
=== vrubiolo1 is now known as vrubiolo
=== vrubiolo1 is now known as vrubiolo
Raito_BezariusHello, I'm trying to understand if cloud-init supports update_etc_hosts for NixOS12:24
Raito_Bezariushttps://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/561 I have made this12:40
=== vrubiolo1 is now known as vrubiolo
Odd_BlokeHello everyone, I'm back from my two weeks of vacation. o/14:31
Odd_BlokeI'm catching up on scrollback and as we're introducing more and more development tools into cloud-init, I wonder if we should consider splitting the Ubuntu package into two: one for the actual "init" functionality, and one that people can install on dev machines (to get schema validation, MIME archive creation, etc.) without cloud-init (potentially) running on boot.14:33
Odd_Bloke(Potentially this could be implemented by just moving the systemd units to a separate package; we probably don't want to try splitting the source tree in packaging.)14:34
smoseri have 2 thoughts.16:05
smosera.) with the generator, if you don't want cloud-init to run, touch /etc/cloud/cloud-init.disabled16:05
smoserb.) right the only tool i think that is in cloud-init that isn't really to be run on a system that *does* use cloud-init  during boot is 'make-mime'16:06
rharpermaybe net-convert16:07
smosermaybe... that is a dev tool though.16:07
smoserthe obviousl thing that i'd think to add would be the `cloud-localds` functionality from cloud-utils16:08
rharperyeah, the schema stuff is in the middle ground as well16:08
smoserbut doing *that* would mean dependencies16:08
smoserwhich i wouldn't want a package to pick up (mkiso)16:08
rharpersmoser: right16:08
smoseri can see the value of schema on non-running system for sure.16:09
Odd_BlokeThe `analyze` subcommands can take an input file, so they could also be used on a non-running system.16:11
smoserbut the16:27
smosers/but the//16:28
Odd_BlokeI think we can categorise our commands as: functional (init etc.), on-instance utilities (collect-logs, query, clean, etc.), power-user development (at least schema, make-mime, perhaps analyse and others; localds would fit here, I think), developer (net-convert, render? (I don't know what render does))16:40
Odd_BlokeAs I said, I don't think splitting up our code tree in packaging is worthwhile, but we could feasibly have (names not intended as suggestions for actual package names): cloud-init-library, cloud-init-systemd-services, and then cloud-init-power-users-install-me which would depend on cloud-init-library and packages which are only required for {power-user,developer} subcommands.16:42
Odd_BlokeWhich would give us a way of installing mkiso on systems where people are opting into having the full functionality available, without bloating the dependency set of the packages that get installed on every system (-library and -systemd-services).16:43
rharperOdd_Bloke: render lets users expand/test jinja templated files16:55
smoserOdd_Bloke:the issue is that if you dn't split up the code tree, then cloud-init-library has to have the mkiso dependency17:18
smoseror its just broken, waiting for someone to try to use the library and fail17:18
Odd_BlokeI think it would be reasonable to exit with "`cloud-init localds` requires `mkisofs` to be installed" or similar; it's an interactive command so people can respond to that.17:41
Odd_BlokeBut I agree that it's not ideal.17:41
anankehmm, this makes no sense, but so far all the symptoms agree: 'cloud-init status --wait' claims that 'status: done', but tail'ing cloud-init-output.log still shows final modules still running (package installs/updates specifically). was there ever a bug related to this?18:15
blackboxswananke: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1890528 ?18:16
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1890528 in cloud-init "cloud-init status --wait returns before cloud-final has finished executing" [High,Triaged]18:16
anankethank you, I'll check. this may be it.18:16
blackboxswananke: was cloud-init stats --long an error condition too?18:16
anankeThis is on kali, absed on debian: cloud-init/now 20.1-2 all [installed,upgradable to: 20.2-2]18:17
blackboxswthat would exit early18:17
anankeblackboxsw: nope, no errors18:17
anankeI've been trying to figure out for the past hour why our packer configuration is failing on kali 2020.2, while it worked on kali 2020.1, and I was seeing some odd race conditions in the output logs18:17
anankewe use cloud-init status --wait before proceeding to next steps, and that seemed to first exit when there were problems with bootcmd, but even after removing everything and no errors, I still see it claiming it's done, while modules are still running18:19
blackboxswananke: after "removing everything" do you mean running "sudo cloud-init clean"?18:20
blackboxswif a "clean" is not performed, some artifacts will exist on the system that would trick cloud-init status into thinking it is done18:20
anankeblackboxsw: no, I mean after removing anything in our packer config that pertains to early stages/etc18:21
