[10:18] Hi hows things [10:19] I have US 20.04 running in VBOX in OSX on my macbook Pro.. do I need to create a swap file or swap partition for use with US [11:59] HiDeHo, Sorry I don't know, but I would expect Ubuntu Studio 20.04 to use a swapfile automatically; if you enter `free -h` (-h just as I like human results & not big numbers) do you see values on "Swap:" line? [12:01] I see you got answers now in #ubuntu.. (cross-posting) [12:04] yes it has a swap file but it is too small. trying to make it bigger it does not. then i noticed i dont have read&write access to the virtual hdd for my os. [12:04] i am runjning US as guest os [12:04] its so anmnoyint i think i need a break and try again another time