=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash | ||
Unit193 | jphilips: 'extras' is new stuff, 'staging' is backports to focal, 'experimental' is 4.15 stuff. | 02:26 |
=== jphilips_ is now known as jphilips | ||
jphilips | Unit193: thanks. guess i'll stick with enabling staging. any plans to get thunar-shares-plugin into the ISO as its the only new thing in extras now and definitely would be a good easy addition to have enabled by default in xubuntu? | 11:16 |
Unit193 | Staging isn't for testing purposes, but alright. Nope. | 11:23 |
jphilips | staging description: "The packages are uploaded for the convenience of people testing these new package versions and features in an otherwise stable environment." | 11:57 |
jphilips | just fixed the 18.04 download links which were broken for the last 2 months and we should look into a means for these links not to get broken like this when the .torrent files are removed | 20:44 |
jphilips | bluesabre: is 18.04 running gtk2 xfce? | 20:45 |
Unit193 | brainwash: Actually, you seem quite interested in that plugin, if you can come up with a longer description, I'll package it for 'extras' :3 | 21:25 |
brainwash | longer description? | 21:27 |
brainwash | 'A modern, docklike, minimalist taskbar for XFCE' | 21:27 |
brainwash | that is too short? | 21:27 |
brainwash | taken from the github page | 21:28 |
brainwash | the features could be listed to fill description space | 21:29 |
brainwash | https://github.com/nsz32/docklike-plugin#features | 21:29 |
Unit193 | That's about what I used for the sort description, and sure that'll do for now maybe. | 21:31 |
=== genii is now known as genii-o-lantern | ||
=== genii-o-lantern is now known as genii | ||
xubuntu40 | Hi everybody, i want to ask, what is the first thing you want to tell your friend when he goes from windows to xubuntu OS ? | 23:40 |
Unit193 | I'd be curious why said friend made the change, I guess. | 23:41 |
xubuntu40 | sorry i didn't make myself clear, i mean any tips any guidelines or something to first look before goes crazy with his new OS, something like that | 23:43 |
Unit193 | Heh, I have things I do to customize it, but that's not really fitting for anyone else. I'd mainly just tell someone to not be afraid to tinker and customize it to however they like it. | 23:46 |
Unit193 | I don't think he liked that answer. | 23:56 |
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