[00:06] After using gparted and partitioning/formatting the drive and live booting ubuntu from USB I could see the drive and install ubuntu on it. Now when booting ubuntu from usb I can no longer see the drive [00:06] What are the odds of HP writing over the boot information? === katnip- is now known as yarddogg [00:10] oh emojis already work fine.. it just wasnt pasting right through vnc [00:12] willc: Is this a EFI machine ? What mode in the firmware is set for booting ? [00:26] Bashing-om, https://support.hp.com/ca-en/document/c02782539 [00:28] willc: Looking ^ . [00:29] Could it be because i've been trying with 120gb and 240gb ssds and it seems to require 128-160? [00:37] willc: No - the size of the drive does not matter - however for a SSD then AHCI in the firmware is needed. The link above does not tell if this machine is EFI - Windows 7 support may be either legacy or EFI. [00:39] hpqflash bios, should be legacy bios [00:42] https://support.hp.com/ca-en/drivers/selfservice/swdetails/hp-probook-6560b-notebook-pc/5045605/swItemId/ob-99105-3 [00:43] ahci is enabled [00:44] willc: see tomreyn's hint ^ - updated bios is a good thing. [00:44] there's no update available [00:45] i just looked it up to see whether it's legacy or uefi [00:46] tomreyn: :D [00:51] Could someone help me debug a https problem I've been facing for weeks now! [00:52] I'm unable to apt-get any https packages and have tried everything I could find on the corners of the net :) [00:53] ldiebold: are you chatting from the computer right now? [00:53] yes! Here is the error `No system certificates available. Try installing ca-certificates` [00:53] (I'm new to freenode, so still learning to format things nicely) [00:56] I've tried reinstalling ca-certificates, reinstalling apt, deleting all certificates in `/etc/ssl/certs` [00:57] And I would use http, but unfortunately some repos like jenkins and docker don't seem to have http mirrors! [00:57] I rHmm. Apparently the system was put into hibernation mode when last shut down [00:59] willc: That too will do it - while Windows hybernated linux will not touch the drive. [01:01] Here I am making trouble for ya'll over stupid things :P [01:05] willc: Not a trouble to attempt to help in any case :P [01:08] updating bios; eek! [01:09] bricking a machine is always scary [01:09] *potentially* [01:15] ldiebold: can you run this and post the url it returns? this won't make any changes to your system: sudo /bin/true && cat &>/tmp/aptlog < <(sudo apt-get -y update 2>&1; apt-cache policy 2>&1; sudo apt-get -syV full-upgrade 2>&1;); nc termbin.com 9999 tomreyn https://termbin.com/uu7f [01:16] And thankyou! [01:17] ldiebold: "i've tried [..] deleting all certificates in `/etc/ssl/certs`" - this won't have improved upon the situation. you will need to configure a (plain) http url for the ubuntu repositories, sudo apt update && sudo apt install --reinstall ca-certificates [01:18] looks like you should be able to immediately reinstall ca-certificates [01:18] no need to diable any repositories [01:19] (nor to reconfigure them) [01:19] I ran that command, yet am still getting the same error `Certificate verification failed: The certificate is NOT trusted. The certificate issuer is unknown. Could not handshake: Error in the certificate verification.` [01:20] might be worth adding, I'm not behind a proxy. Just my home laptop with a basic router setup [01:20] just run: sudo apt install --reinstall ca-certificates [01:20] After putting in the initial HD and taking the system out of Hibernation mode, updating the bios, and shutting down properly *drum roll* - It booted up Ubuntu! [01:20] * willc celebrates [01:20] thanks Bashing-om and tomreyn for your assistance today [01:20] willc: hey, congratulations, that's good news [01:21] tomreyn, I just ran `sudo apt install --reinstall ca-certificates`, then `sudo apt-get update` and am getting the same error [01:21] !yay | willc [01:21] willc: Glad you made it! :-) === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin [01:31] ldiebold: sudo dpkg --purge --force-depends ca-certificates; sudo apt-get -f install; sudo apt install ca-certificates [01:38] tomreyn still the same error. I'll try docker just in case this is an issue with jenkins repo (Though I'm pretty sure it's not) [01:40] ldiebold: sudo dpkg-reconfigure ca-certificates # then select Yes, and enable all the certificates listed [01:40] Might be worth