
MzR_Masseyis there a better platform I should use?00:00
MzR_Masseyfor this chat?00:00
sarnoldoh! hah I missed that you'r on the webchat. one would expect that to work well.00:00
sarnoldthen it's probably your network that's iffy :(00:00
MzR_MasseyYeah I was noticing that my internet was acting up some, but, i'm able to stay connected on everything else00:01
sarnoldMzR_Massey: sudo -u icecast2 -i    should 'get you in' :)00:01
MzR_Masseyshould I do that through root00:04
MzR_Masseyas doesn't seem to be doing anything00:04
sarnolddonofrio: can you pastebin sudo apt list --installed   ?00:05
sarnoldMzR_Massey: it depends on your sudo configuratoin, but if your user account can use sudo to get to root, it can probably use sudo to change to the icecast2 user too00:05
MzR_Masseycan I set a password to the icecast2 user?00:06
sarnoldMzR_Massey: yes, but that might not be the easiest way to do whatever it is thta needs doing00:07
donofriosarnold, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mmHg248Tpm/00:07
MzR_MasseyI try starting a new ssh session00:10
MzR_Masseywith icecast200:10
MzR_Masseyi login correctly00:10
MzR_Masseyand the window closes down00:10
sarnoldMzR_Massey: does getent passwd icecase2   show something that suggests logins shouldn't work? system accounts often have invalid shells set, or /bin/false set, etc, to prevent them from being an exploit vecto00:11
MzR_Masseyis what comes up00:12
sarnoldokay, cool, you'll need to change the shell to /bin/bash or /usr/bin/bash depending upon where your bash is located (well, /bin/bash ought to work, but I'm annoyed it moved..)00:14
sarnoldMzR_Massey: sudo chsh icecast200:14
sarnolddonofrio: how about /var/log/apt/term.log  ?00:15
MzR_Masseyokay, I changed it to /bin/bash... or should I change it to /usr/bin/bash00:17
donofriosarnold, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dB2sr7X5fX/00:19
MzR_MasseyFINALLY! I have the icecast server running00:24
donofriosarnold, https://paste.opensuse.org/2366097300:25
MzR_Masseysarnold  Thank you for your help00:25
sarnoldMzR_Massey: woooo!00:27
sarnolddonofrio: hmm I'm surprised to see dkms stuff in here -- should I be? :)00:30
donofriosarnold, not sure....it would fail I'm guessing00:30
sarnolddonofrio: I was pointed to https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-20-04-and-wsl-1/15291 and https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4571748/windows-10-update-kb457174800:40
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yamamotosamaim on ubuntu 14.04 and need development files for sqlite3, but the versions in the package manager are out of date02:04
yamamotosamawhat can I do in this case, is there some way to get the files from another package manager?02:04
sarnoldyamamotosama: what problem are you trying to solve?02:05
yamamotosamai need higher version of sqlite3-dev than are available in the package repo02:06
yamamotosamain order to compile a program02:06
yamamotosamabut i have to use ubuntu 14.04, so i cant just upgrade to a higher version02:06
sarnoldyamamotosama: okay, probably the thing to do is download a new sqlite tarball from the sqlite upstream people, compile that, and install it into /usr/local/ -- and then configure your program to use the library from /usr/local02:08
yamamotosamawould i actually need to install it though? i just need the development files02:08
sarnoldif you want to run the program, probably yes02:08
sarnoldit's a very rare program that uses the headers and *not* the library02:09
yamamotosamai dont see the files i need in the tarball02:10
yamamotosamaonly C files, no C++, is it possible for these to get generated if i build and install sqlite3?02:11
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sarnoldyamamotosama: it might be worth skimming through the build logs https://launchpadlibrarian.net/493645090/buildlog_ubuntu-groovy-amd64.sqlite3_3.33.0-1_BUILDING.txt.gz02:18
apajoI have dual boot isntalled on my computer. today i tried WSL2 in windows and i satarted to wonder.. can i use WSL2 also to boot up my other linux installation?02:18
sarnoldoh! it only took ~five minutes to build on the builders, maybe it's worht just doing the build, and not looking :)02:18
yamamotosamathe build seems pretty quick02:20
yamamotosamai installed the 3.33 tarball, and built it02:20
yamamotosamabut now how do I use the libraries?02:21
yamamotosamaaplogies, im a bit new with this02:21
yamamotosamai cant seem to find the cpp libraries02:24
yamamotosamais it possible to just download these from some other package repo?02:29
