
ubptgbot<Marathon2422> @jdmark3 [still wont boot], Using Etcher to extract and install may cause it , did you extract before ? If you extract ubports it will become 14.7 g, if you were flashing ubports00:22
ubptgbot<mateosalta> @YougoChats [I tried everything in webapp creator. In the end webber got an update and starte …], nah, i think you will have to edit and delete the field00:41
ubptgbotUzair Mohammed was added by: Uzair Mohammed01:14
ubptgbot<Uzair Mohammed> Hi guys. This might have already been answered, but is there a way to install Ubuntu Touch on a 2012 Nexus 7?01:17
ubptgbot<mateosalta> nope01:46
ubptgbot<mateosalta> There was only developer preview on that01:47
ubptgbot<mateosalta> It didn't even work with mir at that point :)01:47
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> the tablet is already too old and more old it is = harder to maintain01:48
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> plus old kernel = security vulnerabilities01:49
ubptgbot<mateosalta> (Video, 4s) https://irc.ubports.com/gwumQcEq.mp401:52
ubptgbot<mateosalta> Ubuntu touch on nexus 7 2012 ;)01:53
ubptgbot<Condoulo> (Photo, 1280x800) https://irc.ubports.com/1A4jIUrT.png02:24
ubptgbotMarchetto94 was added by: Marchetto9402:32
ubptgbot<mateosalta> pinetab?02:36
ubptgbot<Condoulo> Yup.02:36
ubptgbot<mateosalta> nice :)02:39
ubptgbot<mateosalta> storage is a bug so hold out for the update, or maybe dev soon if you are adventurous02:40
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @mateosalta [<reply to media>], I want the HUD 😁 … funny that I just mentioned in the forums last night about the address bar being at the bottom before and now you showed how it actually looked πŸ˜„02:50
ubptgbotUser Flutter was added by: User Flutter02:58
ubptgbot<Uzair Mohammed> @mateosalta [<reply to media>], Wow how'd you do this?02:59
ubptgbot<Uzair Mohammed> Is this an old video?02:59
ubptgbot<Uzair Mohammed> I'm just looking for a non-Android OS for my grouper. I tried Bodhi Linux a while back, but encountered some problems03:00
ubptgbot<Uzair Mohammed> Also tried Ubuntu Raring Ringtail desktop, but there was a very annoying touch bug03:00
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Very old03:04
ubptgbotDegi1209 was added by: Degi120903:05
ubptgbot<mateosalta> @Uzair Mohammed [Is this an old video?], new vid, old device03:06
ubptgbot<mateosalta> i think it wont exist on any server anymore03:07
ubptgbot<Uzair Mohammed> @mateosalta can you provide me with the Ubuntu Touch image by any chance?03:07
ubptgbot<Uzair Mohammed> Do you have it in your files?03:07
ubptgbot<Uzair Mohammed> I'd love to try it πŸ˜€03:07
ubptgbot<mateosalta> might be able to do a twrp dump03:08
ubptgbot<mateosalta> i will have to try03:08
ubptgbot<mateosalta> it does have the multirom patch03:08
ubptgbot<Uzair Mohammed> That's okay! Thank you so much!03:08
ubptgbot<Uzair Mohammed> I just want something lightweight for my N7 to listen to music and read PDFs03:09
ubptgbot<mateosalta> lol03:09
ubptgbot<mateosalta> it might not be able to do that03:09
ubptgbot<Uzair Mohammed> Wait really?03:12
ubptgbot<Uzair Mohammed> Is it super unstable?03:12
ubptgbot<mateosalta> it was mostly 'preview'03:13
ubptgbot<mateosalta> this build might be a step up from the placeholder version though03:13
ubptgbot<Uzair Mohammed> Oh I see03:14
ubptgbot<mateosalta> still with android surface flinger for the display03:14
ubptgbot<Uzair Mohammed> What's that?03:15
ubptgbot<mateosalta> display server03:17
ubptgbot<mateosalta> aw, it might finally be dead. screen was flickering and wont power on now03:18
ubptgbot<mateosalta> need to charge overnight and see03:19
ubptgbot<Uzair Mohammed> Oh that's okay. If Ubuntu Touch feels like preview, I won't use it. Thanks though!03:35
ubptgbot<Uzair Mohammed> I think I'll flash a Nougat ROM without GApps03:35
ubptgbot<Uzair Mohammed> @mateosalta [aw, it might finally be dead. screen was flickering and wont power on now], Btw, this happened to my N7 too. I charged it overnight and it was back to normal03:43
ubptgbot<Uzair Mohammed> Also, do this: https://youtu.be/y6fTJFnj0Uk03:44
ubptgbot<Uzair Mohammed> [Edit] Also, do this: https://youtu.be/y6fTJFnj0Uk … This greatly improved the charging time of my N7. Now it takes, like, 3 hours for a full charge. I used to take 10+ hours before03:45
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @Uzair Mohammed [Oh that's okay. If Ubuntu Touch feels like preview, I won't use it. Thanks thoug …], Ubuntu Touch isn't like a preview. The video shows a "preview" version of Ubuntu Touch from ~2013 πŸ˜„04:24
ubptgbot<Javacookies> UT looks a lot different than that now04:25
ubptgbot<Uzair Mohammed> Oh lol. I wish I had a 2013 :/05:30
ubptgbot<Uzair Mohammed> UT looks really cool, from the screenshots I've seen05:30
