
ubptgbotMackie Daniels was added by: Mackie Daniels00:47
ubptgbot<liamolua> Hey all, just setup a Libertine container and installed Lubuntu Software manager but just did a reboot and now the container is gone. Does anyone know what is happening?01:11
ubptgbot<liamolua> Sorry for the mass questions but when I install Anbox on my Nexus 5 after reboot into OS I loose Wifi/internet.01:37
ubptgbottherealjjwyatt was added by: therealjjwyatt06:16
cccan someone help me?06:31
ubptgbot<Flohack> How can we know if we can help you if you dont tell us whats the problem ^^06:31
comradekingucc: Yes06:31
cccomradekingu: thank god,06:31
cci met an question.06:32
comradekinguI see how it is, you think I am your god?06:32
ccthe question is that:06:32
ccmy phone is Meizu Pro 5 ,use  ubuntu-touch 16.0406:33
ccand i set the PIN number :091106:33
comradekinguGood story06:33
ccand yesterday,i set some thing about ssh on this phone,and i set the password for "phablet" on terminal06:34
comradekinguThat should be unrelated to the PIN number06:35
ccthe password of phablet is 88214306:35
comradekinguI dont need to know the actual passwords06:35
ccso the problem occur, when the phone locked,i found that the PIN password is not 091106:36
ccand also i cant put in to 88214306:36
ccbecause the PIN only 4 numbers06:36
comradekinguA lock password might be yet a different one06:36
ubptgbot<Flohack> TRy to set again a 4 digit password with ssh06:36
ubptgbot<Flohack> If your method is set to pin it probably wont work with anything longer than 4 digits06:36
ccbut the ssh is not set right06:36
ubptgbot<Flohack> Or shorter ^^06:36
cci cant ssh the phone06:36
cccant reinstall,06:37
ccthe lock screen06:37
cci cant put into correct number06:37
comradekinguRestart the phone and do the phone PIN pass, then remove your lock pass06:37
comradekinguConnect a hardware keyboard, I dont know06:38
comradekinguUSB-otg and then a USB keyboard06:38
ccwhen i restart the phone,it told me type in the correct number06:38
ubptgbot<Flohack> YOu need to boot into recovery then, and see what you can figure out in the 2 folders /data/system-data and /data/user-data06:38
ubptgbot<Flohack> Somehwere there is the password stored, and you can then probably remove it there. But idk now without doing this myself how it could work06:39
ccnow ,the phone cant use adb,because of the lock screen;but it can use fastboot06:41
cci dont know how to do when i use fastboot06:41
ccC:\Users\845m0024>adb devices06:41
ccList of devices attached06:41
cc86HBCNG222AB    unauthorized06:41
ubptgbot<Flohack> @cc [now ,the phone cant use adb,because of the lock screen;but it can use fastboot], YOu can go into recovery with the right key combination for your phone06:42
ccsorry,what is "ight key combination for your phone"?06:42
ccwhat is that?06:42
ubptgbot<Flohack> you need to google it. "meizu pro 5 recovery"06:43
ubptgbot<Flohack> Every phone is different06:43
cci know that06:43
cc- and power06:43
ccand then the phone go into fastboot06:43
ubptgbot<Flohack> No06:43
ubptgbot<Flohack> Fastboot is a different mode06:43
ubptgbot<Flohack> YOu need to go to recovery06:43
ubptgbot<Flohack> yes06:44
cccant do that06:46
ccmeizu pro 5 is  +and power06:46
ccbut it not work06:46
ubptgbot<Flohack> Then use fastboot and flash a TWRP recovery for the moment. This should work06:47
ccyes ,i download twrp06:50
ccand i use fastboot06:50
ccand then i try "fastboot reboot-bootloader"06:50
ccthe phone still now go into recovery06:51
ubptgbot<Flohack> fastboot reboot bootloader will not boot recovery06:51
ubptgbot<Flohack> as the name says. You need to use the key combination for recovery06:51
cclook at this06:51
ccC:\Users\845m0024>fastboot flash recovery D:\twrp-3.4.0-0-m1721.img06:51
ccsending 'recovery' (31220 KB)...06:51
ccOKAY [  0.682s]06:51
ccwriting 'recovery'...06:51
ccOKAY [  0.317s]06:51
ccfinished. total time: 1.003s06:51
ubptgbot<Flohack> fastboot mostly reboots into boot06:52
ubptgbot<Flohack> Yes you dont listen to me ^^06:52
ubptgbot<Flohack> fastboot cannot boot into recovery, except on a few Google devices06:52
ubptgbot<Flohack> YOU NEED to use they key combination for your device that sends you into recovery06:52
ccit cant go into recovery....... iknow your mean06:53
ccbut the phone06:53
ubptgbot<Flohack> Well then I cant help you. Without recovery you cannot reset the PW06:53
ubptgbot<Flohack> There must be a way to enter recovery with a key combination. Everything else makes no sense06:54
ccby the way, twrp-3.4.0-0-m1721.img is this correct?06:54
cci search it on the net06:54
ubptgbot<Flohack> how can I know?06:54
ubptgbot<Flohack> Probably but the problem is you are not booting it. Try fastboot boot twrp-3.4.0-0-m1721.img06:54
ubptgbot<Flohack> That will load load recovery for one time06:55
ccC:\Users\845m0024>fastboot boot twrp-
