[02:04] how do I install dbg symbols for Qt? tried adding some ddeb.ubuntu.com server but didn't work [02:37] debian changed the file type to some new thing -- dbgsym [02:37] no clue why [02:38] so often you have to search for both names [02:38] :( [02:39] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5049578/stepping-into-qt-sources-in-qt-creator-in-ubuntu-linux has some stuff [02:41] dantti: partway down that page, it sounds like qt has to be recompiled with the -debug switch on [02:42] not optimal [06:47] I think it's ddebs.ubuntu.com, with the 's' at the end [06:51] dantti: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Debug%20Symbol%20Packages === WrathOfA1hilles is now known as WrathOfAchilles [08:54] good morning everybody [08:54] RikMills: hotfixes for kalzium and kitinerary available in kubuntu_groovy_staging [08:55] results of this weekend test rebuild (including these 2 hotfixes): http://tritemio-groomlake.duckdns.org/build-status/buildstatus_ubuntu-exp2/ [09:09] santa_: thanks. will upload later [09:09] ack [10:16] Hi all [11:25] santa_: uploaded [11:30] RikMills: thanks, I didn't add the repo keys, seems apt is more picky at this now [11:38] and sadly my suspicious was right qt_safe_write isn't that safe anymore :( [20:11] good night everybody [20:11] RikMills: thanks for the uploads, some more stuff: [20:12] - hotfix for kdav available in kubuntu_groovy_staging [20:12] - I've just updated the metadata after kdav being in frameworks [20:13] - last weekend I've detected a problem in our HTML status pages [20:14] the thing is, both for tritemio and probably also for ppa-build-status the HTML apparently ends abruptly after libkgeomap [20:14] I already fixed the thing for tritemio and I have here locally a possible fix for ppa-build-status [20:15] so whenever you upload 20.08.1 to any PPA, please give me a ping so I can test my fix and push it to git [20:15] and release KA 2.3-rc2 [20:15] also I'm looking forward to finally fix the iron hand [20:22] santa_: yeah, I hit the libkgeomap thing. I figured it was something like what you say, but was too short of time so just removed it from the ppa I was staging in [20:22] thanks for the rest :) [20:23] no prob [20:24] kdav uploaded