[00:44] Congrats jose on CC [00:44] thanks! [00:45] jose: Condolences! I don't even know some of the other names. :3 [00:46] * guiverc now notices teward is in this room too, I needn't have gone elsewhere to ping congrats [00:46] guiverc: i've been in here for months lol [00:46] you just aren't observant :P [00:47] nope, never have been (observant), why I'm so great doing QA testing :) [00:47] guiverc: Easiest way to see what channels someone is in, kline them and see where they drop out of. [00:48] No need, I didn't look, I know many folks are in specific channels so just went where I expect them.. I'm lazy [00:48] * guiverc also felt it was best to do in channels where others who may not have know, will also ... [00:49] Ah, so I think I have seen all the nicks at least, except for Lina Elizabeth Porras Santana. [00:49] s/know/known [00:49] I don't think Lina *has* one [00:49] at least not one registered [00:49] :p [00:50] * guiverc finally recognizes Montresor ; I saw you change name yesterday too... [00:50] Hah yeah, I'm one of the silly ones that does the holiday nick dance. [00:51] Nah, your just one of the few that remembers how to :) [00:53] Perhaps this isn't the best channel, but if I may ask where Lina is the most active? [03:17] will be obvious, but I have no idea, why I didn't answer [22:33] UWN 654 up for review, critique, and final edits: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue654 :D [22:34] ack, will get to it as I can [22:36] guiverc: No hurry :D [23:43] Bashing-om: I'd perhaps head the list with "Ubuntu Community Council re-election" instead. [23:44] krytarik: Sounds good to me - thanks :D [23:45] the fridge (community council) url as listed also looks like it applies to both (not indented).. [23:46] Maybe it'd be better if not listed; two items; (1) New member, and (2) New Community council (no number; ie not as list?) [23:48] Ah yeah, didn't even see that yet - just put the link besides the list header then? [23:49] my read thru is complete; that was all I saw [23:50] "youtube: Ubuntu Desktop on Raspberry Pi" - seriously? Either just drop the "youtube" bit or use the actual publisher. [23:52] "Enjoy the video or read all about it on our blog:" - I'd also drop this part from its summary - as well as drop the period after the quotation.