
ubptgbotA.V. H. was added by: A.V. H.02:34
ubptgbot.... was added by: ....05:18
ubptgbot<dave1152000> Anyone else having trouble with Dekko 2 on a Fairphone - seems very sluggish and only shows email headers.09:51
ubptgbot<lduboeuf> same for me on N510:05
ubptgbotwednesdayendless was added by: wednesdayendless10:13
ubptgbot<wednesdayendless> Is there some sideload method I'm missing? It seems like every third app is either now dead or hasn't been updated with the first party. Ex. Wire will install and login, but it's locked to a top corner of the screen and won't correctly scale to the phone (Nexus 5)10:15
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> huh?10:15
ubptgbot<wednesdayendless> I haven't used UT since the early days and was wondering what's going on app wise. I Flashed to my Nexus recently. … The official Telegram, Evernote etc - are they just gone now? And do you know if Wire Messenger is abandonware?10:51
ubptgbot<j2g2rp> @wednesdayendless [I haven't used UT since the early days and was wondering what's going on app wis …], there wasn't a official telegram. There was a telegram client (named Telegram) wich was developed by canonical from another project (can't remember wich one) … Currently we have Teleports as telegram client. It is named TELEports because10:54
ubptgbot telegram asked us to not use Telegram as name.10:54
ubptgbot<j2g2rp> about Evernote if I'm correct it is (or was) possible to sync through notes apps which is installed by default. I never used evernote so I'm not sure because i didn't play attention to this 😂10:56
ubptgbot<wednesdayendless> Ahh I gotcha then. So, I assume most of what I'm noticing is just the process of UBports picking up the pieces from the Canonical exit?11:05
ubptgbot<Flohack> @wednesdayendless [Ahh I gotcha then. So, I assume most of what I'm noticing is just the process of …], Well that exit is already quite a while ago, and besides picking up pieces we have done a huge effort to bringt things forward, fix them, or replace them. Best example is the browser, its all-new QtWebengine based now, dropping the old11:15
ubptgbotOxide code11:15
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> Where do I find the config file for OnePlus 6T ? I got the phone and I want to give you the config file.11:15
ubptgbot<WolfLink15> What do you mean, there is a config file??11:18
ubptgbot<WolfLink15> If so what does it do, and will it help others for porting?11:20
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> _device.schema.json11:21
ubptgbot<WolfLink15> Oh, that, is that for the installer?11:21
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> Yep.11:21
ubptgbot<WolfLink15> Ah ok11:21
ubptgbot<WolfLink15> My fault11:22
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> Where would I normally find it ?11:22
ubptgbot<WolfLink15> Wouldn't it be on the github page in the UBports/Installer-Configs?11:23
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> @WolfLink15 [Wouldn't it be on the github page in the UBports/Installer-Configs?], OK so it looks like I misunderstood the whole thing. I thought devs need data from the config file that is inside the phone in order to add the phone to the installer.11:34
ubptgbot<WolfLink15> Oh11:34
ubptgbot<Flohack> @coding_hedgehog [OK so it looks like I misunderstood the whole thing. I thought devs need data fr …], Not really. You need to port the phone, thats much more work than having a config file :P11:35
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> @Flohack [Not really. You need to port the phone, thats much more work than having a confi …], mrcyjanek has done quite a lot of work on it already. Many features already work on it while running UT.11:36
ubptgbot<Flohack> Oki11:37
ubptgbotvxll6 was added by: vxll613:47
ubptgbot<Shawn Tucker> (Photo, 506x728) https://irc.ubports.com/VMfNeQLj.png14:53
ubptgbot<WolfLink15> Spam14:53
ubptgbot<WolfLink15> @UniversalSuperBox14:54
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> Has anyone played around OnePlus 6T here ?14:59
ubptgbot<g0dpup> @coding_hedgehog [Has anyone played around OnePlus 6T here ?], I am doing it right now15:08
