
ubptgbot<FJW_Schnettler> @tesla786 [Hey guys, I want to buy an Ubuntu mobile phone. Any recommendations please ?], Good canidate are Sony Xperia X ( 32 and 64 bit ported by Alfred) and Volla Phone. … https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/00:10
ubptgbot<nanu_c> @Pablo [?], https://t.me/UBPorts_ES00:25
ubptgbot<Pablo> Muchas gracias.00:29
ubptgbotvenanciorafael was added by: venanciorafael04:44
ubptgbotfrancois georges was added by: francois georges07:36
ubptgbot<FJW_Schnettler> @tesla786 [Hey guys, I want to buy an Ubuntu mobile phone. Any recommendations please ?], [Edit] Good candidate are Sony Xperia X ( 32 and 64 bit ported by @fredldotme ) and Volla Phone. … https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/08:26
ubptgbotJakko was added by: Jakko09:40
ubptgbot<Kaizennn> For marketing, How has the best good-looking workspace he want to share on media?10:04
ubptgbot<Kaizennn> (Photo, 828x1034) https://irc.ubports.com/KpujvMI4.png10:04
ubptgbot<iusevoid> @Stereofont [A UBports group in Hebrew was discussed ages ago. Are there users here who would …], is there one?10:26
ubptgbot<iusevoid> I would like to join10:27
ubptgbotTom Krol was added by: Tom Krol10:32
ubptgbot<Tom Krol> What usb micro and C cable to HDMI is recommended please?10:32
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> @Tom Krol [What usb micro and C cable to HDMI is recommended please?], does your phone do hdmi from the beginning?10:38
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> check the specs of the phone10:38
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> [Edit] check the specs of the phone and see if it can do it10:38
ubptgbot<Tom Krol> 1st is Nexus 5 and 2nd is OnePlus 3T10:39
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> nexus 5 could do slimport, so i think any cable should do10:41
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> that's my guess, don't blame me if it doesn't work10:41
ubptgbot<Tom Krol> I am begginer but motivated to try new and stop use google one10:41
ubptgbot<Tom Krol> meant OS10:41
ubptgbot<Tom Krol> what about OP3T?10:42
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> looking on the internet i think it does not10:43
ubptgbot<rogieroudshoorn> oneplus started shipping hardware that can do display port over usb-c with the oneplus 710:45
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @Tom Krol [1st is Nexus 5 and 2nd is OnePlus 3T], make sure what you get is a slimport adapter and NOT MHL. Also only HDMI works not VGA11:17
ubptgbot<Tom Krol> thanks11:17
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @iusevoid [I would like to join], Thanks. I will organise11:30
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @RealDanct12 [that's my guess, don't blame me if it doesn't work], * terms and conditions apply 😂11:31
ubptgbotParmod Jangra was added by: Parmod Jangra12:55
ubptgbot<Parmod Jangra> How to patch kernel of redmi 813:05
ubptgbot<Shakendo> @RealDanct12 [nexus 5 could do slimport, so i think any cable should do], slimport requires a dongle to work correctly13:22
ubptgbot<PiecerEdd> i got a cheap Amazon slimport cable and it worked great on  my nexus 414:00
ubptgbot<man_land> https://twitter.com/itsfoss2/status/1322528419364528128?s=2014:45
ubptgbot<RoninGamer47> Bom dia, tem o ubuntu touch para galaxy s7 edge ?14:49
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @ubports_pt14:50
ubptgbot<Stereofont> And no, we don't14:50
ubptgbot<RoninGamer47> it's no longer accessible15:21
ubptgbot<RoninGamer47> Good Morning, do you have ubuntu touch for galaxy S7 edge ?15:23
ubptgbotWalter Fenzi was added by: Walter Fenzi15:32
ubptgbot<Walter Fenzi> Hi, this is my first time in telegram, I would like to ask to someone, if there is a version of Ubuntu Touch for Huawei P8 lite. Thank for all. Bye15:35
ubptgbot<j2g2rp> somebody is using bluethooth headset with UT? Any recommendations?15:37
ubptgbot<amyosx> @Walter Fenzi [Hi, this is my first time in telegram, I would like to ask to someone, if there …], Not for huawei15:38
ubptgbot<Walter Fenzi> @amyosx [Not for huawei], Hi Amy thanks.15:39
ubptgbot<hacker12455> @Walter Fenzi [Hi Amy thanks.], halium is meh too15:45
ubptgbot<hacker12455> which version of the P8 lite are we talking about15:46
