=== IchabodCrane is now known as WrathOfAchilles === Glassjoe_ is now known as Glassjoe [04:08] good morning [07:08] lotuspsychje, re: list on #ubuntu-bugs-announce, stealing from another discussion in another room; details there are going to be posted on the wiki so all can edit.. that would require people be wiki-editors, UWN uses a gdoc file owned by an original editor (no longer involved with uwn; open to all was not an issue for about 3 years since I was involved before it was locked down..) [07:09] guiverc: wich wiki would that be [07:11] wiki.ubuntu.com [07:12] oh ok [07:37] good morning [10:19] Morning! [10:20] * daftykins hides [10:20] I am drinking some cola [10:20] :) [10:24] damn... maybe it was the Windows updated 20H2, when I enter a channel the past log appears a lot quicker [10:27] doubt it [10:27] 20H2 was just a feature unlock [10:29] daftykins: how come the log text appears in half a second? [10:29] :) [10:30] sorry, not a Windows support channel [10:30] nor a support channel at all, in fact [10:33] :) [10:35] I have the vision! :) [10:36] if one day I win 100 000 000 EUR in the Euromillions I will change the world [10:36] :) [10:51] please don't [10:53] why not? [10:53] I have written down many ideas for software + hardware improvements [10:53] :) [10:53] I just lack the money to fund them [10:54] yes i am sure only money is the barrier [12:21] welcome joumetal [12:24] lusrx: discuss here [12:24] joumetal: tell us more about your bug triage? [12:24] im having doubts about what i can and cannot ask in #ubuntu. can you give me some examples? [12:25] lusrx: you can ask an ubuntu question, and then wait until a volunteers asks you to try steps to do [12:25] lusrx: right now all you did was keep on talking with nobody in a monologue [12:25] lotuspsychje: i just logged to ubuntu-bugs-announce to see new reported bugs. [12:26] cool joumetal how did you find the channel? [12:27] lotuspsychje: right. and true. so what if these steps don't lead to a solution? can i provide update on the ongoing troubleshooting? [12:27] lotuspsychje: from topic of ubuntu-bugs [12:28] not in support... if understood correctly. [12:28] lusrx: you can provide updates/pastes/info to the volunteers that are helping you sure [12:29] ah ok. so don't tell them all the steps you did. just a one liner update where you arrived after doing x and y. [12:31] i think i understand... and i understood your remark about moving this discussion over here. [12:31] this is obviously not a good fit for a support channel. [12:31] lusrx: replying when volunteers ask you something, all in one line is very handy yes, much better then using the enter button [12:32] agreed. not only for them but for me too [12:38] lusrx: check here for all the topics; http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html [12:59] thanks. i needed this. [12:59] welcome lusrx [13:20] That raspberry PI 400 integrated keyboard is pretty cool. [13:21] And cheap. [13:22] akem: https://ubuntu.com//blog/raspberry-pi-400-with-ubuntu-support [13:28] lotuspsychje, That's even better! :P [21:04] UWN: Issue 655 on the streets: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue655 :D [22:22] tomreyn: rtl8812au-dkms has a broken dkms.conf file that causes the issue bumblefuzz had with the vermagic being wrong [22:33] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rtl8812au/+bug/1743849 [22:33] Ubuntu bug 1705820 in rtl8812au (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1743849 Wrong build when kernel upgrade (about kernel header path)" [High,Confirmed]