
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Please remind me tomorrow if I don't get it for you @mateosalta00:08
ubptgbot<mateosalta> cool00:10
ubptgbot<mateosalta> I'll continue work on the vpn one a bit too, i want to add some text to make it more like the libertine page00:10
ubptgbot<mateosalta> then attempt fixes on the strange error box :)00:11
ubptgbot<dohbee> @UniversalSuperBox [Maybe Canonical design hadn't had their say yet, or it needed to be done quick.], This02:32
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> Nice quick video outlining from a "digital minimalist"s point of view why Ubuntu Touch is well worth using -> … https://youtu.be/BgqVm0hAcLE02:59
ubptgbotAndy337 was added by: Andy33705:06
ubptgbotSteffenPrz was added by: SteffenPrz05:08
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> @dokie80 [U need to specify which partition to flash to], With that said. For example `fastboot flash system.img /system`  ... is that right ? I don't think it is 'coz that gives me `/system: No such file or directory`08:21
ubptgbot<dokie80> @coding_hedgehog [With that said. For example fastboot flash system.img /system  ... is that right …], `Fastboot flash system system.img`08:22
ubptgbot<dokie80> Partition first, then img file08:22
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> @dokie80 [Partition first, then img file], OK08:22
ubptgbot<dokie80> Fastboot flash recovery recovery.img … Etc08:22
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> @g0dpup [There is not much you can do wrong with this.. Fastboot and double click], It didn't do anything 'coz when you run `flash-all` from cmd Windows Defender will kick in in the background and will stop it from running. I had no clue. Only after double-clicking on it Defender kicked in in the window and I could just click on "09:05
ubptgbotRun Anyway" and everything went through. So if anyone in the future tell you it "it hangs and does nothing" tell him to temporarily disable Defender, double click on `flash-all.bat` and click "Run Anyway".09:05
ubptgbotJhonny CL was added by: Jhonny CL09:16
ubptgbot<TronFortyTwo> @Verevka86 [Not read fb2 :(], Coming soon™09:16
ubptgbot<Verevka86> @TronFortyTwo [Coming soon™], Very well thank you very much 🤝09:23
ubptgbot<demone011> Hi. Is there any article on web explaining how open source UT is? If I understand correctly UT is open source, but with firmware blobs in hardware/drivers? Exception may be original hardware Ubuntu worked with? I guess somebody have written something about it on web?09:34
ubptgbot<g0dpup> @coding_hedgehog [It didn't do anything 'coz when you run flash-all from cmd Windows Defender will …], Thank you :) for the info09:37
ubptgbot<Shakendo> @demone011 [Hi. Is there any article on web explaining how open source UT is? If I understan …], the entire android subsystem (what the blobs can access) is restricted to only the files it needs to make the hardware function, it doesnt have access to anything else, for example, the cellular modem can only access the files it needs for it10:11
ubptgbot to function as a cellular modem, or the blob, it can not access thing like the wifi driver, the device info, your personal files10:11
ubptgbot<demone011> @Shakendo [the entire android subsystem (what the blobs can access) is restricted to only t …], OK, thank you. But is there any article on ubports or somewhere explaining this?10:36
ubptgbot<Petr> ajaj12:27
ubptgbot<Petr> první "fatal error"12:27
ubptgbot<Gabriele> Hey It is possible to have a port for ubports on redmi 8? I heard that some redmi are getting ports 😉12:28
ubptgbot<NotKit> if you port it, yes12:30
ubptgbot<ItsMeShouko> Still waiting for my device to be merged (*´ー`*)12:32
ubptgbot<ItsMeShouko> @Gabriele [Hey It is possible to have a port for ubports on redmi 8? I heard that some redm …], Is it android 9 device?12:33
ubptgbot<Gabriele> @ItsMeShouko [Is it android 9 device?], It has android 9 natively, now upgraded to 10. But older MiUi has 912:36
ubptgbot<Jhonny CL> ubports   ubuntu for galaxy note 3 is possible ? help12:42
