
Gh0staBashing-om: sorry00:11
Gh0staBashing-om: it's a Fuse filesystem00:11
Gh0stantfs partition00:11
Bashing-omghostcube: NTFS == Windows - if it is but (only) a dirty bit set then ubuntu can clear it - but best thing here is to have Windows look at that partition.00:22
ghostcube:) tab fault00:23
Bashing-omghostcube: Sorry - I do apologize :(00:23
Hashhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Mr3nKOmZDo <- what kind of software makes animations like this?00:24
HashI wonder if this is the place to ask a second question00:26
HashOr kubuntu perhaps. Anyway. I wonder what kind of software makes animations like that00:27
HashI searched for 'animat'00:27
gebbioneis it possible to run a script automatically when using the computer again after screens have gone to sleep?00:29
gebbioneie user locks screens (or they go to sleep) -> come back to computer, move mouse and type password -> run script now00:29
inyourgrooveanyone here know anything about zfs on ubuntu?00:50
pbxi installed Hirsute today and now i can't get the "tap touchpad to click" setting to stay off. should i just roll back to 20.10 or is there something else i should tweak?01:04
Bashing-om!20.10 | pbx01:05
ubottupbx: Ubuntu 20.10 (Groovy Gorilla) will be the 33rd release of Ubuntu, scheduled for release October 2020 ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GroovyGorilla/ReleaseSchedule ). Join #ubuntu+1 for support and questions.01:05
en1gmacan anyone help with getting apt working through a proxy01:06
pbxBashing-om: was that supposed to help me?01:09
pbxi.e. was that your way of saying i should roll back?01:10
Bashing-ompbx: NO - I was attempting to direct you to the proper support channel - Not too many of us in this channel have the +1 knowledge to assist you.01:12
pbxgotcha Bashing-om, thanks01:12
compdocen1gma, have you tried setting the proxy in synaptic?01:16
en1gmain sources.lst?01:17
=== johuck7 is now known as johuck
compdocrun sudo synaptic01:17
en1gmak 1 sec01:18
en1gma"command not found"01:18
compdocguess you need to install it, and thats probably not working01:19
en1gmai need to install python from ubuntu 20.04 repo maybe?01:30
en1gmai would like to install both python and python301:30
Bashing-om!info python3 focal | en1gma01:31
ubottuen1gma: python3 (source: python3-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default python3 version). In component main, is important. Version 3.8.2-0ubuntu2 (focal), package size 46 kB, installed size 189 kB01:31
WaV!info irssi-dev bionic | WaV01:35
ubottuWaV: irssi-dev (source: irssi): terminal based IRC client - development files. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.5-1ubuntu4.2 (bionic), package size 41 kB, installed size 252 kB01:36
=== popey0 is now known as popey
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signofzetahi, I just switched from the default Ubuntu (20.04) AMD GPU drivers to the proprietary drivers.  now I have OpenCL, but I also have tearing on full-screen video.  is there a fix besides switching back to opensource drivers?02:48
blahboybazI need to find a way to intall / use the latest version of balsamiq desktop on 18.04. Had anyone experienced with this?03:01
Mr_xhello hi anyone around?03:09
signofzetaMr_x i'm here03:09
Mr_xwanna ask bout correctly change locale font on ubuntu 18.0403:09
Mr_xi already try many way but not changed03:09
signofzetanot sure about that one. what's the problem?03:09
Mr_xi change on this --->> /etc/default/locale03:10
signofzetathat file is automatically generated by update-locale, which is called by apt.03:12
signofzetaI think you can edit /etc/locale.gen and then call locale-gen03:13
lotuspsychjegood morning to all03:17
Mr_xsignofzeta, u mean like this ----->> sudo locale-gen en_US.UTF-8 UTF-803:21
Mr_xor 1) sudo locale-gen en_US.UTF-8 then 2) sudo locale-gen UTF-803:22
signofzetaMr_x, neither.  Edit /etc/locale.gen to suit your needs, and then run locale-gen03:23
signofzetauncomment anything in that file that you also want03:23
Mr_xsignofzeta, its not changed03:36
Mr_xif i run cat /etc/default/locale  <<--- its show LANG=en_US.UTF-803:37
Mr_xbut when i run locale , its still show ----->> LANG=C.UTF-803:38
