[00:07] see i like cron mail. it means the system is still up. [00:08] Like that homer simpson alarm that runs all the time ...until something breaks! [00:16] lol [00:27] its funny but if i dont hear something from my phone at least every couple of hours....well more than likely there is a comms outage, or someone fell in a ditch. [00:34] sarnold, if i want root to be able to use this do i put the .msmtprc in the /root dir? [00:35] grendal-prime: I'm not sure; that might work for 'user' processes, but may not work for daemons; you'd have to test to know, I think [00:35] ok i dont see anything on setting for systemwide [06:20] Good morning === jelly-home is now known as jelly [07:21] Hmm is there any official documentation on switching from 32-bit to 64-bit? My google-fu seems to be failing me. [07:22] Most things nowadays are already 64-bits, otherwise multi-lib is still a thing. [07:25] https://askubuntu.com/questions/5018/is-it-possible-to-upgrade-from-a-32bit-to-a-64bit-installation [09:03] mgedmin: so that's a no, then :P [09:05] lordievader: Yeah, got a buncha service VMs I inhereted at my work. Wanting to upgrade to 20.04 but `do-release-upgrade` goes "uhh you look all 32-bit, sorry, we can't let you in, them's the rules" [09:05] depends on your goals? solve an interesting technical puzzle? go for it! have a working 64-bit OS? clean reinstall [09:06] keithzg: Ah, I see. I'd follow mgedmin advice, clean reinstall. [09:06] If I wanted to be clean-reinstalling all the time I'd be over in Arch or such, heh. Just figured this would be a handled use-case, oh well! [09:07] not worth the effort [09:07] Or migrate the service to a new vm if you want to lower the downtime. [09:08] The uptime only needs to be from about 8AM to 5PM, and frankly that's pushing it, everyone seems to be done for the day by mid-afternoon really ;) [09:10] Oh and tomorrow's even Friday! Half the staff doesn't actually work on Fridays. It's, uhh, a pretty laid-back place in many ways I must admit. [09:16] Err, today is Friday [09:17] Well, okay, technically (currently 03:17 here in Edmonton, Alberta) [11:12] hey everyone! was wondering if we should expect victoria packages in UCA for bionic or not? [12:11] noonedeadpunk: afaict no, those should only appear for focal [12:11] jamespage: coreycb: please correct me if I'm wrong with that [12:14] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OpenStack/CloudArchive kind of implicitly confirms it [12:15] ah, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OpenStack/VersionTracking is more explicit. Victoria will be released as part of 20.10 and then backported to 20.04 in the UCA as the latest LTS. [12:17] frickler: well, I hoped that doc just wasn;t updated :p [12:18] frickler: thanks for answering, just need to double check to plan futher steps:) [12:29] the good thing is you can upgrade to ussuri on bionic, then upgrade to focal as a second step, then to victoria. that's what we did earlier with xenial->bionic and queens [12:48] frickler: well yeah, was trying to understand that plan:) [13:50] Hey guys, does anyone here know how to fix ntopng catergory list errors? [13:50] also how to migrate data for ntopng [13:50] Ubuntu server 18.04 [14:06] I'm working on using kvm+qemu to virtualize pfsense and use the first two NICs on the machine dedicated to the VM with bridging. I wasn't able to get the serial installation to work (it was mentioned because the memstick installer is supposed to be written to disk first - can I use `dd` to write this to a writable qcow2 disk image, and boot from there? Not sure why that would not work.) I've tested [14:06] some VNC solutions on my desktop and connected on the LAN to get a feel for it. When I use VNC with KVM, does the VM run a VNC server itself, or does KVM do something at the host layer and then intercept it from the VM and forward it to a VNC server that the KVM host is running? [14:08] The VNC options are command line arguments to virt-install, so I suspect that the host is running its own dedicated VNC server and intercepts visual traffic [14:17] Can any one help me fix ntopng Category list errors [14:26] WobblyBob: by "fix ntopng Category list errors", i assume you are referring to what you think is a bug? if so, have you reported this bug, yet? [14:27] !paste [14:27] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [14:27] tomreyn: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/9gQYKKrgqw/ [14:27] that's not a bug report [14:29] is https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/ntopng what you're using? [14:29] tomreyn: how can i find the bug report? also