ubptgbot<fredldotme> For anybody asking about device ports: If it's not on the supported devices list (http://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/) you're encouraged to make your own using the Halium documentation.12:56
ubptgbot<fredldotme> Remember, a lot of people in the Open Source & Free Software field are DIY people. If it doesn't exist we would like to see you do it on your own so you can be part of the growth of the platform yourself.12:58
ubptgbot<Jhonny CL> thanks friends12:59
ubptgbot<Shakendo> @Jhonny CL [ubports   ubuntu for galaxy note 3 is possible ? help], yes, there is a port being worked on, I can connect you with the dev if youd like to help13:19
ubptgbot<demone011> If I understand correct their are 2 different nexus 7. One is OK for UT and other one not. How to recognize which is good one?14:03
ubptgbot<dohbee> only 2013 model is supported14:04
ubptgbot<dohbee> 2012 model is not14:04
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> (Voice, 3s) https://irc.ubports.com/xT3EVM5j.oga14:16
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> (Voice, 1s) https://irc.ubports.com/VnBawUsk.oga14:16
ubptgbot<wayneTBT> Can anyone tell me why the ringtone has disappeared on my Xperia X.  I get all other app notifications (sound), but the ringtone doesnt ring.14:37
ubptgbot<wayneTBT> [Edit] Can anyone tell me why the ringtone has disappeared on my Xperia X.  I get all other app notifications (sound), but the ringtone doesnt ring.  I think Im on the dev channel.14:37
ubptgbotiTsM69 was added by: iTsM6914:39
ubptgbot<wayneTBT> [Edit] Can anyone tell me why the ringtone has disappeared on my Xperia X.  I get all other app notifications (sound), but the ringtone doesnt ring, I had to switch on vibrate to know that a call is incoming.  I think Im on the dev channel.14:39
ubptgbot<PiecerEdd> @TotalSonic [Nice quick video outlining from a "digital minimalist"s point of view why Ubuntu …], I couldn't imagine being so addicted to my phone that I need to intentionally use an OS that doesn't have as many apps just to avoid being on it 24/714:52
ubptgbotUsman Abid was added by: Usman Abid14:58
ubptgbot<demone011> (Photo, 480x800) https://irc.ubports.com/PkdbPc93.png15:02
ubptgbot<demone011> Is this bug when upper meny opens only in 2/3 of the screen?15:03
ubptgbot<fredldotme> @demone011 [Is this bug when upper meny opens only in 2/3 of the screen?], Which phone is that? Have you change scaling settings using UT Tweak Tool?15:04
ubptgbot<demone011> It covers whole screen on N415:04
ubptgbot<demone011> It is N515:04
ubptgbot<demone011> @fredldotme [Which phone is that? Have you change scaling settings using UT Tweak Tool?], Itis possible that i have used UT Tweak Tool. Shell i delete Tweak tool?15:06
ubptgbot<fredldotme> @demone011 [Itis possible that i have used UT Tweak Tool. Shell i delete Tweak tool?], Removing the tool won't restore the settings. Restore them from within the app.15:06
ubptgbot<demone011> Working on it .15:07
ubptgbot<demone011> @fredldotme [Removing the tool won't restore the settings. Restore them from within the app.], Thx, now works nice (but it's uglier)15:08
ubptgbot<fredldotme> Taste is subjective.15:09
ubptgbot<demone011> I have UT on N4, N5 and OP3 and I must I like it best on N415:09
ubptgbot<dohbee> @demone011 [Thx, now works nice (but it's uglier)], you mean bigger, not uglier i guess?15:10
ubptgbot<demone011> It is subjective:)15:10
ubptgbot<demone011> @dohbee [you mean bigger, not uglier i guess?], Bigger (but I dont like it)15:10
ubptgbot<dohbee> sure15:10
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @PiecerEdd [I couldn't imagine being so addicted to my phone that I need to intentionally us …], There are numerous  people for this becomes true though (likely in theillions) e.g. If they are not on WhatsApp, SnapChat, TikTok or WeChat at the moment, then they are playing PUBG.15:42
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @PiecerEdd [I couldn't imagine being so addicted to my phone that I need to intentionally us …], [Edit] There are numerous  people for this becomes true though (likely in the millions) e.g. If they are not on WhatsApp, SnapChat, TikTok or WeChat at the moment, then they are playing PUBG.15:43
