
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <therealriganb> Is there anything recommended to do, like customisations settings or installation stuff after installing Ubuntu?09:42
lotuspsychje@therealriganb: i always: sudo apt install preload haveged vlc qbittorrent stacer gnome-tweaks dconf-editor hexchat09:52
guiverc@therealriganb, try a search engine and look for 'things to do after installing ubuntu' ; you'll find loads of lists.. look for common programs mentioned in a number of them09:54
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <therealriganb> what's hexchat haveged stacer and dconf editor (re @ubuntutesting_bot: [irc] <lotuspsychje> @therealriganb: i always: sudo apt install preload haveged vlc qbittorrent stacer gnome-tweaks dconf-editor hexchat)10:05
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <therealriganb> alrightyy I will (re @ubuntutesting_bot: [irc] <guiverc> @therealriganb, try a search engine and look for 'things to do after installing ubuntu' ; you'll find loads of lists.. look for common programs mentioned in a number of them)10:05
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <therealriganb> how are you texting tho? this irc thing?10:06
guivercI'm on IRC yes; telegram sitting idle in another workspace10:07
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <therealriganb> can you guide me a bit on using it? (re @ubuntutesting_bot: [irc] <guiverc> I'm on IRC yes; telegram sitting idle in another workspace)10:08
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <therealriganb> telegram consumes a lot of RAM on Pop OS, based on ubuntu itself10:08
lotuspsychje@therealrigand: the ubuntu channels are limited to support ubuntu and its derivatives, popOs has their own support12:50
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