ubptgbot<Walter Fenzi> P8 lite 2017 model Pra-lx115:48
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @RoninGamer47 [Good Morning, do you have ubuntu touch for galaxy S7 edge ?], that's not supported no, it would to be ported by someone that owns that device15:51
ubptgbot<Walter Fenzi> 👍👍Thanks😀15:58
ubptgbot<Walter Fenzi> I'm not a developer, it'hard to ported? I know a little Linux like s.o.16:00
ubptgbot<Walter Fenzi> There are some information to learn it?16:00
ubptgbot<Walter Fenzi> [Edit] Are there some information to learn it?16:01
ubptgbot<amyosx> Can you unlock bootloader?16:02
ubptgbot<amyosx> Do you have kernel source?16:02
ubptgbot<Walter Fenzi> I don't know, tonight I try, and I'll tell you. There is a way to unlock the bootloader. Isn't it?16:04
ubptgbot<PauloAndrePMP> Good afternoo. Meet you the project alternate android Efundation?16:52
ubptgbot<jonny> What do you mean with meet?16:53
ubptgbot<PauloAndrePMP> This's important alternate for people front android and not devices support in ubuntu touch.16:53
ubptgbot<PauloAndrePMP> https://e.foundation/16:53
ubptgbot<PauloAndrePMP> Sorry. My english is very basic.16:54
ubptgbot<PauloAndrePMP> meet > to know16:57
ubptgbot<PauloAndrePMP> an alternative to android for those who can't find ubuntu touch support.17:00
ubptgbot<PauloAndrePMP> Android is safe and respects privacy.17:03
ubptgbot<X YZ> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/zH9wo1QI.webp17:04
ubptgbot<PauloAndrePMP> (Photo, 1185x891) https://irc.ubports.com/QeVhb7hJ.png17:05
ubptgbot<PauloAndrePMP> My sincere apologies, but I believe it would be more interesting than android linked to google. For those who do not have a smartphone that is supported by Ubports, at least for now, it could be an alternative.17:09
ubptgbot<Bibarub> @PauloAndrePMP [My sincere apologies, but I believe it would be more interesting than android li …], Android and Ubuntu touch are different oses17:10
ubptgbot<Bibarub> btw all android roms (eos too) are based on AOSP, which belongs to google17:11
ubptgbot<X YZ> There are several alternatives other than /e/. And while I like nougat in real life, looking at their list of supported devices (https://doc.e.foundation/devices/) I find way too much of that ... so how about security updates for that about 1/3 of their devices?17:13
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> @PauloAndrePMP [Android is safe and respects privacy.], this is actually true to some extent though17:14
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> AOSP source code is public, so it's nice to see other projects that was made from it17:18
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> And honestly, just don't install google apps :)17:18
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> anyway this is getting quite offtopic17:19
ubptgbot<PauloAndrePMP> Many smartphone models supported by ubports are not sold in Brazil and as the national currency is very devalued, it is very expensive to bring a smartphone from another country.17:19
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> [Edit] And honestly, don't install google apps :)17:19
ubptgbot<X YZ> How can an OS that sends information about me as soon as i go online (captive portal check) to a company (Google) be respecting my privacy? Nobody asked me if I want that. Not to mention the very talkative play services ...17:20
ubptgbot<PauloAndrePMP> Eu tenho cinco smartphones em casa, mas nenhum aceita a instalação do ubuntu touch. É muito azar. Comprei um Nexus 5 usado para fazer o teste, mas temo as condições de funcionamento em que ele se encontra. Resolvi arriscar.17:22
ubptgbot<X YZ> Which brings up an interesting question: How does UT check if I am truly online (i.e. have internet access) when I connect to a Wifi? Anything one needs to consider when going through a hotel portal that requires an additional authentification via browser?17:22
ubptgbot<PauloAndrePMP> Não quis dizer que o android do google é seguro e respeita a privacidade, mas o android da efundation, que se propõe a cumprir tais requisitos de uso.17:23
ubptgbot<PauloAndrePMP> I didn't mean that google's android is safe and respects privacy, but efundation's android, which proposes to fulfill such usage requirements.17:24