cccannot load 'twrp-': No such file or directory06:55
ccC:\Users\845m0024>fastboot boot D:\twrp-3.4.0-0-m1721.img06:57
ccdownloading 'boot.img'...06:57
ccOKAY [  0.684s]06:57
ccFAILED (remote failure)06:57
ccfinished. total time: 0.688s06:57
ccremote failure ?06:57
ccwhat's that mean?06:58
ubptgbot<Flohack> Well it cant boot it more I cannot tell you06:58
ubptgbot<Shaun Tsai> definitely07:08
comradekinguOr, you stole it and made up those numbers07:09
ubptgbot<PM5544> (Photo, 1920x1170) https://irc.ubports.com/Ordah6m4.png09:03
ubptgbot<commandyourstyle> @PM5544 [<reply to media>], from Ubuntu touch phone captured?09:05
ubptgbot<PM5544> is a test from my teleport, which work abnormally but occasionally uploaded09:06
ubptgbot<Alexi> Hi Everybody. could somebody give me some support with telegram? In particular I can't record audio with any of the apps (Teleports and Web telegram). Thank you!09:17
ubptgbot<Petr> Hi, how could I get involved09:35
ubptgbot<fredldotme> @Petr [Hi, how could I get involved], Depends on your skills.09:38
ubptgbot<Petr> @fredldotme [Depends on your skills.], Basics of programming, graphics09:42
ccso sad,my ubuntu phone die....09:43
cci will miss you09:43
ubptgbot<fredldotme> @Petr [Basics of programming, graphics], We use multiple programming languages but mainly C++ & QML for the GUI parts.09:44
ubptgbot<Petr> @fredldotme [We use multiple programming languages but mainly C++ & QML for the GUI parts.], Ok..09:46
ubptgbot<fredldotme> What's your area of interest in UT?09:50
ubptgbot<mymike00> @Alexi [Hi Everybody. could somebody give me some support with telegram? In particular I …], the next version of Teleports will have voice notes recording10:06
ubptgbot<Alexi> @mymike00 That's a good news, thanks! Do you know when will it be released?10:06
ubptgbot<mymike00> @Alexi [@mymike00 That's a good news, thanks! Do you know when will it be released?], no ETA yet, but soon ^^ maybe 2 weeks, maybe more, idk...10:10
ubptgbot<Alexi> @mymike00 That seems reasonably soon. Thank you!10:11
ubptgbot<mymike00> @Alexi [@mymike00 That seems reasonably soon. Thank you!], Sure. Do you want a preview of the release in the mean time?10:11
ubptgbot<Alexi> Just to know, where can I get it?10:13
ubptgbot<mymike00> @Alexi [Just to know, where can I get it?], for armhf https://gitlab.com/ubports/apps/teleports/-/jobs/780790713/artifacts/raw/build/arm-linux-gnueabihf/app/teleports.ubports_0.8.0.201008181232_armhf.click … or arm64 https://gitlab.com/ubports/apps/teleports/-/jobs/780790714/artifacts/raw/build/aarch64-linux-gnu/app/teleports.ubports_0.810:15
ubptgbot<mymike00> be aware that when you install a Teleports update you have to close the app, otherwise you will have to reboot the phone. You can always go back to the stable version in the openstore if you find some issue with the beta version10:16
ubptgbot<Alexi> Very exhaustive. Many thanks!10:16
ubptgbot<Petr> @fredldotme [What's your area of interest in UT?], How to say it, sort of everything10:26
ubptgbot<Petr> .10:26
ubptgbotIrfan Khan was added by: Irfan Khan10:48
ubptgbot<Danfro> @Petr [How to say it, sort of everything], Cool. Then feel free to start everywhere. 😀 One good way to start is picking issues from issue trackers of apps or system parts and start solving those.11:30
ubptgbot<Danfro> Help is always appreciated.11:30
ubptgbot<Danfro> Great to have you around.11:30
ubptgbot<Danfro> Some core apps need work e.g. music app if you feel like it.11:32
ubptgbot<Danfro> Clickable is the tool you need to build most apps.11:32
ubptgbot<Petr> @Danfro [Cool. Then feel free to start everywhere. 😀 One good way to start is picking is …], All right! Otherwise, if I find something and figure it out,13:13
ubptgbot<Danfro> Feel free to ask if you have specific questions.13:14
ubptgbot<Petr> @Danfro [Feel free to ask if you have specific questions.], Well thanks a lot13:17
ubptgbotlellol was added by: lellol15:09
ubptgbot<wednesdayendless> Anyone know how to install UT on OnePlus 2? Mine came in and i see it on the devices list, but ubports-installer doesn't list it15:24
ubptgbot<nanu_c> When it's not in the installer maybe you find a manual in the forum.17:26
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> Has anyone managed to install UT on Xperia X (suzu) with status saying "Bootloader unlock allowed: No" ? On the Internet it looks like this is a dead end.17:43
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> It looks like some Xperia phone were shipped with `fastboot oem unlock` option disabled.17:44
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> [Edit] It looks like some Xperia phones were shipped with `fastboot oem unlock` option disabled.17:44
ubptgbot<WolfLink15> did you enable OEM Unlocking in Developers Options?17:44