signofzetaTry running source /etc/profile, or opening a new Bash shell.03:39
=== Mrokii_ is now known as Mrokii
bumblefuzzso I'm trying to install drivers for rtl8812au03:59
bumblefuzzand there's a few custom versions out there03:59
bumblefuzzhow do I know which one is 'best' or 'safest' to install?03:59
Bashing-ombumblefuzz: jeremy31: pointed to: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rtl8812au/+bug/1743849 .04:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1705820 in rtl8812au (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1743849 Wrong build when kernel upgrade (about kernel header path)" [High,Confirmed]04:02
bumblefuzzgood to know04:03
bumblefuzzbut which driver version does this apply to?04:04
bumblefuzzthis is for the rtl8812au package in the ubuntu repositories, correct?04:04
bumblefuzzso if a driver shows up on 'dkms status' but not on lsmod, what does that mean?04:20
UnholyDucksterHi there everyone, I hope that everyone is staying safe during this pandemic. I have a little bit of an issue that I've been trying to solve for over a week now to no-avail and I'm being really stubborn and don't want to resort to reinstalling although it seems like this may be my only next option.  Ever since the last Ubuntu update my keyboard and04:24
UnholyDuckstermouse do not work on my laptop in the login screen. I am unable to log in or to even move the cursor around. I have gone into the recovery mode and have tried everything I can think of to fix this issue and have searched far and wide for solutions. I've tried to completely remove and reinstall xorg and the inputs I have done the apt-upgrade and04:24
UnholyDucksterapt-update commands. Ive done dpkg and nothing was found. I am just stuck. My keyboard and mouse work perfectly fine in windows and my keyboard works fine in the recovery mode. If anyone has any suggestions or solutions I would really appreciate the help.04:24
unholyducksterAm I in the right channel for technical issues?04:36
Bashing-omunholyduckster: You are - I personally - as many others here - have no opinions to offer - patience for one who might :D04:40
unholyducksterBashing-om Thanks! I've just rarely used IRC so I just wanted to make sure that I was in the right place. Patience and time is definitely all I have right now lol.04:41
Bashing-omunholyduckster: It is however getting late - the sun is approaching the Pacific - most now are retiring for the night. May take a stretch of patience.04:43
lotuspsychjeunholyduckster: wich ubuntu version and laptop brand would that be?04:47
Mr_xi use this guide to change my locale  , but not work ---->> https://linuxconfig.org/change-system-language-on-ubuntu-20-04-from-command-line04:52
Mr_xif i run cat /etc/default/locale  <<--- its show LANG=en_US.UTF-804:52
Mr_xbut when i run locale after logout , its still show ----->> LANG=C.UTF-804:53
Mr_xanyone know what cause04:53
Mr_xsignofzeta, its not changed04:53
unholyducksterlotuspsychje it's an Acer aspire and the ubuntu version is 20.1004:59
lotuspsychjeunholyduckster: what kind of graphics card inside?05:00
unholyducksterlotuspsychje it's an Intel integrated. So Intel HD 4000 I believe.05:01
lotuspsychjehmm thats weird indeed05:02
lotuspsychjeunholyduckster: did you try a 20.04 yet?05:02
Bashing-omunholyduckster: lotuspsychje: Acer - can this be a "trust" issue : - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2330267 .05:02
unholyducksterHow would I go about downgrading through the command line in recovery mode?05:04
Bashing-omubottu: Nope - there is no undo button :(05:04
unholyducksterAlso Bashing-om I'm able to get to the login screen. Just none of the inputs work.05:04
Bashing-omunholyduckster: Was but a thought to see if setting trust in the firmware would have a positive effect.05:06
lotuspsychjeunholyduckster: did you install legacy or uefi?05:07
unholyducksterlotuspsychje legacy05:08
unholyducksterVery wierd.05:09
devilnullhi guys anyone know why calibre wont launch on ubuntu 20.04.105:15
devilnulli found a mention online that no longer works with python3 and that newer version is required can anyone confirm Calibre 5.4.2 works with Ubuntu 20.04.105:18