ubptgbot<PauloAndrePMP> I have five smartphones at home, but none accept the installation of ubuntu touch. It's very unlucky. I bought a Nexus 5 used for testing, but I fear the operating conditions it is in. I decided to take a chance.17:27
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> @X YZ [Which brings up an interesting question: How does UT check if I am truly online …], any OS checks if you're truly online by calling home17:28
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> it basically just curl a webpage then checks if the result are what it was expecting17:28
ubptgbot<X YZ> @RealDanct12 [any OS checks if you're truly online by calling home], So what is "home" for UT and can I switch to an alternative server (like a home server)?17:28
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> @X YZ [So what is "home" for UT and can I switch to an alternative server (like a home …], will have to look at how ubuntu packages networkmanager17:37
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> but for other distros like arch fedora or redhat, here's how they check your connectivity: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/NetworkManager/NetworkManager/-/blob/master/contrib/fedora/rpm/20-connectivity-redhat.conf17:37
ubptgbotdacime was added by: dacime17:49
ubptgbotYagiMagiPOC was added by: YagiMagiPOC17:55
ubptgbot<YagiMagiPOC> @Stereofont [A UBports group in Hebrew was discussed ages ago. Are there users here who would …], Yes please. :)17:56
ubptgbot<man_land> @RealDanct12 [will have to look at how ubuntu packages networkmanager], Home is start.ubuntu.com of course https://github.com/search?q=org%3Aubports+%22start.ubuntu.com%22&type=Code18:31
ubptgbot<man_land> @man_land [Home is start.ubuntu.com of course https://github.com/search?q=org%3Aubports+%22 …], Topic in the forum https://forums.ubports.com/topic/4643/ut-is-calling-home18:33
ubptgbot<nanu_c> Also the push server knows that your online and without you don't get telegram notifications18:35
ubptgbot<nanu_c> Your email server knows also if you are online, because of IMAP and if your modem uses agps like in the Qualcomm device, qualcom also knows where you are and your provider knows everything if you don't set a dns. If you need anonymity don't use a smartphone.18:43
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> @man_land [Home is start.ubuntu.com of course https://github.com/search?q=org%3Aubports+%22 …], A majority of those references are unused. Only ubuntu-push does it any more18:51
ubptgbot<X YZ> @nanu_c [Your email server knows also if you are online, because of IMAP and if your mode …], I don't mind my mailserver knowing i am pulling mail, i.e.being online. That's what i expect from it. But i like to know and control who knows what and limit that to "need to know". Google logging whom i call is a no-go, for example - while my phone21:59
ubptgbot company may be legally required to do so and might need the information for billing the service i use. Also they are strictly regulated in how to handle my data.  … That's why i prefer transparency in what data about me goes where. The goal is not total anonymity, but to excercise my right to control my personal data.  … And why should i not expec21:59
ubptgbott to be able to do so when using a smartphone? 🤔 … To the contrary, part of the UT project is about making that possible. 👍  … Why would, to stay with that example, the captive-check-server need to log / save my IP after sending the response? Not needed for the original service i requested  ...21:59
ubptgbotDrMoti was added by: DrMoti21:59
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @Walter Fenzi [Are there some information to learn it?], http://docs.halium.org/en/latest/porting/first-steps.html … and … http://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/porting/Intro.html … Also http://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/porting/halium_9/Halium_9_GSI_porting.html22:13
ubptgbot<Walter Fenzi> @TotalSonic [http://docs.halium.org/en/latest/porting/first-steps.html … and … http://docs.ubport …], Thanks a lot.22:20
ubptgbot<Flohack> (Photo, 590x594) https://irc.ubports.com/lW0D0UIT.png God its so cute! Not even me knew we got Halloween Yumi on our Instagram ^^23:01
ikmaakvery well done image indeed23:02

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