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> @WolfLink15 [did you enable OEM Unlocking in Developers Options?], Yeah, I covered the basics.17:45
ubptgbot<WolfLink15> oh ok17:45
ubptgbot<WolfLink15> then idk17:45
ubptgbot<WolfLink15> could be your carrier17:45
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> It came unlocked.17:45
ubptgbot<WolfLink15> the original carrier may have that option disabled17:46
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> I just can't get my head around the fact this is a dead end. We're living in times when teenagers are launching drones to the sky.17:48
ubptgbot<WolfLink15> hmm, is the original carrier verizon?17:48
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> I have no clue. I would have to ask the person I got it from. Does the carrier matter ?17:50
ubptgbot<WolfLink15> some carriers completely disable the feature even if the phone itself supports it17:51
ubptgbot<WolfLink15> even after a carrier unlock17:51
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> Very nice of them. I'll send them a Chrismas present this year ....17:51
ubptgbot<WolfLink15> hmm17:52
ubptgbot<dohbee> is it a chinese model?17:53
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> @WolfLink15 [hmm], This really s**ks as you can't tell which Xperia X you can root and which you can't. I mean in advance.17:53
ubptgbot<dohbee> @coding_hedgehog [This really s**ks as you can't tell which Xperia X you can root and which you ca …], well i guess you can ask seller for a picture of the screen with that info17:54
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> @dohbee [is it a chinese model?], It didn't come with Chinese ROM, no.17:54
ubptgbot<dohbee> also, is there an option in android developer options to enable bootloader unlock?17:54
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> No Flyme OS or Chinese characters.17:54
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> @dohbee [also, is there an option in android developer options to enable bootloader unloc …], Yes, there is and I toggled it on. It literally says `Allow the bootloader to be unlocked` and it's toggled on.17:55
ubptgbot<dohbee> ok17:56
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> @dohbee [also, is there an option in android developer options to enable bootloader unloc …], Xperia has this code you need to dial out to check if the bootloader can really be unlocked. Either it says Yes or No. I pulled the short straw. What the odds.17:57
ubptgbot<dohbee> sounds like maybe you got unlucky and unfortunately there are some devices in this situation.17:57
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> Well nobody with Xperia X and running UT has chimed into our chat so far.18:00
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> But I do suggest do add few more lines to the device page on the website. To say something along the lines of: … Before you purchase the phone ask seller to take a screenshot of the phone after dialing out the code. … To avoid wasting time.18:02
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> [Edit] But I do suggest do add few more lines to the device page on the website. To say something along the lines of: … Before you purchase the phone ask seller to take a screenshot of the phone after dialing out the code. … To avoid wasted time.18:02
ubptgbot<dohbee> @coding_hedgehog [But I do suggest do add few more lines to the device page on the website. To say …], i'm sure a PR for that would be welcomed :)18:04
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> Folks on XDA says the same. If the phone after dialing out the code says "No" that's a dead end as for rooting.18:07
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> It's kinda interesting to observe that some permission rules can be overriden but some you can do nothing about. Even XDA pens couldn't do anything with it.18:08
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @coding_hedgehog [Xperia has this code you need to dial out to check if the bootloader can really …], I also mistakenly purchased an Xperia that can not be unlocked - I also was unaware that some come with locked boot loaders ☹18:14
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> @TotalSonic [I also mistakenly purchased an Xperia that can not be unlocked - I also was unaw …], Another one hit the wall with Xperia.18:15
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @coding_hedgehog [Xperia has this code you need to dial out to check if the bootloader can really …], [Edit] I also mistakenly purchased an Xperia that can not be unlocked - I also was unaware that some come with unlockable boot loaders ☹18:15
