[02:18] i can't for the life of me work out what creates the paths /usr/lib/modules// [02:18] i have a VM with those and a VM without, the one without is unable to load the xenfs module i'm after [02:19] i've been running dpkg -L against the kernel, kernel module and kernel header packages but nothing seems to create the above path O_O [02:25] ok ignore *all* that xD [02:26] modprobe claimed the module wasn't there, "sudo depmod" updated its' opinion and now it's loaded fine [02:26] \o/ [02:26] but I'd still like to know where /usr/lib/modules comes from.. [02:27] are they owned by another path in dpkg, that's symlinked, and thus you can't find them with this name? [02:28] it's a total mystery, on my normal 20.04.1 VM, i see: [02:28] drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4.0K Oct 20 02:20 5.4.0-52-generic [02:28] inside /usr/lib/modules [02:28] inside that are - https://termbin.com/0r3t [02:29] but yeah, just can't get a handle on what puts them there [02:29] oooh ok, my bionic machine doesn't have that path - one comment i can make is that the VM that does have this path has been doing some compilation [02:29] could build-essential do something with this o0 [02:33] daftykins: Bog standard bare metal: "sysop@2004x-c:~$ ls -al /usr/lib/modules/ >> ls: cannot access '/usr/lib/modules/': No such file or directory". [02:34] indeedy! so i was wrong earlier to think it was default [03:38] good morning [06:23] good morning [07:04] daftykins: kernel modules live in /lib/modules, but on recent ubuntus /lib is a symlink to /usr/lib === PowaBanga_ is now known as PowaBanga [07:29] Good morning [08:42] Heya === ledeni_ is now known as ledeni [17:28] mgedmin: that wasn't the case on any of my focal VMs [17:36] the /lib symlink? [17:36] huh, I though usrmerge was installed by default, but I see that it's no longer the case [17:37] i ended up throwing in the towel and going to bed, if i "apt install --reinstall" 'd the linux-modules package for the running kernel, i got the xenfs module back that i wanted, but for some reason on every reboot it disappeared again [17:37] i have absolutely no idea what was causing that [17:38] hmmm this laptop was installed from ubuntu 9.04, never had usrmerge installed, and has /lib -> /usr/lib symlink (plus /bin, /sbin, and a few /lib{32,64,x32}) [17:39] that is very strange [17:48] /lib and /usr/lib are separate on an ubuntu installation from 2015, which is now at 18.04, and went through 14.04 and 16.04 [17:49] an installation i have here, this wasn't meant to be a generic statement. [17:52] I've an ubuntu 18.04 server originally installed in 2009 that still has separate /lib and /usr/lib [17:52] afaiu ubuntu will not force a migration to unified /usr, but you can opt in by installing usrmerge [17:53] another machine was installed from ubuntu gnome 16.04.1 lts and also has separate /usr [17:54] a cloud VPS from ovh with ubuntu 18.04 lts also has a separate /usr [17:54] i would have to say that trying to give answers from a system with that much history is going to be fraught with errors because you don't know what might have been dragged along with it [17:55] oh I keep a changelog on every machine [17:57] that doesn't sound practical [17:59] it's very helpful [18:00] "how did I deal with the apache 2.2 -> 2.4 transition? oh I can look it up on server X's changelog" [18:01] i don't see such notes giving you a detailed specific answer as to the full change history from one version to the next, since upgrades sometimes take a different path depending on what you have [18:01] a clean install could still feel quite alien to someone that'd just taken upgrade paths [18:04] maybe? I've done a number of clean installs and even more upgrades, and I feel at home on every system [18:05] alright, well disappearing modules is a new one on me :D [18:06] to me too! [18:07] I've been using ubuntu since 4.10, and I've never heard of kernel modules just disappearing [18:07] debsums -c linux-modules-$(uname -r) [18:17] usrmerge is in universe in all supported releases - https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=usrmerge - so IF there is or was a mechanism what would