i thought it may have been something i had configured incorectly [14:31] it can be a misconfiguration. i'm unable to tell because the only detail i and anyeone else here has been provided so far is "ntopng category list errors". maybe describe the unexpected bahviour more closely, and confirm what you're using the ubuntu 18.04 ntopng package, or discuss what else you're using. [14:32] remember, we can't watch over your shoulder, so it's important to discuss what you're seeing on screen when looking for assistence here. [14:33] you also posted some logs, but it's not clear what's wrong there. [14:34] ok i will find logs and version information and send shortly [14:35] bugs on the ubuntu package can be reported using ubuntu-bug ntopng [14:35] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ntopng/+bugs lists bugs which have been reported previously, and are open [14:36] running ubuntu-bug ntopng shows there are no bugs or crash reports to display [14:36] note that this package is probably inherited from debian, and, being in the 'universe' pocket, just receives community support [14:37] debian bug reports are listed at https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?pkg=ntopng [14:38] first of all, you really eneed to describe what seems to be the problem. [14:40] Im running Ubuntu Server 18.04 - ntopng version 4.1.201009 (11725) - Enterprise L Edition - its saying in the alerts that the name resolution failed for the category lists downloads [14:41] WobblyBob: that's not a software which is part of ubuntu, or supported here. [14:41] not a problem thank you [14:41] "name resolution failed" usually points to dns / resolver issues [15:25] ok im going bonkers with this smarthost deal [15:26] i aparently need to use msmtp but aparently it is not good to set it as the system default? [15:27] grendal-prime: it is my system default mta. What problem do you have with it? [15:28] also, you don't *need to* use it, you can do what you please. It's just that msmtp(-mta) is a good implementation IMHO, better than ssmtp [15:28] ok, i have ntopng installed on my router..it makes spotting whacky network behavior a no brainer...but i need for it to send me an email when any of the alerts are triggered [15:30] are there any alternatives for ntopng for ubuntu 20 as ntopng having starting up issues and isnt ready for 20 [15:30] !yy.mm | WobblyBob [15:30] WobblyBob: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle [15:30] grendal-prime: that's the description of you goal so that's good. I see no incompatibility with your goal and using msmtp-mta to have those alerts sent out [15:31] Ubuntu 20.04.01 LTS [15:32] grendal-prime: I take it that those alerts are not sent, right? [15:33] WobblyBob: did you actually try the ntopng package that's in ubuntu? [15:34] hi Ubuntu! I'll give feedback today or tomorrow i'm encrypting my second disk ssd samsung [15:35] sorry sdeziel was trying to look something up [15:36] for whatever reason i cant find the alert configure section section that talkes about email alerts [15:36] WobblyBob, i thought you were using 18.04? [15:37] grendal-prime: OK, so correct me if I'm wrong but that doesn't directly relate to you switching from ssmtp to msmtp-mta, right? [15:41] WobblyBob, [15:41] https://packages.ntop.org/apt-stable/ [15:41] there is a procedure there for installing on 20.04 [15:41] you will need to add a repo i think but its pretty standard one [15:42] and sdeziel yes it does. For whatever reason i cant get ntopng to email using sendmail [15:42] or ...mail...it has to have a smtp server that will relay, and i want it to use a gmail-smarthost configuration [15:47] grendal-prime: have you tried my suggestion from yesterday? [15:48] disconnected and lost previous chat logs anyone know of a working ubuntu 20.04.01 LTS ntopng alternative [15:51] sdeziel, i couldnt seem to get it to work with config in root dir...i dont see how to make it system wide. [15:56] This endpoint is designed to send emails to the administrator when an alert occurs. Ntopng only supports sending emails to a SMTP server without authentication. Since ntopng does not authenticate with the SMTP server, the server may reject the email. For this reason, it is suggested to setup a local mail server (e.g. postfix) and use it as the email forwarder to the actual mail server. [15:57] it just does not use any mta but a smtp server aparently ...i cant just configure something for sendmail and have it use that. [16:02] grendal-prime: have you installed the package msmtp-mta? [16:04] doing that now [16:06] once done with this do i need to setup gmail as a smart host or can i just send it directly from the msmtp on my server? if so that seems like a bad thing to have available [16:08] installed [16:08] im going to reboot router..