sarnoldyamamotosama: I haven't built sqlite3 by hand, but there's a good chance that you can use ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/   .... when building it to tell it to install into /usr/local -- and then when you're compiling your actual program, you'd use something like ./configure --with-sqlite3=/usr/local/   or something similar. you'd have to check the docs, most projects describe how to use different paths02:34
sarnoldfor different libraries02:34
yamamotosamathanks, ill try this out!02:38
truexfan81iptables v1.8.4 (legacy): can't initialize iptables table `filter': iptables who? (do you need to insmod?)04:00
truexfan81Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded.04:00
truexfan81ubuntu 20.0404:00
[rg]is this a bug? for some reason liblld is named oddly in debian, it is attached to a number, while other packages for llvm don't include it04:00
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RonWhoCaresHow do I move the Desktop menu bar from the top to the bottom04:09
furycd001HI Guys.. I used cp to copy a bunch of rather large folders to an external drive. From here on how do I go about copying over only new files within these folders, without ever removing/deleting or changing the files that are already there on the drive ?? The web tells me that I can use either cp -u  or  rsync -av --ignore-existing, but I'm not sure which one I should use. Any help much appreciated....05:06
furycd001cp -ruv seems like it might be the command I'm looking for, but rsync may be the better choice. Not sure really....05:08
nsaundershow can I use systemctl, or something similar, to list logged in users and then force a logout?  I don't have a GUI or web browser at the moment.  I can reboot, but would like to try this first.05:27
grynsaunders: hi05:34
nsaundersgry: hinderaker05:35
grynsaunders: are they gui users or tty users?05:36
nsaundersgui users.   I tried pkill xorg   but am still caught in a loop of login screens05:36
nsaunders(I'm using virtual console to get on IRC and chat here.  I can reboot if necessary.)05:37
guivercnsaunders, `users` provides a little detail of users logged in, `who -H` a little more (inc. if they're GUI or terminal)05:44
grynsaunders: what guiverc said, but it seems to only apply to tty users - does not list my own gui session; my best clue so far is 'ps au'05:46
guivercI tested on my box, and `who -H` shows my current users (inc. gui login I'm using currently)05:47
gryoh, good, thank you05:48
* guiverc adds users was correct to, just I couldn't tell which was my gui login05:48
GudduCould someone please help me get past this update error?06:05
ThinkT510Guddu: you'll need to contact Oracle to help you fix that. Also are you sure the repos you added are compatible with ubuntu?06:10
ThinkT510Guddu: ubuntu is based on debian but you can't just add debian repos to it (which is what those oracle repos appear to be for)06:12
GudduThinkT510, Thanks for your response. I got some steps on how to install Oracle10g on ubuntu and wa styring those.06:12
GudduThinkT510, I was trying steps from here https://www.linode.com/docs/databases/oracle/oracle-10g-express-edition-on-ubuntu-10-04-lts-lucid/06:13
ThinkT510Guddu: 10.04 is ancient and oracle ended support for 10g in 201306:15
GudduThinkT510, Agree. I needed this to support a legacy system which is still far from upgrade.06:16
ThinkT510Guddu: since oracle's support ended in 2-13 i think you'll have a very hard time getting anything working. those servers are likely offline hence why it won't work.06:17
GudduThinkT510, server seems up though. i m just having tough time with ubuntu package manager to get working06:31
ThinkT510Guddu: the error you posted shows an invalid signature and that the repo doesn't support amd64. ubuntu doesn't do 32bit releases anymore so if that server is 32bit only then you won't get it working.06:35
guivercThinkT510: fYi: lubuntu's last x86 release was August 13, 2020; not that long ago06:36
GudduCan't i install a 32 bit program on 64 Bit ubuntu? I thought it was allowed.06:37
guivercGuddu, if you have multiarch setup... but the repo is so old I recall a change in signatures because of detected encryption flaw.. which could be your issue, but it was so long ago I can't recall specifics to help06:40
guiverc(ie. your ubuntu is using replacement encryption; that repo is using flawed-no-longer-valid encryption)\06:41
* guiverc doesn't remember details well enough to rule out this being red-herring06:41
