
kc2bezviperperidot[m]: if you have something mounted (like swap) it won't let you automatically erase.00:21
viperperidot[m]kc2bez: I am actually trying to create a new partition so I have a tr-boot setup00:40
viperperidot[m]Currently I have a dual boot00:40
viperperidot[m]I tried to shrink one of the partitions manually but it said there was only 716mb available to shrink00:41
viperperidot[m]Even though it is a 700gb partition that is not nearly full00:41
viperperidot[m]I don't have any swap mounted as far as I know00:42
viperperidot[m]Not sure how to continue00:47
guivercviperperidot[m], I personally prefer setting up the partitions on the disk before I start the installer (using whatever tool you prefer).  I write down the sizes & details on scrap paper, then start installer, select partitions I wish to use (Manual Partitioning) and then install.00:48
=== IchabodCrane is now known as WrathOfAchilles
viperperidot[m]guiverc: Thats what I am trying to do - I tried on Windows and it wasn't working so I am trying on Ubuntu now01:20
viperperidot[m]Seems to be working just need to wait for it to finish01:20
viperperidot[m]It worked!01:21
viperperidot[m]Ok going to install Lubuntu now01:21
viperperidot[m]Looking forward to it01:21
viperperidot[m]Seems to be the right OS for me because I like when things work fast and snappy with no unwanted features01:22
khaladrogohey guys07:01
=== vincent is now known as Guest79107
lubot<FedeBosio> Hey09:30
lubot<matkoniecz> Why I would need `lubuntu-restricted-addons` `lubuntu-restricted-extras` beyond ability to play mp3 files? … Is there some good way to install just mp3 support without installing bunch of other nonfree software?10:02
lubot<matkoniecz> Also, is there some way to enable screen scaling globally on screens with high resolution? Windows has relatively nice setting applying globally, where similar scaling setting is in Linux?10:04
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest23808
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> @matkoniecz [Why I would need lubuntu-restricted-addons lubuntu-restricted-extras beyond abil …], You could install vlc  … But there might be better solutions16:31
lubot<FedeBosio> yeah or just `gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3`16:34
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> @Michaël Van Bogaert [I have EndeavourOs with LXQt … and Lubuntu with LXQt in the same computer … but on a …], fixed with the latest update18:46

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