
=== IchabodCrane is now known as WrathOfAchilles
jefferoonieHello, has anyone seen where the the only audio available is "Dummy Output", unless I reinstall pulseaudio?  This only lasts until reboot.01:52
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
WietseHi, I installed Xubuntu on my Macbook pro 2012 but I get a Moklistrt error. From internet I found the following code: sudo su -cd /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntucp grubx64.efi shimx64.efireboot12:17
WietseHowever, I'm booting from a USB, not a CD and the terminal says there that there's no such file. What's the code I need to put in the terminal to solve the MoklistRT error? I'm a total beginner with Linux12:19
diogenes_Wietse, maybe try this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair12:22
xtaoi've done a brand new install of 20.10, so there is no old cruft left over from the previous version. a lot of the time when it boots up all you get is a black screen. i have to reboot it several times before I get the login screen. when this happens there is always a .crash file for lightdm-gtk-greeter. and systemd logs show it constantly crashing over and over until it gives up and stops. does ...14:08
xtao...anybody else see this behavior? it worked fine on 20.04.114:09
xtaoi can't see that the issue is user related, as we're talking about lightdm greeter before login even happens14:09
xtaothe log file for the greeter always mentions things like "failed to create scaled font, out of memory" from pango. but it should have more than enough memory unless there is something with a gigantic memory leak using up all the memory as lightdm starts up14:12
xtaoworks fine if i reboot it a few times. and right now it has 2.6GB free with xfce, firefox, and xfce-terminal running14:12
jamespradaHello. I got some questions. I bought a good laptop (2013) Toshiba P100 but with Windows 7.18:12
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:12
gnrpjamesprada: hi^^18:12
jamespradaShould I install Xubuntu?18:13
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:13
diogenes_jamesprada, it's up to you.18:14
gnrpjamesprada: I would definitely recommend you to install *something* else than Windows 7. Something with security updates...18:15
jamespradaBut is Windows 7 is as good as Xubuntu?18:15
gnrpXubuntu is definitely much better than Windows 7 since it still has support. I would run Windows 7 only if I had a computer that is not connected to the internet18:16
jamespradaWhat is oldes machine you saw with Xubuntu?18:16
gnrpwith a 20.10 I haven't seen anything because I did not try. But hardware requirements did not really change over the last 10 years18:17
jamespradaMu computer has to be connected because I am web developer.18:17
gnrpif you have 2G of RAM, the machine should be able to run xubuntu properly18:17
Maikjamesprada: if it's a 64 bit laptop with a dual core processor and at least 4GB of RAM you should be fine18:17
gnrpI guess 1G of even 512MB is also fine, somebody else might jump in here18:17
Maik32 bit isn't supported anymore18:17
Maikgnrp: not if you want to run 64bit18:18
jamespradaI am not sure. Core Duo... It's rather 32bit.18:18
Maikmake sure18:18
jamespradaI can install older version. I don't need support.18:19
Maikwhy would you want to do that, you can't even go on the web with a unsupported old version18:20
Maikit's just nonsense imho18:20
Maikif you don't want support and go with a unsupported old version you just could keep going on using W718:21
Maikjamesprada: since it's a laptop from 2013 it could be a 64 bit machine18:22
Maikjamesprada: just give us the system specifications18:23
MaikCPU, how much RAM, graphics card18:23
gnrpMaik: To be fair, an unsupported Linux is still so much safer than an unsupported Windows18:27
gnrpMaik: Ah, ok, didn't know. I totally lost track of 32bit...18:27
xu-irc28wwhen trying to install xubuntu 20.10 At the end of the installation, it gives an error: "The command 'grub-install / dev / sdb' could not be executed. This is an unrecoverable error".18:28
xu-irc28wwhat can be done about it18:28
jamespradaDuo Processor T2400 (2M Cache, 1.83 GHz, 667 MHz FSB)18:29
jamespradawhat do you think about this architecture?18:30
jamespradaIt's 32-bit.18:30
Maikjamesprada:  can you provide us all the system specs asked for?18:31
Maikjamesprada: or at least which Toshiba P100 it is, there are various versions out there18:32
Maikxu-irc28w: it's similar to this one i guess https://askubuntu.com/questions/1249410/clean-ubuntu-20-04-installation-failure-executing-grub-install-dev-sda-failed  and all the others that pop up when searching for it.18:33
jamespradaI am not sure what version it is. I bought it for 35£. I think I did good deal.18:34
Maikjamesprada: on the bottom of the laptop?18:35
Maikthere's always info to be found there which type it is and even serial numbers18:35
jamespradaXubuntu 18.04 is an LTS release which was released in April 2018. LTS means 3 years... And it supports 32.18:35
jamespradaI don't have the laptop with me yet.18:36
Maikjamesprada: 18.04 support at xubuntu ends in April 202118:37
Maikand looking at the processor it's 32bit indeed, all you can do is switching to Debian.18:38
Maikbad buy i guess18:38
jamespradaDebian? Why?18:40
Maikbecause they still support 32 bit18:40
jamespradaXubuntu 18 also.18:40
Maikjamesprada: what did i tell you...18:41
Maikjamesprada: again... 18.04 support at xubuntu ends in April 202118:41
jamespradaI forgot.18:41
Maikscroll back18:41
Maikjust said it again18:41
jamespradaOkey. And then what... It will disappear?18:41
Maikthen it's over18:42
Maikno possibility to upgrade, nada, nothing18:42
jamespradaCan I plug VR helmet to Xubuntu?18:42
Maiknow you're trolling aren't you18:42
Maikgood luck18:43
jamespradaI am just curious. I will show you what guy who sells this Toshiba on eBay wrote about that.18:43
Maikno thanks18:44
jamespradaWhat's are stress cracks?18:48
Maikjamesprada: seriously?18:49
jamespradaNo i know that it has 2mb of ram.18:57
jamespradaSorry. 1gb18:57
Maikforget it18:59
Maikas i said, bad buy... I would have saved my money for something better. good luck with it19:00
jamespradaSomething better? What you mean.19:01
Maikyou spend 35 on a laptop which you can't use anymore, that's a waste of money. Money which you could have saved, put aside some more and then buy a new machine instead.19:03
Maikbut that's offtopic banter and has nothing to do with support with Xubuntu.19:07
iifytxti cant change my screen brightness21:59
jamespradahi again22:55
jamespradaCan I order pendrive with certain version of Xubuntu straight from Xubuntu headquoters?22:56
pleia2no, we partnered with hellotux.com for this in the past but they don't sell them anymore22:58
pleia2we're just a bunch of volunteers on the internet, we don't really have HQ or resources for such things ourselves :)22:59

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