carry out the change, it would have done it without usrmerge. [18:20] I think it's the installer that uses the new merged /usr layout since about 18.10 or 19.04 [18:21] docker run --rm ubuntu:bionic ls -l / vs docker run --rm ubuntu:focal ls -l / [18:22] yeah cosmic vs disco show that it happened in 19.04 [18:24] *which* installer then? all of them? [18:25] choose from: subiquity, d-i, ubiquity, calamares, debootstrap, cdebootstrap, and those others i'm forgetting. ;) [18:26] whatever builds cloud images, too. [18:38] newer releases don't support d-i, and I don't think deboostrap and friends were ever officially supported? [18:39] huh, no mention of /usr merge in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DiscoDingo/ReleaseNotes [18:41] wow ubuntu originally planned to support merged /usr since quantal! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam/Specs/Quantal/UsrMerge [18:42] and there was an announcement about merged /usr for new installs to ubuntu-devel@ mailing list at the beginning of disco's development [18:42] debootstrap uses merged /usr by default since 1.0.102: https://wiki.debian.org/UsrMerge [21:51] :-) [21:51] https://www.zdnet.com/article/riaa-blitz-takes-down-18-github-projects-used-for-downloading-youtube-videos/ [21:51] its at the top of ycombinators hacker news [21:51] tons of it, and twitter should give trend :-D [21:51] now flash is dead... [21:53] what relevance does flash have? [21:54] flash gordon? [21:56] Gordon's alive! [21:56] flash itself is not important, just in the timeline [21:56] flash was so easy to create animations for though [21:57] I havn't seen something can compare since [21:57] is there some kinda of Macromedia Flash Studio for HTML5? [21:57] nvm [21:57] off topic [22:01] https://twitter.com/search?q=youtube-dl mirror [22:01] s/ /%20/g [22:02] I think youtube is funny. on Mac and Windows i get ads in between. on ubuntu it is free of ads. [22:08] They don't want anyone to share this code: mplayer $(echo -s "http://youtube.com/get_video.php?$(curl $youtube_url | sed -n "/watch_fullscreen/s;.*\(video_id.\+\)&title.*;\1;p")&fmt=22") [22:10] omg think of taylor swift before you post that! [22:11] She won't get a headache, need a brain for that to happen [22:13] taylor swift, i had to bing that. [22:13] raii used one of her songs as justification for the takedown notice [22:15] https://code.hackerspace.pl/q3k/youtube-dl is the most recent git copy i found [22:16] (i haven't checked authenticity) [23:15] tomreyn: maybe just purge that package? -boost- packages are (usually? always?) just source code and probably not important for anything at runtime, just the next time sometihng that uses boost is compiled [23:17] sarnold: okay, will try, thanks [23:17] i want to go for apt-forktracer next, also, hope this will clarify it [23:17] oh good idea [23:17] that's a useful thing, I never think of it first though :) heh [23:20] nor does anyone else, documentation on steps needed before release upgrade would certainly help. [23:20] (we may have discussed this before) [23:28] and most devs never even think of it because we almost never step outside the main archive, never pin things, etc [23:46] hmm, a lot of (non ubuntu) dev's coming to #ubuntu do habe third party repositories. [23:47] way more than I'd ever expect [23:47] and some folks have ~20 [23:49] Sbur3 has more :) [23:49] well collected across three ubuntu releases [23:49] oh my :) [23:52] it's not that uncommon, really [23:54] i agree that corporates (whose output you probably see most) will likely be more careful about which third party repositories they activate [23:55] I hope so [23:55] I mean, it's an odd situation ... open source is built on the contribution of thousands of people you'll never meet [23:55] but giving all those people root on your system is a bit strange [23:56] very much so. i don't think most people are aware that they do so by activating third party repositories. [23:57] and i don't think anyone but a select few like those hanging around here daily, are aware that you can end up with such 'foreign' 'leftovers' [23:58] yeah, irc is good for learning those kinds of things