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unholyducksterOkay. So.05:55
unholyducksterI fixed it with a hail Mary of a fix. Well atlesst a temporary bandaid05:55
unholyducksterAdding acpi=off to the grub command line after quiet splash and before $vthandoff05:56
unholyducksterAnd it works fine now.05:56
unholyducksterSo I guess acpi is the problem? How do I go about turning this into a permanent solution 🤔05:56
dwalei used to have a boyfriend named "ubuntu"06:57
dwalehe would "play the bongos" on my ass06:57
dwalebecause he was a nigger spy for the United States Intelligence "Community"06:58
al_nz1anyone here able to help with a bind question? isc_studio_open '/var/log/bind/bind.log' failed:permission06:58
dwaleand niggers love bongos06:58
al_nz1seems to be related to : https://askubuntu.com/questions/172030/how-to-allow-bind-in-app-armor06:58
al_nz1I tried whats in that answer06:58
al_nz1but still get06:58
al_nz1above error06:59
al_nz1I think is apparmor related06:59
=== jeddo- is now known as jeddo
_luciferhi all! I am having some display issues with the chromium browser. https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/xRXLEJGt/Screenshot%20from%202020-11-03%2012-56-52.png07:28
wyounghi fallen angel!07:28
=== till_b` is now known as till_b
alegarodHi. There is a command I want to run at startup. I have to run it as sudo using the -E option in order to preserve the environment. Without -E the command doesn't work. I tried with "sudo crontab -e" using @reboot, but it doesn't work neither because I can't pass the -E option. Any ideas?07:37
alegarodWell, I guess I could write "sudo -E" in the cron job.07:39
alegarodEven if I created the job with "sudo crontab -e".07:40
alegarodWill try it.07:41
alegarodTried it. Doesn't work. :(07:45
alegarodAny idea?07:45
=== mateen1 is now known as mateen
mamalosThinkT510: hmmm...OK, that's something I hadn't expected. I mean I understand its cruciality, but I suppose there is some way of forcing a package's uninstallation, another packages installation and change of dependencies in apt, right? Or not?08:41
mamalosOr some other workaround maybe?08:41
bumblefuzzhow do I check the link speed of a USB device?09:10
rhctHello everyone.09:15
rhctI am running ubuntu 18.04 KVM guest on oracle cloud, tried to changed the ssh port from default to 2020, then i allowed the port from ufw and open the port for the same from web ports of cloud security for subnets, but i am not able to ssh, even i cannot ssh into localhost09:17
rhctvery strange09:17
legreffierrhct: you should have some firewall on oracle infra side...09:18
legreffieroh you did that too actually09:18
rhctlegreffier : from that i can ssh into port 22, i added another port 2020 and pass it from  firewall but not working09:18
rhctbetween ssh localhost -p 2020 is also getting refused, thats the different story i believe09:19
legreffiercan you pastebin your /etc/sshd_config ?09:19
ThinkT510mamalos: it really depends on exactly which packages are in conflict. you'd need to know which python3 packages came from your custom repo and somehow remove them and make sure the ubuntu packages get installed. I can't think of a clean way to do this. are you using pip as well?09:19
rhctlegreffier : https://pastebin.com/hURPnyRb09:21
rhctlegreffier : This is a fresh install09:22
bumblefuzzzwhy is a USB 3 device always connecting as USB 2?09:24
bumblefuzzzI've plugged it in multiple different ports, I have the correct cable09:25
ThinkT510bumblefuzzz: is it a usb2 port?09:25
bumblefuzzzmultiple different USB3 ports09:25
bumblefuzzzeven ones directly on the motherboard09:25
bumblefuzzzthe cable is correct09:25
bumblefuzzzlsusb for the device always shows a bcdUSB of 2.009:26
bumblefuzzzit's a wifi adapter09:26
bumblefuzzzand upload speeds are slower than with the previous device09:26
legreffierrhct: it says 2222 here. not 2020. also you need to remove or prefix with # the 'port 22' line.09:27
AndroUserekekekeHow can i reinstall vmlinuz to /boot??09:28
EriC^^AndroUserekekeke: reinstall the kernel package linux-image-....09:28
EriC^^sudo apt-get install --reinstall <package>09:29
AndroUserekekekeEric thnk you that fik it for me09:33