ubptgbot<jmbustillos> ,..   ,,07:24
ubptgbot<jmbustillos> Fwd from Danfro: True. Brand new, fresh from the code brewery. 🍺07:24
ubptgbot<jmbustillos> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/PiFxl1Wm.mp407:28
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @jmbustillos [,..   ,,], Back pocket, JosΓ©08:56
ubptgbot<Stereofont> You are sending sound messages by accident 😁08:59
ubptgbotPenny Edwards was added by: Penny Edwards10:26
ubptgbot<livrecinq> Hi ! I'm not sure OTA-13 stable has been released for my bq M10FHD. Can anyone confirm ?10:52
ubptgbot<mimecar> Is not released10:54
ubptgbot<livrecinq> @mimecar [Is not released], Thx !10:56
ubptgbot<Gabriele> Hey need an advice. I am looking for very cheap way to try again ut. What is  (love 🀣) best way,  An aquaris e4.5 pretty cheap on ebay, or Nexus 5? And for features such anbox or libertine are supported?11:10
ubptgbot<Gabriele> ThxπŸ˜ŠπŸ‘11:10
ubptgbot<JawaScript> OPO11:13
ubptgbot<Hannah122> @mateosalta [Ubuntu touch on nexus 7 2012 ;)], There is a wip port lmao11:23
ubptgbot<Hannah122> @Gabriele [Hey need an advice. I am looking for very cheap way to try again ut. What is  (l …], Nexus 511:24
ubptgbot<Hannah122> Or OnePlus One11:24
ubptgbot<Gabriele> Thank you opo is pretty rare here in italy11:33
ubptgbot<Gabriele> 😞11:33
ubptgbot<Steve Kueffer> Vollaphone11:42
ubptgbot<gischpelino> cheap?11:49
ubptgbot<Flohack> @Gabriele [Hey need an advice. I am looking for very cheap way to try again ut. What is  (l …], A device with less than 2GB of RAm will have a hrd time with Anbox or libertine, just saying11:59
ubptgbot<Flohack> @Gabriele [Hey need an advice. I am looking for very cheap way to try again ut. What is  (l …], [Edit] A device with less than 2GB of RAM will have a hard time with Anbox or libertine, just saying11:59
ubptgbot<Steve Kueffer> @gischpelino [cheap?], https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/volla-phone-free-your-mind-protect-your-privacy#/12:39
ubptgbot<Javacookies> my teleports suddenly stops loading chats even after clearing cache ☹15:03
ubptgbotnauj27 was added by: nauj2715:37
ubptgbot<nauj27> hello everybody, I just installed Ubuntu Touch on my Oneplus One πŸ€—15:39
ubptgbot<Hannah122> @nauj27 [hello everybody, I just installed Ubuntu Touch on my Oneplus One πŸ€—], Yay!15:47
ubptgbot<Hannah122> How is it15:47
ubptgbot<Hannah122> @Javacookies [my teleports suddenly stops loading chats even after clearing cache ☹], For me it's a ram issue xD15:47
ubptgbot<nauj27> @Hannah122 [How is it], Too soon to tell anything πŸ˜… … For now it seems promising16:07
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @Gabriele [Hey need an advice. I am looking for very cheap way to try again ut. What is  (l …], The absolute cheapest might be a Nexus 7 but it will be a fairly trashy experience. If you are not desperate financially, see if you can get an untidy example of one of the supported Xperia devices. Or if in Spain, look for a Uplus16:34
ubptgbot<Stereofont> OPO and Nexus 5 were good in their day but honestly it is time to move on16:38
jdmarkdongle works16:42
jdmarkwith pinephone postmarketos edition16:42
ubptgbot<dohbee> ok16:42
ubptgbot<VerenaFrey> Hello :) Can someone help me with a gps problem? I have a Meizu MX4 Ubuntu Edition with Ubuntu 16.04 (OTA-12) installed and it seems to be impossible for any navigation app to get my position. The symptoms are as follows: I installed pure maps, gave it the permission to access my position but the app never found it (loading forever). I16:56
ubptgbot installed unav, I never even got a dialogue that asked me for permission to access my position. I opened Openstreetmap on the browser, gave it permission to access my position, but receveived an error message. Does anyone have an idea what I might be the problem?16:56
ubptgbot<lduboeuf> could also be a hardware issue ?17:15
ubptgbot<lduboeuf> i have the same pb on N517:15
ubptgbot<Sharon Cole> (Photo, 500x745) https://irc.ubports.com/EOHWKQhq.png17:25
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @VerenaFrey [Hello :) Can someone help me with a gps problem? I have a Meizu MX4 Ubuntu Editi …], it is strongly advised to go somewhere without a roof for at least the first fix. Othwrwise, it might really take forever to get your location17:26
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> GPS stopped working on my N5 like 6 months ago approx17:26
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> it may be a hardware issue who knows17:26
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> it's an old device17:27
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @Hannah122 [For me it's a ram issue xD], not in my case, my phone has 3Gb πŸ˜‰ … and it still not working even after rebooting and clearing app data/cache and relogging in....my account is working on the webapp and android app though....17:27
