
ubptgbot<Mirek190> Hi  … Is any port Ubuntu touch on x86 ?00:44
ubptgbot<mateosalta> i386 or arm6400:48
ubptgbot<mateosalta> [Edit] i386 or amd6400:48
ubptgbot<Jackie_0> who build luneos before?00:49
ubptgbot<Jackie_0> is the proccess like ubuntu touch00:50
ubptgbot<Jackie_0> I find it is less info than ubuntu touch00:50
ubptgbot<dohbee> i think it's a bit different, but this isn't the place to ask about how to build luneos :)01:03
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @joeth [I don't think WhatsApp requires drive, but just uses it for extra functionality], but that functionality will break and whatsapp does force its users to set a backup option01:17
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @LGeek [I can confirn that, i use whatsapp in an AOSP phone, without Gapps and i can use …], good to know01:18
ubptgbot<MrTiagoRSouza> @UniversalSuperBox [http://www.total-knowledge.com/~ilya/mips/ugt.html … :D], Hahahaha great idea01:25
ubptgbot<Mirek190> @mateosalta [i386 or amd64], Amd6401:43
ubptgbot<mateosalta> there are some ways to try01:44
ubptgbot<Mirek190> @dohbee [i think it's a bit different, but this isn't the place to ask about how to build …], Where to ask ? … 😅01:45
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> the porting group?01:45
ubptgbot<mateosalta> nah01:45
ubptgbot<mateosalta> it's easier on desktops then porting01:46
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> surely luneos has their channe— eh?01:46
ubptgbot<Mirek190> Can I get a link ?01:47
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> not in this group :p01:47
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> way off topic01:47
ubptgbot<mateosalta> @Fuseteam [not in this group :p], I think you meant to talk to the other guy01:47
ubptgbot<mateosalta> this isn't the person talking about lune :)01:48
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> ohw the amd64 thing01:48
ubptgbot<dohbee> They use irc I think01:48
ubptgbot<mateosalta> I was searching for that test iso that was floating around01:48
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> oops crossed streams01:48
ubptgbot<Mirek190> So still need a channel 😅01:48
ubptgbot<mateosalta> anyone remember where that was01:48
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> the lomiri iso?01:49
ubptgbot<dohbee> Oh yeah, you replied wrongly to me01:49
ubptgbot<mateosalta> @Fuseteam [the lomiri iso?], yeah01:49
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Fuseteam [the lomiri iso?], No, utqemu, unless talking about x86 phone01:49
ubptgbot<Mirek190> Lomiri is a x86 Ubuntu touch ?01:49
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> i think i got it lemme fetch it01:49
ubptgbot<mateosalta> I have a old laptop with the i386 image from canonical ;P01:50
ubptgbot<Mirek190> Somewhere I can find that ISO?01:50
ubptgbot<mateosalta> but that is diffrent01:50
ubptgbot<mateosalta> and would be long broken01:51
adisbladisMirek190: Lomiri is the DE01:51
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> (Photo, 799x598) https://irc.ubports.com/bE6fDbfW.png An experimental Ubuntu 18.04 ISO with Lomiri is now available at https://mega.nz/folder/XVZCRQrR#ISFdufta_3ZbacJahEzzFA … You can grab a torrent copy here: https://k-jtan.ca/torrents/distributions/ubuntu-unity/ … It isn't installable, but is a LiveCD for testing purposes. Please note01:51
ubptgbotthat it is extremely experimental and not stable at all at the moment and most of the apps crash. Lomiri looks awesome! … Here's a demo of the experimental build: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcRsluQRZpg&feature=youtu.be01:51
ubptgbot<Mirek190> Dead ?01:51
ubptgbot<mateosalta> ah that is the new one I saw :)01:51
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> grr the forwar4 didn't go brb01:51
ubptgbot<mateosalta> that would be your best hope for something worth testing i think01:52
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> oh it did go01:52
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> it's from the ubuntu unity community01:53
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> [Edit] grr the forward didn't go brb01:53
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @Mirek190 [Dead ?], what's dead?01:54
ubptgbot<Mirek190> @Fuseteam [<reply to media>], Thanks 😊 … I will be testing it01:55
ubptgbot<mateosalta> @Fuseteam [what's dead?], the i386 build :)01:55
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> ah lol i see01:55
ubptgbot<mateosalta> also there was a arch image with lomiri around01:56