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> @TotalSonic [I also mistakenly purchased an Xperia that can not be unlocked - I also was unaw …], Yes I'd definitely add a warning to the device page. That warning could potentially save you days of your time. Purchasing, delivering, futile rooting and then requesting return to seller. Days can be saved with little warning on the18:17
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> Guys, can any of you take a moment and just give me a list of phones that are "flagships" and is developed to the point that it can be used as a daily driver ?18:22
ubptgbot<dohbee> nexus 518:23
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> @dohbee [nexus 5], Is that it ????? XD18:23
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> Meizu 5 Pro can be used too.18:23
ubptgbot<dohbee> i don't know what you consider "flagship" nor "daily driver" so i can't answer your question. only you can18:24
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> Flagship means that is of a robust build, fast processor, at least 3 GB of RAM.18:24
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> @dohbee [i don't know what you consider "flagship" nor "daily driver" so i can't answer y …], But I get your point. That's a matter of opinion for the most part.18:25
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> What does it mean "Requires gst-droid" ?18:32
ubptgbot<dohbee> it means some devices require a different camera implementation which is not fully integrated into UT yet, to be able to use the camera18:33
ubptgbot<Stereofont> BQ Uplus is often overlooked. Good if a compact phone suits18:35
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> @Stereofont [BQ Uplus is often overlooked. Good if a compact phone suits], Let me take a look.18:36
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> @Stereofont [BQ Uplus is often overlooked. Good if a compact phone suits], Uplus isn't listed in the list of phones.18:37
ubptgbot<Stereofont> It is 'complete' but not in the installer yet18:38
ubptgbot<Stereofont> https://forums.ubports.com/topic/2941/porting-ubuntu-touch-ubports-to-tenshi-bq-aquaris-u-plus/4318:38
ubptgbot<Stereofont> It isn't 'flagship' but adequate18:39
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> @Stereofont [It isn't 'flagship' but adequate], It looks nice but it seems to be based on Halium. I wonder how the core app are rendered on the phone.18:40
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> @Stereofont [It isn't 'flagship' but adequate], [Edit] It looks nice but it seems to be based on Halium. I wonder how the core apps are rendered on the phone.18:40
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> "Flagship phone" to me means latest and greatest specs on a mobile device, where all hardware and software functions correctly. Chip wise in 2020 that would mean Snapdragon 865 and better or similar. Currently for UT there is no real "flagship".  Meizu Pro 5 certainly gives best combination device specs with all hardware functioning (i18:41
ubptgbotncluding camera flash and zoom, finger print reader, sending wirelessly to external display, etc.) - but its disadvantage is that it is limited to HSPA/3G in the USA - which will become a major issue towards using it as a daily driver as US carriers start to shut down 3G in 2021.18:41
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> @TotalSonic ["Flagship phone" to me means latest and greatest specs on a mobile device, where …], Thanks for the info, Steven !18:42
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> @Stereofont [It isn't 'flagship' but adequate], I've seen UT based on Hallium on OnePlus 6T and it needs more time. Can't be used as a daily driver imho.18:43
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> @TotalSonic ["Flagship phone" to me means latest and greatest specs on a mobile device, where …], I've got Meizu 5 as a daily driver so I can tell it's a decent gadget. Wouldn't give it away. I'm just looking for another phone that's on the same "level".18:45
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @coding_hedgehog [I've seen UT based on Hallium on OnePlus 6T and it needs more time. Can't be use …], It is a Halium 7 build18:45
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> Volla Phone has potential to become a "flagship" among UT devices - despite it using a "meh" Mediatek Helio 23 - but it needs to have fixes for camera zoom and flash, as well as  handling of some indicators not getting hidden by its notch, along with a few other bug fixes for it to take this role.18:46
ubptgbot<Stereofont> OnePlusThree is on a par with Xperia X18:46
ubptgbot<dohbee> in any case, it feels weird to call phones "flagship"18:48
ubptgbot<dohbee> like they're all at war on the sea or something18:48
