[02:52] OvenWerks: So, to answer your question further, doesn't look like it: https://salsa.debian.org/multimedia-team/ardour/-/blob/master/debian/control [02:52] Might be new to 6.3 then. [03:31] yeah I just noticed it the last time I did a ./waf configure [14:50] Eickmeyer: so are you moved yet? (as in out of the old and at the new... if not set up at the new) [20:52] OvenWerks: KIndof. I have my infrastructure quasi-set-up, but we're on butt-slow DSL. Downloading our ISO takes several hours. Upgrade coming soon, but my mother-in-law doesn't want to upgrade her internet, so we're going behind her back and ordering separate cable internet for ourselves. [20:54] but beds to sleep on... table to eat at and stuff like that? [21:26] Oh yeah, we've got that. [21:26] When we get into our own place it will be a matter of buying new furniture and stuff like that. We do intend to buy a house in this area.