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @Mirek190 [Thanks 😊 … I will be testing it], your welcome, its just the de but its an start01:56
ubptgbot<Mirek190> @adisbladis [Mirek190: Lomiri is the DE], He said DE  … I assumed that is dead 😅01:56
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> ah 5o de stands for desktop enviroment01:56
ubptgbot<Mirek190> Lol 🤣01:56
ubptgbot<mateosalta> :)01:56
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> [Edit] ah no, de stands for desktop enviroment01:56
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> i'm not well versed enough to say what the difference is between that iso and ut01:58
ubptgbot<Mirek190> Thanks again ... … Tomorrow let you know how works that for me .01:58
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> but i reckon they'll share the same issue on x8601:58
ubptgbot<Mirek190> You're from UK ?01:59
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> [Edit] but i reckon they'll share the same issues on x8601:59
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> i'm not no 😋01:59
ubptgbot<Mirek190> You're using reckon word :)01:59
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> i use many words including ya, y'all, reckon, tis, twas xD02:00
adisbladisMirek190: Which device are you looking to instal it on?02:00
ubptgbot<Mirek190> On the tablet02:00
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> an x86 tablet?02:01
ubptgbot<mateosalta> that sounds fun02:01
adisbladisI have a hunch which tablet it is (I recognise your nick from a tablet forum)02:01
ubptgbot<Mirek190> celeron n400002:01
adisbladisIs it the x98?02:01
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> oh my02:01
ubptgbot<mateosalta> oh...02:01
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> 👀02:01
ubptgbot<Mirek190> my nick ?02:02
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> nickname02:02
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> or display name02:02
adisbladisMirek190: This thread https://techtablets.com/forum/topic/x98_pro_android_5-1_mirek190_v1-0-rom/02:02
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> or handle02:02
ubptgbot<Mirek190> Some recognise me ...😅02:02
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> haha02:03
adisbladisI've been running !android on that tablet for years02:03
ubptgbot<Mirek190> Old times 😂02:03
adisbladisBut it's a PITA to get anything installed on it as a mainline kernel can't switch the OTG port mode02:03
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> tis a small world02:03
ubptgbot<Mirek190> I'm honoured 😁02:03
ubptgbot<Mirek190> Small indeed02:03
adisbladisSo you get a mainline kernel booted, but once your kernel is up and running it can't read anything off the usb port because it's in charging mode02:04
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> this is starting to become port-ish02:04
adisbladisI ended up opening it up and finding a second USB port on the motherboard02:05
adisbladisSoldered some wires to it and booted off of that02:05
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> but i have no idea what the irc side channel is for @ubports_porting02:05
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> [Edit] but i have no idea what the irc channel is for @ubports_porting02:05
adisbladisMirek190: https://i.imgur.com/NmRfL2O.jpg https://i.imgur.com/jtG4msl.jpg02:06
ubptgbot<Mirek190> I still have somewhere x98 pro ...02:07
ubptgbot<Mirek190> 😅02:07
ubptgbot<Mirek190> Ok going sleep ... … Goodnight.02:10
ubptgbot<Mirek190> Tomorrow let you know how Ubuntu touch works02:10
ubptgbot<mateosalta> good luck, share progress. we could use more desktop testing02:11
ubptgbot<mateosalta> [Edit] good luck, share progress. we could use more desktop testing (well on that arch anyway :)02:11
ubptgbot<Tech_Mahn> hey everyone, whats going on?  anyone want to help me port this to a Moto G6 Ali?  I have no idea what i'm doing and I'm lost just reading the documentation on creating a Table to track the work02:20
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> the device owners are in the best position to port02:30
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> that said if you have specific questions you can always ask in the @halium group02:31
ubptgbotIvan_boginski was added by: Ivan_boginski03:20
ubptgbot<Tech_Mahn> there's another group for halium?05:16
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> @Tech_Mahn [there's another group for halium?], Yup, @halium05:40
ubptgbot<Tech_Mahn> I found it, I didn't say anything yet. i'm scared05:41
