
=== popey0 is now known as popey
jessopohiya cassandra03:13
jessopohow are you?03:13
ubottuIn #ubuntu, Bashing-om said: ubottu: Nope - there is no undo button :(05:04
cassandrabumperSteff: Hello! If you have a concern that needs addressing by #ubuntu-ops, please let us know. If not, please do not idle in this channel, per /topic. (If you're an op in an Ubuntu core channel, please let me know and apologies for missing that.)18:28
* phunyguy booty-bumps cassandra 20:19
cassandranot expecting anything interesting to happen, but you never know20:19
tomreynyeay finally an excuse to use +o !20:24
cassandramay as well get the practice in, lol20:24
tomreynpossibly (!) unrelated, BromaxSux keeps reconnecting every few minutes - is this above the threshold, yet?20:25
tewardi mean I have a fairly low threshold for triggering on 'connect, die, reconnect' but that's just me xD20:25
cassandratomreyn: if it's often enough to be annoying, +b BromaxSux!~Thunderbi@109-186-143-231.bb.netvision.net.il$##fix_your_connection or something similar20:26
cassandraDrone will do it by itself if it crosses its threshold20:26
cassandrabut Drone is conservative about it20:26
cassandrait's then on you to be in ##fix_your_connection and remove the banforward when they fix their stuff20:27
tomreynoh i can wait for drone then20:27
tomreyni'm just not around enough to be able to respond in time to such a removal request20:28
* cassandra nod20:33

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