Gudduquiverc Thanks I will try to download individual files and see if i could get it working in that case.06:42
GudduThanks guiverc and ThinkT510 I will get back with the results.06:48
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ikonia~/win 107:40
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GudduI downloaded google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb but when i try to install it i get an error "Failed to install file. Not supported."08:33
GudduI downloaded it directly from Google. What is the reason for this error?08:33
falavicHow can i reset the keyboard settings?08:40
falavici wanted to clean my keyboard, so i locked the screen and started cleaning. Used it for a while, nothing seemed wrong. Later i put the PC to sleep. Now the ESC doesn't work, LeftAlt + Tab doesn't work, instead rightAlt + Tab works. kind of like the left & right alt key have been swapped. Pressing LeftAlt creates a border around the applications.08:40
falavictried running this: dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration; but didn't help08:42
diskinfalavic, this sounds like a hardware problem. I suggest to clean it again :)09:00
falavicdiskin, no i just cleaned the surface of the keys with ethanol and a piece of cloth. But while doing so, i was pressing a number of keys. i'm guessing that might've caused it.09:05
falavicalso, like i said, the left and right alt key functionality seems to be swapped09:06
iseneUse Case = Large business needs a private cloud solution that hooks into AD and can be accessed as a file system from Windows Explorer, from an iOS and Android app and from web. Needs to be Open Source as specific extensions needs to be built for bidirectional access to files in legacy systems. Version control and easy rollback to earlier versions is required. Sharing to external parties via web09:08
isenelinks - both directories and specific files. There is a multitude of solutions. Can anyone here suggest one or two? And yes, should be running on Ubuntu.09:08
diskinfalavic, try running 'xev' in a terminal, and then press ESC and see if it generates any output.09:09
falavicdiskin, it doesn't09:10
diskinfalavic, then it is not working on hardware level09:10
diskinfalavic, for swapping keys, see https://askubuntu.com/questions/93624/how-do-i-swap-left-ctrl-with-left-alt-on-my-keyboard09:12
falavicdiskin, do you know any method that allows me resinstall the drivers of the kb09:15
diskinfalavic, I don't...09:15
xtaocould try booting into the BIOS screen and seeing if escape works in there09:29
xtaoassuming there's some menu options that you can escape from09:29
bsvois anyone here using  FiiO BTR5 as USB DAC/Amp on latest ubuntu?09:57
lotuspsychjebsvo: best to ask your real question, so volunteers can try think along whats it about09:58
bsvoI've described my problem here https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2449498&p=13982436#post1398243609:59
bsvotl;dr the usb dac keeps getting disconnected every time i switch apps or sometimes between play-pause-play cycles10:00
lotuspsychjebsvo: what kind of graphics card do you have?10:00
bsvojust wondering if this is a pulseaudio issue or a faulty dac10:00
bsvoit's an on-board intel gfx card10:01
bsvothis is on a thinkpad x22010:01
dex1983is it possible to start from usb stick with bootloader on usb stick and kernel on / partition. I have the problem that I cannot boot from my nvme pci express card in bios/uefi. So I wanted to have a usb boot stick for it to boot and use all efficiency of my new nvme drive10:06
croraf_How can I check if I properly installed nvidia drivers?10:06
lotuspsychjecroraf_: you asked that yesterday, did you forget?10:07
croraf_That yesterday was regarding "is my ubuntu using nvidia drivers"10:08
croraf_It is currently using nouveau drivers.10:08
lotuspsychjecroraf_: sudo lshw -C video10:08
croraf_this is the same command as sudo lshw -C display that I'm using lotuspsychje10:09
croraf_this just shows which drivers are loaded10:09
lotuspsychjecroraf_: at bottom you will see driver= ...here10:09
croraf_yes it is driver=nouveau10:09
lotuspsychjecroraf_: does that answer your question?10:10
croraf_I'm making a distinction about proper installation and proper loading10:10
dex1983maybe that is possible that would be great :-)10:10
croraf_This shows that nvidia drivers are not loaded.10:10
croraf_lotuspsychje, how can i check if they are properly installed10:11
croraf_If this distinction makes sense10:11
croraf_(and which ones are installed)10:11
