[09:30] [telegram] @ItzSwirlz UbuntuEd is going to be LTS-releases only (like the original Edubuntu, when it existed), as it needs to have long-term support. However, I'll be releasing new educational/subject metapackages regularly. (re @ItzSwirlz: Make sure you release UbuntuEd too) [09:32] [telegram] +1 (re @ItzSwirlz: Ubuntu Cinnamon Remix 20.10 "Groovy Gorilla" has been released! [09:32] [telegram] Learn More, and make sure you join our new Discord Server, all information here: [09:32] [telegram] https://ubuntucinnamon.org/ubuntu-cinnamon-remix-20-10-groovy-gorilla-released/) === toddylbg is now known as toddy [17:24] [telegram] @rs2009 , @ItzSwirlz So, when can we expect you all to apply for official flavor status? [18:01] [telegram] Short Answer: Hopefully 21.04 (re @Eickmeyer: @rs2009 , @ItzSwirlz So, when can we expect you all to apply for official flavor status?) [18:01] [telegram] I PRAY TO GOD it will happen [18:01] [telegram] if we don't get 21.04 [18:01] [telegram] That pushes us 2 years [18:01] [telegram] 21.10 is one release before an LTS [18:01] [telegram] I need to get a few more patches in, become friends with more sponsors (re @Eickmeyer: @rs2009 , @ItzSwirlz So, when can we expect you all to apply for official flavor status?) [18:01] [telegram] Then I'll apply, get accepted for UbuntuContributingDeveloper [18:01] [telegram] (hopefully) [18:02] [telegram] And then immediately apply for a PPU, when done, apply for flavor status ASAP. [18:02] [telegram] @Eickmeyer https://wiki.ubuntu.com/itzswirlz/Applications/UbuntuContributingDeveloper/ [21:43] [telegram] have you thought about using unity 8? (re @rs2009: ) [21:54] [telegram] (re @rs2009: )😍😍😍 :