
=== ilasc changed the topic of #launchpad to: Help contact: ilasc (05:00-14:00 UTC Mon-Fri) | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support and spam reporting: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
LocutusOfBorgwow lots of disabled builders today...07:17
LocutusOfBorgand cleaning/stuck...07:17
iceyheya - what's the process to get a new remote bug tracker added to launchpad?07:28
=== ilasc changed the topic of #launchpad to: Help contact: ilasc - Builders stuck, we're investigating (05:00-14:00 UTC Mon-Fri) | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support and spam reporting: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
=== ilasc changed the topic of #launchpad to: Help contact: ilasc (05:00-14:00 UTC Mon-Fri) | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support and spam reporting: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
ilascLocutusOfBorg: should be fixed now09:23
ilascicey: does this help https://help.launchpad.net/Bugs/InterBugTracking#lp-plugins ?09:23
=== ilasc changed the topic of #launchpad to: Help contact: ilasc - away (lunch) (05:00-14:00 UTC Mon-Fri) | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support and spam reporting: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
iceyilasc: well, it confirms for me that storyboard isn't supported, but doesn't suggest an approach to add that support (eg: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2008116)09:27
cjwatsonicey: One writes a bunch of code; not sure what more to say than that :)09:33
iceycjwatson: any guidance on that? example? wiki page?09:34
iceycjwatson: not sure I'll ever get the time to do it but more and more OpenStack projects are moving their bug tracking from Launchpad to storyboard so it would be quite nice to get that integrated at some point09:35
cjwatsonicey: The existing support is in lib/lp/bugs/externalbugtracker/09:35
Laneywhat does "binaries conflicting with the existing ones" mean when copying? I was trying to demote haveged in groovy and resurrect the previous version but I can't do the copy-back because of that error09:35
Laneymaybe I need to actually remove from groovy-proposed completely09:35
cjwatsonicey: (mostly; there are some bits of bug tracker support elsewhere under lib/lp/bugs/)09:36
iceycjwatson: i'll take a look09:37
cjwatsonLaney: Did you remember --include-binaries?09:37
icey(and try to figure out how to launchpad dev :-P )09:37
Laneycjwatson: yeah09:37
cjwatsonLaney: Deleting won't help09:38
cjwatsonLaney: Did you really mean 1.9.1-6ubuntu1 and not 1.9.8-4ubuntu1?09:40
Laneycjwatson: I did, that's the version that was previously in groovy09:40
Laneywe discovered that 1.9.8 is broken09:40
cjwatsonIt's possible this is one of the cases where there's confusion due to changes in the set of architectures to be published09:42
Laneycjwatson: Oho, --from-suite=focal worked09:45
cjwatsonThat's stranger than I was expecting.  But OK09:48
LaneyI thought that I'd try a suite where the binaries are still published, but I still don't understand what the message means :)09:51
cjwatsonGenerally speaking it means that the copy doesn't include all the architectures for which binaries already exist in that archive, so when you do the copy it would result in creating fresh builds for those architectures which would conflict with the binaries that already exist.  I don't understand why it's saying that in this case though10:01
cjwatsonicey: in practice, were I doing it, I'd start by using one of the more recently-written external bug trackers as an example (github is the most recent IIRC) and go from there.  Hopefully storyboard has some kind of decent API10:03
iceycjwatson: storyboard seems to be 100% fancy modern APi based frontend thingy, so I'm hopeful :-P10:06
Laneyilasc or cjwatson: is https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/4212/+build/19921256 interesting to you or should I just mash the button?10:21
cjwatsonLaney: libreoffice is libreoffice so it may have killed the builder or something (e.g. ENOSPC).  But in such cases, as long as the build farm generally looks operational, there's not much harm in retrying other than using some resources; it won't lose any information that hasn't already been lost10:23
Laneyalright, thanks, I'll bear that in mind10:24
=== ilasc changed the topic of #launchpad to: Help contact: ilasc (05:00-14:00 UTC Mon-Fri) | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support and spam reporting: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
=== ilasc changed the topic of #launchpad to: Help contact: ilasc - EOD (05:00-14:00 UTC Mon-Fri) | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support and spam reporting: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
hellsworthwould it be possible to increase the size of my libreoffice ppa? it's such a monster and it would be ideal if this ppa could hold like 5 different builds: https://launchpad.net/~hellsworth/+archive/ubuntu/libreoffice/+packages14:48
hellsworthI am requesting 50G14:48
cjwatsonhellsworth: could you please request it using the support link in the topic?14:51
hellsworthah perfect thank you14:51
cjwatson50G may be a problem; we have somewhat limited space at the moment and that's a substantial fraction of it14:51
hellsworthtopics are so often ignored..14:51
hellsworthhmm my ppa is currently 10G.. maybe i could get that to 20G then instead of 5014:52
hellsworthbut request link it is14:52
cjwatson50G is about 8% of our remaining space14:52
cjwatsonHopefully that'll be fixed soonish, but for now ...14:52
hellsworthwhen is soonish? :)14:52
cjwatsonOut of our hands, depends on IS14:52
hellswortha week? a month?14:52
cjwatsonI expect we can bump your PPA a bit though14:52
cjwatsonhellsworth: It's https://portal.admin.canonical.com/C126718 if you want a peek at the internet ticket14:54
cjwatson*internal ticket14:54
cjwatson(Some space has been freed so the situation is a bit less dire than indicated in the latest reply to that ticket)14:55
hellsworthcjwatson: ok i posted a question to answers.launchpad.net. thanks14:57
cjwatsonhellsworth: Hm, that PPA seems to be 20G already?  Unless I'm racing with one of my colleagues ...15:09
hellsworthah shoot my bad it is 20G.. can i have just a tad bit more please :)15:09
hellsworthwhat's an extra 10G between friends :)15:10
cjwatsonhellsworth: Bumped to 32G15:10
hellsworththank you so much cjwatson15:10
cjwatsonno trouble15:10
cjwatsonjust wanted to make sure I was looking at the right one :)15:11
hellsworthyou were.. i should have looked rather than going off memory15:12
hellsworthhow long does it take to delete things from a ppa?15:12
hellsworthlast i asked it was 10hr. is that still the case?15:12
cjwatsonit sort of depends what you mean; do you mean for purposes of quota calculation?15:14
cjwatson(deletions from the published archive on disk are much faster than that)15:15
cjwatsonIIRC quota calculation relies on a six-hourly cron job, so it could be anything from minutes to six hours or so depending on where you fall in the cycle15:16
cjwatsonoh for PS5 when we might be able to revamp this ...15:16
hellsworthoh i mean for deleting build artifacts and tarballs from a ppa.. how long until that space is free for me to push new tarballs and launch a new build to use that newly freed space15:17
cjwatsonhellsworth: if memory serves that's the six-hourly cron job15:18
hellsworthokey dokey thanks15:19

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