
OvenWerksEickmeyer[m]: can we find out if libffi has been updated and python3-cffi or python3-jack-client has not?00:22
OvenWerksThe error in #ubuntustudio does not look like an autojack error.00:23
Eickmeyer!info python3-jack00:23
ubottuPackage python3-jack does not exist in disco00:23
EickmeyerDo you know the source name? 00:23
Eickmeyer!info python-jack groovy00:24
ubottuPackage python-jack does not exist in groovy00:24
EickmeyerI can't find out right now, no computer in front of me. I'm on my phone typing this, OvenWerks. 00:24
OvenWerksno hurry I guess00:25
OvenWerks!info python3-jack groovy00:26
ubottuPackage python3-jack does not exist in groovy00:26
OvenWerks!info python3-jack-client groovy00:26
ubottupython3-jack-client (source: python-jack-client): JACK Audio Connection Kit (JACK) Client for Python 3. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.0-1 (groovy), package size 34 kB, installed size 177 kB00:26
EickmeyerOvenWerks: No diff between focal and groovy. 00:27
OvenWerks!info python3-cffi goovy00:29
ubottu'goovy' is not a valid distribution: bionic, bionic-backports, bionic-proposed, cosmic, cosmic-backports, cosmic-proposed, disco, disco-backports, disco-proposed, eoan, eoan-backports, eoan-proposed, focal, focal-backports, focal-proposed, groovy, groovy-backports, groovy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-p00:29
OvenWerks!info python3-cffi groovy00:29
ubottupython3-cffi (source: python-cffi): Foreign Function Interface for Python 3 calling C code. In component main, is optional. Version 1.14.0-2 (groovy), package size 68 kB, installed size 403 kB00:29
OvenWerks!info python3-cffi focal00:29
ubottupython3-cffi (source: python-cffi): Foreign Function Interface for Python 3 calling C code. In component main, is optional. Version 1.14.0-1build1 (focal), package size 68 kB, installed size 403 kB00:29
studiobot<teward001> sounds like maybe minor packaging differences00:50
studiobot<teward001> in -cffi anyways00:50
studiobot<teward001> but otherwise no core code problems/changes00:50
studiobot<teward001> OvenWerks in case you are wondering00:53
studiobot<teward001> -1 was a new upload release, 1build1 in Focal was no change rebuild dropping Py 3.7 (-2 in Debian)00:54
studiobot<teward001> but Groovy has a newer version00:54
OvenWerksteward: SystemError: ffi_prep_closure(): bad user_data (it seems that the version of the libffi library seen at runtime is different from the 'ffi.h' file seen at compile-time)00:54
studiobot<teward001> groovy has 1.14.2 thoug hso there is a difference00:55
studiobot<teward001> (I dumb xD)00:55
tewardOvenWerks: any chance there's a bug on this?  Also is this in Groovy or Hirsuite you notice?  (Curious where you found it)00:58
=== IchabodCrane is now known as WrathOfAchilles
OvenWerksteward: it is from someone on #ubunutustudio. Operating SystemUbuntu 20.1001:33
OvenWerksthe irc logs seem to have missed most of the conversation01:35
OvenWerkshttps://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2020/10/31/%23ubuntustudio.html nope I was wrong it seems to be two days back01:36
* OvenWerks heads for supper cooking01:37
Eickmeyer[m]teward: Any chance you have time for a quick, rather trivial, upload (by comparison to other stuff I've flung your way): https://launchpad.net/agordejo15:43
* Eickmeyer[m] hopes to apply for MOTU by the end of this month to take that burden15:43
studiobot<teward001> changelog is wrong.  Hirsuite is the target15:45
studiobot<teward001> not Groovy15:46
studiobot<teward001> since that cycle's over15:46
studiobot<teward001> Eickmeyer[m]: ^ error #115:46
Eickmeyer[m]teward: Oof, I may not have pushed that. 2 secs.15:46
Eickmeyer[m]teward: Now try.15:47
Eickmeyer[m]teward: s/hirsuite/hirsute ^15:47
studiobot<teward001> hirsute*15:48
studiobot<teward001> lol15:48
studiobot<teward001> building local sbuild env now15:48
studiobot<teward001> looks like it didnt fail to build in hirsute, but there's Lintian warn level things (and it doesn't come as 'clean')16:01
studiobot<teward001> but that may be my fault16:01
Eickmeyer[m]@teward001: Might be, had a clean PPA build.16:04
studiobot<teward001> i think it's a typo on my end before i repulled16:05
studiobot<teward001> running build again16:05
