[18:31] [telegram] @philipz Testing for 20.10 will begin Sep 3 for the Ub. Testing Week, yes? [19:48] it will be a crazy week because Akademy is happening at the same time [19:48] and it is the week for GSoC evaluations [20:18] [telegram] /shrug [20:18] [telegram] That will be fun :/ [20:41] valorie: i am also attending aKademy [20:42] for the first time this year === luna__ is now known as luna_ [20:47] [telegram] /shrug [20:47] [telegram] huh [21:22] luna_: good to hear! [21:22] any talks you find interesting? [21:23] this will be my 5th one I think [21:23] but of course first one virtual [21:33] valorie: haven't had time to check yet [21:34] I think I can get into the implicit bias training before it actually starts [21:34] if the time works out [21:34] I live on the west coast of the US so the German times are sometimes impossible [21:35] I had to find a proxy for the annual meeting of the e.V. because I am not getting up at 3am for that! [21:37] luna_: if you are registered you'll get added to the attendees list, which should have all the info you need [21:38] valorie: i have [21:38] but haven't had much energy to check due to headache and deppresions [21:38] there is also #akademy right here in freenode [21:38] {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{[hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}