn, you might be able to do it from dconf-editor, but there are gnome-shell extensions that will allow that as well.22:25
KaedennDo you have a package or binary name I can look up?22:25
MrFixIttake a look at this link from the gnome-shell extensions site. Its called Frippery Move Clock... https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/2/move-clock/22:26
sarnoldKaedenn: check your ~/.bashrc -- there may be an 'alert' alias that can use notify-send to pop something up on screen22:34
KaedennOh I already use notify-send for all sorts of things. I was hoping for a permanent little icon22:34
sarnoldKaedenn: it's different than what you asked for, it isn't showing all the time, but it's handy for things like doing a long task ... longtask ; alert22:35
KaedennI'm using this to monitor whether or not the VPN process is running.22:35
KaedennBecause presently it's entirely command-line and doesn't give any UI feedback22:35
KaedennAnd if there's a problem, I'd like to see that in the lack of an icon in the notification area rather than a notify-send notification that I might miss by being away from my computer22:36
grimpoSo, suppose there's a package that Ubuntu is currently bringing in from Debian with no changes and there's no Ubuntu maintainer specified. And suppose that this package has a bug filed against it in Debian's tracker which has been closed WONTFIX because the patch offends the maintainer's sense of purity, but makes the package far more useful to real people. What would be the best way to find someone who could assum22:40
grimpoe the role of package maintainer in Ubuntu and apply the patch?22:40
sarnoldKaedenn: hmm, the nm-applet thing has a little icon that I use to tell when my vpn i sconnected22:41
sarnoldKaedenn: but it may only work if nm manages the vpn ;/ I'm not sure there22:41
amazoniantoadI just connected an external display but the resolution is really off - what's more is that it says the resolution is 1920 x 108022:41
amazoniantoadCan someone help me resolve this issue?22:41
sarnoldgrimpo: prepare a debdiff for it, demonstrate that it fixes a problem, fill out the SRU paperwork, and hopefully a patch pilot will sponsor the changes22:42
grimposarnold: Hmm, suppose that this bug is minor enough that getting the patch into a future release would be good enough, in which case an SRU wouldn't be needed (right?)?22:45
sarnoldgrimpo: there's a lot less precedent there for me to work with -- I don't recall seeing that happen often, but perhaps I don't see it because it juts happens where I don't see it :)22:47
grimposarnold: fair enough - I'll do some more poking around, thanks22:50
KaedennIf I want to add that icon to the top panel in 20.04, should I write a gnome-shell extension?22:53
ikaruswhen getting libraries, is there a way to know how it is packaged in ubuntu, vs what the creators have provided?22:59
ikaruse.g. for llvm stuff, I'm not sure what the proper method of installing is22:59
MzR_Masseygood evening, I am wondering, how do I grant a program the access to write logs  (Icecast2 is the program I am working with)23:02
sarnoldhey MzR_Massey, still no luck?23:04
sarnoldMzR_Massey: the postinst of the icecast package includes some commands to set the correct ownerhsip of log files..23:04
MzR_Masseyno luck so far sarnold23:05
MzR_MasseyI tried creating a directory home/icecast/log/ and creating 2 empty files23:06
MzR_Masseyfor the logs23:06
MzR_Masseyand it still won't write to them lol23:06
MzR_MasseyI wonder if I remove icecast223:08
MzR_Masseyis there a place it could leave hidden files?23:08
sarnoldMzR_Massey: honestly, it'd probably be a lot easier to apt-get purge icecast2, re-install it, and ignore the guide :)23:09
MzR_Masseywhich guide would you suggest using?23:10
sarnoldMzR_Massey: I'd start with /usr/share/doc/icecast2/README.Debian and see what it has to say23:10
MzR_Masseythis chat seems to keep disconnecting me randomly, I'm not sure why23:19
^iversonbuy a new connection23:20
donofriowhat am I doing incorectly?  I just tried an upgrade from 18.04 to 20.04.1 using sudo do-release-upgrade https://paste.opensuse.org/12042431 ?23:21
sarnoldMzR_Massey: what irc client are you using? 'ping timeout' happens when your client doesn't reply to a PING? questoin from the server in four minutes -- which is an absolute eternity..23:23
sarnoldMzR_Massey: quite often ping timeouts happen because you've got something busted pretty bad in the network, but I think I've seen some irc clients that just plain couldn't stay connected23:23
sarnolddonofrio: heh, that's not much to work with :( look in /var/log/ for something that looks like a "full upgrade" log or "dist upgrade" log23:24
donofrioin /var/log/dist-upgrade I have a main.log that contains http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZwVHkhDdj9/23:26
sarnolddonofrio: anything else? that's also pretty thin :(23:27
donofriosarnold, in a diretcory 20200827-1918 I found a file main.log that has http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DWvhv978m4/23:31
donofriosarnold, my setup is https://www.tinyurl.com/donofriovines/photos/tech-2018/wsl1-and-windows1023:35
sarnolddonofrio: ahhhhh, wsl, that might not be a do-release-upgrade candidate23:37
Captain_ProtonI have an HP laptop AMD® Ryzen 5 4500u. I have installed amdgpu-pro driver since then when I close my screen when it wakes up, it stays black and I have to hold down the power button till it shut off.23:38
Captain_ProtonI have search the wire and have have found many related problems and non of the solution's have worked. I found this kernel patch  Re: [PATCH v2] drm/amd/display: use correct scale for actual_brightness  not sure if that the issue. Anyone else have this problem23:43
donofriosarnold, how else can I upgrade from 18.04 to 20.04.1 without using do-release-upgrade?23:43
Captain_Protondonofrio,  that it or backup and reinstall23:44
donofriodang ok....I can do that just was hoping for a smooth upgrade23:44
Captain_ProtonShould I exchange this laptop for an intel?23:55
LoshkiUpgrades are never as reliable as from-scratch installs, since you can never test all the combinations anyway.23:55
MzR_MasseyHey, How do I grant my sub user (masterz) the access to run icecast?23:57
MzR_MasseyI re-installed it23:57
sarnoldMzR_Massey: what irc client are you using? 'ping timeout' happens when your client doesn't reply to a PING? questoin from the server in four minutes -- which is an absolute eternity..23:58
sarnoldMzR_Massey: quite often ping timeouts happen because you've got something busted pretty bad in the network, but I think I've seen some irc clients that just plain couldn't stay connected23:58
MzR_MasseyI'm using the webchat.freenode.net23:58
sarnoldMzR_Massey: what's wrong with the icecast2 user? :) use it to run icecast..23:58
MzR_MasseyI have no idea how to get into that icecast2 user23:59
MzR_Masseylol I only know how to login as root and my other username23:59

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