lotuspsychjecroraf_: when driver= says nouveau that means nouveau is installed properly10:11
FalcoGerI downgraded a package with aptitude to install something that required a lower version. it didn't work out and now I want apt to automatically upgrade to the latest version again. but when I uninstalled and reinstalled it still installs the downgraded version of the package. How do I tell it to use the latest available version again?10:12
croraf_lotuspsychje, I'm talking about nvidia drivers10:12
croraf_are my nvidia driers installed properly, but something prevents them from being loaded10:12
lotuspsychjecroraf_: you have to choose what you want first, you can install nouveau and nvidia drivers togheter10:16
lotuspsychjecroraf_: when nouveau is active, nvidia drivers are passive waiting in your ubuntu-drivers list10:17
croraf_i want to install nvidia drivers and load them lotuspsychje10:17
croraf_how can i check that i have my nvidia drivers INSTALLED"?10:17
lotuspsychjecroraf_: check ubuntu-drivers list, to see wich are available first10:17
lotuspsychjecroraf_: when you installed an nvidia driver, you can check with sudo lshw -C video and/or nvidia-smi10:19
croraf_lotuspsychje, thanks. I have some issues. First of all ubuntu-drivers list | nc termbin.com 9999 doesnt want to give me the link10:19
croraf_so I cannot show you my response.10:20
croraf_what could be wrong with this, does it give link to you?10:20
croraf_lotuspsychje, it just outputs 4 lines like "dpkg: warning: version 'unsigned-5.8.0-050800' has bad syntax: version number does not start with digit"10:21
croraf_I guess the command fails10:21
croraf_I mean I tried to install the drivers on 5.8 mainline kernel and on 5.4 kernel lotuspsychje10:23
lotuspsychjecroraf_: why are you on 5.8 mainline?10:28
SakaraIs there an irc channel for discussion microk8s?10:29
lotuspsychje!alis | Sakara10:29
ubottuSakara: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"10:29
SakaraNo channels for microk8s by the looks of things lotuspsychje. No worries I'll try debug it for myself for a while.10:32
SakaraThanks for the tip though.10:32
lotuspsychjeSakara: is it ubuntu related?10:33
SakaraCertainly https://microk8s.io/10:33
SakaraWell.. canonical related.. not ubuntu per se.10:34
lotuspsychjeSakara: https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/install-a-local-kubernetes-with-microk8s#1-overview10:34
SakaraCluster is up and running I have a very specific problem related to ulimit's and su(1) when execute inside a pod.10:35
SakaraContainer in this pod works fine in docker on RHEL but gives weird permission issues executing su(1) inside a pod under microk8s.10:35
Exterminadorso, I have a remote VPS and it seems I need to reboot the server in order for it to accept my new SSH key as login method, since the combo username+password is disabled. is there any way to force the new SSH key to be available w/o rebooting?10:39
Exterminadorat least, Scaleway says I need to reboot the machine10:40
xtaoOpenSSH certainly doesn't behave that way, it will just read any files on login attempts. unless they are using some weird SSH server10:40
croraf_lotuspsychje, because i was suggested to do that when debugging my microphone issue. I'm back on 5.4 now10:41
croraf_lotuspsychje, i try to install drivers through Additional Drivers UI, but i get the following https://pasteboard.co/JorzOLI.png10:42
croraf_before, when it was working I had the first driver in this list on the picture, the same I want to apply now10:43
Exterminadorxtao: yeah, but I'm adding the SSH key via a wepanel10:43
croraf_lotuspsychje, https://pasteboard.co/JorAPIk.png10:43
Exterminadorseems they have a way to upgrade the keys10:48
ExterminadorI've logged in successfully10:48
emOneare there any pre-built images of ubuntu for arm?11:00
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BluesKajHi all11:38
tosarajawhy does apt list --upgradable say 37 packages, apt-check say 91 + 21 packages and finally log for unnattended-upgrades say nothing to upgrade (yes i have it enabled). Why does every tool say a different number? where do they come from?12:26
tosarajaok, to answer a bit to myself... apt list contains "everything" that apt has been configured to look for, whereas unattended upgrades has its own configuration file. But apt-check is still a bit of a mystery12:29
tacomasterI am trying to figure out what I did wrong here. When I execute wine to run a windows application it trys to access /root/.wine/dosdevices/z:/home/chris/Downloads. I am not wanting to have to run wine as sudo or su. Can someone help me fix this?13:12
