
=== blackboxsw_ is now known as blackboxsw_eod
Carbrich_rHI, Stupid question maybe, but if a bug is confirmed, what is the workflow then?08:22
meenaCarbrich_r: it's discussed, and prioritise or, if someone has a bunch w11:16
meena*hunch what the issue is, assigned11:17
meenaunless, of course, someone from the community steps up and delivers a patch11:17
rs_goyal__How can I pass a user-script via vendor data? I am not sure if that is possible also.13:38
beantaxirs_goyal__: I'm new here ... but you definitely want to pass it as vendor data and not user data?13:44
rs_goyal__yes @beantaxi13:48
beantaxiThen I'm out of ideas :) but I'm sure someone more knowledgable will be along13:49
beantaxiFor my own curiosity, why vendor data? In case I find myself in the same position some day13:50
beantaxiIf it would talk too long to explain, no worries13:52
rs_goyal__In case of user data, you need to pass it everytime you create an instance. Vendordata will be common for all13:54
powersjrs_goyal__, passing vendor data is dependent on the datasource, for example on lxd you can pass it in by setting a key: https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/faq.html#lxd16:18
blackboxswCarbrich_r: Confirmed bug statue just means someone else confirms this looks like a valid bug, it has yet to be prioritized in any work queues. Once it is in-progress you know it's imminent. But as it currently stands any bug that transistions to Triaged/Confirmed doesn't imply anyone is working that bug. Until it has an assignee it is considered an open bug that anyone in the community with interest can provide16:44
blackboxswpatches for. I'm assuming this was a question related to https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/189290216:44
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1892902 in cloud-init "Cloud-init received SIGTERM and is thereby unable to install packages or running runcmd completely" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:44
blackboxswI think ultimately "we" (cloud-init upstream folks) should have set that to Triaged. which means the same thing "real bug and unprioritized" except it carries the weight that the "bug supervisor" agrees.16:45
* blackboxsw changes the bug state drop down16:46
blackboxswand looks like from your attached logs there that ['dnf', '-y', 'makecache'] causes a hiccup for cloud-init process for some reason.16:47
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=== meena6 is now known as meena
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Carbrich_r@meena:  thanks for the explanation.18:07
meenaCarbrich_r: additionally, currently folks might be slow to respond, cuz they're in the middle of an SRU release18:09
meenahttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates ← sru18:09
blackboxswthx again meena for fielding context for folks18:26
meenablackboxsw: i try my best, but most of my best is currently directed at my daughter, so i've been neglecting my FLOSS projects that nobody pays me me for :P18:27
blackboxswhah. fam first always :)18:28
blackboxswthen FLOSS fam second :)18:28
beantaxiFyi I believe the manual instructions in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/EnableProposed only work if you are sudo19:57
beantaxiI mean root19:57
beantaxiThis works: `echo "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ $(lsb_release -cs)-proposed restricted main multiverse universe" | sudo tee >/dev/null  /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu-$(lsb_release -cs)-proposed.list`19:58

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