
=== FrankF1 is now known as FrankF
lubot<A K> @Michaël Van Bogaert [<reply to image>], what is this, is there a software sore in lubuntu like this.07:45
lubot<A K> @Michaël Van Bogaert [<reply to image>], i also need spotify, how do we install this appstore07:46
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> I don't have time now to explain07:47
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> I'm at my job07:47
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> But I can forward you a movie that helped me do this07:47
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> short one07:48
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> https://youtu.be/bvybMVRaND007:48
lubot<A K> thanks07:48
SpookanIs it possible to encrypt my / hdd after install?09:51
lubot<aptghetto> Theoretically09:51
ath54Hey I got this on my install09:57
ath54The installer failed to create partition on disk 'fedora_localhost-live'.========================================================================================== Create a new partition (231.88 GiB, ext4) on ‘/dev/fedora_localhost-live’ ==========================================================================================09:57
ath54========================================================================================== Job: Create new partition on device ‘/dev/fedora_localhost-live’ ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== Command:09:57
ath54lvm lvcreate --yes --extents 59362 --name fedora_localhost-live ==========================================================================================09:57
guivercath54, please pastebinit, but is this a Lubuntu question?09:58
ath54how do I do so?09:58
ath54pastebinit that is09:58
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit09:58
lubot<aptghetto> I think, Calamares is not able to handle LVM correctly09:59
kc2bezath54: you need to remove those lvm partitions before you install.09:59
ath54alrighty will post back after done still looking towards doing the pastebinit10:00
ath54The installer failed to create partition on disk 'fedora_localhost-live'.========================================================================================== Create a new partition (231.88 GiB, ext4) on ‘/dev/fedora_localhost-live’ ==========================================================================================10:07
ath54========================================================================================== Job: Create new partition on device ‘/dev/fedora_localhost-live’ ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== Command:10:07
ath54lvm lvcreate --yes --extents 59362 --name fedora_localhost-live ==========================================================================================10:07
guivercif output is routed to pastebinit (|pastebinit), you'll be presented with a URL you paste here for people to look10:07
ath54I got it installed by reformatting the disk. It had a locked partition on it and I got it to be deleted by  reformatting with KDE partition editor10:28
lubotStacy Reed was added by: Stacy Reed10:48
lubot<HMollerCl> @A K [thanks], flatpak aren't build by spotify, snaps and deb are. There are some bugs in snap so I prefer deb https://www.spotify.com/cl/download/linux/12:10
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> @HMollerCl [flatpak aren't build by spotify, snaps and deb are. There are some bugs in snap …], this is better indeed13:58
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> i didn't release it there was a .deb14:12
lubotJoe was added by: Joe16:07
lubot<Joe> I have a hp mini 110 with an Intel atom n455... Which lubuntu version should I install???16:09
lubot<Joe> @Joe [I have a hp mini 110 with an Intel atom n455... Which lubuntu version should I i …], 1 gb ram😔16:09
geniiThat Atom is 64 bit, but it will really chug trying to run KDE16:10
geniiAn SSD will help, but you're probably actually better off to install a lighter desktop16:11
genii..oops, Thought I was in the #kubuntu channel, sorry16:11
geniiYeah, so the amd64 /x86_6416:12
lubot<Joe> @Joe [I have a hp mini 110 with an Intel atom n455... Which lubuntu version should I i …], Does lubuntu 20 support this16:13
lubot<Joe> Ok thanks16:14
geniiGlad to assist16:14
n-iCehello my friends21:23
=== tijara_ is now known as tijara

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