(ran updates...brb) [16:17] WobblyBob, [16:18] that was werid [16:34] grrr people and their phones. You know what i have been telling EVERYONE 5g is a scam for the last 3 years. [16:36] and now all this crazy stuff about how it causes cancer...hell it cant even penetrate your skin how can it cause cancer? Its the safest wavelength ever cause its totally ineffective! [16:37] Sunlight is more dangerous because unlike 5G sunlight is REAL! [16:41] sdeziel, ok its installed and ive chased off all the time spounges on my calendar for the next few hours. [16:42] grendal-prime: please confirm /usr/sbin/sendmail does point to msmtp's mta. `ll` should show you this: /usr/sbin/sendmail -> ../bin/msmtp* [16:47] done [16:50] grendal-prime: OK, now since you want it to be your system default MTA, you'll need to create /etc/msmtprc and put your config in there. This is where you configure it to relay through Gmail [16:57] ok what goes in that file? [16:59] grendal-prime: see `man msmtp` [16:59] grr grendal kicks rock around driveway [17:00] grendal-prime: basically create a "account default" and put the creds for your Gmail account [17:03] grendal-prime: here's an example (completely untested) https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/g9XQ6RskCy/ [17:03] I probably got the host wrong as I don't use Gmail myself [17:06] dude... [17:06] you have a lemur? [17:07] Ive had one for over 7 years. It finally croaked 2 days ago (the hard drive) Im going to rebuild it again next week [17:08] I love that thing..its like a box of legos...everything just pops off and snaps back on. [17:09] I regret buying mine, worst build quality I've seen for a laptop of this price [17:09] thing i use now is a panasonic cf-31 i5 [17:09] ya lemur is not the toughest box [17:10] Mine is i5, in 7 years i have replaced the cooling fan and the keyboard. [17:10] anyway. [17:15] grendal-prime: once happy with the config, you can test it with the usual invocation of the sendmail command [17:16] grendal-prime: and once it's working, you'll be able to have your SMTP listener (no auth, not TLS) by running: sudo systemctl enable --now msmtpd [17:31] anyone know how to solve keyboard not working in ANY vncviewer [17:32] im using ubuntu 18.04 [17:32] ubuntu 18.04 for host and ubuntu 20.04.01 to connect with vnc viewer [17:52] !irclogs | WobblyBob [17:52] WobblyBob: Official channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ [17:55] by the vnc question, i assume you're referring to a view of the guest systems' video console, provided by the virtualization software you're using, via vnc. [17:56] ? [17:56] tomreyn: back sorry let me read [17:56] yes this is correct [17:56] mouse works keyboard doesnt [17:57] sorry work...something down, verizion connection i think...(i stopped getting my [17:57] cron emails...clearly something was wrong) [17:57] WobblyBob: are you passing through the keyboard to the guest, though? [17:57] WobblyBob: which virtualization is this? [17:58] what do you have for keyboard mapping for the client [17:58] tomreyn: A little bit confused, so i have virt manager running a new windows 10 install. the keyboard works within the vnc into the server hosting the vms then when i start the vm the keyboard will not work within that instance within the vnc session on the host [17:58] grendal-prime: so you were serious about monitoring systems by e-mail messages? [17:58] grendal-prime: is it spice? [17:59] are you using spice or vnc? [18:00] tomreyn, yes, thats how our network monitoring system does it...everything else as well...very wide range network,lots of routers with ntop on them [18:00] grendal-prime: so within Virt-manager theres the option for usb input ive selected spice from default to see if that worked but it doesnt. sorry if im a tad confused as to which things do what [18:01] grendal-prime: i would *very* much recommend changing that to a proper monitoring system if you can have any say in that. it'll make your life much better. [18:01] add spice redirection that was what i changed [18:02] ...that is, once everything' setup. [18:04] my clients that run spice just have Generic PS2 Keyboard under keyboard [18:05] grendal-prime: i think if i rdp windows to windows ill be able to complete what i need too... can you give me a guide on setting up the ports for each vm and how to connect. slightly different from what im used to i used the oracle virtualbox prior to this [18:05] same with vnc [18:07] it'll depend on how you configured networking. rdp port is 3389/tcp [18:10] modern rdp also uses 3389/udp ... dunno if the linux clients support it though [18:10] I just use the virtmanager interface...by default it handles all that and i just double click on the vm..it launches virt viewer and whammo bobs your uncle [18:11] sdeziel: linux *clients* as in Remmina? They support 3389/tcp but it's glitchy if you NAT it like you have to do in VMware. [18:11] (observed on attempts to NAT RDP in a multi-hop way) [18:12] teward: modern rdp uses 3389/tcp and then 3389/udp IIRC [18:13] i've gotten modern RDP working purely on 3389/tcp but *shrugs* [18:13] vpn's help with all that [18:13] those're all Windows backends [18:13] and yes, VPNs help with making things fun instead of multinatting to VMs [18:13] unless the VMs are bridged to the same network and have independent IPs, otherwise NAT breaks stuff [18:13] but I digress :P [18:14] but...i am doing that from a linux workstation and it connects via ssh to libvirt. [18:16] most of my kvm-hosts are not anywhere in my physical reach so i use ssh [18:23] sdeziel: thanks for pointing this out, i didn'T realize they do udp as well. [18:23] tomreyn: I have yet to tcpdump a remmina session to check if it uses it though [18:25] https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/16164.rds-2012-which-ports-are-used-during-deployment.aspx says UDP, too. but... microsoft documentation. [18:27] apparently UDP is an "intelligent transport" https://cloudblogs.microsoft.com/windowsserver/2012/05/08/windows-server-2012-remote-desktop-services-rds/ [18:28] that's for windows server 2012, though. for server 2020 they'll probably call it "smart transport". [18:31] this will probably switch to QUIC at some point ;) [18:33] eeeek [19:43] ok sdeziel found something on this... [19:43] https://chirale.org/2018/07/25/use-external-smtp-server-for-system-mails-on-linux/ [19:43] but...its complaining about a gpg file needed for the root user [19:44] sendmail: cannot read output of 'gpg --no-tty -q -d ~/.msmtp-gmail.gpg' [19:44] grendal-prime: you are definitely not using the config I proposed so I don't know... [19:47] i get the same message with the config you gave me [19:47] gpg: can't open '/root/.msmtp-gmail.gpg': No such file or directory [19:48] grendal-prime: that's hard to believe [19:48] do i need to restart msmtp service? [19:49] does not appear to be one [19:50] msmtpd is the daemon [19:51] Failed to restart msmtpd.service: Unit msmtpd.service not found. [19:51] grendal-prime: are you on Ubuntu 20.04? [19:52] 18.04 [19:53] that's why, the msmtpd.service is only available on 20.04 and later [19:54] mthrfkr [19:55] grendal-prime: I needed to do a backport for a client so if you trust me, you can use it from this PPA: https://launchpad.net/~sdeziel.info/+archive/ubuntu/infra?field.series_filter=bionic [19:56] hmm trust you?....i didnt bring any protection....this has usually not worked in my favor in the past.... [19:56] LETS DO IT!! [19:58] oh wow :) such luck :) [19:58] Hell... i run my routers in permiscuouse mode all the time anyway! [19:59] msmtpd... is that about the same as me spinning an aiosmtpd server from Python command line...? o.O [20:01] wait...we are spining off topic here, we need to focus on MY needs...(Im starting to feel like sheldon on BBT) [20:10] grendal-prime: my backport won't solve the gpg thingy though [20:10] for that, you'll have to share the /etc/msmtprc file via pastebin. Make sure to obfuscate any user/password/email addresses in there [20:10] damn it i was looking at gettting frisky with that ppa [20:11] you'll need the PPA if you want a SMTP listener based on msmtp-mta [20:12] it won't magically fix the config problem [20:12] I remember when people could do magic fixes like that...those were the good ol days. [20:13] a little ot but interesting enough...ive been waiting for this artcle for about 10 years.... [20:13] https://www.techrepublic.com/article/could-microsoft-be-en-route-to-dumping-windows-in-favor-of-linux/ [20:15] i think im going to just set up exim with a smart host configureation. Ive done it before. i remember it not being that big of a deal. [20:15] ill bounce back once its running [21:27] i got it done with this [21:27] https://www.linode.com/docs/email/email-services/configure-postfix-to-send-mail-using-gmail-and-google-apps-on-debian-or-ubuntu/ [21:28] well i mean..i got it to...send with mail at this point..i need to test from ntopng [21:28] that was a bit more envolved than i wanted to get but it is the method that gmail allows even with insecure apps turned off.