=== Xard3 is now known as Xard === kblin5 is now known as kblin [23:21] So I upgraded from 20.04 only to find dozens of LSP Plugins related entries cluttering up the applications overflow. What program does this likely belong to? [23:22] I've tried looking it up in Synaptic, GNOME Software, and deleting it in alacarte, and it stays even after a shell restart. [23:22] Alacarte also didn't indicate a program that it belonged to. Just a name. [23:23] Stanger yet the language appears to be German, even if I try changing it. [23:24] Hmm. https://lsp-plug.in/ [23:24] Wonder why it got installed. [23:25] NVM. Found it. [23:26] Answered my own question. Now I can navigate my applications overflow again.