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @PiecerEdd [I couldn't imagine being so addicted to my phone that I need to intentionally us …], [Edit] There are numerous  people for this where it has become true though (likely in the millions) e.g. If they are not on WhatsApp, SnapChat, TikTok or WeChat at the moment, then they are playing PUBG.15:43
ubptgbot<Flohack> (Photo, 585x467) https://irc.ubports.com/zPYWOTO8.png Finally! Nexus 6P is in the installer!16:25
ubptgbot<PiecerEdd> @TotalSonic [There are numerous  people for this where it has become true though (likely in t …], yeah point taken (for the majority of people i know personally its either IG or tiktok)16:27
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @Flohack [<reply to media>], Congrats and thank you for all the work on successfully porting that particulalry problematic device!16:29
ubptgbot<dohbee> @PiecerEdd [I couldn't imagine being so addicted to my phone that I need to intentionally us …], it's not necessarily even about being addicted. all those apps keep assaulting you with useless notifications and such, by default, and people don't know how to make such things not happen. so of course, changing to an OS where the apps can't/d16:32
ubptgboton't do that so much, will be a relief for them16:32
ubptgbot<PiecerEdd> @dohbee [it's not necessarily even about being addicted. all those apps keep assaulting y …], URGH this is so true. I'm currently daily driving Android for the first time in my life and the notification spam is unreal16:35
ubptgbot<PiecerEdd> group chat software like Hangouts or FB Messenger group chats, you get a notification for EVERY message, get a notification every time my music player switches track, all sorts of random stuff notifying me that I don't need (and yes, I very quickly learned to disable it all) 😆16:36
ubptgbot<geekyneo> Hi All..16:37
ubptgbot<geekyneo> I'm unable to install UT on OnePlus 3/3T using the Installer.16:38
ubptgbot<geekyneo> can anyone help/guide me through ?16:38
ubptgbot<pv_bl> @Flohack [<reply to media>], 🏆🏆🏆16:54
ubptgbot<pv_bl> @demone011 [If I understand correct their are 2 different nexus 7. One is OK for UT and othe …], Writing on the back in portrait mode -> bad. In landscape -> good.16:55
ubptgbot<geekyneo> @SatathIIX [HI, I'm 3t user. after download preparing system image taking more then 45 mins], Hi. Were you able to install UT on OnePlus 3/3T ? I faced the same issue for more than 5 hours and UT still didn't install.17:57
ubptgbot<SatathIIX> @geekyneo [Hi. Were you able to install UT on OnePlus 3/3T ? I faced the same issue for mor …], I already try but I can't18:00
ubptgbot<geekyneo> @SatathIIX [I already try but I can't], Same here. I tried with manual intervention too, still no success. Did you log bug yet ?18:01
ubptgbot<SatathIIX> @geekyneo [Same here. I tried with manual intervention too, still no success. Did you log b …], No I try another custom rom18:02
ubptgbot<geekyneo> @SatathIIX [No I try another custom rom], I had bought this device to especially install UT. 😞18:03
ubptgbot<SatathIIX> @geekyneo [I had bought this device to especially install UT. 😞], I'm noob 😂18:08
ubptgbot<geekyneo> @SatathIIX [I'm noob 😂], At some point of time, I too was :-P18:09
ubptgbot<SatathIIX> @geekyneo [At some point of time, I too was :-P], Oh, we will try18:09
ubptgbot<PhoenixLandPirate> @demone011 [<reply to media>], I make sure it looks like this, because I prefee it, I'm not a big fan of the indicators taking up my whole screen18:12
ubptgbot<demone011> @pv_bl [Writing on the back in portrait mode -> bad. In landscape -> good.], Thanks18:17
ubptgbot<demone011> @PhoenixLandPirate [I make sure it looks like this, because I prefee it, I'm not a big fan of the in …], Interesting:)18:18
ubptgbotrixchy was added by: rixchy18:53
ubptgbotCarlos Nunez was added by: Carlos Nunez19:31
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> coverage for Volla and Ubuntu Touch at LinuxSmartPhones.com - https://linuxsmartphones.com/volla-phone-set-to-ship-to-crowdfunding-backers-in-november/21:34
ubptgbotQuadratur was added by: Quadratur23:30

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