zambactrl+alt+shift+r doesn't work to record the screen in my ubuntu.. what am i missing?13:20
geirhatacomaster: what does   declare -p WINEPREFIX   output?13:21
rtyuioshould we need to use private or public keys to connect to a ssh server from remote host ?13:23
xtaoprivate on the client and public on the server13:24
prappl93rtyuio, the easiest way to guarantee that the proper keys are copied is to use the "ssh-copy-id" command to put the keys in the proper place13:28
rtyuiook perfect thx13:29
oxekhow do I install fd-find in ubuntu 18.04?13:34
prappl93oxek, sudo apt install fd-find13:34
geosmilemy ubuntu 20.04lts hangs in the middle of random times. The keyboard is unresponsive. Mouse pointer moves, but is unresponsive. Happens once in 1-2 days. Any ideas on how to debug this?13:37
oxekprappl93: not in repos13:38
coconut!info fd-find bionic13:41
ubottuPackage fd-find does not exist in bionic13:41
coconut!info fd-find focal13:41
ubottufd-find (source: rust-fd-find): Simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find. In component universe, is optional. Version 7.4.0-2build1 (focal), package size 704 kB, installed size 2404 kB13:42
prappl93oxek, my bad. Didn't catch the 18.04 part13:47
oxekApparently, I can install it from github, but was warned before that I should not install stuff from outside ubuntu repos13:47
oxekI heard of some backports, but don't know if that works for this package13:47
lotuspsychjegeosmile: try to catch errors in realtime with: journalctl -f13:49
falavicdiskin, do you know any method that allows me resinstall the drivers of the kb13:57
falavic^ ignore that13:58
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geosmilelotuspsychje, how? The problem is - i cant ssh into the system14:33
lotuspsychjegeosmile: yeah to fix a system you need access14:34
falavicdiskin, hey man, i think i found out what the issue was. i'm guessing a key was jammed when i was cleaning the kb.15:39
xtaoso the advice that it's a hardware fault and you should try cleaning it again was correct then15:40
falavicdiskin, i popped also those keys which on pressing didn't print any printable character, and i put back only alt & tab and it's working15:41
falavicxtao, yeah, seems so :)15:41
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xCfanyone want to share their favourite ubuntu site besides the official one and their flavour one?16:19
rapidwaveWhy isn't libvncserver1 available to install? It's a dependency that keeps failing.16:23
oxekrapidwave: what is it a dependency of?16:29
oxekit should be available to install16:29
rapidwaveI found it. I had to add security.ubuntu.com to sources.list16:43
rapidwaveThe maker of the VM has it only using archive.ubuntu.com16:44
diskinfalavic, good to hear! Linux is not guilty! :)16:49
rana_ansafter I enter my password, raspberry pi shows "Xsession: unable to create X session log/error file; aborting."16:51
Maikrana_ans: this is Ubuntu support, not raspberry pi. And  a little more info is needed about what you did or want to do...16:59
Maikif you try to install ubuntu that is.16:59
rana_ansMaik: I asked there as well17:00
Maikah, you get help in #raspberrypi already i see. Nice. :)17:01
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ckbhi friends, I'm having issues trying to get authorized_keys working. sshd_config has PubkeyAuth on and I have a list of 4 keys in the file. I've checked permissions, I have 700 on .ssh and 600 on authorized_keys17:24
oxekckb: assuming you meant 'PubkeyAuthentication yes' then it all sounds ok so far17:29
ckboxek: still prompting me for the password, and yes I did mean that17:30
oxekckb: if you run 'ssh -v', does it show you it tries pubkeyauthn?17:31
ckbI know what you're going to say, but does it matter I'm trying to use root?17:31
ckbon the server? or on the client?17:31
oxekon the client, connect with 'ssh -v TARGET_HOST'17:31
oxekon the server, if you're trying to login as root, then check the location of .ssh and authorized_keys, so that they are in /root/17:32
oxekand that you have 'PermitRootLogin yes' in sshd_config17:32
ckbdebug1: Next authentication method: publickey17:33
ckbI'm already logged in as root, so yes17:33
ckbit's not trying to use id_rsa as my private key17:34
ckbOh, I'm sorry it is using id_rsa17:34
ikoniadon't do it as root17:35
ikoniaand I suspect it will work17:35
ikoniaroot login is disabled by default17:35
ckbI can use the root password to login.17:35
ckb'PermitRootLogin yes' and 'PubkeyAuthentication yes'17:36