fubar35Hi everyone! I have a public registered subnet that I'm using to run some KVM-based VMs. Before netplan, I was able to setup a bridge and route the addresses through the host. Since my hoster (Hetzner) does not allow the VMs to leak their mac addresses to the host interface, directly running a bridge is no option (as e.g. suggested by09:34
fubar35https://fabianlee.org/2019/04/01/kvm-creating-a-bridged-network-with-netplan-on-ubuntu-bionic/). So I need to specifically forward and route the VMs subnet through the host interface. Anyone who could assist with that?09:34
=== _kukacz is now known as kukacz
slyonfubar35: do you have your previous bridge setup and routing options handy? IMO it would be best trying to recreate the setup via netplan.yaml09:50
mamalosOK, if nothing works, I'll just keep my /home as it is, tar my /etc and format my /, /usr, /etc and install 20.04 from scratch.09:58
mamalosThinkT510: ^09:59
mamalosThinkT510: And I'm using pip, but not system-wide09:59
mamalosso, format it seems that it is...petty, I should have thought of it earlier, before upgrading...10:01
legreffierrhct: you need to have only one 'Port' line.10:01
mamalos*pity :)10:01
legreffier(don't assume the parameters are parsed in order and overloaded.)10:01
Peedy2495Hello, I'm not able to use my nexus-proxy for apt over https. Own signed root and intermediate certs are imported and https is working well with wget or curl  in the provided repopath (TLS1.2). Any suggestion?10:23
Peedy2495A connection request to a repo fails with: Could not handshake: Error in the certificate.10:36
blb4393hello, I need to find out which app is registered for a specific file type in CLI. Using xdg-mime I can query the 'org.alike' name but then I need to find the desktop file and parse it to get the executable name. Is there an utility for that?10:42
summonnerI would expect if the app reads the mime types, it should act that way, right?10:55
blb4393i'm in a bash script, i.e no app10:57
blb4393i can't use xdg-open because input stream is /dev/stdin, i.e no extension10:58
Sbur3does 20.04 as well as 20.10 support a 4tb hard drive in sata?11:32
BluesKajHi all11:38
Saviqwonko: hey, if you didn't find the problem yet, it's because of snap confinement: https://snapcraft.io/docs/home-interface12:10
=== raf is now known as rafael
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wonkoSaviq: That should be for snap installed packaged, right? Why would that affect my apt installed shell?13:31
wonkois snap installed13:34
wonkoSaviq: is there a workaround for that to give lsd permission to that?13:37
wonkoNow that I know what the issue is it's only a slight inconvenience but still annoying13:37
ograwonko, well, it is a security feature, dot files/dirs typically contain sensible data (passwords, urls etc) ... while there is the "personal-files" interface to allow access to such files, the lsd maintainer would have to add one interface for each possible dot file and would have to go through security review for each of them individually ...13:46
=== privalovy_lekvar is now known as hexic
wonkook, so the work around is to ignore it and unalias ls if I absolutely need to.13:47
wonkoalthough it *can* also be worked around with ls ~/.ssh/* which *does* work (and makes me feel like the security is being broken)13:48
=== semighost is now known as semiturkey
rud0lfhello... after upgrading ubuntu server 16.04 -> 20.04 on vps i get this: host google.com -> Host google.com not found: 2(SERVFAIL) # for every host, unless i manually set up resolv.conf from to
ograwonko, well, there is an interface to allow access to ~/.ssh, perhaps lsd uses that ? (i dont know the lsd snap so i cant tell) ... you can see connected interfaces with the "snap connections <snapname>" command13:51
wonkohome and removable-media13:52
wonkoI *can't* do ls ~/.ssh but I *can* do ls ~/.ssh/*13:53
wonkowhich seems broken13:53
ograhmm, then you shouldnt be able to ls ~/.ssh/*13:53
ograyes, that seems broken for sure13:53
wonkoso that security mechanism appears to have a small hole in it.13:54
ograwell, there might be intention behind it, the security team would know13:54
