[00:00] Seems so.... https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PjWr38PfT2/ [00:00] Let me check the dpkg verify [00:00] I had a thougt that those file changes might have been _caused_ by dkms trying to build the acpi-call module [00:00] Yes. dpkg --verify shos the same list as well. [00:00] shows [00:01] I think it's time to ubuntu-bug acpi-call-dkms [00:01] The joy of being an early adopter of a stable release. [00:02] yeah, I'm currently forwarding the X11 abstract socket to the real X11 socket via socat so that snapified chromium will work [00:02] It's a lesson I keep re-learning. Even for LTS releases, it seems to pay to wait a few months. [00:03] (which is a bit of an indictment on the concept of a stable release) [00:03] except if everyone waits, who will be the ones to discover the problems and report them? [00:03] Nothing like testing in production. [00:04] hmm, shouldn't ubuntu-bug get past the "Extra debug information will be added to the bug report automatically" page eventually? [00:04] what is a non-LTS release even doing in production? [00:05] By "production" I mean released on the world. [00:05] the launchpad bug process always takes annoyingly long [00:05] My laptop isn't critical path to anything in particular. [00:05] I don't see anything in acpi-call-dkms to cause those files to be written [00:06] My $work laptop (same identical hardware) is on LTS. [00:06] * mgedmin uhh has 20.10 on his work laptop because shiny [00:09] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/acpi-call/+bug/1901452 [00:09] Launchpad bug 1901452 in acpi-call (Ubuntu) "Upgrade to 20.10 error. acpi-call-dkms : ERROR: Kernel configuration is invalid." [Undecided,New] [00:09] hopefully that addresses it sufficiently. [00:10] for my own edification, what is the severity of this on my system? [00:12] well, apt/dpkg will try to rebuild the dkms module on every apt operation, unless you apt remove it [00:12] and you can't make use of whatever hacks you used with /proc/acpi/call [00:12] other than that everything should be fine [00:13] That's reasonable for now. I can live with that. [00:13] I would probably apt install --reinstall linux-headers-$(uname -r) after removing acpi-call-dkms, just for peace of mind [00:13] I actually did try removing it. something pulls it back in. [00:15] that's ... unpossible? [00:16] (well, very surprising) [00:16] I don't suppose you're wrong. Which means my attempt to uninstall it must have been ineffective. I'll try again and see what's up. [00:17] not necessarily. If apt has been configured to also install Suggests: then tlp would cause it to be installed [00:17] davido_: "sudo apt purge acpi-call-dkms" [00:18] Right. That much is ok. Now let me do a fresh sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade...... [00:19] I seem to be clean now. [00:19] So thanks! :) [00:19] (until I remember why I needed acpi-call-dkms at some point) [00:19] :) [00:20] it can be used by TLP to do a few power-related operations [00:28] My new keyboard doesn't have Media controls. I was able to set my F9 key to mute/unmute with: amixer -q -D pulse sset Master toggle Is there something similar for toggle play/pause? I haven't found commands like that without installing other software [00:38] designbybeck Usually the media controls like play/pause emit a key sequence. Do you have access to a keyboard that you could use to make note of the sequence? [00:38] hmmm yes [00:38] You could do a key binding to produce that sequence. [00:38] the other one was wireless [00:39] how would I capture that davido_ [00:54] how do I get to Ubuntu CLI? I no longer see the grub menu on boot-up... It goes straight from BIOS flash screen to the ubuntu loading splashscreen. My keyboard and mouse are not working after I tried to install Nvidia drivers. So I need to get to CLI before the ubuntu GUI login screen. === VileGent is now known as kk4ewt [00:58] Ascavasaion: as far as i know, you hold "Shift" key upon boot [00:58] rud0lf: Aaaah, let me try that. [00:58] Ascavasaion: confirmed, "With BIOS, quickly press and hold the Shift key, which will bring up the GNU GRUB menu." [00:59] Ascavasaion: EFI system then it is the escape key that grub looks for, spam the wxape to to catch that window of oportunity. [01:01] Actually you probably don't even need to do that designbybeck. Just open Settings|Keyboard Shortcuts and set a shortcut for pause/play. [01:02] Ah! I totally over looked those presets! Thank you davido_ [01:03] ...."well that was easy!" [01:06] rud0lf: shift never worked... sigh [01:06] d'oh [01:07] Ascavasaion: see what Bashing-om said, it is "Escape" on EFI systems [01:12] Excllent, Esc got me to the grub menu... but I see there is no safe boot/or similar as there used to be. There is a boot to CLI, but that does not allow me to log in... it just gives me a > prompt without gaining access to my folders and changing settings in my xorg.conf file, etc. [01:14] i suggest pendrive or cd boot for ubuntu preview installation [01:14] Ascavasaion: "advanced oprions" >> recoverry concole. [01:14] oh or that :) [01:14] options* [01:16] Bashing-om: Perfect, thank you! [01:18] Ascavasaion: Then next you will want to take the kernel out of read-only mode. easiest is to activate "networking". [01:24] Bashing-om: That networking to get read/write again is brilliant. Thank you [01:25] Ascavasaion: Give yourself some time - there is no substitute for experience :P [01:26] hehe, thank you. [01:26] I am trying this... https://askubuntu.com/questions/1236770/20-04-gnome-keyboard-mouse-detected-but-not-working-in-xorg to see if it sorts things out. === auosun6 is now known as auosun === apetresc is now known as apetresc[m] === apetresc[m] is now known as apetresc [01:48] Hello, is there any way to get chromium with vaapi on ubuntu 20.10?? I've tried snap version from candidate/vaapi channel and it does not work now but it worked about a month or so ago. gpu: intel hd 620 === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin [02:53] question folks , I'm install an application that has different permission on different folders, by root folder off of /var/www/application what should the application folder gave for permissions the owner should be www-data [02:53] gave=have [02:53] I install my HP printer with CUPS and enabled sharing so I can now print on any device in my house. CUPS is installed on my laptop. is my laptop actually acting as a server right now? im curious abut the mechanism by which im able to discover the printer from other devices that arent my laptop [02:54] i didnt even have to do anything on my cell phone and i can see the printer [02:54] it just discovered it somehow [03:02] out of 1166 people no one is offering help [03:06] same [03:07] wow what a waste, why are these people here or showing here if they are not helping [03:08] Chuckfu, i think theyd rather just look knowledgeable at the right time than actually make a guess and look bad or somehow not knowledgeable [03:09] maplambda