ubptgbot<g0dpup> Tryibg to get figure out how to see the stuff from my usb stick...15:09
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> @g0dpup [I am doing it right now], I followed maintainer's guide on GitHub on how to install UT on it. UT looks awesome on it but as of now I don't think it can be used as a daily driver. Still needs some work. Maintainer says I can revert back to Android by powering it off then back on while holding the volume up button. That got15:11
ubptgbot me into "The bootloader is unlocked ..." displayed on the screen but no fastboot mode. Have you got experience with reverting it back to Android ?15:11
ubptgbot<g0dpup> @coding_hedgehog [I followed maintainer's guide on GitHub on how to install UT on it. UT looks awe …], Yes15:12
ubptgbot<g0dpup> Your button combo is wrong15:12
ubptgbot<g0dpup> You have to press volume up and down15:12
ubptgbot<g0dpup> To get to fastboot15:12
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> @g0dpup [Yes], Oh ... let me try ...15:13
ubptgbot<g0dpup> I have been using it for three days now...  cant complain15:13
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> You're right. I need to get in touch with maintainer 'coz he needs to edit the guide on Githu.15:13
ubptgbot<g0dpup> But all i need is gps and camera15:14
ubptgbot<g0dpup> The rest i just workaround15:14
ubptgbot<g0dpup> File transfer... Smb with my nas. Or nextcloud15:15
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> @g0dpup [I have been using it for three days now...  cant complain], I like it too. A lot. But for example when you open the browser you get horizontal scrollbar. Also the notification area needs work. The port has a great potential and I really dig what the maintainer is doing but I can't use it as a daily driver like I'm using M15:16
ubptgboteizu Pro 5.15:16
ubptgbot<g0dpup> @coding_hedgehog [I like it too. A lot. But for example when you open the browser you get horizont …], If you need your phone alot an android rom is the better option.15:18
ubptgbot<g0dpup> I doubt though i will go back to android for a while. I got all i need in ubuntu for now.15:19
ubptgbot<g0dpup> Maybe someone can help me:  i can see my attached usb in external drive. I was also able to format it from there. I read it should show up in /media/phablet... But it does not. I am not sure how to proceed. Any ideas?15:23
ubptgbot<dohbee> @g0dpup [Maybe someone can help me:  i can see my attached usb in external drive. I was a …], Only fat32 is auto mounted currently15:39
ubptgbot<g0dpup> @dohbee [Only fat32 is auto mounted currently], So if ubuntu formated the drive then it will be mounted?15:46
ubptgbot<g0dpup> Nevermind... Because you answered, i checked again... I can see it. Thank you!!!15:48
ubptgbotNamikaze99 was added by: Namikaze9916:02
ubptgbot<Namikaze99> i have a device with msm 8937 (similar to xiaomi land and santoni)16:03
ubptgbot<Namikaze99> how can i bring support to my device16:04
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> The OnePlus boots back into original recovery but there's no option to restore Android. ADB isn't working in it either. I tried to push stock ROM with ADB but it didn't detect the phone.16:05
ubptgbot<Flohack> @coding_hedgehog [The OnePlus boots back into original recovery but there's no option to restore A …], better way to restore Android is to install TWRP and sideload it from there I think. Our recovery is not very Android-friendly16:06
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> @Flohack [better way to restore Android is to install TWRP and sideload it from there I th …], :D16:07
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> @Flohack [better way to restore Android is to install TWRP and sideload it from there I th …], I've thought of that. The thing is actually getting the TWRP recovery into the phone. ADB doesn't seem to be available anymore.16:08
ubptgbotgregori1975 was added by: gregori197516:25
ubptgbot<gregori1975> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/SsajPk43.webp16:26
ubptgbot<dokie80> Y not flash recovery using fastboot?16:35