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @coding_hedgehog [I've got Meizu 5 as a daily driver so I can tell it's a decent gadget. Wouldn't …], I love my Meizu Pro 5 and use it as a daily driver as well - but the looming loss of 3G support in the USA makes its days numbered for its use as a daily driver for me. One of the reasons I pre-ordered a Volla Phone18:48
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @dohbee [in any case, it feels weird to call phones "flagship"], It is something the mobile device makers - who are definitely in a market share war with each other - dubbed, and tech reviewers echoed their language.18:49
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> There are a number of devices being ported via Halium 9 and/or GSI which have potential to become UT "flagships" - e.g. Poco F1, OnePlus 6T, some of the better spec'd Xiaomi and Redmi phones - but again they need numerous fixes  for this to happen.18:56
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @Stereofont [OnePlusThree is on a par with Xperia X], USB-C on the OnePlus 3 is definitely a big plus over the Xperia X too18:58
ubptgbot<Flohack> @dohbee [in any case, it feels weird to call phones "flagship"], Superexpensive stores are also called flagship stores19:01
ubptgbot<dohbee> either way, the flagship phone in my heart is not the one in my hand19:01
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> @TotalSonic [I love my Meizu Pro 5 and use it as a daily driver as well - but the looming los …], You live in US ?19:05
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @coding_hedgehog [You live in US ?], Yes, in central Texas19:06
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> @TotalSonic [There are a number of devices being ported via Halium 9 and/or GSI which have po …], Yeah, I totally agree that those phones will really make its mark in the UT community. One day.19:06
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> @TotalSonic [USB-C on the OnePlus 3 is definitely a big plus over the Xperia X too], Sorry I know I'm being ignorant but has anyone spotted any speed difference in charging or data transfer ? USB-B vs USB-C.19:08
ubptgbotEdward was added by: Edward19:08
ubptgbot<dohbee> depends on if the USB is 2.0 3.0 3.1 etc…19:14
ubptgbot<dohbee> but type C can handle higher current, so some devices will charge faster, when utilizing smart charge adapters19:14
ubptgbot<coding_hedgehog> I gotta say that the work of the community is very inspiring and impressive. You guys have done so much with very limited budget.19:15
ubptgbot<Edward> Hey guys. I’m a programmer, but I don’t know much of anything about the phone space. Why are the supported phones so few?19:15
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @coding_hedgehog [Sorry I know I'm being ignorant but has anyone spotted any speed difference in c …], USB-C provides significant improvements in speed, reliability and durability in terms of charging on all devices I have used it on, relative to Micro-USB19:16
ubptgbot<fredldotme> @Edward [Hey guys. I’m a programmer, but I don’t know much of anything about the phone sp …], Porting a device is considered a big task, as every phone needs to be tailored to the OS. It's not like with x86 computers where there are standards dictating how a system and the hardware cooperate.19:17
ubptgbot<fredldotme> @Edward [Hey guys. I’m a programmer, but I don’t know much of anything about the phone sp …], [Edit] Porting a device is considered a big task for some, as every phone needs to be tailored to the OS. It's not like with x86 computers where there are standards dictating how a system and the hardware cooperate.19:17
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @Edward [Hey guys. I’m a programmer, but I don’t know much of anything about the phone sp …], Because each device needs support customized for its specific hardware drivers, and often these drivers are closed source, and need to be reverse engineered.19:17
ubptgbot<Edward> Thank you. Do either of you guys have a link with detailed information about the porting process?19:21
ubptgbot<fredldotme> Depends on the device. We currently support 7.1 and 9.019:22
ubptgbot<fredldotme> though, 9.0 is a WIP right now and needs its documentation integrated.19:22
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @Edward [Thank you. Do either of you guys have a link with detailed information about the …], http://docs.halium.org/en/latest/porting/first-steps.html  and http://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/porting/Intro.html19:25
ubptgbot<fredldotme> [Edit] Depends on the device. We currently support Android 7.1 and 9.019:25
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @Edward [Thank you. Do either of you guys have a link with detailed information about the …], Also - http://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/porting/halium_9/Halium_9_GSI_porting.html19:27
ubptgbot<Edward> Thanks. I appreciate it.19:28