shame, why have a channel that offers help if none is given [03:10] maplambda: it uses multicast DNS via avahi package tools === gabkdlly_ is now known as gabkdlly [03:11] maplambda: "avahi-browse -art" will show you discovered records [03:13] TJ-, ty ill look into how this works. so my laptop is actually a server then? if it goes down nobody will be able to print? [03:13] maplambda: is your printer networkable or only connected through usb to your computer [03:14] maplambda: indeed, that's what "sharing" does [03:14] most devices are now networked and advertise themselves on the network [03:15] leftyfb, it was USB but then I changed to networkable (I ran hplib on my laptop which I think configured the ip of my printer ? and then I went into CUPS and had to add the printer and selected share with other devices) [03:15] interesting its been years since I had to set up a network or anything remotely like this. think its changed a lot from what I remember [03:16] maplambda: what model printer is it? [03:16] an HP deskjet 3630 [03:17] maplambda: that printer has it's own wifi connection. You do not need to setup any printer sharing with your computer at all [03:18] maplambda: http://h10032.www1.hp.com/ctg/Manual/c04715461 <~~~ the manual for your printer on how to setup networking and eprint [03:19] ok thanks [03:19] maplambda: also, you might not want to start off by disrespecting the people you're asking for help from [03:20] maplambda: it's 11:20PM on the East cost of the U.S. Most are AFK for the night [03:20] true sorry [05:40] I am trying to install wine from the wine ppa on my recently upbraded to 20.04 from 18.04 system. However trying to install it shows a lot of conflicts and remove a lot of packages from my system: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SYXTX4TYXp/ What should I do? === Tabstar is now known as Tabmow [07:10] dyeplexer: we don't support ppas, if you want help with the wine ppa talk to the maintainers [07:44] !mainline | DarkTrick [07:44] DarkTrick: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds [08:01] TJ-, That says "if one is using select proprietary or out-of-tree modules, you will need to uninstall the module first": The worst case is the new kernel will not work, but my current one will continue working, is that correct? (I'm using VirtualBox) [08:02] DarkTrick: if you're using DKMS managed out-of-tree modules then it should have a fair chance of working UNLESS a kernel interface changed the ABI [08:03] DarkTrick: it's worth trying even if only to see if the SDHCI is readable, before removing it and returning to the distro kernel [08:51] EriC^^: thanks, will keep that for future reference, issue is something between gparted and new wayland default. I'll have to check when back in the office in a few hours. Just now I can't fucking log in at all. [08:51] i mean i log in, but it bounces back, didn't have time to diagnose on a Sunday evening, rather spend time with the GF, so I guess it's today's problem now. [09:27] mgedmin: will it do everything gparted does? haven't used gnome disks before, about to test it out. [09:27] TJ-, I was just wondering, couldn't I just `insmod` the module with the fixes? [09:34] javi404: https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Disks https://help.gnome.org/users/gnome-help/stable/disk.html [09:34] Maik: thanks [09:34] yw [09:36] Q: I'd like to move my linux root partition on my harddisk like this: https://pastebin.com/bE3Spzsu [09:36] Is that possible? How risky is this? [09:53] Solved: I give gparted its chance: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition/MovingPartition [10:23] Hi all. I am trying to setup a bind server to allow my domain work with my own dns server. I was following https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-configure-bind-as-an-authoritative-only-dns-server-on-ubuntu-14-04 and added ansible receipt to configure it. The problem si that I have ubuntu 20 and runnign from my laptop: nslookup server xx.xx..... and querying for mydomain.com is saying server can't find MYDOMAIN>COM SERVFAI [10:24] any help or a better tutorial please ? [10:25] Good morning. Is there a way to reinstall the release theme? I had an issue with the Nvidia legacy drivers, managed to fix it via SSH, but now I have 20.10 with the 20.04 theme [10:25] Repositories seem to be the correct ones [10:37] my named.conf include named.conf.local where I did added a master zone for my domain. Is it ok like this ? [10:38] * Brandano always had trouble with networking stuff [10:39] I'd check in #openwrt. Maybe not exactly on topic, but they are likely to know [10:40] And naturally I did fix my "issue". Everything was updated, just had to select the background image in gnome-tweaks [10:40] has anyone ever had luck with using shim to load systemd-boot? [10:42] ace_me1: actually, ignore that. Most of openwrt stuff will be relative to dnsmasq [10:43] I was expecting to see some ips and configured subdomains of mydomain.com Brandano ? [10:45] my vps provider went down 18 hrs ago without notice. I am afraid of the bad :) COVID and total "close" [10:45] and I try now to setup something to come back online again [10:46] ace_me1: well, on a desktop machine most of the domain stuff will be handled by the router or dhcp server. what you'll find in the BIND is just the localhost stuff [10:46] Hmm, on a server machine it's different [10:46] But even there, I think the dns stuff for your domain is handled by the VPS provider's router [10:47] I mean, you probably have a static IP and a managiing interface somewhere else [10:48] If it's meant to be a web server [10:48] I have a domain provider where i am trying to set my own NS1.... and NS2... which I did configured on an VPS provider [10:49] I did follow the https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-configure-bind-as-an-authoritative-only-dns-server-on-ubuntu-14-04 [10:49] ...tutorial [10:49] Pretty sure 14.4 is out of LTS [10:50] I just adjusted the /etc/default/bind to OPTIONS="-u bind -c /etc/bind/named.conf" [10:51] but systemctl status bind9.service shows at first [10:51] Oct 26 12:41:20 ns1 named[16055]: network unreachable resolving './DNSKEY/IN': 2001:500:2::c#53 [10:51] I am way too old to understand IPv6 [10:52] #53 tells me that would be a dns server? [10:53] yes :) i am old too but not so sharp:) [10:53] I am trying to allow internet to see my web server so I am setting up BIND services on a rented server [10:54] yep, it's the IANA root server === RedNifre_ is now known as RedNifre [10:55] https://www.iana.org/domains/root/servers [10:55] and apparently your machine can't contact it? [10:55] maybe I should disable ipv6 ? [10:55] in bind ? [10:56] if you have a static ipv4 it might be simpler, but it's a temporary patch [10:56] eventually everything will be ipv6 only [10:57] maybe I should ignore this for the moment [10:58] sounds like this? https://serverfault.com/questions/639061/network-unreachable-error-in-my-server-logs/639065 [11:05] Why i cant boot from windows usb? i tried burn windows 10 iso on a usb but it wont load, i get an error for any windows iso from etcher "missing partition table" when i open gparted it gives an error on that usb also, i've tried alot usb's and different windows iso's.. [11:06] server can't find mydomain.com: SERVFAIL Brandano [11:10] lol firefox won't start for me on groovy [11:19] ace_me1: I am sorry, I don't really know a lot, and might be misleading you [11:19] np... I understand [11:19] thx [11:21] "SERVFAIL messages show that the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) that has been looked up does exist, that the root name servers have information on the domain but that the authoritative name servers are not answering queries for this domain." [11:21] https://forums.extrahop.com/t/tip-of-the-week-dns-servfail-dns-nxdomain-truncated-dns-requests/138 [11:22] mydomain.com probably does not exist, I thought it was a placeholder? === Swant is now known as Skeleswant [11:36] mgedmin: FF fixed? === lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje [11:39] Works on my machine [11:39] good to know; I suspect it's my socat X11 socket forwarding hack that's needed to make chromium work [11:39] maybe start it in safe mode, or force a reinstall [11:40] I am on Nouveau now [11:40] was on Nvidia-440, messed up my upgrade [11:41] couldn't even get a lower runlevel to fix things. Luckily network and services were running. Fixed it via SSH [11:44] more groovy fun: the dock sometimes fails to autohide [11:46] mgedmin: let me check that [11:48] haven't been able to figure out steps to reproduce yet [11:48] but it's happened twice in the last 24 hours [11:49] luckily it hides when I go back and interact with it for a bit [11:49] mgedmin: could it be it dodges the open windows now? [11:49] thats what happens for me [11:50] well, I always have a browser window maximized [11:50] lets see [11:52] FF maximized it hides, and mouse hover shows dock [11:55] I think the upgrade process from 20.04 to 20.10 should detect if Nvidia Legacy drivers are in use and prompt the user to switch to noveau or a newer driver [11:55] Q: I moved my root partitions (successfully). Now the boot takes more time. It hangs about 5 seconds after detecting my keyboard. Isn't there a "journalctl -???" command to analyze this further? [11:55] The way it fails during the upgrade can be very nasty [11:56] Brandano: there's no magic red button concerning nvidia drivers, updating can always result into a bug [11:57] Brandano: there was a known nvidia bug that delayed the 20.10 release too [11:58] lotuspsychje: the 440 drivers won't compile on the latest kernel [11:58] because Nvidia dropped its support [11:58] Brandano: latest as in groovy's kernel? [11:58] So, if those are in use, upgrade fails, leaving the GDM unusable [11:58] yep [11:59] Brandano: so ubuntu-drivers list doesnt show 440 for your card anymore? [11:59] or better, the upgrade succeeds, but the gDM won't start [11:59] no, it does not [11:59] Brandano: yeah thats not good news indeed [12:00] My card is a GTX260, it's very old [12:01] DarkTrick: there's systemd-analyze {blame,critical-chain,plot} [12:01] sounds like something that should at least be added to the release notes [12:01] !20.10 [12:01] Ubuntu 20.10 (Groovy Gorilla) will be the 33rd release of Ubuntu, scheduled for release October 2020 ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GroovyGorilla/ReleaseSchedule ). Join #ubuntu+1 for support and questions. [12:02] factoids need editing [12:02] they do mention something about nvidia: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/groovy-gorilla-release-notes/15533 [12:02] but not the fact that you'll lose all graphics if you upgrade today [12:03] I got a "newer" card on order. The nouveau drivers work with the old card, I assume with less optimization [12:04] that's why I think it should be at least mentioned in the upgrade procedure that it might be safer to switch to nouveau before the upgrade. [12:04] for older hardware [12:04] hello everyone, does anyone know of a screen recorder that can record from microphone and from a chrome (i have google meeting open) ? i am using ubuntu 20.04 [12:07] I think OBD? [12:08] Brandano: of course, going from lts to non-lts can also get you into unwanted behavior as you go from stable towards later/latest packages [12:08] err, OBS [12:09] lotuspsychje: I am not complaining for myself. I can tinker and fix stuff. But most day to day users don't ever see the terminal window [12:10] Brandano: agree its not handy GUI [12:22] mgedmin, thank you for the idea. Solved. [12:22] Interstingly I couldn't see "Gave up waiting for suspend/resume device" through any logs or systemd-analyze [12:23] DarkTrick: try out these; sudo apt install preload haveged stacer [12:23] speed up tweaks your system a bit [12:24] lotuspsychje, sorry, I already solved it. Thank you for the help though! [12:24] DarkTrick: /var/log/boot.log? [12:25] After moving partitions around I forgot to update the UUID for hibernation resume [12:25] mgedmin, interestingly there is no /var/log/boot.log [12:25] I wonder where that went [12:27] I guess this will trouble me some other time. As for now the system is running again (comparably flawless); I can have a good night sleep :) [12:37] Hi folks === auosun5 is now known as auosun [12:43] huh, my /var/log/boot.log is empty, but /var/log/boot.log.1 has all the boot text (and is gzipped despite having no .gz suffix, grr) [12:43] and I see repeated failures from sssd.service [12:53] How can I start a graphical application after start I logged into the system? [12:53] I mean automatically [12:54] zen-coder: gnome? [12:57] ubuntu 20.04 [13:00] I think it's a bit in gnome-tweaks [13:02] zen-coder: search "startup applications" in your applications menu [13:03] zen-coder: https://askubuntu.com/questions/37957/how-do-i-manage-applications-on-startup-in-gnome-3 [13:23] it's https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sssd/+bug/1900642 and there's no cause for worry [13:23] Launchpad bug 1900642 in sssd (Ubuntu) "sssd won't start" [High,Triaged] [13:28] mgedmin: newb question, what's sssd? [13:29] !info sssd [13:29] * Deano59 should probably use Google :D [13:29] sssd (source: sssd): System Security Services Daemon -- metapackage. In component main, is extra. Version 2.2.3-3 (focal), package size 4 kB, installed size 28 kB [13:29] I'm using apt.postgresql.org and do-release-upgrade is blocked with the following main.log: DEBUG postgresql-13-postgis3 is marked for removal but it's in de removal blacklist [13:29] it's a thing about which I learned literally fifteen minutes ago [13:29] nice lol [13:29] how to solve this without removing the db? [13:30] or is there an alternative to upgrade the system? [13:32] I do not mind reinstalling postgis though [13:35] hello [13:35] i have bought an usb wifi adapter with antenna [13:35] i can see it doing lsusb [13:35] but there is not adapter under