ubptgbot<NotKit> @Fuseteam https://github.com/ubports/utqemu06:09
ubptgbot<NotKit> or on systems without snaps but with recent QEMU like Arch: … https://ci.ubports.com/job/rootfs/job/rootfs-generic-amd64/ -  download ubuntu-touch-mainline-generic-amd64.img.xz and unpack it, then … ```qemu-system-x86_64 -hda ubuntu-touch-mainline-generic-amd64.img -vga virtio -display gtk,gl=on -m 2G -enable-kvm```06:10
ubptgbot<KrisJacewicz> 連師父傳統整復推拿所 新竹分店 振興堂國術館 … No. 314號, Section 4, Zhonghua Road, Xiangshan District, Hsinchu City, 300 … 0915 006 116 … https://maps.app.goo.gl/WYodD8zsRCoALNbu606:26
ubptgbot<Tech_Mahn> Arch comes with QEMU?06:47
ubptgbot<ScardracS> @Tech_Mahn [Arch comes with QEMU?], You can install it06:49
ubptgbot<Tech_Mahn> I couldn't get it up and runnning on Fedora06:50
ubptgbot<ScardracS> @Tech_Mahn [I couldn't get it up and runnning on Fedora], Which version of fedora do you use?06:51
ubptgbot<ScardracS> Because IIRC it's not available for beta/alpha versions (like 33 and 34)06:51
ubptgbot<ScardracS> From qemu.org # dnf install @virtualization06:53
ubptgbot<Tech_Mahn> @ScardracS [Which version of fedora do you use?], 3207:15
ubptgbot<ScardracS> @Tech_Mahn [32], It should be the command I posted above07:15
ubptgbot<shinyhairsmylifeambition> Is there an issue or site where I can follow the development of energy management - especially for the Pinephone?07:51
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> On the official website it says that UT installer can't be used with One Plus 6T. How else I can install it ? Through TWRP ?08:18
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> I'm happy to provide the config file necessary to enable the phone in the installer but first I'd like to know from someone who's got One Plus 6T with UT how he installed the system on the phone.08:27
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> What does it mean "Requires gst-droid" ? Is it some droid from Star Wars ?08:31
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> [Edit] What does it mean "Requires gst-droid" ? Is it some droid from Star Wars ? Do I need to get in touch with Obiwan Kenobi ?08:32
ubptgbot<Flohack> @coding_hedgehog [What does it mean "Requires gst-droid" ? Is it some droid from Star Wars ? Do I …], Yes08:40
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> @Flohack [Yes], :D08:40
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> @Flohack [Yes], Sorry I know I'm being ignorant. I learn something every day.08:41
ubptgbot<fredldotme> If it's not in the installer it's probably using halium-install: https://forums.ubports.com/topic/4578/oneplus-6-t-port08:41
ubptgbot<Flohack> @coding_hedgehog [On the official website it says that UT installer can't be used with One Plus 6T …], Bringing a device into the intaller is quite a work sometimes. I am trying this for N6P now for some weeks. I am close, though I have issues rebooting into recovery correctly, also the installer had to be modified. We are also learning s08:43
ubptgbotmth new everyday08:43
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> @Flohack [Bringing a device into the intaller is quite a work sometimes. I am trying this …], OK I'm getting the phone so the community has a config file. The phone is beautiful and it would be even more beautiful with UT.08:49
ubptgbot<Anon211> @Sanath [I saw another interesting article: There is a port of Ubuntu touch available for …], Yeah my smartphone doesn't support Ubuntu touch that's the problem so I was finding ways to contribute in this manner  … I might able to run in virtualized environment let's see anyway … Thanks for the help ✌️08:52
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> What makes me mad is that phones such as Meizu Pro 5 isn't on stock anywhere. In new condition. Such a great phone but you can't get it because masses are buying Samsung, Huawai, iPhone, etc ...  Masses don't buy Meizu hence retailers don't bother to stock it.09:03
adisbladiscoding_hedgehog: There is at least one on ebay at the moment09:10
adisbladisAnd I completely get masses not buying it. The stock Android experience was _terrible_.09:11
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> @adisbladis [And I completely get masses not buying it. The stock Android experience was _ter …], With Flyme OS on it who can blame them right.09:18
adisbladisAvoid success at all costs09:30
ubptgbot<Shaun Tsai> How right?10:25
ubptgbot<NotKit> @coding_hedgehog [What makes me mad is that phones such as Meizu Pro 5 isn't on stock anywhere. In …], its production has stopped a long time ago, so I don't see anything surprising10:28