mentioning that firefox works fine, and I can wget `https://pkg.jenkins.io/debian-stable` [01:40] Have tried this before, but will do it again :) [01:41] same problem [01:41] ldiebold: the problem you're dealing with is that your system thinks that all CAs are untrusted, so at leats apt will fail whenever https urls are used. which is the case (only) for the jenkins apt repository on your system at this time. [01:42] did the second screen of sudo dpkg-reconfigure ca-certificates list many certificates, though? [01:42] Yes, I'm pretty sure it listed all of mozillas standard certs [01:42] probably about 50 of them [01:43] ls -lah /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt [01:43] `-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 194K Aug 30 11:42 /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt` [01:43] hmm you said you can use wget with the https url fine, interesting [01:44] Will see if I can paste the output (I don't know if that's possible in freenode!) [01:44] wget https://pkg.jenkins.io/debian-stable--2020-08-30 11:39:22-- https://pkg.jenkins.io/debian-stableResolving pkg.jenkins.io (pkg.jenkins.io)..., 2a04:4e42:7::645Connecting to pkg.jenkins.io (pkg.jenkins.io)||:443... connected.HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved PermanentlyLocation: [01:44] https://pkg.jenkins.io/debian-stable/ [following]--2020-08-30 11:39:23-- https://pkg.jenkins.io/debian-stable/Reusing existing connection to pkg.jenkins.io:443.HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OKLength: 13021 (13K) [text/html]Saving to: 'debian-stable’debian-stable [01:44] 100%[=====================================================================================================================>] 12.72K --.-KB/s in 0.003s 2020-08-30 11:39:24 (4.89 MB/s) - 'debian-stable’ saved [13021/13021] [01:45] !paste [01:45] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [01:46] so, yes, wget works, validates the certificate fine [01:46] does it also work with curl? [01:47] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WS82kxn6YG/ [01:48] I thought it might be an issue with apt-transport-https, but that's getting way beyond my knowledge :/ [01:51] ldiebold: let's see: sudo apt-get -o 'Debug::Acquire::https=1' update 2>&1 > /tmp/log; echo $? ; cat /tmp/log | nc termbin.com 9999 [01:51] ldiebold: this should print a number and a url, tell us about both [01:58] handy tool that nc termbin.com [01:58] ldiebold: tomreyn: "probably about 50 of them" I expect the 40 key limit is still in effect: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2195579 . What shows ' ls /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d | wc -l ' ? [01:59] Bashing-om: this number was about CA certificatesm not apt repository (GPG) signing keys [02:00] tomreyn: :( I do need to read - yes ! [02:01] unless the first error message on https://termbin.com/uu7f is very misleading, this does not seem to be an apt reposioty GPG signing key related issue [02:01] but one about TLS (HTTPS) certificate validation [02:02] which interestingly affects apt-get / apt-transport-https but not curl nor wget, which should be using the same CA-certificates file (/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt) [02:03] ldiebold: still around? [02:03] tomreyn https://termbin.com/z5tf the number was `100` [02:03] Bashing-om 26 [02:04] ldiebold: hmm, are you sure you passed this -o 'Debug::Acquire::https=1' to apt-get ? [02:04] I believe so... I copy pasted this "sudo apt-get -o 'Debug::Acquire::https=1' update 2>&1 > /tmp/log; echo $? ; cat /tmp/log | nc termbin.com 9999" [02:04] will try againi [02:05] ldiebold: oh it's my fault, the command line was wrong [02:05] ldiebold: sudo apt-get -o 'Debug::Acquire::https=1' update > /tmp/log 2>&1; echo $? ; cat /tmp/log | nc termbin.com 9999 [02:09] ldiebold: is this, by chance, a VM running under a windows host with a virus scanner or internet security suite installed? [02:14] 100https://termbin.com/gdjk [02:14] tomreyn not a vm, and I've never installed a virus scanner [02:14] ldiebold: hmm, can you double check that you ran the updated command line this time? [02:15] sudo apt-get -o 'Debug::Acquire::https=1' update > /tmp/log 2>&1; echo $? ; cat /tmp/log | nc termbin.com 9999 [02:15] this one [02:15] because the output is the same as previously, but should not be. [02:16] I believe so, will run it again [02:16] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/n3zY9YZtyr/ [02:17] okay, weird, there's no debugging into printed from apt-transport-https [02:18] Yea I see what you mean [02:20] Oh, do I have two versions of apt-transport-https installed? [02:20] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KZkN7v5wHw/ [02:20] you have one installed, two available for installation [02:21] let's see this: nc termbin.com 9999 < <(lsb_release -ds;cat /proc/{version,cmdline};echo "Session: $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP ($XDG_SESSION_TYPE)";echo Shell: $SHELL) [02:21] https://termbin.com/wu4e [02:22] okay, a standard 20.04 LTS [02:22] I upgraded to 20 from 18 [02:22] Though from memory, this was a problem back when I was using 18 [02:23] how about this: sudo apt install apt-forktracer; apt-forktracer > /tmp/apt 2>&1 ; cat /tmp/apt | nc termbin.com 9999 [02:23] https://termbin.com/d9hx [02:23] i am guessing that you are referring to Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. [02:24] oh my [02:24] That sounds bad [02:24] php all over the place X) [02:24] it's just 'dirty', not really bad [02:25] Yea, I've been developing with laravel on this laptop a while and am still learning how to clean up after myself on linux '=D [02:26] curl https://termbin.com/d9hx | grep -vF '[' | sort then look through the list of these packages which you have installed without a respective apt repository. [02:26] those you don't recognize or know you should apt purge PACKAGENAME [02:27] but watch out for the prompts given by apt, i.e. which other packages may be removed then [02:29] when i say "installed without a respective apt repository" then these debian packages will never get security or bug fix updates unless you have some other mechanism to get them (you probably don't). most of them should probably not be installed like this. [02:29] Ahh I see. doing some clean up now [02:30] Thanks for the tip! [02:30] you have two different versions of libssl installed, this might be the cause of the apt errors [02:30] when you're done with all of this, you may want to sudo apt purge apt-forktracer to clean up again. [02:33] you should also inspect the packages returned by curl -q https://termbin.com/d9hx | grep -F '[' | sort where (the version number in parantheses) is higher than [all of the version numbers given in square brackets]. [02:33] Okay, will do that next [02:36] these packages are installed on a higher package verison than any of your configured apt repositories provide, meaning you're not getting bug and security fixes for these either, and should either configure an apt repository providing these package *versions* in a way that is compatible to your 'focal' ubuntu release. or downgrade them to the version provided in your configured apt repositories (a version given in square brackets). [02:37] to downgrade installed package "mypackage", version 456, to version 123, as provided by one of the configured apt repositories, run: sudo apt install mypackage=123 [02:38] ldiebold: and do yourself a favour and install a proper irc client, usch as hexchat or weechat or irssi, the web interface is terrible. [02:38] with this said, good luck, i'm out. [02:39] Will do, and thankyou so much for all your help! [02:40] you're welcome [02:41] i hope that purging libssl1.0.0 will make apt work properly. [02:41] finger crossed! Nearly there [02:46] one last note: you should be pulling the focal-security apt repository from security.ubuntu.com, not au.archive.ubuntu.com, because only the former is guaranteed to provide important security patches in time. [02:55] (y) [04:38] hi guys, trying to repair something broken in my repos: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61991931/how-to-install-bitcoind-on-ubuntu-20 [04:39] someone outlined how they repair it, but I am not sure what the sentence means: " i go to the bitcoin folder and move the files to /usr/local/bin" [04:39] !ppapurge | neverblue [04:39] neverblue: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:/ » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html [04:40] thanks lotuspsychje. Not really what I was looking for, though [04:41] neverblue: we dont really support external ppa's, if its the ppa itself broken or 404 you best contact the maintainer [04:41] neverblue: we can only advice to keep the ubuntu system as vanilla possible and howto repair without external ppa's [04:42] well, I