ubptgbot<Hannah122> @Javacookies [not in my case, my phone has 3Gb πŸ˜‰ … and it still not working even after rebootin …], Oof17:29
ubptgbot<Hannah122> Delete every reference to it in home after uninstall17:30
ubptgbot<Javacookies> yeah, I deleted data, config and cache … well, I haven't tried uninstallin actually πŸ˜„17:40
ubptgbot<Javacookies> okay I tried the combination of data deletion, uninstall and reboot but still the same issue...what the hell happened to my teleports? πŸ˜„18:02
ubptgbot<dikelito> @Javacookies [okay I tried the combination of data deletion, uninstall and reboot but still th …], I had the same problem a week ago and it magically fixed itself two days ago πŸ˜‚18:06
ubptgbot<VerenaFrey> @Javacookies [it is strongly advised to go somewhere without a roof for at least the first fix …], I went outdoors and actually rode around in a car in order to get the position. Didn't work. I'm also assuming it might be a hardware issue, because the phone is old, indeed. Is there any way to check this?18:28
ubptgbot<VerenaFrey> What can I do to figure out if my hardware is working correctly? Could I use something like fwts on the phone?18:30
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @VerenaFrey [What can I do to figure out if my hardware is working correctly? Could I use som …], I think the best way to really test it is to leave it out in the open for at least 30 minutes and see if it gets a fix18:41
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @dikelito [I had the same problem a week ago and it magically fixed itself two days ago πŸ˜‚], okay then I'll wait for it to be fixed by itself. For now I'll use the webpp πŸ˜„18:41
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> I'm ready for the q&a to begin19:02
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> you may proceed19:02
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> @UniversalSuperBox yes you're live19:04
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> @UniversalSuperBox levels look good19:05
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> actually they sound good19:05
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> or they did until youtube break on me19:06
ubptgbot<Flohack> @DiogoConstantino [I'm ready for the q&a to begin], should we post the link here once more?19:14
ubptgbot<Flohack> We totally forgot I would says xD19:14
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMKXZQGSUJc19:15
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> I already retweeted it19:15
ubptgbot<Flohack> kk thx19:17
ubptgbot<dohbee> i don't believe it19:22
ubptgbot<dohbee> Qt difference is probably less of a problem than libstdc++ changes19:23
ubptgbotTim F was added by: Tim F19:24
ubptgbot<Tim F> Hi there.  β€¦ I have the Nexus5 and did not receive the OTA-13 on the device yet.  β€¦ Is that planned or do I have to do anything specific to make it come ... ? … Sorry for rookie question ;)19:32
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Tim F [Hi there.  β€¦ I have the Nexus5 and did not receive the OTA-13 on the device yet. …], it is not released yet19:32
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> @UniversalSuperBox streaming is woring19:33
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> [Edit] @UniversalSuperBox streaming is working19:33
ubptgbot<dohbee> i guess making it a click is only a small part of the issue with godot @UniversalSuperBox :)19:34
ubptgbot<Tim F> @dohbee [it is not released yet], So this is not the date for the stable version or is just not been corrected once more?  β€¦ https://forums.ubports.com/topic/4822/ota-13-call-for-testing19:35
ubptgbot<Tim F> @dohbee [it is not released yet], [Edit] So this here is not the date for the stable version or is just not been corrected once more on the page?  β€¦ https://forums.ubports.com/topic/4822/ota-13-call-for-testing19:36
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Tim F [So this here is not the date for the stable version or is just not been correcte …], there were a couple of critical issues which caused delays https://forums.ubports.com/topic/4822/ota-13-call-for-testing/4219:36
ubptgbot<dohbee> so it will go to stable channel next Wednesday if no other critical issues come up19:36
ubptgbot<Tim F> Thanks for the answers!19:37
ubptgbot<Tim F> @dohbee [it is not released yet], [Edit] So this here is not the date for the stable version or is just not been corrected once more on this page?  β€¦ https://forums.ubports.com/topic/4822/ota-13-call-for-testing19:38
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> @mariogrip files on Lukasz are on the cave, they take too much space...19:49
