
fricklerdisable ipv6 by default? are we back in 1998?06:45
shurdeekI am trying do a PXE+nfs boot of the cloud images. The problem is, the official cloud images don't have the network driver for all the hardware I need. I'm trying to find a way to solve this.09:00
shurdeekI've spent hours now trying to find out how to build a custom cloud image. Unfortunately I am having problems finding the introductory level documentation. I found out that it probably is done by using live-build. However, I can't find out how to tell live-build to use the cloud-image seed. It always uses the livecd-rootfs seed.09:02
shurdeekI'd be grateful for documentation on how to do this09:03
shurdeekor what alternative way of getting the rtl8169 driver into the cloud image09:07
mwhudsonshurdeek: um cloud images are built for vms really10:28
mwhudsonwhat are you trying to achieve?10:28
RoyKmwhudson: using cloud images on physical machines, perhaps? ;)10:55
mwhudsonwell yes but why10:56
RoyKno idea whatsoever10:56
shurdeekmwhudson: I don't necessarily need to use the cloud images on bare metal. I mainly want to use a combination of booting through PXE, mounting rootfs over NFS (or as squashfs image in ram), and cloud-init to customise the system.11:05
shurdeekI could use something like maas, but that looks like a total overkill for me, and I would have to redesign the network11:06
mwhudsonshurdeek: hmm11:07
shurdeekif a different image is more suitable then that's ok too11:07
shurdeekor if there is a scrip to build my own image11:07
mwhudsonhmm, download a squashfs, unpack it, chroot in, install packages, repack it11:08
mwhudsonlivecd-rootfs (the thing that makes the images) is a bit difficult to operate, sadly11:08
RoyKshurdeek: just use a normal image - should work11:09
shurdeekwhich image do you recommend for a light server, that supports NFS root and could-init11:09
RoyKjust use the normal server image11:10
RoyKit's light enough11:10
shurdeekok I'll see if it supports what I need11:11
RoyKit quite probably will11:11
shurdeekand how do I build my own one if I want the latest packages?11:11
RoyKjust upgrade later with unattended-upgrades etc11:12
RoyKor just use ansible to do a full upgrade11:12
RoyKor whatever floats your ship11:13
shurdeekok i'll try11:13
shurdeekwell, I managed to boot the server image (18.04.5) with nfs root. Unfortunately, it runs the installer rather than a normal startup, and it doesn't seem to execute cloud-init12:01
shurdeekmaybe I'm missing some boot parameters?12:01
RoyKsorry - never tried this. I've nfs booted things earlier, but not with the installer, just a normal installation and then added some hooks to change things like ssh keys and ip address (if that's set statically). Perhaps this will help? https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/install/autoinstall-quickstart12:05
shurdeekRoyK: it looks like that could help, there are some argumens there that I haven't tried12:07
RoyKgood luck :)12:20
shurdeekwell, it doesn't seem to work on 18.04 but better on 20.04. The cloud-init executes on 20.04, but it still boots into the installer12:20
bnasonYea, they apparently released a 1.19.2-00 last night, and trying to force install 1.19.1-00 causes a crash12:59
bnasonAnd I still can't get it to create the default user for me any more since moving from http to floppy. Here is my current user-data file: https://gist.github.com/bnason/3e268a73adb1d330cb575e7084b1908013:16
bnasonI might just have to switch back to 18.0413:17
ahasenackbnason: you may get more specific help in the cloud-init channel13:19
ahasenackoh, sorry, it's about unattended install13:19
ahasenackthere is a forum thread I think about it, have you tried posting there?13:20
ahasenackthe main developer of this is on the other side of the globe13:20
ahasenacki.e, asleep now13:20
bnasonThis one? https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/please-test-autoinstalls-for-20-04/1525013:23
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bnasonUnfortunately, looks like that topic is kinda dead.15:10
ahasenackif you post, it will go back to the top15:12
rapidwaveMysql cannot connect to /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock15:34
rapidwaveSays it doesn't exist15:35
compdocrapidwave, might want to look thru the many config files in /etc/mysql and see if the location is set somewhere else, or use locate to search for mysqld.sock15:37
rapidwavelocate didn't return any results15:38
compdocor read the log files to find why mysql isnt starting15:38
rapidwaveWell...hmm. I try using mysql and it says access denied15:40
rapidwaveI cannot seem to use mysqld_safe because socket doesn't exist15:41
compdocdoes this show anything:  service mysqld status15:41
rapidwaveCould not be found15:41
fridtjof[m]Isn't it just mysql?15:42
compdochow about the command:  dpkg --get-selections | grep mysql15:43
compdocshows the same on mine: service mysql status15:43
compdocI think 5.7 is corrent for 18.0415:50
rapidwaveI'll remove 8.0 and install 5.715:52
rapidwaveWait..I'm using 20.04...15:53
compdochow did you install it?15:57
compdocmy systems are still on 18.04. waiting for them to release the new one for upgrades15:58
teward20.04 sounds about right if using 8.0 I think?15:58
rapidwaveI think I'll purge mysql and reinstall15:59
compdoclet apt install for you16:00
rapidwaveI am16:04
=== albech1 is now known as albech
bnasonI'm wondering if the CIDATA floppy still being attached when the VM restarts after the installation is causing this issue. The exact same file works if I use HTTP but not from the floppy. Does anyone know how to disable cloud-init during the autoinstall? `touch /target/etc/cloud/cloud-init.disabled` is what I'm trying right now but no idea if thats enough16:51
bnasonWell I also added "cloud-init=disabled" to the kernel so it's not looking like that is the problems17:09
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