settings/wifi [13:35] what can i do? [13:35] Bus 001 Device 007: ID 0bda:b812 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. USB3.0 802.11ac 1200M Adapter [13:40] asdfgh: tried restarting your network-manager? [13:40] or *even* reboot your pc... [13:42] Deano59, i tried to reboot [13:42] 2-3 times [13:45] Deano59, do i have to install any "special" driver? :D [13:47] asdfgh: https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/rtl88x2bu-wifi-usb-adapter-0bda-b812/106920 [13:51] leftyfb: ? that's for an arm64 device. I'm *guessing* asdfgh is using x86... [13:52] x86 [13:52] i am try [13:52] trying [13:52] yeah leftyfb so that link is useless. [13:53] no no [13:53] it works!!! [13:53] :D [13:53] wow [13:53] i can see networks! [13:53] nice lol [13:54] Deano59, where do you see arm? [13:55] rtl88x2bu, 5.3.1, 4.9.140-tegra, aarch64: installed [13:55] "Jetson Nano with Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS" [13:55] no wait [13:55] but you have it working so all is good. [13:55] something strange [13:55] ok it works correctly [13:56] but if i do dmks status i see [13:56] https://bpa.st/ZZMQ [13:56] i see it correctly [13:56] no? [13:56] Deano59: the driver is built for the arch you're running. The link I posted was just for basic instructions on getting it installed [13:56] asdfgh: yes, that's fine [13:57] congrats asdfgh :) [13:57] asdfgh: there is a newer version if you like as well https://github.com/cilynx/rtl88x2bu [13:59] is there anyone here from the Ubuntu Board Membership folks? [14:00] leftyfb, can i follow the same procedure? [14:00] i mean should i remove it or it basically ovveride the older one? [14:01] wait i see [14:01] rtl88x2BU_WiFi_linux_v5.3.1_27678.20180430_COEX20180427-5959 [14:01] as folder name [14:02] 5.3.1 so i think i have the latest [14:02] no? [14:02] rtl88x2bu, 5.3.1, 5.4.0-52-generic, x86_64: installedv [14:02] rtl88x2bu, 5.3.1, 5.4.0-52-generic, x86_64: installed [14:30] i installed ubuntu and selected french swiss keyboard. then i created a password which is not working anymore [14:30] this happened for the second time now [14:30] i create a password on install, and it's not working anymore to log in to the display manager [14:31] what happened with ubuntu? [14:32] spiri: normally the login screen should display the currently-seleected keyboard. Can you check that it's indeed Swiss-French? [14:33] for the record I did install a Swiss-French machine recently (focal though) and it worked for me (I'm in Switzerland as well) [14:34] tribaal, i'm about to reinstall ubuntu and I checked keyboard layout is not the one i selected for password creation [14:34] leftyfb, still there? [14:35] i suppose that my version is the latest right= [14:35] ? [14:36] spiri: ah, then that does sound like a bug in the installer yes. Maybe try to set a simple ASCII password temporarly, enough to get you into a running, installed system, then upgrade it to something better once you're sure the keyboard config is the one you want? [14:36] it's obviously not a fix, but it will give you a running system at least [14:36] tribaal, i do this now [14:36] however this needs a bug report [14:37] i can't believe i'm installing this for the second time now [14:38] this is frustrating, I understand. === Woet_ is now known as Woet [14:44] this bug already has been reported [14:44] what are they waiting for [14:44] who's "they"? [14:44] won't they change this as quickly as needed? [14:44] the ubuntu maintainers [14:45] do you happen to have a bug number handy? [14:45] nzoueidi: ask your question, whats it about? [14:46] I am sorry lotuspsychje? [14:47] nzoueidi: you had a question about ubuntu membership? [14:47] tribaal, this is fatal to guys who are new to ubuntu and are using norwegian or french keyboard layout [14:47] it will just not work [14:47] and you will loose those newbies [14:47] leaving behind a bad image to ubuntu [14:48] spiri: this is not a complaints channel, please focus on support issues [14:48] I think there is no shortage of people ready to agree here, but what there is a shortage of, it seems, is people actually willing to contribute a fix :) [14:49] lotuspsychje, I am asking about the Ubuntu board membership team, but I already found the answer [14:49] it is not about the Ubuntu membership [14:49] nzoueidi: ok [14:50] forums.ubuntu.com -- you're welcome. I just joined, too. [14:50] by the way, is there anyone who are facing a problem with his alias @ubuntu.com? [14:55] this is unbelievable. i just wanted to install ubuntu just as a newbie and i failed on first instance [14:55] so it's obviousely born to reboot [14:55] not better than windows then [14:56] tribaal: ! [14:56] jpds: ohai :) [14:58] funny thing with my prnter.... i see it under settings/printers but when i open the browser to see cups server administration [14:58] no [14:58] there is no printer :D === lordcirth__ is now known as lordcirth [15:13] install urban terror and run it... it will totally destroy ur desktop view [15:14] no thanks. [15:25] Just a few years ago I remember having a localhost mailbox. It generally took in alerts from the system and I think I was able to send mail from one host to another on my network. What managed this mail server of sorts? [15:27] hey [15:27] hey [15:28] hi [15:28] i upgraded from 20-04 to 20.10. the colors in the terminal seems to be different, and i have screen tearing [15:28] almost constanstly [15:28] nvidia by any-chance? [15:28] no gpu [15:28] intel laptop (asus vivobook) [15:28] should've done a fresh install. [15:29] should have proper upgrade mechanisms.. :) [15:29] ... [15:30] fresh install here, no problems. intel i5 2nd gen. *no* tearing etc. :) === vlm- is now known as vlm [15:31] I just did the upgrade in the last week and have no issues except for a thunderbird addon not available yet. [15:43] any idea how to begin solving a random/constant screen tearing issue on intel i5u cpu/graphics? (asus vivobook) [15:43] Jackneill what gpu drivers? [15:44] i dont remember. how do i check? [15:45] lsmod | grep intel? [15:50] Jackneill: "Run lshw -c video, and look for the line with "configuration". The loaded driver is prefixed with "driver=". Example output:" [15:51] then google the driver to see if anyone else has issues. probably have, though. 