am not asking you to support them, I am trying to clarify what they are attempting to do with that sentence. As they repaired it by moving the folder (I believe is the extracted folder) into /usr/local/bin. But this on my system does not contain folders, only file [04:44] neverblue: that user seems to unpack his downloaded bitcoind tar, then suggests to move it into the dir before launch [04:45] but that folder should contain scripts usually? not folders ? [04:48] ok, thanks for the replies, ill try elsewhere. Appreciate your time! [04:48] neverblue: not sure, i did not check the insides of the tar [04:49] neverblue: alternate, you can try the bitcoin-core snap if you like [04:50] ok, thanks for the advice [04:58] ok,I tried to clear the ppa, but it continues to fail at that same point: sudo ppa-purge ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin [04:59] the repor ' ' does not have a release file === chikko is now known as chukko [07:33] hi all-is it possible to find out the date of a webpage(im reading a page and i would like to use it in an essay etc and need to know when it was published or altered last) how would i accomplish this with cli or gui on linux === bad_1 is now known as badbodh [07:57] hello [07:59] i need to know the date of webpage timestamp and if possible the date of publication; can terminal do this or looking at the header [08:01] chikkoroll: maybe you could use something like the web archive to find that out [08:02] see when it first came into existence https://archive.org/web/ [08:03] chikkoroll: if you want to see the headers you could do 'wget -S http://website" [08:06] thanks EriC^^ if i used the later method i would get timestamps of alteration to the page (server post date) yes? sorry about my lack of knowledge [08:06] or would i only get header information(header was a guess on my part-hoping to obtain publication date) [08:09] Im reading/learning (the basics) about networking atm, but im green as and it mentions headers relating to transport of packets on over the Internet; i actually dont know if headers would help me find the information i want re age of data on page. [08:11] one of the headers is Last-Modified which *might* tell you when it was last changed, but only really if it's a static page (html). if it's a dynamic page like php/perl/python etc. then it *might* be correct but good chance it isn't [08:12] even with a static page you can't trust that it's correct. it could just be the time when someone copied the file to another directory rather than actually modified it === SonicPotato5 is now known as SonicPotato [08:15] thank you all very much [08:16] it wouldn't no [08:17] the only way to know for sure is archive.org or asking the author of the website [08:18] xtao, EriC^^ if either of you wanted to use information you found online in an essay, how would you go about finding out the date it first appeared online and the specifics time date? [08:19] still archive.org/publisher? [08:19] o and google [09:27] Hey! I have a i7 10750H cpu paired with nvidia 1650. The nvidia graphics drivers are installed fine. But iGPU isn't working correctly. I can't change brightness. on doing a inxi -G it shows llvmpip as the rendered instead of intel UHD graphics. Any help would be appreciated [09:38] Hello there. I am trying to use the network manager tool that comes with Lubuntu 19. When I used to open it it used to open a text based setup which was fine. Now when I try it just gives me a terminal screen with nothing in it. Could someone please tell me how to fix that, or access it via command line please? I presume the basics are the same for Ubuntu and Lubuntu. [09:56] Ascavasaion: "Lubuntu 19" does not exist. Both Lubuntu 19.04 and 19.10 are end of life. [09:56] The_LoudSpeaker: i think llvmpipe is the expected 3d renderer for intel integrated graphics. === tehaugz is now known as augz [10:08] i'm still having this bug haunting me across several ubuntu releases, on this clevo laptop bug #1807818 the problem is i cant really try answer #6 as it only occurs 1 time per month or so [10:08] bug 1807818 in linux (Ubuntu) "Touchpad scroll does not work on occasion" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1807818 [11:58] Is there a GUI tool available for creating xkb mappings? I want them to by system wide so the keyboard shortcut tool won't work. [12:02] Tomreyn thanks [12:04] tomreyn: thank you... will