oxekckb: it should work. At this point, probably best if you paste somewhere the connection log (ssh -v) and sshd_config and other configs17:36
ikoniathat does the auth log show17:37
oxekredact whatever you find problematic17:37
ckbSOMEHOW /root was owned by www-data17:38
ikoniaI'd rebuild that box17:39
ikoniawouldn't be trusting that17:39
ckbit's brand new17:39
ckbI launched it yesterday17:39
ikoniasomeone's done something17:39
ikoniathat's not a box I'd trust17:39
oxekagreed, that box likely has messed up permissions in other places too17:45
SpeakerToMeatQuestion, can 20.04 be booted, installed and used on a bios machine?17:48
MaikSpeakerToMeat: of course.17:49
SpeakerToMeatOh thanks17:49
Maikis it a 64 bit machine?17:49
SpeakerToMeatI'll search for a way to double check the boot sector ont he pen drive but I have no reason to know it's broken.17:49
SpeakerToMeatMaik, I think it is...17:49
Maikjust asking because Ubuntu stopped releasing 32 bit iso's since 19.10 iirc17:50
Maikso it's 64 bit iso only17:51
oxekMaik: there are plenty of 64bit machines that don't have UEFI17:51
SpeakerToMeatbut the syslinux should show up?17:51
Maikoxek: i know, have one myself17:51
Sna4x8I'm having a hard time getting my speakers to auto-mute when I plug in a set of headphones.  I see a lot of stuff online about enabling Auto-Mute in alsamixer, but I don't have that option.  I've tried playing around with some of the configuration in  /usr/share/pulseaudio/alsa-mixer/paths to no avail.  Any help would be appreciated.17:54
SpeakerToMeatOk it's a 64 bit it seems, Atom 33017:58
SpeakerToMeatThe pen drive silently doesn't boot.17:59
SpeakerToMeatAnd my work pen drive just says boot error.. sigh it's a hard machine17:59
SpeakerToMeatI need to find the mobo code and check17:59
SpeakerToMeatI wonder if there's any way to check if the syslinux on the boot sector of the usb drive is ok18:00
ckb"Package 'python-virtualenv' has no installation candidate" but apt-get install gives me "python3-virtualenv is already the newest version (20.0.17-1)."18:01
SpeakerToMeatIs the moethod of DDing the iso to a pen drive gone? I liked that method18:04
SpeakerToMeatOk it seems it should work.18:05
oxekSpeakerToMeat: the ubuntu ISOs are hybrid, so dd should work18:09
SpeakerToMeatI'll try that, this pen drive was set up as a little tortuous route to create a live with persistent layer out of the install iso18:10
SpeakerToMeatmaybe that effed it up18:10
oxekckb: python-virutalenv is a virtual package in 20.0418:10
ckboxek, I figured it out :)18:10
xCfCan someone explain to me how i set up grsync to backup ~/ every week?18:13
kinghatim trying to write a file system to a partition but it wont let me, its either mounted or unmounted but in use by the system. even after a reboot 🤷‍♂️18:23
pavlosxCf: does it have to be grsync? I have a cron job using just rsync -avz /home/user /tmp/back18:23
kinghatdo you always have to reboot when partitioning/creating a fs on a drive?18:23
xCfxcf: I think grsync can do the same, but what is a cron job? :O18:24
pavlosxCf: cron is a scheduler that allows you to run jobs18:24
xCfpavlos: would you mind explaining me how to set it up?18:25
pavlosxCf: probably you have a /etc/cron.weekly dir, any script in there is executed weekly18:26
pavlosxCf: create a script, myback in there (you need sudo) and the one line in the script is "rsync -avz /home/user /tmp/myback" (adjust user for your username18:29
xCfallright, thanks18:29
pavlosxCf: make the script executable ... every week that script will run syncing your home dir with /tmp/mybak18:29
pavlosxCf: there is also /etc/cron.daily/ if you prefer to backup every day18:30
cammeraHey, for a ryzon 3 3200 I want to get 18.4 right?18:33
cammeraI see a lot of topics about people having issues, but all before this year18:33
cammeraSo I dunno if that's solved now18:33
lotuspsychjecammera: try a liveusb with an ubuntu release first and see how the kernel reacts on your system18:34
xCfwhen i open disks i cannot do anything because it is "locked". How can i manage that? Or maybe i should get another app? I need to shrink my ext3 system with linux / and add another partition if possible18:37
cammeraMake backups if you have't yet, if you're going to resize a partition18:38
xCfI have a backup.. Just need to reboot. later18:38
SpeakerToMeatYuppers a plain old iso to pen drive worked18:43
SpeakerToMeatPoor machine18:43
SpeakerToMeatLet's see how lubuntu 20.04 fares on an Atom 330 desktop with 1GB ram18:43
