
callmepkgood morning01:24
dufluOops. Morning callmepk. While it still is03:07
callmepkhey duflu , good morning03:21
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:10
Maikgood morning oSoMoN06:10
oSoMoNhey Maik 06:11
dufluHi oSoMoN, Maik 06:28
Maikduflu: hey06:28
oSoMoNhey duflu 06:29
didrocksgood morning06:36
oSoMoNsalut didrocks 06:40
didrockssalut oSoMoN 06:41
dufluMorning didrocks 07:13
didrockshey duflu 07:21
seb128goood morning desktopers07:25
oSoMoNsalut seb128 07:25
seb128lut oSoMoN, ca va ? t'as passé un bon weekend?07:26
didrockssalut seb128, bo. weel-end?07:27
dufluHi seb128 07:27
seb128lut didrocks, en forme ? ça va les travaux ?07:27
seb128didrocks, oui ça va, reparti pour le Nord pour qq jours avant de rentrer pour de bon07:28
seb128hey duflu , how are you? had a good w.e?07:28
didrocksseb128: ça va, on avance petit à petit :)  profitez bien de ces derniers jours !07:28
dufluseb128, I'm alright. Weekend was just housework and home improvement. Also home improvement for other people :P 07:29
dufluHow are you seb128 ?07:29
seb128duflu, I'm fine, slightly blocked my back yesterday though so I hope it's not going to annoy me staying at the computer today07:31
oSoMoNseb128, très bon week-end, merci! j’espère que ton dos va se débloquer vite, c’est très désagréable ça :(07:34
seb128oui, merci :-)07:36
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Trevinhoseb128: oh, what did you do to your back?! Too much kids playing? :)11:30
seb128Trevinho, rather kid carrying around in the arm, but I blocked it putting a suitcase in the car in the morning, I'm getting old, I need to warm up before doing that now!11:31
Trevinhoseb128: ooooh poor seb11:35
hellsworthgood morning desktopers. happy monday :)14:59
oSoMoNhappy Monday hellsworth 15:00
jibelGood morning hellsworth 15:32
hellsworthhi there jibel !15:58
KGB-0orca pristine-tar f0fba98 Samuel Thibault orca_3.36.6.orig.tar.xz.delta orca_3.36.6.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for orca_3.36.6.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/3GQcx16:19
KGB-0orca upstream/stable 814f6cf Joanmarie Diggs README.md configure.ac * Post-release version bump * https://deb.li/lQTy16:19
KGB-0orca upstream/stable 3639a44 Joanmarie Diggs src/orca/sound.py * Add some sanity checks to prevent crashing due to GStreamer failure * https://deb.li/3EzC416:20
KGB-0orca upstream/stable a576d8d Joanmarie Diggs NEWS README.md configure.ac * Release prep * https://deb.li/5EOM16:20
KGB-0orca upstream/stable d924719 Samuel Thibault (82 files in 3 dirs) * New upstream version 3.36.6 * https://deb.li/3XAGj16:20
KGB-0orca tags 58fb718 Samuel Thibault upstream/3.36.6 * Upstream version 3.36.6 * https://deb.li/3TFx16:20
KGB-0gnome-session ubuntu/master b3c7f12 Marco Trevisan * pushed 74 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/3gm2l19:07
KGB-0gnome-session ubuntu/master af6f3c6 Iain Lane (45 files in 6 dirs) * New upstream version 3.37.0 * https://deb.li/iOpGI19:07
KGB-0gnome-session ubuntu/master fff8c04 Iain Lane (45 files in 6 dirs) * Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/3.37.0' * https://deb.li/kR6c19:07
KGB-0gnome-session ubuntu/master 7b60041 Iain Lane debian/changelog * New upstream release * https://deb.li/3Wofy19:07
KGB-0gnome-session ubuntu/master b7a067f Iain Lane debian/ control control.in * control: Bump gtk and gnome-desktop BDs per meson.build * https://deb.li/emtG19:08
KGB-0gnome-session ubuntu/master a24c980 Iain Lane debian/patches/debian/ Make-sure-to-pass-systemd-when-we-re-managing-the-user-se.patch Revert-main-Remove-GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID-envvar.patch * Defuzz patches * https://deb.li/3apBM19:08
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