ubptgbot<NotKit> this is more a general problem that lifecycle of each particular Android device model is rather short10:28
adisbladisYou can also find them quite cheap on Taobao10:39
adisbladisSpeaking of the Pro5, has anyone had success using the hifi dac?10:41
adisbladisI can use it as a raw alsa device with mpv, but not with pulseaudio10:41
ubptgbot<DearerMetal> Fwd from DearerMetal: Hello10:45
ubptgbot<DearerMetal> Fwd from DearerMetal: I have the .zip file and TWRP already installed10:45
ubptgbot<DearerMetal> Fwd from DearerMetal: How should I procede now?10:45
ubptgbot<DearerMetal> Fwd from DearerMetal: Can I flash through Odin and then flash Ubuntu?10:45
ubptgbot<DearerMetal> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/0j9BLQAN.jpeg10:45
ubptgbot<DearerMetal> I wrote in halium group but I'm gona delete bcs I think its wrong for this )10:46
ubptgbot<NotKit> no, please keep it there or in Porting group10:46
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @NotKit [@Fuseteam https://github.com/ubports/utqemu], huhmmmmm11:07
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> @adisbladis [You can also find them quite cheap on Taobao], Found it. Nice. Picking up Chinese at the same time.11:35
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> wasn't there a feature request for handwriting recognition on ut?11:42
ubptgbot<dokie80> (Video, 2s) https://irc.ubports.com/R6i4TZaV.mp411:46
ubptgbot<dokie80> Anyone know how to make it stable... It's fine on TV tho.. … This is LCD monitor11:46
ubptgbot<Javacookies> it could really be finicky and I think it depends on HDMI cable, slimport, monitor/TV and especially the micro-USB port. … I've had experience where it is stable enough to use for a few minutes or even hours but many times it'll stop working after some time or work but blinks from time to time or worse, don't work at all.11:55
ubptgbot<Javacookies> So the best case I think is if you use a shorter HDMI cable, a smaller monitor and with external power connected.11:56
ubptgbot<alexmigf> Ubports still uses ubuntu name and logo, it is required somehow (license or something)?12:11
ubptgbot<alexmigf> Just curiosity12:12
ubptgbot<RAJVMEHTA> it  seems more like ubuntu, then ubport12:13
ubptgbot<joeth> @alexmigf [Ubports still uses ubuntu name and logo, it is required somehow (license or some …], they probably have special permission from canonical12:13
ubptgbot<joeth> i'm sure canonical wouldn't deny them permission12:14
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> ubports has an agreement with canonical to use the ubuntu name12:14
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> [Edit] ubports has an agreement with canonical to use the ubuntu name yes12:14
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> this doesn't extend to device manufacturer's working with them however12:15
ubptgbot<RAJVMEHTA> well i have vu andrroid tv using android os..is ubport planning for tv os?12:15
ubptgbot<dohbee> No12:15
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> plasma bigscreen might be useful for that12:16
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> yes that's not a typo for "big screen plasma" that's the actual name12:16
ubptgbotAchim ES was added by: Achim ES12:17
ubptgbot<dokie80> @Javacookies [So the best case I think is if you use a shorter HDMI cable, a smaller monitor a …], I did use shorter Hdmi (0.5m), now it works (on TV, but not on monitor) … At least now I know the slimport is working. … Strange to see its working on bigger screen (TV 40".. Monitor 22")12:17
ubptgbot<Javacookies> I can't really figure out the combination that works honestly😅 you just gotta have to try out different things … sometimes which ever you plug in last may matter too 😄12:19
ubptgbot<dokie80> (Photo, 719x396) https://irc.ubports.com/hHi0KLy1.png Cool 😁12:20
ubptgbot<Javacookies> is that a spare device? can you try the edge channel? … I've been trying to but my slimport stopped working...I don't know why...it's my nth slimport adapter 😄12:41
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> lol kugi be like: oooh you got working, let's introduce it to the dragons12:53
ubptgbotAntoine BERNARD was added by: Antoine BERNARD15:04
ubptgbot<Sid127> is there a way for me to monitor and log the cpu/gpu?15:08
ubptgbot<Sid127> I'm looking to improve performance on my device... ubtouch has been a little laggy today, a regular-use day15:09
ubptgbot<dohbee> `top` ?15:20