ubptgbot<g0dpup> @coding_hedgehog [I've thought of that. The thing is actually getting the TWRP recovery into the p …], use this in fastboot https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=434982631226178664516:56
ubptgbot<g0dpup> unpack the zip and use the flash-all16:56
ubptgbot<g0dpup> then you will get your android back16:56
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> I've managed to get TWRP working on it. Now I'm downloading stock rom.16:56
ubptgbot<g0dpup> ok16:57
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> @g0dpup [ok], Thanks buddy.16:57
ubptgbot<g0dpup> but if it doesnt work for some reason this is a safe way to go16:57
ubptgbot<g0dpup> i used the the 9.0.17 version before i installed ubuntu touch16:58
ubptgbot<g0dpup> this to get back to android16:58
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> I wonder where UT on OnePlus 6T will be in 6 months. It's gonna be a great phone.16:58
ubptgbot<g0dpup> oh i am hoping it will be very far along16:59
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> @g0dpup [then you will get your android back], How can I use it with fastboot ? `fastboot flash boot xyz.zip` ? That gave me bunch of errors. Only images can be flashed like this, correct ?17:38
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> @g0dpup [oh i am hoping it will be very far along], I think I need to get it into the section of TWRP where I can access it hitting the "Restore" button but I can't recall how did I do it in the past.17:39
ubptgbot<g0dpup> The zip i sent unpack on pc17:40
ubptgbot<g0dpup> There is a file flash-all17:40
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> Oh ... is there ? Cool. Mine zip didn't come with it.17:41
ubptgbot<g0dpup> No this a special thing that you can flash in fastboot17:41
ubptgbot<Luigi Noschese> Hello, should my oneplus reboot automaticly after installatie?17:48
ubptgbot<Luigi Noschese> Install17:48
ubptgbot<Deathmist1337> if you flashed with UBports Installer, then yes. otherwise no17:49
ubptgbot<Luigi Noschese> I used the installer but it didnt reboot17:50
ubptgbot<g0dpup> Flash-all is a script17:50
ubptgbot<Deathmist1337> @Luigi Noschese [I used the installer but it didnt reboot], any messages on the computer or device?17:51
ubptgbot<g0dpup> Onplus 6t doesnt reboot automatically17:51
ubptgbot<Luigi Noschese> Nope17:51
ubptgbot<g0dpup> You have to force tge reboot17:51
ubptgbot<Deathmist1337> @Luigi Noschese [Nope], if it finished without errors then you can probably restart it manually17:52
ubptgbot<Luigi Noschese> OK thanks17:52
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> @g0dpup [No this a special thing that you can flash in fastboot], I find quite interesting that the whole zip is made for Windows. Almost makes one think that Windows is better for hackers than Linux.18:43
ubptgbot<g0dpup> Haha i am sorry, i should have asked what os you are using18:55
ubptgbot<g0dpup> @coding_hedgehog [I find quite interesting that the whole zip is made for Windows. Almost makes on …], I think it depends on the developer and his preferences. That said, i have not used linux on pc in a long time and thus dont know of there is an alternative for linux18:57
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> @g0dpup [I think it depends on the developer and his preferences. That said, i have not u …], Ditto. It's a matter of preference. Some devs are die-hard linux users, some are die-hard Windows or Mac users. At the end of the day what really matters is what you do on it.18:59
ubptgbotMirzamshox was added by: Mirzamshox19:13
ubptgbot<lduboeuf> Wow, > 200 pending PRs on github!19:13
ubptgbot<joeth> @lduboeuf [Wow, > 200 pending PRs on github!], How many of them are "updated docs" or "updated readme" low quality spam ones for hacktoberfest?19:14
ubptgbotChange was added by: Change19:15
ubptgbot<lduboeuf> not much i think19:41
ubptgbot<lduboeuf> [Edit] not too many i think19:42
ubptgbot<NotKit> @Dreadsen [How are people porting Ubuntu touch on devices which are not on the list?   … I s …], really?20:03
ubptgbot<NotKit> it does not seem to be a realistic target20:04