download 20 right now. [12:04] 20.04.1 :-) === sunrunner20_ is now known as sunrunner20 === holgersson is now known as holgersson-bin === holgersson-bin is now known as holgersson [12:53] i have a game bzflag that was working fine then, a couple of updates later? it went wonkers. started flashing on screen and no control, had to reboot or logoff to stop the flashing [12:55] what a shame, perfectly fine working game went south [12:55] uninstall, and reinstall does not fix it [12:56] Hey, does someone has problems reaching the Ubuntu keyserver from AWS instances? [12:56] CobyPaste: if it passes through a centurylink transit, that'd be why. [12:57] Do they have problems? We're getting timeouts and cant even curl the keyserver. [12:59] try nc -zv 11371 and nc -zv 11371 [12:59] I'll try, thanks [13:00] it should say connection succeeded and quit both times, if it doesn't, check the traceroute (or use mtr) [13:00] Well, it seems to work again. I can also curl the keyserver [13:01] Thanks for your help guys, really appreciated [13:01] aaaah is it centurylink that's causing today's outages? [13:07] Hi folks [13:08] hi [13:11] In the server installer, it is possible to create an encrypted Volume Group with Physical Devices in multiple disks. But then the system doesn't boot... [13:14] Tuor: file a bug against it then [13:15] Tuor: the installer is called subiquity, block device setup is carried out by curtin. [13:16] make sure you're using the latest point release installer, e.g. 20.04.*1* for 20.04 LTS. [13:16] see also #ubuntu-server [13:23] I'm using the latest installer. [13:24] I'll also see in #ubuntu-server. [13:24] there's also an option to live upgrade the installer === mnemonic is now known as Guest62492 [13:57] note before you ask for help about your internet: Centurylink (major telecom company based in USA) is having all sorts of problems this morning, and they support critical internet routing infrastructure. So if you are in North America or Europe and are experiencing internet issues - Ubuntu is not the problem. I guess that could be bad news because this means there is nothing you can do about it. [13:59] Is anyone having issue running software updates this morning? [14:00] jymmmm: it might be centurylink issues [14:00] jeremy31: centrylink??? [14:01] Something isn't quite right with the internet today [14:02] ah ok, at least it's not just me, had my modem replaced the other day, and things have been wonky ever since. [14:03] jymmmm: Try switching mirrors and see if it works [14:04] are the repositories down? apt can't connect to any of them, ppas are working correctly tho [14:05] jymmmm, no issues here; but I'm in AU & likely opposite end of world [14:06] yeah i'm in the states [14:06] gul ty, I think I'm going to reboot, brb [14:06] i did an apt update hoping it would change mirrors, but nope just filled the screen with errors and warnings [14:07] someone on discord just told me that 50% of the internet is down at the moment [14:07] truexfan81: you have to change the mirror yourself [14:07] Canadian mirrors/repos seem fine so far, upgraded a few packages this morning [14:08] irccloud has had issues all morning [14:09] i think i'll wait for the insternet routers to fix themselves [14:09] internet* [14:13] Hmmm, after reboot still having trouble updating a ppa so far [14:13] half the internet is down due to a major backbone outtage [14:16] Ok, changed from "US server" to "Main Server" and seems to be working now [14:17] "Software is up to date" YAY [14:19] truexfan81: outtage where? [14:22] hello . autologin worked, but after some restarts, stopped . enabling no password to login in user settings helped a little:there is only submit button instead of password field now. how to fix it? xubuntu 20.04, all updates installed [14:32] My recording is very low in voice. My behringer um2 has 75% gain (more makes a hiss sound), my obs studio has a 6db limit. My pavucontrol shows 100% input audio limit. Everything else is default. What am I doing wrong here? [14:32] mic; XM8500 Dynamic mic [14:44] driver issue? [14:57] i asked it in https://github.com/canonical/lightdm/issues/142 [15:03] hello ubuntu people. I am using ubuntu from a liveCD environment at the moment. I think i have bricked my hard drive.. [15:04] i can see the sata controller when doing lspci, but i cant access the drive at all. [15:04] what audio drivers I need for um2 iinterface? [15:04] actually