ubptgbot<Uzair Mohammed> @Hannah122 [There is a wip port lmao], Where can I find it? I'd love to test it out19:55
ubptgbot<dohbee> i don't think there is one that boots19:56
ubptgbot<dohbee> i just want my pixel to power on20:04
ubptgbot<Tim F> Another question: … The pinetab is "out of stock" now for a while.  β€¦ Do you know when the next batch will go out?  β€¦ As a not so techy (end)user will that be the time to buy or is it better to wait a bit longer?  β€¦ And: Is the software side for the radio (=telefon)use of the as far as for the pinephone?20:05
ubptgbot<Tim F> [Edit] Another question: … The pinetab is "out of stock" now for a while.  β€¦ Do you know when the next batch will go out?  β€¦ As a not so techy (end)user will that be the time to buy or is it better to wait a bit longer?  β€¦ And: Is the software side for the radio (=telefon) use of the as far as for the pinephone?20:05
ubptgbot<Tim F> [Edit] Another question: … The pinetab is "out of stock" now for a while.  β€¦ Do you know when the next batch will go out?  β€¦ As a not so techy (end)user will that be the time to buy or is it better to wait a bit longer?  β€¦ And: Is the software side for the radio (=telefon) use of the tab as far as for the pinephone?20:06
ubptgbot<Tim F> Yes, some bigger problems with the "Ubuntu Touch Q&A 84" today ...20:07
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Tim F [Yes, some bigger problems with the "Ubuntu Touch Q&A 84" today ...], i think those problems are with youtube. it's been fine for me20:08
ubptgbot<dohbee> moonshine is exciting @mariogrip20:08
ubptgbot<dohbee> (and tasty if done right)20:08
ubptgbot<dohbee> have a lot of fun!20:10
ubptgbot<dohbee> SUSE Touch when?20:10
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> Void Touch20:11
ubptgbot<mariogrip> we will be over at for a while https://whereby.com/ubports-chat20:11
ubptgbot<mariogrip> @dohbee [SUSE Touch when?], i do remember seeing someone trying a while back20:11
ubptgbot<dohbee> @mariogrip [i do remember seeing someone trying a while back], sure, i think abhishek started something in obs; but @UniversalSuperBox saying "i had a lot of fun" made me think of the old SUSE thing20:12
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> I don't know what you're talking about, but I do like enjoying myself during the show20:13
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> And that's been severely lacking recently20:13
ubptgbot<dohbee> @UniversalSuperBox [I don't know what you're talking about, but I do like enjoying myself during the …], SUSE has the default motd say "Have a lot of fun!" though it's translated from a German message that is more like a sarcastic sort of tone, iirc.20:15
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> aha20:16
ubptgbot<dohbee> iirc the original was something like viel Spaß20:17
ubptgbot<Hannah122> Lmao21:15
ubptgbot<Hannah122> Language is weird21:15
ubptgbot<Christopher> has anyone here flashed ubports to pinephone emmc succesfully?22:49
ubptgbot<Christopher> I was able to flash arch linux there and have tried ubports a few times but haven't succeeded yet22:50
ubptgbot<Christopher> and I wonder what I'm doing wrong22:50
ubptgbot<Christopher> after the image is flashed to the drive, gnome-disk-utility shows several partitions there and I wonder if that is normal22:54
ubptgbot<Hannah122> @Christopher [after the image is flashed to the drive, gnome-disk-utility shows several partit …], Yes22:55
ubptgbot<Christopher> @Hannah122 thanks22:57
ubptgbot<Christopher> one of the partitions was about ~9GB and I assumed I should resize that partition to fill the remainder of the space22:58
ubptgbot<Hannah122> Leave22:59
ubptgbot<Christopher> but gnome-disk-utility encountered an error when trying to resize that... leave the space you say?22:59
ubptgbot<Christopher> or leave this channel? lol22:59
ubptgbot<Hannah122> Yeah just leave the flashed image22:59
ubptgbot<Hannah122> Stay here22:59
ubptgbot<Christopher> ok22:59
ubptgbot<Christopher> I will try again22:59
ubptgbot<Christopher> here it goes finger crossed23:00
ubptgbot<Christopher> I like reading comments from @dohbee and applee (who doesn't seem to have a presence here in this telegram channel) They are effective at explaining the benefits of ubports over other systems23:03
ubptgbot<Christopher> explaining the benefits of the image-based updates and the read-only parts of the system23:03
ubptgbot<Christopher> arch linux and gnome do not have a file browser can view files in the phone very well23:07
ubptgbot<Christopher> it worked this time :)23:26
ubptgbot<Christopher> thank you @Hannah12223:26
ubptgbot<Christopher> oh wow it works so well23:30

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