[13:04] Hi. My LAN network card doesnt wake up after suspend and I have to restart. Can anyone help me with this? [13:17] pigwink: personally I do not use suspend but I remember this being a know issue with some chipsets. Also another possible problem could be if you have TLP or other powertools [13:18] first thing I would do, just for a quick test, is disable or remove TLP and similar tools, see if the issue is solved. if not, there are some articles I can link you that will guide you through troubleshooting and fix [13:19] OK! Im reading this now: http://www.techytalk.info/ubuntu-fix-network-stopped-working-after-resume-from-sleep/ [13:19] ...but cant figure out what my network module is [13:20] i dont know what TLP or other powertools is so i guess i dont have them [13:23] tlp - Save battery power on laptops [13:23] http://www.webupd8.org/2013/01/fix-wireless-or-wired-network-not.html [13:23] this one guides you fairly well through the process [13:23] so apt-cache show tlp; or dpkg -l | grep tlp; or similar things [13:24] ok, this is not a laptop [13:24] and i have no wifi === pigwink6 is now known as pigwink [13:43] so, I added the active interface do the unload_modules list. it tid not restart after sleep. however, this mobo has two interfaces so i just put the cable into the other one, and that one seems to work after sleep. at least for now. [14:00] pigwink: this sounds like good news. [14:01] well, kind of both, haha [14:02] if one of the 2 cards now comes back after suspend every time, I say it is a win, at least fixing one. if you want both, you might need to find which modul/chipset the other card uses. or if you don't need it, you can always disable it from the bios. [14:04] the one that died after sleep is called enp2s0. the one i didnt modify and thats running right now is called enp6s2 [14:05] strangely, in "connection information" it says that the driver for enp6s2 is called 'skge'? [14:14] so I tested it now, yes the enp6s2 is coming back working after sleep. that is indeed good news! [14:15] 50% fixed if you need both cards. if you need only one, 100% fixed 😄 [14:15] well done pigwink [14:15] yes, i only need one! :] [14:18] pigwink: in that case if you want to avoid trouble, you can disable the other LAN in the bios. [14:18] (y) [14:29] !cookie | Mauro Gaspari [14:29] Mauro Gaspari: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! [14:30] I hope ubottu doesn't sound too sarcastic. [14:30] Or sarcastic at all. [14:31] wohoo, I got cookies? I love cookies 😍 [14:31] 🍪 [20:27] does anyone know how to get linuxsampler-vst to work with gigedit? I have both installed but just get an error message when clicking the gigedit button. I have the kxstudio repos installed. standalone gigedit runs.