ubptgbot<Flohack> @dohbee [top ?], Well wont give you gpu, and also keeping a terminal open might dilute the measurment: If you are on USB cable it might lead to different results due to relaxed power mgmt, and via WiFi it will just influence the CPU load15:23
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Flohack [Well wont give you gpu, and also keeping a terminal open might dilute the measur …], well, over ssh either over wifi or adb (or rndis if that's how this device is set up still), will give you an idea if "CPU load" is actually the problem16:01
ubptgbot<Sanath> @Anon211 [Yeah my smartphone doesn't support Ubuntu touch that's the problem so I was find …], What about creating a separate group to work more closely on emulator support?16:48
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> i wonder if we can ask the ubuntu unity community to create a working iso16:50
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Fuseteam [i wonder if we can ask the ubuntu unity community to create a working iso], i don't think that will help16:50
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> they seem to be mostly packagers16:51
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @dohbee [i don't think that will help], i suppose that's due to the technical iso?16:51
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @dohbee [i don't think that will help], [Edit] i suppose that's due to the technical issues?16:51
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Fuseteam [i suppose that's due to the technical issues?], it's because they're working against latest ubuntu development release, not 16.0416:51
ubptgbot<dohbee> also i think they are working on unity, not lomiri16:52
ubptgbot<dohbee> so just not relevant here16:52
ubptgbot<Sanath> How  about arm arm image similar to fedora desktop arm & running them in qemu?16:52
ubptgbot<dohbee> why does it need to be arm?16:52
ubptgbot<dohbee> and what's wrong with running the current amd64 qemu image in qemu?16:52
ubptgbot<Sanath> @dohbee [and what's wrong with running the current amd64 qemu image in qemu?], Do we have qemu images for  Ubuntu touch?Where can i get it from?16:54
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Sanath [Do we have qemu images for  Ubuntu touch?Where can i get it from?], https://github.com/ubports/utqemu16:55
ubptgbot<Sanath> @dohbee [https://github.com/ubports/utqemu], Thanks🙂16:56
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @dohbee [also i think they are working on unity, not lomiri], they aren't working on unity per se from what i can tell that have made an iso for lomiri but yeah the different base would not help17:00
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @dohbee [also i think they are working on unity, not lomiri], [Edit] they aren't working on unity per se from what i can tell. they seem to just repackaging and theming. and they have made an iso for lomiri in the past and appear to be open to lomiri should it get development but yeah the different base would not help17:03
ubptgbotKate Savage was added by: Kate Savage19:01
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Yay!20:29
ubptgbotMax was added by: Max21:40
ubptgbotРуслан was added by: Руслан21:45
ubptgbot<Руслан> Hi ! Please tell me how to install Ubuntu touch on LG q6 alpha.21:47
ubptgbotIan was added by: Ian21:55
ubptgbot<TacoBarz> @Руслан [Hi ! Please tell me how to install Ubuntu touch on LG q6 alpha.], Hi, check if your device is available first22:00
ubptgbot<TacoBarz> https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/22:00
ubptgbot<Руслан> @TacoBarz [Hi, check if your device is available first], Unfortunately, no. 😞22:02
ubptgbot<TacoBarz> You can always save for a Nexus 5 or wait for the Villa phone22:04
ubptgbot<TacoBarz> [Edit] You can always save for a Nexus 5 or wait for the Volla phone22:04
ubptgbot<TacoBarz> In eBay there are some people that sell phones with Ubuntu Touch already installed22:05
ubptgbot<TacoBarz> Or check in Ubuntu Touch forums, some people sell their phones with it installed22:06
ubptgbot<TacoBarz> If you have a some knowledge porting, you can try to port it to your phone22:06
ubptgbot<TacoBarz> You may need Android 7.1 or 9 to try22:07
ubptgbot<TacoBarz> TWRP and read some tutorials22:07
ubptgbotVE was added by: VE22:10
ubptgbot<Руслан> @TacoBarz [TWRP and read some tutorials], Thanks. I will try.22:17
ubptgbot<TacoBarz> If you have experience flashing Android Roms, that would be a easier, I guess22:33
ubptgbotElodie was added by: Elodie23:28

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