lotuspsychjeSpeakerToMeat: pretty well, i revived an old acer netbook with 2GB lately with 20.0418:45
SpeakerToMeatlotuspsychje, My brain insisted on reading acer as "car" and I was deeply puzzled18:45
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xCfwhy do I not have default: text editor in my default programs menu? Only images, email etc.?18:56
lotuspsychjexCf: wich ubuntu release are we talking about?18:56
choiceHello! I change the nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf to but Chromium and Firefox still use the one of my provider. Any ideas why?19:11
pavloschoice: what does systemd-resolve --status | grep DNS show?19:15
choicepavlos: The providers data.19:16
tatertotschoice: use systemd-resolve to configure or set19:16
choicetatertots: It seems the provider hijacks DNS queries.19:17
choicetatertots: Even "dig sdkfsd8fw3rhsdf @" returns the providers IP.19:17
tatertotschoice: /etc/resolv.conf should have told you that in capital letters19:17
tatertotschoice: are you chatting from the computer right now?19:18
oerhekshow about setting DNS in your networkmanager?19:18
pavlosdig he.net @ | grep SERVER should show
choicepavlos: It does19:20
pavloschoice: Maybe, change your netplan to configure the upstream DNS19:21
choicepavlos: netplan?19:22
oerhekspavlos, i think networkmanager comes first19:23
InteloI record raw videos lossless huge avi files in obs studio. What app can I use that gives me detailed control while compressing/producing a new video file from the source?19:27
oerhekssearch: ubuntu from raw to jpeg19:28
Inteloits vidoe19:29
Intelonot picture19:29
oerheksif that raw is rgb, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46310408/convert-raw-rgb32-file-to-jpeg-or-png-using-ffmpeg19:30
oerhekseasy to find19:30
Intelooerheks: iam talking about videos19:31
oerheksyes, that url too19:31
oerheksffmpeg -f ( or -vcodec )   rawvideo etc19:33
oerheksyou might want to reask in #ffmpeg too19:33
Intelooerheks: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/r3Q3s9JwCT/19:39
Intelooerheks: only 5 users19:41
oerheksno, over 400 users..19:41
oerheksi did not type ##ffmpeg ...19:41
dinosomethinganyone know why i see a bunch of dns queries like this in my dnsmasq logs? "forwarded rzmwvchthge to"20:46
dinosomethingseems like that might be chrome being weird actually20:47
The_LoudSpeakerAnyone worked with stylus in ubuntu? The Active pen I got with my laptop works differently on Ubuntu lock screen before logging in and after logging in. I want to use stylus independent of mouse and it does work like that before logging in. But changes once x is running. Once logged in, it controls the mouse pointer. Whereas before logging in, its like a plus sign. Independent of mouse. I would like to keep it that way even after21:01
The_LoudSpeakerlogging in. here's an image of how it looks: https://imgur.com/V4n5yPK21:01
The_LoudSpeakerThe device shows as Wacom HID 5218 pen stylus in xinput list21:01
tacomasterI am trying to delete an application from my application menu in gnome 3. I installed the program from lutris and it will not remove its self. I have already done a "sudo find / -name '*.desktop' > test.txt" and read the file but I am not seeing any files left that gnome can be reading from. I have also restarted and it made no changes.21:34
tacomasterha nvm I figured it our by running "sudo grep -rnw / -e 'name'"21:41
sarnoldtacomaster: cripes :) where the heck was it?21:51
tacomastersarnold, it was in a .desktop file but it was not named with the program name. It was something like wine-something.chm.desktop21:52
tacomastersarnold, I was being lazy and just did not open all of the .desktop files but once I found the grep command I was good to go21:53
sarnoldtacomaster: aha, cool, thakns22:10
selfyHello! I have a question about current process of building ubuntu cloud images. Maybe someone knows the answer... I want to understand how ubuntu team create cloud images? which toolchain are they use? Can I find somewhere CI/CD build scripts? I want to try to create my own cloud image from scratch (not from other cloud image)22:15
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ChelseaGMHi, I'm trying to install ubuntu dual boot on my windows laptop, and I'm running into trouble. Could someone please help?22:31
jeremy31ChelseaGM: what problems?22:32
sarnoldselfy: I know these tools are used for a lot of the regular images https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-cdimage22:33