ubptgbot<Edward> @TotalSonic [http://docs.halium.org/en/latest/porting/first-steps.html  and http://docs.ubpor …], May I message you privately?19:44
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Edward [May I message you privately?], you might want to join https://t.me/halium if you are wanting to port a device19:46
ubptgbot<dohbee> if you're wanting to port an application to UT, that is of course quite different :)19:46
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @Edward [May I message you privately?], If it is in regards to porting, unfortunately I can not help you, as I have no experience doing it, and I am not a developer at all, just a user of UT for my daily driver. There is a Telegram group for porting as noted above by Rodney19:46
ubptgbot<Edward> Thanks guys. I’m trying to figure out how this stuff works so I can see if I can help19:48
ubptgbot<dohbee> there are many ways to help that do not require porting a device, but if that is what you wish to do, even better :)19:49
ubptgbot<Edward> I’ve heard that project treble did help. How helpful was it? Are newer devices much easier to port?19:50
ubptgbot<Edward> It seems a huge waste of developer time to have to customize to each and every device19:52
ubptgbot<dohbee> it can be easier, but the kernel still must be modified and built, and there may be changes necessary in the GSI to enable different devices19:53
ubptgbot<dohbee> so i wouldn't say it makes things much easier, but you shouldn't need to rebuild everything as much, and it's a bit different from the 7.1 stuff19:53
ubptgbot<T-Bag> Is possible to run android apps on UBport?19:59
ubptgbot<dohbee> Ubuntu Touch is not Android, so no, not really. Some devices can run Anbox, however it is not the same as running the app natively on an Android phone, and many features and integrations are still missing20:01
ubptgbot<dohbee> (and it's experimental, and a setup tool is not part of the default system yet)20:01
ubptgbot<T-Bag> Ok20:10
ubptgbot<T-Bag> Thanks for the reply20:11
ubptgbot<o00o00o0o00o> Is the gps and navegation system not working for all the devices yet?21:11
ubptgbot<dohbee> i guess it should generally work, but only gps radio itself is supported. there is no bluetooth/wifi based assistance. only cell tower assistance on some qualcom devices. so you'll need clear signal to get a fix in a reasonable amount of time (ie, outside, good cellular connectivity, and a good data connection)21:14
ubptgbot<o00o00o0o00o> @dohbee [i guess it should generally work, but only gps radio itself is supported. there …], I am running Pine, that's my concern21:18
ubptgbot<o00o00o0o00o> many of the systems for using with Pine still doesn't have like a good GPS and navegation app21:18
ubptgbot<dohbee> @o00o00o0o00o [I am running Pine, that's my concern], pinephone? gps should be working on it now, but it is gps radio only so you're going to need to be outside with clear view of satellites to get a fix21:18
ubptgbot<dohbee> unav and puremaps should both work i think, too21:19
ubptgbot<o00o00o0o00o> what maps app and navigation would you reccomend?21:19
ubptgbot<o00o00o0o00o> ok21:19
ubptgbot<o00o00o0o00o> One other thing, that goes for developers21:21
ubptgbot<o00o00o0o00o> regarding to security in Ubuntu Touch21:21
ubptgbot<o00o00o0o00o> what security features can this system offer me? (if there is some)21:22
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @o00o00o0o00o [Is the gps and navegation system not working for all the devices yet?], How well GPS works is indeed device specific.  In my experience the GPS works decently  well with the Meizu Pro 5, finding an initial position in under a minute, where as with the OnePlus One sometimes it would take in the minutes in order to find an21:28
ubptgbot initial position.21:28
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @o00o00o0o00o [what security features can this system offer me? (if there is some)], The OS is completely open source so can be audited.  Applications (including webapps) are containerized, so can not access hardware or data that you have not given them permission to get to.21:33
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @o00o00o0o00o [what security features can this system offer me? (if there is some)], [Edit] The OS is completely open source so can be audited, and UBports does not track your data or usage.  Applications (including webapps) are containerized, so can not access hardware or data that you have not given them permission to get to.21:34
ubptgbot<Alexi> Hi everybody, I am experiencing some issues with libertine. It runs literally 2 days for the configuration and then I cannot install anything. I am using the BQ aquaris E4.5. Does anybody knows how to use it?21:35

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