[14:52] i'm looking for software(open source preferred ) recommendations for external vulnerability scanning, does anyone have some recommendations? we've been using openvas but it has been difficult to maintain [14:54] Might want to ask on Mastodon as well. I follow some security folks there [14:54] I'll boost [15:07] thanks [16:02] like pentesting? [16:07] SANS504 still teaches Nessus. It has kinda been the standard for many many years AFAIK [16:13] there is also w3af.org [16:13] and inguma - inguma.sourceforge.net [18:01] Go into 4chan's /g/ and antagonize the nerds there with an IP as the username. Trial by fire :) [18:07] heh, we get enough shit as it is :) [18:12] nice