studiobot<teward001> but i think the no-man-page error is still grave enough16:05
Eickmeyer[m]Upstream is notified.16:05
studiobot<teward001> E: agordejo changes: bad-distribution-in-changes-file hirsute <— wow, hirsute lintian needs fixed xD16:06
studiobot<teward001> W: agordejo: no-manual-page usr/bin/nsm-data <— also yeah this is a failure case16:06
Eickmeyer[m]@teward001: We've had things go through without manpages, and I literally just ran lintian and got no warnings at all.16:07
Eickmeyer[m]Holup... nm, I see that. We can lintian-override it pretty easily explaining that upstream is aware.16:08
Eickmeyer[m]@teward001 I did get an error for sensible-utils against the binary, so I'll have to fix that for d/control.16:10
studiobot<Eickmeyer> @teward001 Feel free to re-pull, got those lintian issues hammered out. Realized I didn't exactly file an upstream issue, I told the developer directly in #lad.16:20
studiobot<teward001> lol16:46
studiobot<teward001> ok16:46
studiobot<teward001> give me a few - lunchtime16:46
studiobot<teward001> yep no lintian errors here17:24
studiobot<teward001> uploaded to hirsute new17:26
Eickmeyer[m]@teward001 Thanks!17:38
OvenWerksEickmeyer: I was thinking it would be nice to use zita-mu1 as a jack backend. This would allow an overall audio level setup... however, zita-mu1 has no remote control possibilities: MIDI, OSC, Keyboard shortcuts, etc.17:44
Eickmeyer[m]Yeah, that's not good for any MIDI devices, clearly.17:45
OvenWerksEickmeyer: I was thnking more of the keyboard media controls (mute, vol+, vol-)17:46
Eickmeyer[m]Oh, right. Can't do that anyway except for with pulse.17:46
Eickmeyer[m]I have a MIDI controller that I pretty much use to control jack-mixer launched via Agordejo.17:47
OvenWerksIt is easy enough to capture the keystrokes and change them to whatever (midi, OSC etc) if that was available.17:47
OvenWerksmu1 has nice metering :)17:47
Eickmeyer[m]I mean, do we want to use that as an expermental backend?17:48
OvenWerksand 20.04 has no jack-mixer17:48
Eickmeyer[m]I backported jack-mixer to the PPA.17:48
OvenWerksI guess I have that turned off so it doesn't affect my work on controls.17:49
Eickmeyer[m]Gotcha. You can always cherry-pick the .deb.17:49
OvenWerksno nsm?17:51
OvenWerksno ubuntustudio-menu?17:51
Eickmeyer[m]new-session-manager is in there....17:52
OvenWerksI guess it is not an update17:52
OvenWerks :)17:52
Eickmeyer[m]The binary name had to be linuxaudio-new-session-manager17:53
Eickmeyer[m]OvenWerks: Just backported -menu for the jack-menu and elisa fixes.18:11
OvenWerksjack-mixer suggests patchage?18:21
Eickmeyer[m]That's a leftover.18:23
Eickmeyer[m]All I did was update the Debian package.18:23
OvenWerksEickmeyer[m]: I thought there was suppoed to be a link from nsm to linuxaudio-new-session-manager for compatability18:23
Eickmeyer[m]There is. It's built-in to the binary.18:24
Eickmeyer[m]It's merely a symlink.18:24
OvenWerksCommand 'nsm' not found,18:24
Eickmeyer[m]Because it's not nsm. It's "non-session-manager".18:24
Eickmeyer[m]It's never been nsm.18:25
Eickmeyer[m]Either way, I'd rather directly support new-session-manager anyhow, or via agordejo (new-session-manager is used as its backend). The non-* tools need to die in a fire.18:26
OvenWerksEickmeyer[m]: in controls the button should say new session manager then18:26
Eickmeyer[m]Indeed. Directly execute new-session-manager, not the symlink. The symlink is just there for backwards compatibility.18:27
OvenWerksok. And I will have it point at linuxaudio-new-session-manager directly18:27
Eickmeyer[m]No, the binary executable is new-session-manager.18:27
Eickmeyer[m]The package name is linuxaudio-new-session-manager by archive admin request.18:28
OvenWerks$ new-session-manager18:29
OvenWerksnew-session-manager: command not found18:29
Eickmeyer[m]Sorry, nsm-legacy-guiu18:29
OvenWerksI wonder how that works in arch...18:30
Eickmeyer[m]Should be the same, that's the generated binary name.18:31
OvenWerksfixed in controls (on my machine ;)18:46
Eickmeyer[m]With as much activity as we're seeing (merge requests, etc.) I'm not going to tag it for pre-release until you feel ready.18:47

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