i cant even boot when the drive is plugged in, so i plugged it in while on the "Boot menu" (pre grub) [15:05] budRich, what hardware specs? this sounds like an UEFI machine, disable fastboot ( not secure boot) and see !uefi manual [15:05] !uefi [15:05] UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI [15:05] ' i cant even boot when the drive is plugged in" ... installing on an external disk? [15:06] its a Dell latitude E7240, yes its UEFI mode now, i will check if i got a fast boot option, but i don't think so.. [15:06] its a msata "internal" ssd [15:06] i think i bricked it trying to install openBSD on it earlier... [15:07] i just got this laptop. [15:07] oh, just start the disks utilit, and reformat [15:07] disks utilit? is that included on this ISO (its the "default" ubuntu iso)? [15:08] when the disk is plugged in i cant even get into bios or boot menu, it gets stuck in a "boot loop". i have tried resetting, updating bios and cmos battery replugging etc.. [15:10] hmm that sounds serious. [15:10] if you cannot boot with it inserted, seek support from the vendor? [15:11] yeah, but its out of warranty, i think it is "just" the ssd, and i can get a new one. [15:12] there is this msata wwan card installed and it is possible to replace that with a extra ssd, i tried plugging the disk in that slot and got the same results. [15:14] tomorrow i think i can "borrow" someones msata ssd or maybe plug my broken card in someone else computer and see if i can format it. i need the computer tomorrow, but i will just use this ubuntu live environment. [15:14] Thats the loudest sound I can get with 78% gain on interface, 2 inch face distance from mic, 150% recording and pavucontrol volume, -6db obs mic gain https://youtu.be/f3QpO6VLv6Q [15:15] I have to say the ubuntu live environment is really nice, i have been on Arch for years, but once i get everything working i might hop to ubuntu. [15:17] just put ubuntu on my windows tablet, everything works great, but is there any way I can change settings for the touch keyboard? [15:17] it's a condensed layout that's not making use of my screen well [15:17] I used the full layout on windows 10 [15:19] I have symbols and numbers in my password and it's super annoying to have to change the keyboard page constantly [15:25] Riku: a nice tool to control tweaks on your system is dconf-editor, maybe some settings there [15:26] Riku: alternate you can also try unity desktop on your tablet, they also have nice touch/tablet support === vlm_ is now known as vlm [15:33] I thought unity was EOL [15:33] using the custom gnome on 20.04 [15:34] Riku: unity is community supported and still installable in the repos [15:34] !info ubuntu-unity-desktop | Riku [15:34] Riku: ubuntu-unity-desktop (source: ubuntu-unity-meta): The Ubuntu Unity desktop system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2 (focal), package size 3 kB, installed size 8 kB (Only available for amd64; arm64; armhf; i386; ppc64el) [15:35] unity and mir are not dead, jim [16:57] you can move multiple dirs at once with the mv command, no? so it will just assume the last dir passed would be the destination? [17:03] looks like as many source locations as you like and then the -t flag to denote the target/destination. [17:11] hi there [17:14] im running ubuntu 20.04 on a webserver. i also run apache2 and have some vhosts with reverse proxy functon. when i redirect pages to others running on 443 they all work but when i try to reach a destination lissing on some other port that 443 it cant connect. (on other werbservers all of this redireckts work fine) i already removed apparor from the system. is there anything else what might [17:14] block that connections ? [17:17] I want to customize the date format in my ubuntu 20.04 desktop top bar. I googled and hit upon only outdated apps information. I tried gsetting it gave some but not all customization i wanted like showing seconds and day of the week. Now i want year also to appear. Can some one suggest good way to customiza the date format to my liking ? [17:27] Thats the loudest sound I can get with 78% gain on interface, 2 inch face distance from mic, 150% recording and pavucontrol volume, -6db obs mic gain https://youtu.be/f3QpO6VLv6Q [17:27] driver issue? [17:54] in 18.04 when is /tmp folder cleared? Before shutdown or upon boot? [18:04] vlm: upon boot [18:08] Thanks [18:26] Anyone using Sonicwall's