20.10 has messed up so many drivers, including nvidia. :D [15:51] * Deano59 just my opinion :D [15:57] zpool status -v no pools available ... but how can i access the bpool and temp_rpool which is there on a disk created with 20.04 [15:59] * omero waves at dust [15:59] yes [16:09] when i have a raspberry pi with ubuntu installed in my network as a central server, do i need to configure a static ip address for accessing this server? [16:09] or does ubuntu has NetBIOS compatibility? [16:09] it would be nice to just ping it like ping rpi [16:11] because every router is working with dhcp as default without a range for static ip addresses [16:11] i'm trying to not change my router config for a central rpi server [16:13] Just a few years ago I remember having a localhost mailbox folder. It generally took in alerts from the system and I think I was able to send mail from one host to another on my network. What managed this mail server of sorts? [16:14] anyone know why I get no Internet when loading this? #chromium --use-gl=osmesa --disable-gl-drawing-for-tests --proxy-server="socks5://" [16:15] Deano59: so you have a proxy server running on port 3128 on that ip? Can you confirm/test it otherwise? [16:16] leftyfb: nvm. :) [16:17] leftyfb: I needed to use http instead of socks5. this works: chromium --use-gl=osmesa --disable-gl-drawing-for-tests --proxy-server= [16:20] working fine, thanks! :) [16:27] my problem is solved my i915.enable_psr=0 if anyone is curious. [16:29] nice Jackneill :) [16:29] hey. may i ask if anyone encountered a problem where eg. after an upgrade( 20-04->20.10) terminal colors look different? eg. tmux's yellow selection color goes to orange etc.? [16:30] last question, I've setup a shortcut to open "sakura" but it's never in full-screen mode, it's always minimized. can I stop that? [16:31] like ctrl, alt and t opens it. but it opens it minimized. I want it the same size as my screen. [16:31] surely it can be done? :D === akem_ is now known as Akem [16:41] hey. i upgraded to ubuntu 20.10 and now i cant see icons like redshift and discord in tray anĂ­ idea? [16:41] any* [16:43] Jackneill: so many issues. this is *why* I always do a clean install. :( [16:43] garbage distro. [16:43] i miss arch [16:43] Jackneill: try sudo apt install --reinstall gnome-shell-extension-appindicator [16:43] Maik, thank you [16:44] Jackneill: use arch then. /shrug [16:44] Jackneill: and try to be nice please [16:51] Hey there, on a fresh install of 20.10, but graphic performance on my hybrid card, with external monitors (2) is VERY slow and poor. Seems there is no acceleration, and if I disable the laptop monitor as a display, and use the 2 external monitors, the system is basically unusable (very laggy, almost unresponsive). [16:52] which card is it [16:52] Nvidia RTX 2070 max-q [16:53] have you use nvidia drivers before? [16:53] yea, prior to this release, everything worked fine. [16:54] was it with nouveau or nvidia drivers? [16:54] nvidia [16:55] there is a binary blob you could run if you want to stay with the closed source drivers i guess [17:02] sorry listen_ers, seems wifi stops replying too! becomes unresponsive, have to turn off, then re enable to get 5 minutes of activity. [17:02] oh hmm yea i think dealt with that before a long time ago [17:02] I upgraded to 20.10 last week. All upgraded fine except the 20.10 kernel is not in the grub menu. I have zfs bpool/rpool on the system. How do I get the new kernel to show up in grub so I can boot from it? [17:02] could it be a kernel bug? none of this happened in the LTS release. [17:03] well to be sure you find your wifi device drivers and recompile it with the current standing kernel to be absolute sure in usual case but with a package manager you are suppose to look for it in the specific repositories [17:04] yea its something with a kernel module possibly [17:05] or you could check running services disabling network running services to see if those could make it better [17:05] When I list the kernels - dpkg --list|grep linux-image|grep ii I see 5.4.0-40.44 which I'm booting from and also 5.8.0-25 [17:05] then goign through steps to get wifi back up before looking into the kernel stuff [17:06] puxavida: update grub: sudo update-grub [17:06] but you have the information [17:13] Maik, when I do that at the end it says: Device-mapper: reload ioctl on osprober-linux-sda4 failed: device busy and same message for sdb4 since I have it in raid1. But I thought it would be using sda1. [17:22] When I reboot, it just has 5.4.39 and 5.4.40 kernels. No 5.8. [17:23] you're not on 20.10 then. [17:23] It must not like my zsys setup. [17:27] When I check the system info, it says 20.10 in kde and plasmashell -v says 5.19.5 where on 20.04 it was 5.18.5. lsb_realease -a also says 20.10. [18:06] puxavida: do you have the ubuntu-desktop metapackage installed? linux-image-generic? [18:12] puxavida: if you do an apt update, does it show any upgradeable packages? any held packages? [18:12] puxavida: if you ls /boot, what kernel versions do you see there? [18:13] puxavida: if you look in /boot/grub/grub.cfg, what kernel versions do you see there? [18:31] where does the snap version of thunderbird save its profile? [18:31] somewhere in ~/snap/, I'm sure [18:42] dust: it should be ~/.thunderbird like the apt package [18:47] !ask ssh [18:47] !ask bash [18:48] SlaSerX: what do you need help with? [19:13] is anyone knows why i cant burn a usb with windows on it? i get error on etcher "missing partition table" ?? [19:16] Descriptioned: you can't flash a windows iso to usb on Ubuntu with Etcher afaik [19:17] you need WoeUSB [19:17] Descriptioned: what are you trying to accomplish exactly? [19:18] Maik, The Etcher website claims to support Windows ISOs, albeit in broken English... [19:18] leftyfb: i try to burn windows 10 iso on usb stick, well i've tried rufus but that damn thing dont find any device and i reinstalled also my ubuntu bah.. really weird [19:18] Descriptioned: you need woeusb as Maik pointed out [19:18] Maik: WoeUSB should work i will give a try thanks [19:18] Descriptioned, looking at the site, it looks like Etcher has a separate option for Windows. [19:18] Descriptioned: https://github.com/WoeUSB [19:20] from ubuntu software i got error ( unable to install woe-usb: snap "woe-usb" has "install-snap" change in progress [19:20] Lol [19:20] il go on github [19:21] Descriptioned: https://www.balena.io/etcher/ [19:21] there's a repo for it [19:21] leftyfb: balena dont work :/ [19:21] oh sorry, right :) [19:22] Descriptioned: snap install --edge woe-usb [19:25] error: snap "woe-usb" has "install-snap" change in progress [19:25] Lol [19:25] snap changes ... [19:25] anyway i installed it thanks [19:25] (tells you about wht snapd is doing) [19:42] first time i've tried the graphical release upgrade utility. went from 18.04 to 20.04 just fine. even picked up a config file that was edited and asked if i wanted to keep the changes i made or overwrite with the new file. [19:45] mgedmin, I have linux-image-generic and the hwe-20.04 versions of [19:46] no there are no upgradable packages [19:46] 5.8 is in /boot [19:48] I see 5.8 and 5.4 in grub.cfg [19:48] Trying to upgrade Ubuntu from 18.04 LTS to 20.04, but always getting the following error: "Please install all available updates for your release before upgrading." [19:51] hey is anyone familiar with installation of ubuntu on usb? trying to help friend diagnose https://sqwok.im/p/SAKPu92fOGFKmQ [19:51] "I keep getting "fsck/gparted/sudo not found"" === Hobbyboy|BNC is now known as Hobbyboy [19:57] phasetwo_: what command are you using ? [19:57] jonecir, have you done all updates? On the command line: sudo apt update; sudo apt dist-upgrade [19:57] maybe you should check you syntax.. [19:57] puxavida, yes, have done all updates dozens of times [19:58] phasetwo_: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1004955/running-fsck-manually [19:58] puxavida, are you brazilian? [19:59] Descriptioned: thank you! relaying that to my friend on sqwok [20:00] no. Had a friend that spoke Portugeuse and they always played a song: puxa vida, aqui entrar de novo..... something like that. [20:01] i have an ubuntu vm with a secondary drive that is reporting errors and putting me into emergency mode [20:01] puxavida, ok great! I'm from Brazil. [20:02] journalctl -xb is reporting buffer I/O errors - any idea how to fix this? [20:02] puxavida, so do you have any other idea on what I could check to be able to upgrade my ubuntu? [20:02] I heard that song in the mid 70's :) [20:02] the mount command is reporting wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock [20:03] malwar3hun73r: that's a bad drive. Time to get a new one and restore from backup [20:03] jonecir: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade and then sudo apt dist-upgrade [20:03] just to make sure [20:03] it's a virtual drive on a physical drive with numerous other things on it that are reporting no errors leftyfb [20:04] still confident in a bad drive? [20:04] Maik, I have done these commands and still get the same error [20:04] malwar3hun73r: I/O errors are usually bad hardware. Maybe it could just be a filesystem. Try running an fsck on it [20:04] leftyfb, same IO buffer errors [20:05] what's odd is that the drive was working great until i installed updates and rebooted [20:05] jonecir, are you upgrading from the gui or the command line. I started the upgrade on command line with first with apt install update-manager-core [20:05] malwar3hun73r: I would look into running diagnostics on this physical drive [20:05] malwar3hun73r: updates won't cause this sort of issue [20:05] then do-release-upgrade [20:06] puxavida, I tried both ways: GUI and command line [20:06] and you have rebooted? [20:07] puxavida, yes every time I tried to upgrade I rebooted my system [20:07] Maybe an autoupdater installed something and you need to reboot [20:07] puxavida: sudo do-release-upgrade -d according to the guide [20:08] puxavida, yes I tried that too. However, now there's the 20.04.01 release, so no need to -d [20:09] leftyfb, i would agree, but the drive was working perfectly prior to rebooting [20:09] jonecir: one of the reasons i never upgrade, too much of a hassle [20:09] malwar3hun73r: that's what we call anecdotal evidence [20:10] Maik, well soon or later you'll have to upgrade [20:10] understood, but it is also what happened and is an odd coincidence [20:11] jonecir, try: apt-get upgrade -y [20:12] puxavida, I tried that too. Always get the same error message [20:12] jonecir: no you don't, clean install is another option and way faster [20:14] Maik, yes a clean install is an option, but I guess it will kill all you have on your PC, right? [20:14] I'm using the command grep -rnw / -e "string" to find files which contain a string. But how do I just list the files/paths and not the string inside of the file? === Condor__ is now known as Condor [20:14] jonecir: so? [20:14] amazoniantoad: the man page for "grep" would tell you to use -l [20:15] leftyfb, thanks [20:15] jonecir: backup of important data on a external drive, other apps and stuff is installed and configured in a breeze [20:16] jonecir, you get the error when running "apt upgrade"? [20:16] Maik: yes, if I cannot upgrade, I will then try a clean install [20:16] the same error when trying to do do-release-upgrade? [20:17] puxavida: yes. sudo do-release-upgradeChecking for a new Ubuntu releasePlease install all available updates for your release before upgrading. [20:18] You get the same error when running "apt upgrade" [20:20] Do you get any "kept back" messages when running "apt upgrade" [20:20] sudo apt upgrade Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done Calculating upgrade... Done The following packages have been kept back: libavcodec-extra 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded. [20:20] hi all [20:21] puxavida: sudo apt upgrade Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done Calculating upgrade... Done The following packages have been kept back: libavcodec-extra 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded. [20:21] Ah - kept back message - you need to remove the kept back packages [20:21] jonecir: are you using full-upgrade? [20:21] I am tring to switch sound cards and cannot find asoundconf, is there a different package? [20:21] apt remove libavcodec-extra [20:23] puxavida: ok I removed that package [20:23] ducasse: what you mean by "using full-upgrade"? [20:23] now try do-release-upgrade [20:23] puxavida: ok will try that [20:24] jonecir: 'apt full-upgrade' - it would handle packages that are kept back [20:25] ducasse: no, I was using "sudo do-release-upgrade" [20:25] jonecir: yes, but you need to do a package upgrade first [20:28] what's the key-combo for bringing up that little RUN dialogue? [20:28] ducasse: yes, but I followed several tutorials, including this one: https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/upgrade-ubuntu-18-04-to-20-04-lts-using-command-line/ [20:29] ash_worksi, holding Win/Super will show shortcuts IIRC === lordcirth__ is now known as lordcirth [20:29] Well, I fixed my problem. I did dd if=/dev/sdb1 of=/dev/sda1 to clone /boot/efi from disk2 to disk1. The upgrade had installed the updated info in disk2 [20:30] ash_worksi: ALT+F2 [20:30] Maik: thanks [20:30] lordcirth: no it doesn't, it's not Unity [20:30] Ah ok [20:31] Ubuntu uses Gnome 3 since 17.10 [20:31] Yeah. I've only used K/Xubuntu since 16.04 [20:31] i see [20:34] I just installed ubuntu and my second monitor isn't seen at all [20:34] do i need to install somethng [20:41] puxavida: now the upgrade is running [20:41] puxavida: so you're right about that package. Thanks a lot [20:44] jonecir, Tudo bem - boa sorte [20:45] puxavida: one more thing: the installer is asking what to-do with sshd_config file? === Yorick_ is now known as Yorick === Yorick is now known as Guest47767 [20:45] jonecir: great that the upgrade is running. :) [20:46] puxavida: should I keep the local version currently installed ? [20:46] Maik: thank you [20:46] even i learned something from it to keep in mind for the next time [20:46] If you made manual changes, you could keep it, or just let it use its own version, if it doesnt' matter [20:47] puxavida: ok, muito obrigado. [20:47] nada [20:49] hi all I am on 20.04 and when I type displays from the activity widow I do not get an option for my second monitor. can someone assist [20:51] it was working during the live install [21:11] Hi [21:17] Nate_Sturtz, hi [21:18] hello, how are you lordcirth [21:18] Nate_Sturtz, good. This is the Ubuntu support channel, did you have a support question? [21:19] No, just here to offer help [21:19] if that is ok [21:19] [22:00:54] how to import from 20.04 thunderbird snap into 20.10 thunderbird normal install? console.warn: Lightning: {"result":11,"message":"database disk image is malformed","ERROR":1,"INTERNAL":2,"PERM":3,"ABORT":4,"BUSY":5,"LOCKED":6,"NOMEM":7,"READONLY":8,"INTERRUPT":9,"IOERR":10,"CORRUPT":11,"FULL":13,"CANTOPEN":14,"EMPTY":16,"SCHEMA":17,"TOOBIG":18,"CONSTRAINT":19,"MISMATCH":20,"MISUSE":21,"NOLFS":22,"AUTH":23,"FORMAT":24,"RANGE":25,"NOTADB":26} [21:19] [22:00:54] console.warn: Lightning: {"result":11,"message":"database disk image is malformed","ERROR":1,"INTERNAL":2,"PERM":3,"ABORT":4,"BUSY":5,"LOCKED":6,"NOMEM":7,"READONLY":8,"INTERRUPT":9,"IOERR":10,"CORRUPT":11,"FULL":13,"CANTOPEN":14,"EMPTY":16,"SCHEMA":17,"TOOBIG":18,"CONSTRAINT":19,"MISMATCH":20,"MISUSE":21,"NOLFS":22,"AUTH":23,"FORMAT":24,"RANGE":25,"NOTADB":26} [21:19] [22:00:54] JavaScript error: resource:///modules/CalStorageCalendar.jsm, line 311: NS_ERROR_FAILURE: error executing async statement [21:19] [22:00:54] JavaScript error: resource:///modules/CalStorageCalendar.jsm, line 311: NS_ERROR_FAILURE: error executing async statement [21:19] !paste | dust [21:19] dust: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [21:19] [22:00:54] JavaScript error: resource:///modules/CalStorageCalendar.jsm, line 311: NS_ERROR_FAILURE: error executing async statement [21:19] [22:00:54] JavaScript error: resource:///modules/CalStorageCalendar.jsm, line 311: NS_ERROR_FAILURE: error executing async statement [21:20] Nate_Sturtz, that's great, if you wait around I'm sure someone will be wanting help [21:20] ok [21:20] thanks [21:21] hi al I am having issues with xranr detecting my monitor and has no clue that I have a second one. it worked durring set up [21:21] can someone assist [21:21] whoever: what ubuntu version are you using [21:22] Nate_Sturtz: 20.04 [21:22] ok [21:25] Nate_Sturtz: for what its worth the monitors are the same make and modle [21:25] and it is vga dvi [21:25] ok [21:26] I am looking for resources to help you whoever [21:26] I'm working with gnuradio 3.8 on focal, and one of the issues it has is with the libthrift-0.13.0 package. Gnuradio 3.8 is built against 0.11.0. I see that thrift 0.11.0-6 was successfully built for focal on 8-26-2019. Is there any way to specify that version? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thrift/0.11.0-6 [21:29] whoever: have you looked on askubuntu? [21:30] yes , but nothing seems to be helping to I went back to googling [21:30] whoever: ok [21:30] did you post there asking your issue? [21:35] bye [21:35] shinobi [21:36] Nate_Sturtz: no because I nedd it in a very short time [21:37] ok [21:38] whoever: have you checked if you monater is pluged in [21:38] whoever: is it not showing up, just black or dose it show going into power saving mode === omero_o0 is now known as omero === clarkk11 is now known as clarkk [21:43] Nate_Sturtz: it it black no backlight but it is turned on [21:44] also i do not have the viual representation of displays that i can drag around under settings > displays [21:44] ok take a flashlight and hold it up to the screen do you see anything [21:45] and the monitor neer leaves the power save monde unless I turrn it off and back on [21:45] ok [21:45] Hallcyon: no image [21:46] try to remove your other monater and plug in the other one [21:46] what happens [21:51] is there command to show ssh host aliases? [21:51] Nate_Sturtz: with my box live? [21:51] (ie the Hostname for a particular Host in .ssh/config) [21:52] yes [21:52] whoever: [21:53] neunon: yes .. [21:54] /1/3 [21:58] where is the official apt / apt-get channel? [22:00] So maybe instead of apt-get install --reinstall it would finally be time to create an apt-get reinstall method? [22:01] it's a lot shorter to type...? [22:05] how to import from 20.04 thunderbird snap into 20.10 thunderbird normal install? i get calendar errors and thunderbird dosnt start then anymore [22:09] AppXprt: you could make an alias [22:11] is there command to show ssh host aliases? [22:12] (ie the Hostname for a particular Host in .ssh/config) [22:13] less .ssh/config [22:17] Hello. I'm using Kubuntu, but maybe that is something general to Ubuntu... I have a hi-fi system connected to my motherboards' audio-output, and upto now all sounds were played through that. But as of today, after upgrading to Kubuntu 20.10, all sounds are played through my monitors' speakers. The only device available in the audio-settings is hdmi (over which my monitor is connected). Any thoughts [22:17] anyonw what the problem could be? === Tyrasuki7 is now known as Tyrasuki [22:23] I found a solution (as always, just after asking the question). I had to kill pulseaudio and then everything worked as it should again. [22:24] Mrokii: \o/ [22:25] Weird problem though. [22:25] tomreyn: I mean't in a convenient report-y fashion [22:25] (preferrably one that doesn't care about a filepath [22:25] I thought maybe there might be an ssh command for this? [22:31] ash_worksi: i'm not aware of one (but may have missed it). [22:32] you can always write a script, i guess [22:36] ash_worksi: ssh -G somehost | awk '/^hostname/ {print $2}' [22:37] or just grep hostname [22:37] but -G is great [22:37] thanks [22:38] just "grep hostname" would output more, e.g. there's the canonicalizehostname option [22:39] tomreyn: indeed [22:39] note that if there's no matching Host configured, it will return what you looked for [22:40] so "somehost" in this example [22:46] tomreyn: thanks [22:55] Hello, Is there a place I can check the GPG public key imprints of Ubuntu team members posting into security@ubuntu.com, so I can verify the GPG keys used to sign messages are actually from them? [22:58] leagris: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/Contacts [22:58] there's also #ubuntu-hardened [22:59] (but technical information on vulnerabilities should indeed be transmitted via encrypted email only) [23:00] And why som members are allowed to post on security without signing their message with GPG, like: Benjamin Romer, Mike Salvatore, [23:01] Super, thank-you tomreyn [23:01] tomreyn: just killin it today [23:02] leagris: i don't know the policies for posting to security@ubuntu.com, if those aren't documented on the wiki, best ask in -hardened [23:05] trying to mount a vmfs6 drive and am getting a floating point error? anyone seen that?