
Eickmeyer[m][aladiof](https://matrix.to/#/@aladiof:matrix.org): Please open an issue at https://github.com/ovenwerks/studio-controls.00:03
=== IchabodCrane is now known as WrathOfAchilles
TobbeHi, anyone using Ubuntu Studio 20.10?13:30
TobbeKDE Plasma Desktop Environment13:31
MauroGaspari[m]Tobbe: yes I am13:49
TobbeI'm using Reaper For Linux and some lua script. There a dialog window popping up upper left corner as soon I run the script. Never seen this in another distro before. I attach a small gif video so you see what I mean. [img]https://i.imgur.com/8yvvWkC.gif[/img]13:53
TobbeTested on another lua scripts but they behave like they should.13:55
TobbeI have sent the developer a message but ain't got any answer yet. I ask here if someone recognize this issue.14:05
aladiof[m]I have opened an issue.  Thanks for the help here!14:27
MauroGaspari[m]Tobbe: thanks, the gif will be very helpful. I do not use Reaper so I cannot help here. Let's wait a bit and see if someone else has any info for you.14:28
MauroGaspari[m]@Tobbe If it does not do that on other Ubuntus, one thing that comes to mind is the compositor options. You can try and switch around between the 3 rendering backends and other options. See if something helps. You might need to close Reaper or even better relog between changes.14:31
TobbeOk, I have turned of compositor completely, but I'm gonna test some options to see if this goes away. I tested  Linux Mint XFCE for awhile - no issues there. Same goes for Manjaro, Pop!OS and a few more. I'll be back shortly.14:34
TobbeHa, solved it fast as lightning :)  Changed: "Scale method": Smooth  - and the issue went away. "Enable compositor..." is turned of. The rest is default in Compositor - System Settings.14:39
TobbeThanks for the advice. Bye!15:57

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