anankewe pass a cloud-init config via user-data, and we then tell packer to wait until cloud-init status --wait exits18:23
blackboxswananke: so, cloud-init status --wait looks at /run/cloud-init/status.json18:23
anankek, I'll redo the process and see what's in that file18:24
blackboxswIf each  key(stage) if it sees start and finished times for each stage, then it assumes that cloud-init is complete18:25
blackboxswyeah check that and /run/cloud-init/result.json contents18:25
anankehere's a sample output, after I ssh to the system that's being provisioned: https://dpaste.com/3DT6BTAEW18:32
anankeso modules-final is not done, yet claims it is?18:34
Odd_Blokeananke: Hmm, what is it that's performing those downloads?18:47
Odd_BlokeIs that just cloud-config, or have you passed in a script or similar?18:47
anankeOdd_Bloke: just cloud-config18:49
Odd_Blokeananke: Could we see a full cloud-init.log?18:50
anankesure, do hold18:50
anankeOdd_Bloke: : http://sprunge.us/KExsDJ18:53
anankeso this part is still not finished: 2020-08-31 18:34:20,861 - util.py[DEBUG]: apt-install [apt-get --option=Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold --option=Dpkg::options::=--force-unsafe-io --assume-yes --quiet install fio time xrdp xorgxrdp aptitude elinks gedit htop leafpad nano nmap vim] took 131.844 seconds18:55
anankewhich is populated via the 'packages:' directive18:56
Odd_Blokeananke: It looks like "cloud-init mode 'modules' took" appears 4 times in the log; I believe we would only expect to see it twice: one for each of `--mode config` and `--mode final`.18:57
anankeohh, damn, I think you just nailed the issue. in packer as a workaround we had to kick off 'cloud-init --mode=config' and 'cloud-init --mode=final' manually, and I never took that out18:58
Odd_BlokeThat'd do it!18:59
anankecrap, I'm so sorry18:59
blackboxswnice Odd_Bloke18:59
anankeHere's the offending code:19:00
ananke                "cloud-init modules --mode=config; echo cloud-init module config error code is $?",19:00
ananke                "cloud-init modules --mode=final; echo cloud-init module final error code is $?",19:00
ananke                "/usr/bin/cloud-init status --wait; echo cloud-init status error code is $?",19:00
anankeIt's interesting to see what the consequence is though19:01
blackboxsw+1 generally cloud-init doesn't prescribe machines invoking each stage directly as part of the boot process because of cloud-init uses systemd service/unit ordering to ensure the start of each stage after the appropriate stage in system boot.19:03
blackboxsw...and if cloud-init every added boot stages images which only called into specific cloud-init boot stages might miss the introduction of a new cloud-init boot or configuration  stage  ( which *may* actually happen this year per https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1892851)19:04
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1892851 in cloud-init "Staged boot, to fix integration of systemd generators" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:04
blackboxswbut I get that it is a good option while developing a new system to call into those stages directly19:05
anankeyeah, we had to put those workarounds due to broken Kali AMI19:05
blackboxswroger. if you find there is something that makes sense to upstream, I'm sure we'd love to help get that support in19:06
blackboxswinto master19:06
anankeI can't imagine this would be a common issue, but I wonder if putting some locking/semaphore checking makes sense.19:07
anankefunny enough, I did remove these commands from packer earlier this morning, but then put them back because things were still breaking. so while I fixed the other things (I had to enable/start cloud-init-local.service and cloud-config.service), I never bothered to go back to this section19:10
blackboxswananke: each config module has it's own semaphore based on whether the module should be run per-boot, per-once, per-instance or per-always19:13
blackboxswso as a whole, locking the entire boot stage doesn't quite work because some components within that stage want to be run always19:13
anankeon an unrelated (or semi-related) note, I need to figure out if there's a way to tail cloud-init's log _while_ waiting for cloud-init status --wait to finish20:42
blackboxswtail -f /var/log/cloud-init.log?20:43
blackboxsw:) from a fok20:43
blackboxswfork even20:43
anankeblackboxsw: that would work, but I'd have to kill it after cloud-init status --wait exits20:44
anankeotherwise that entire thing would hang and packer would never finish that stage20:45
anankeOn error conditions I can dump the logs to stdout, which for us means packer sends them to gitlab CICD console and we can inspect them that way. However, it would be nice to view them real time, and see what's happening with the system as we wait ~20-30 mins for various cloud-init stages to finish20:48

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