
IrcsomeBotUsernameLoading was added by: UsernameLoading01:23
IrcsomeBot<UsernameLoading> I am planning to install kubuntu just cause widows aint running properly. I have a question. Is there something like app store in kubuntu from where I could download required apps like slack chrome telegram etc??01:24
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valorie@UsernameLoading of course03:45
valorieit's called Discover03:45
IrcsomeBot<Johnson Lukose> i can it from another user?03:51
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BluesKajHi all11:38
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> Hi BluesKaj!11:51
BluesKaj@linuxophil, hi11:53
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> I am so happy using Kubuntu 20.04.11:54
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> Just thought I would let the gold people oft Kubuntu know!11:54
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=== mac is now known as MacKP
IrcsomeBot<ReliantRip | Space blockchain enthusiast> auto send docs15:49
user|39494What is the system requirement to install Kubuntu?15:49
ubottuHardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu15:51
BluesKaj@user|39494, kubuntu requirements are a bit higher than gnome iirc15:53
IrcsomeBot<SharGen19> (Photo, 1280x719) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/UntWYUkY/file_38481.jpg16:06
IrcsomeBot<SharGen19> any fix?16:06
WenzIs there any guidelines on how to draw icons for Plasma desktop ? The ones 5.18 have is great.17:25
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IrcsomeBot<Niih_Gbonafha> Which one to install  … Ubuntu or kubuntu19:12
IrcsomeBot<Opal6> What exactly do you need to build for plasma 5.20?19:32
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> @Opal6, Qt 5.15 (20+ source packages), Frameworks 5.74 (80+ source packages), Plasma 5.20 (40+ source packages)19:43
martin__Anyone watching the election tonight?20:00
=== chris is now known as yaomtc

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