
cmaloneyThat's no fun14:22
greg-gWas it a Netflix issue or AWS?15:42
cmaloney"CenturyLink outage takes down Amazon, Hulu, Playstation Network, etc for many users"16:01
cmaloney(posted in another channel via 9to5 mac, but the link was via Google AMP so you get the title)16:02
greg-gheh, that's all I would do too (not click the amp link)17:27
greg-gbut thanks!17:27
greg-gyou know, the term "the web" is now a misnomer :(17:27
greg-g(yes, this is just another "boy would decentralization be great again" rant/thought)17:27
cmaloneyYeah, I'm not liking the direction things are going with the web and things like AMP18:10
cmaloneyBut I also acknowledge that I'm probably sounding like those old "timesharing" folks that the PC folks scoffed at18:11
cmaloneySo I take it in stride, and continue to work behind the scenes to ensure that we have something decentralized to fall back on18:11
cmaloneyas opposed to Google's version of WAP (the Palm Pilot protocol, not the encryption or whatever that song is)18:12
Scary_Guylol WAP.  No matter what gets named that it sucks apparently19:06
cmaloneyI can't speak to the music itself, as I'm not the target audience for it19:23
Scary_GuyI mean yes art is subjective... I guess...19:46

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