ChelseaGMI copied the ubuntu image to a USB, booted to the USB, ran the installer, and restarted, but my laptop booted directly to windows. I tried disabling safe boot, and it still boots directly to windows22:34
sarnoldChelseaGM: you probably also have to disable window's "fast boot" thing; "shutdown" on windows these days means "suspend to disk"22:35
ChelseaGMI've also disabled fast boot22:36
selfysarnold: thank you! I'll look at that22:37
tomreynChelseaGM: did you use the installer option to install side by side with windows, or something else?22:43
ChelseaGMYes, install side by side with windows22:43
tomreynare you booting windows in uefi mode?22:44
ChelseaGMYes. My motherboard gives me two options, UEFI and legacy, I tried selecting "legacy" and it wouldn't boot at all, so I think I'm stuck with UEFI22:46
tomreyndo you have the ubuntu boot loader installed on the (U)EFI system partition now?22:46
ChelseaGMI'm not sure how to check what's in that partition22:47
tomreyni.e. you should see EFI/ubuntu/shimx64.efi on it22:47
tomreynit's just a FAT file system, shouldn't be difficult ot mount, unless windows makes it difficult on purpose22:48
ChelseaGMI'll try that22:49
tomreynapparently they do make ti difficult: https://superuser.com/questions/965751/how-to-access-efi-partition-on-windows-10 - but this is more of a topic for ##windows22:50
ChelseaGMYup, I just encountered that issue...22:53
ChelseaGMOk, I see in my EFI partition there is an "ubuntu" folder, but the folder is empty22:57
tomreynChelseaGM: hmm, and there was no warning or error during installation?22:58
ChelseaGMNot that I saw, it seemed to complete successfully. Maybe windows deleted the file? Maybe there was an error on a screen that I missed?22:59
tomreynyou wouldn't have missed a grub installation error.22:59
ChelseaGMYeah, I didn't see anything like that22:59
tomreynwindows would sometimes delete other boot loaders, but only during feature upgrades, i think23:00
ChelseaGMOh nevermind, the folder isn't empty, windows explorer just wasn't showing the contents23:00
ChelseaGMshimx64.efi is there23:00
tomreynwhich file size?23:01
ChelseaGM1304 KB23:01
tomreynthis can be fine. check your 'bios' to see whether it has an option to manage boot loaders, and whether it lists ubuntu. there may also be a boot override menu, which lists ubuntu.23:02
tomreynthere are also bad uefi firmwares which were customized to only list windows boot loaders, ignoring everything else.23:03
tomreynknowing which ubuntu version you installed, where you got the installer from, and which computer you have there may help.23:04
ChelseaGMI saw a boot priority menu that listed the Windows boot manager, hard disk, CD, etc., but nothing about Ubuntu. I got ubuntu version 20, burned it to a USB drive myself, and I have an Acer laptop23:05
selfysarnold: at the first look ubuntu-cdimage are used only for building cd images =\23:06
sarnoldselfy: dang :( sorry23:06
tomreyn!YY.MM | ChelseaGM23:06
ubottuChelseaGM: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle23:06
tomreynChelseaGM: try to identify your specific acer model, then search the web about it hiding linux or ubuntu boot loaders23:07
ChelseaGMOk, I'll try that. Thank you23:08
tomreynalso, disabling secureboot may help23:08
Bashing-omChelseaGM: Many Acer macjines must have "trust" set in the firmware - see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2330267 ; http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1974392 ; https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2384706 .23:14
ChelseaGMthank you23:15
wasanzyam getting this error: "Can not create temp file for here-document: Read-only file system23:28
sarnoldcheck dmesg output23:29
wasanzysarnold: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dfcFVTJkMc/23:37
sarnoldwasanzy: hmm, is this a VM?23:39
sarnoldwasanzy: maybe check dmesg on the host, too23:39
sarnoldi expected to see clear evidence of dying hardware, but here it's just broken filesystem noise23:40
tomreynkernel 3.19, build from 2015, nice23:43
tomreynand the kernel command line has "ro" in it23:48
sarnoldtomreyn: heh, my laptop has 'ro' too23:52
sarnoldtomreyn: the 3.19 is weird though, that would sound like the machine has been orphaned on an unsupported kernel for some reason23:52
tomreynor without some reason23:53
tomreyn!14.04 | wasanzy23:54
ubottuwasanzy: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) was the 20th release of Ubuntu. !End-of-life was April 25th, 2019. Paid support (ESM) is available. See also !esm, !eol, !eolupgrade23:54

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