ubptgbot<NotKit> maybe they just started something in chroot?20:04
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> @g0dpup [Flash-all is a script], It doesn't give you any progress bar or anything when it's running, does it ?20:07
ubptgbot<g0dpup> Not on the phone20:08
ubptgbot<mateosalta> @joeth [How many of them are "updated docs" or "updated readme" low quality spam ones fo …], We just got out of a feature freeze from the ota20:08
ubptgbot<g0dpup> Cmd should tell you when you are done20:08
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> @g0dpup [Not on the phone], In command prompt either ...20:08
ubptgbot<g0dpup> Odd20:08
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> @g0dpup [Cmd should tell you when you are done], I need to be patient then ...20:08
ubptgbot<g0dpup> It ahouldnt take too long20:08
ubptgbot<g0dpup> It should be very verbos in telling you what it is doing.20:09
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> @g0dpup [It should be very verbos in telling you what it is doing.], That's what I was expecting. Let me see on the Internet what it says .... flashing should take only 10 - 15 secs ...20:10
ubptgbot<g0dpup> Speedy internet lies haha20:11
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> @g0dpup [It should be very verbos in telling you what it is doing.], I think I'm doing something wrong ...20:11
ubptgbot<g0dpup> There is not much you can do wrong with this.. Fastboot and double click20:11
ubptgbot<g0dpup> Alas if it fails you have the option of msm for the 6t... This works through the edl mode of your 6t, not fastboot!!! It will also relock your bootloader20:12
ubptgbot<g0dpup> I dont have links, but xda has everything20:13
ubptgbot<g0dpup> https://forum.xda-developers.com/oneplus-6t/how-to/tool-6t-msmdownloadtool-v4-0-oos-9-0-5-t386744820:14
ubptgbot<g0dpup> Or maybe i do haha20:14
ubptgbot<g0dpup> @coding_hedgehog [I think I'm doing something wrong ...], I am off to bed now, i hope this helps. Otherwise pm me then i can maybe help out more tomorrow20:16
ubptgbot<Mirzamshox> (Photo, 403x800) https://irc.ubports.com/5ciAvsx0.png Feedback👍👍 … ✅ Invest 👉👉 https://is.gd/n8NUjx20:20
ubptgbot<PiecerEdd> @NotKit [maybe they just started something in chroot?], I went excitedly searching for this and came up with nothing, that unihertz phone looks beasty20:24
ubptgbotschr_0dinger was added by: schr_0dinger20:27
ubptgbot<NotKit> yeah, I have it, but unfortunately it's random Chinese ODM that won't even publish kernel source code20:27
ubptgbot<PiecerEdd> annoying that that seems to be the norm :(20:31
ubptgbot<PiecerEdd> not just amongst rando chinese ODM's either20:31
ubptgbot<NotKit> ironically it has same SoC with Cosmo20:34
ubptgbot<PiecerEdd> seems like quite a lot of devices do 😆20:36
ubptgbot<NotKit> yeah, but we don't have many devices with keyboard for them to be of any interest20:38
ubptgbot<PiecerEdd> i am a sucker for a device with a real keyboard on it no matter what software support from the vendor is like 😆20:40
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> (Photo, 1280x719) https://irc.ubports.com/aryWIoR2.png Can someone please nudge me in the right direction here ? I need these img files to fastboot onto the phone. I can't just fastboot flash x.img, can I ? I don't wanna mess this up.21:58
ubptgbotnnkkkkkkkkkkkkk was added by: nnkkkkkkkkkkkkk23:20
ubptgbot<dokie80> U need to specify which partition to flash to23:21
ubptgbot<mateosalta> aw man, looks like hacktoberfest changed the rules23:31
ubptgbot<mateosalta> @UniversalSuperBox are you planning on doing the hacktoberfest thing? I have odd and ends changes, but given how long it takes to test - change, merge, I'm not sure any of them will get in before the end of oct23:36
ubptgbot<mateosalta> as I understand, all the repos have to have the tag "hacktoberfest" to count now23:39
ubptgbot<mateosalta> or topic?23:41
ubptgbot<mateosalta> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxBv4FMcDgo&ab_channel=DigitalOcean23:41
ubptgbot<mateosalta> (Photo, 675x133) https://irc.ubports.com/7z5j7HdO.png23:51
ubptgbot<mateosalta> :(23:51

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