nexExtender app? There are windows machines that can VPN in fine. When I run the client, it LOOKS like I'm in, but I can't hit any boxes on the LAN at work. Probably a Sonicwall support question, but I thought I'd see if anyone in here had run into it. [18:28] craigbass76, url? ( for the ubuntu client) [18:29] craigbass76: sorry..don't use their netextender [18:29] craigbass76: sorry..i don't use their netextender [18:30] craigbass76: what does traceroute show when connected? [18:34] hi does anyone use darknet/yolo here? https://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolo/ i am trying to use a docker image based on darknet but it is not giving me a meaningful output [18:35] gebbione, interesting, but such docker images are not supported here. [18:37] oerheks, i guessed this but there isnt really a channel specific for this. Even inside #docker it would be difficult to find someone as the problem is most likely due to the usage i make of it or the binary configuration/image so i am just asking around. If i run darknet on my machine it returns, with the image just does not show the output [18:44] hi all [18:44] anyone can help me ? [18:44] !ask| Dragosiku [18:44] Dragosiku: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [18:44] hi Dragosiku, just ask, wait and see [18:45] and don't crosspost, thanks [18:46] i bought a VPS from OVH provider, and i have ubuntu 20 on him, now i have multiple domain names and i need to setup dns forward and setup from admin pannel from ovh and the sendmail server and webmail server on in, can be helped ?:D [18:46] * oerheks walks away [18:49] Dragosiku: here's an OVH tutorial ... https://docs.ovh.com/gb/en/vps/getting-started-vps/ [18:52] lol:D thanks , im over that, my vps is up and running, all domains names open and apache server running, now i need a little bit advice to understand MX TXT and other things from DNS forward system from OVH pannel. if i print scree the setups can you help me ? [19:08] im running ubuntu 20.04 on a webserver. i also run apache2 and have some vhosts with reverse proxy functon. when i redirect pages to others running on 443 they all work but when i try to reach a destination lissing on some other port that 443 it cant connect. (on other werbservers all of this redireckts work fine) i already removed apparor from the system. is there anything else what might [19:08] block that connections ? [19:13] wsxws: have you checked the ports ? [19:13] wsxws: have you then compared that to the other servers you mention? [19:14] wsxws: "i have disabled apparmor" is not checking the ports btw [19:24] tatertots https://hastebin.com/amasopawid.apache [19:24] exact the same configs work fine on two other webservers [19:27] any idea what could block that connection ? [19:27] i also cleard iptables as show there http://wiki.loovsys.eu/index.php/Clear_all_iptable_rules_and_allow_everything [19:42] wsxws: make a image of the working config and restore the image to the server with the issue [19:46] wsxws: do you have access to the systems right now? [19:54] i have access to to this server atm [19:55] i can not make any image, because they are vservers at different hosters [19:55] the apache-configs are copies of the working ones [19:56] but it all does nocht explain, why the proxy does nit work just beauce of the differnet ports [19:56] the target sites themself work fine [20:00] wsxws: the ports "other" than 443, you don't mention any technical details there, do you not know the specific port numbers? [20:03] its in pastebin [20:03] port 23232 [20:03] (but 32323 does not work either) [20:06] !ltsupgrade [20:06] Regular upgrades from the last but one LTS release to the latest LTS release, 20.04 "Focal Fossa", are enabled days or weeks after 20.04.1 is released. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d [20:17] wsxws: do you have access to a working config right now also? === BlueShark_ is now known as BlueShark [20:18] yes [20:20] Hi, my browser seems to be behaving weirdly on Ubuntu. This is happening on chrome. Seems totally weird, have no idea what's happening here - https://imgur.com/a/8xYmYj9 - anyone got a clue? [20:21] but the problem is solved. my provider made some changes the network and the proxy works fine now [20:21] wsxws: good [20:21] thanks for your time though [20:22] hand ;) === mooses is now known as mouses [20:30] How do I delete obs settings. I do not see a .obs dir in home [20:39] Any idea why python is not linked to python3 in 20.04? [20:45] pnwise, you can install python-is-python3 if you want that, but it's incompatible with some things (like virtualbox) that require python-is-python2 [20:46] pnwise, I just aliased python to python3 in .bashrc and I [20:46] m happy [20:47] Yes I know, but just the other day I had shuttle fail on me because it looks for /usr/bin/python [20:48] I can link them [20:48] hey I am using ubuntu 18 LTS and i installed 2 versions of python3 python3.6 and python3.7 [20:48] Then again if python is reserved for python 2, why isn't there package python? [20:48] root@panel:~# apt show python [20:48] Package: python [20:48] State: not a real package (virtual) [20:48] N: Can't select candidate version from package python as it has no candidate [20:48] N: Can't select versions from package 'python' as it is purely virtual [20:48] N: No packages found [20:50] These things does not make sense to me. [20:51] pnwise, because python isn't reserved for python2, there is either python-is-python2 or python-is-python3, and you install whichever one makes your particular set of desired software work. for you that seems to be "shuttle" (whatever that is) that needs python-is-python3 and for me it's virtualbox which needs python-is-python2... [20:57] Well it is not me, it is programs that expect to have some interpreter for python [20:57] First time hearing about these packages python-is-python3 [20:58] What you do if you need both? [20:59] pnwise, both what? you can certainly have both python2 and python3 installed, but /usr/bin/python has to be one or the other [21:03] Why not have both installed, have python default to 3(or 2) and leave people change them with update-alternatives? [21:03] How are people supposed to know about these packages [21:03] Anyway, thanks for the help [21:04] 2 shouldn't be installed at all any longer. it's way past end of life [21:04] Yeah I don't care about it either [21:04] but that is just me [21:05] pnwise: "I had shuttle fail on me because it looks for /usr/bin/python" -- it is not packaged correctly. it should have python or python3 as dependency, and know the correct binary name [21:05] pnwise: I have edited my scripts from python to python3. [21:08] How do I delete obs settings. I do not see a .obs dir in home [21:08] Does anyone know how Canonical intends to roll out Thunderbird 78.x? There appears to be no elegant upgrade path from 68.x but 78.x will have to find a place in the repos at some point, no? [21:09] Intelo: .config/obs-studio [22:01] thx [22:01] HarryGuerrilla: [22:04] have an odd situation in ubuntu 20.04 running KVM where a guest ubuntu instance get's sideways when hotpluging a new eth interface. hard reboot does not clear the issue. https://pastebin.com/PsTZVyQR [22:05] eth2 get's renamed to ens9 then 5 seconds later get's renamed back to eth2 and it disapears from ip link [22:19] !info sysvinit-utils | mahir256 [22:19] mahir256: sysvinit-utils (source: sysvinit): System-V-like utilities. In component main, is required. Version 2.96-2.1ubuntu1 (focal), package size 20 kB, installed size 74 kB === trobotham-cloud is now known as tjr [23:40] hey #ubuntu, I have a multipath installation (Bionic) here with LVM. I failed to update initrd after adding some new volumes and now I'm only able to boot into an emergency shell. I know I need to recreate the initrd and I thought I could do this by booting into repair mode from the installation media. I do see all my disks in the repair mode, but unfortunately I cannot get the root partition to mount as it's LV is on a partition [23:40] who's disk is being managed by mpath :sweat: So `vgscan` doesn't see anything. I altered the LVM config option to get lvm to scan multipath devices - and voila, now I can see my LVs.. However, I cannot activate any VGs because ... the PVs are seen on multiple disks :D Any suggsetions here? I was thinking of trying the 20.04 install media [23:46] Hi - I'm having some wifi issues. My 4Ghz wifi works perfectly, except it is limited to 100Mb/s with my router. My 5Gz wifi connection can reach close to 800Mb/s, but it drops after a minute or two. How can I figure out how to debut what's going on? [23:48] *debug [23:55] im using a raspberry pi 3b+ to run ubuntu 20.04 [23:55] after about 5-10 mins it freezes [23:55] then about 5 mins later it comes back [23:55] but then freezes again