\ [23:05] Steve Beattie signed Message-ID: <20201020005818.GI7555@nxnw.org> on List-Id: Ubuntu Security Announcements date Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2020 17:58:18 -0700, but the GPG key used to sign is expired since 05/06/2020 [23:06] Where should I notify the security team of the issue? [23:07] leagris: didn't you just post the email address for contact the individual responsible for their own GPG key? [23:07] I installed tmux from Application Software; but I don't see it when I search for it in that overlay that comes up with the the Super button [23:08] ash_worksi: tmux is a command-line tool. Not gui [23:08] ash_worksi: grep doesn't show up either :) [23:09] well make sense [23:09] leftyfb: well, when I "launch" it from Application Software, I get a terminal with a green bar across the bottom; if I just launch the terminal using Super, then I don't get that bar, so I am kinda getting the impression that tmux is not affecting the standard terminal when I run it that way [23:09] ash_worksi: you run tmux once you open a terminal [23:09] "run it that way" = using the Super key [23:10] hm [23:10] ash_worksi: same with screen, same with byobu [23:10] what does bu mean in that? [23:11] so.... perhaps then I do not have tmux? [23:11] leagris: if your local copy of someones' public gpg key has expired, this doesn't mean its expiry hasn't been extended by the owner. [23:11] (considering that `tmux` does not work in the terminal) [23:11] ash_worksi: what happens when you type tmux ? [23:12] I get the "you don't have this, try apt..." message [23:12] ash_worksi: ok, so install it [23:12] leagris: particularly, if you retrieve the public key from the url provided on the wiki, and import it to your local gpg, then run --list-key against it, you'll note it hasn't expired. [23:12] but what is this thing I have then? [23:13] ash_worksi: no idea, you have yet to define "this thing". You also haven't explained what it is exactly you're trying to accomplish. [23:13] leftyfb: right now, my objective is to understand my system a bit better [23:13] LC_ALL=C gpg --list-key steve.beattie@canonical.com [23:13] pub rsa4096 2010-06-08 [SC] [expired: 2020-06-05] [23:13] A6063BB5602309A43C8EBBD42F099E8D005E81F4 [23:13] uid [ expired] Steve Beattie [23:13] uid [ expired] Steve Beattie [23:13] uid [ expired] Steve Beattie (Ubuntu) [23:13] uid [ expired] Steve Beattie (Canonical Ltd.) [23:14] !paste | leagris [23:14] leagris: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [23:14] when I launce "Ubuntu Software" I can search for tmux; I wish there were a link or some unique identifier to the one currently listed as "installed" but I don't see such a thing [23:14] ash_worksi: apt list --installed |grep tmux [23:14] no output [23:15] ash_worksi: then you do not have tmux installed. Feel free to install it using : sudo apt install tmux [23:16] I am stupid sorry gpg --refresh-keys [23:16] leftyfb: again, my objective is to be able to discern what stuff is; isn't there some way for me to communicate to you what I have apparently installed through the "Ubuntu Software" app? [23:16] ash_worksi: looks like you might have "tmux-non-dead" snap installed [23:16] ash_worksi: snap list |grep tmux [23:16] the only distinguishing thing I can see is 'Developer: ghwomb' [23:16] yup, that's tmux-non-dead [23:16] ash_worksi: Source: snap store [23:17] I see [23:17] ash_worksi: it's better to just use the command line [23:17] where should I go to get more info on tmux-non-dead? [23:19] ash_worksi: snap info tmux-non-dead [23:20] ash_worksi: following the links brings you to https://github.com/Samuel-Berger/snap-tmux [23:24] thanks leftyfb [23:25] is using screen or tmux the best way to rid myself of using the mouse when just doing typical cli stuff (in this case I was looking for a codesandbox link in my logs and was going to copy it to a browser) [23:26] I know I was able to accomplish vim-like searching in screen [23:29] if you're wondering how to search through the output to the default virtual terminal, you can just press ctrl-shift-f in gnome-terminal [23:30] tomreyn: but then I don't have copy-mode available [23:30] also I do kind of want to be able to jump up and down arbitrarily like irssi or vim ^D/^U [23:32] ctrl-a esc enters copy mode in screen [23:34] ctrl-b-[ in tmux [23:34] as almost always, such things are documented in man pages [23:35] ash_worksi: just use history? [23:36] leftyfb: elaborate? [23:36] ash_worksi: type: history [23:36] leftyfb: I don't see how that applies [23:36] ash_worksi: then pipe it to grep to search for commands you've typed [23:37] that's _ok_ for somethings, but I might just be catting a file or something [23:38] I find that a big use of my mouse is scrolling up in my terminal; maybe there are other ways around this -- do you not find that useful leftyfb [23:38] ? [23:38] like, I often scroll up in this chat [23:38] ash_worksi: not for me personally, no [23:38] I have scripts for that [23:39] in the last example, I wanted a lot of context for the urls [23:39] that consumed more than 1 screen worth of data [23:39] (I was using ag) [23:39] I could pipe to less I suppose [23:40] pipe to grep [23:40] I told you I already used ag [23:41] s/ag/grep/ and I'm in the same position [23:42] the amount of context I desired (to facilitate my memory of the link) was more than 1 screen (plus there being multiple results of course) [23:42] there are many grep operations that would take up more than 1 screen [23:42] `| less` isn't a bad idea [23:42] I am sure there's an alias I can configure for less that keeps color [23:44] (yes, `ag --color ... | less -R`) [23:44] Hey there, on the latest release of Ubuntu 20.10, fresh install, but am noticing some graphics performance issues. I have a laptop, using hybrid graphics, the discrete gpu is the nvidia rtx 2070 max-q. Animations are not "smooth", any help would be appreciated. [23:45] ash_worksi: I don't understand the purpose of using less. IF you [23:45] If you're using less to search, that is what grep is for [23:46] leftyfb: in this case I searched for codesandbox; there are many grep results; in order to understand what each codesandbox is talking about I need to read through the conxtext; this was enough to make the output more than 1 screen [23:46] ash_worksi: I'm not sure what "codesandbox" is [23:47] it's a fiddle site [23:47] but not important, the point is there's a lot of them; there'd probably be a lot of whatever ubuntus pastebin is for this channel [23:48] !paste [23:48] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [23:48] so if I grep paste.ubuntu.com; I'll probably get a lot of results [23:48] and the output will be bigger with -B5 or however much context [23:51] Bustin: if i'd acquire graphics hardware which depends on proprietary drivers to perform properly, i'd probably stick to LTS releases even more than i usually do. [23:51] Yea, there was no issues using the LTS, ran very smooth. [23:52] Can I upgrade the LTS to use gnome 3.38? [23:52] safely [23:52] no [23:53] =/ [23:53] why would you need to? [23:54] trying to change the refresh rate on my second external monitor to the 75hz it supports, renders the monitor off, says "no display connected" - argh. Also, because I like some of the new features 3.38 has, folder management, reordering applications, etc. [23:55] you could sell your nvidia card, buy an amd, use ubuntu 20.10. [23:56] I mean, would be an option, IF this wasn't a laptop. [23:56] cough, eGPU? Lol. [23:57] i heard they also sell laptops without nvidia graphics. [23:57] probably true, lol. [23:59] I wonder, is there a copy mode in less?