[16:22] i never did master/remember ctrl-a ctrlx for increment decrement integers in vim [17:28] i was watching the lions OTA... https://www.windy.com/-Weather-radar-radar?radar,42.068,-83.134,8 [17:28] now that the cloud cover is gone I lost signal. LUL [17:35] hsh [17:40] i was barely watching, instead finding home network misconfigs and fixing them. [17:41] TIL: bind statistics-channels [18:02] I can't figure out why a route is being added to my routing table, a tun0 using a 10.132.x.x ip [18:02] breaks my net [18:28] :( [18:28] openvpn or something? [18:34] <_stink_> i admit that i use ctrl-a as a way to jump to the next number in a line [18:34] <_stink_> quick ctrl-a, u [18:34] <_stink_> just like i use u, ctrl-r as a way to jump to my previous edit [18:34] <_stink_> maybe there's a better way to do that :D [19:09] is that vim default? [19:09] i use ctrl-i, ctrl-o to go back and forth in the location stack. I didn't know there was an edit stack. That is great. [19:11] lxc? [23:43] jrwren: yeah, it happens when I enable a ovpn connection :/