=== perezmeyer is now known as lisandro [10:25] good morning everybody [10:25] RikMills: thanks for the info, do we have working repos or not yet? [10:28] santa_: I think ppas can probably accept uploads and there is hirsute in the archive 'dists' [10:28] though since no 'hirsute is open' announce yet, there is probably toolchain stuff yet to do [10:29] alright, I think I'm going to do one last test rebuild today [10:29] (for focal) [11:30] Hi all [16:20] Fwd from myfenris: Guys.. Have you all voted? [16:20] (Photo, 613x1280) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/tPraw4ZN/file_38187.jpg [16:20] (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/Lza5IlFp/file_38188.tgs [21:22] @myfenris I have! Thanks for the reminder