ograor the snapd team in the #snappy channel13:54
ograwe do have explicit "ssh-keys" and "ssh-public-keys" interfaces for ssh stuff that allow this access ... not sure why globbing over ~/.ssh would allow reading it13:57
ograthough since this is all managed by the kernel via its apparmor implementation, things like runnings such commands inside containers can/will behave slightly different due to security stacking13:58
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pavloswonko: what are the permissions on the .ssh dir ? should be 700, owner/group the username14:27
wonkopavlos: it's snap confinement.14:28
=== jeddo- is now known as jeddo
hylianhow can I back up my settings and packages so they can be installed again WITHOUT use of the internet? (in other words, not apt-clone)??14:31
lotuspsychjehylian: i didnt test myself, but borg seems to be popular on the community14:34
ubottuborg is a fast backup tool with incremental backups: https://www.borgbackup.org/ (Ubuntu packages: borgbackup, borgbackup-doc, and borgmatic)14:34
hylianlotuspsychje: ill look into that, thanks. I have a brostrend wifi adapter and I have to dig up an ancient wifi n device and install through the internet everytime I want to re install my system, so I am trying to find a way to back that up.14:36
lotuspsychjehylian: well its always reccomended to also keep your system up to date aswell14:37
hylianlotuspsychje: i get that, it's just frustratingly stupid to have to rely on old hardware to get new hardware working again. I'm used to old ubuntu where I would plug something in and it would just run. what's the point of having a wifi card that wont work until you have drivers from the internet? That's like owning a car, and gas hasn't been invented yet... but I digress.14:39
lotuspsychjehylian: did you try other ubuntu releases/kernels yet that possibly do support your wifi driver?14:40
hylianlotuspsychje: yeah, no go. It has awesome speeds for wifi, but even the company is like "you'll want to install the drivers fresh from the interent", which is stupid, because it's the device i use to get to the internet. Might as well ask me to fly without wings. :D14:42
hylianlotuspsychje: well thanks for all you help, i've installed borg, and I'm going to try it now.14:43
lotuspsychjehylian: and your machine doesnt have an eth port to pull the updates in?14:43
lotuspsychjeallrighty hylian good luck14:43
hylianlotuspsychje: this internet is provided via spectrum's "bulk services". There is no eth ports. the entire building is wifi only.14:44
hylianlotuspsychje: I know right? :D Crazy situations. I would love to chew out brostrend. They should provide a internet-less driver for their wifi products. It only makes logical sense.14:45
lotuspsychjehylian: might be interesting to file a bug on that14:45
hylianlotuspsychje: will do.14:47
ahylightwhat's the simplest way to have a protected folder on a shared macine14:56
ahylightfrom command-line only?14:57
ahylighti'd like to have a big file that I can mount when I arrive on the machine14:57
ahylightat the end, I unmount it14:57
ahylightwhen mounting, it asks a password14:57
EriC^^ahylight: ecryptfs should do it14:57
ahylightEriC^^, can I mount it in one line of command line?14:58
qwertuttytyMint 20 has no problem installing grub on sda if /boot and / are on sdb.Checked in  VBox bios. With Ubuntu the same? With Fedora 33 the same.14:59
=== halvors1 is now known as halvors
qwertuttytyu-mate 20.04 20.1015:00
qwertuttytybug or not bug?15:01
qwertuttytysda sdb mbr15:02
qwertuttytyI don't remember that it was with 18, with 19, with 20.04 beta. There was not such15:12
=== Examknow is now known as Texas
pavlospetester: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RcG2wkZ3wp/15:40
hylianlotuspsychje: i think i found my solution, dpkg-repack. it backed up all my installed debs to a folder. *hopefully* this will solve my driver issues in the future. having wifi device that needs a driver from the internet is just plain stupidity of the worst kind. :) Glad I can think around it. :)15:52
ijohnsonhi wonko I heard you have a snap confinement problem? You are able to list ~/.ssh/* from a strictly confined snap?15:53
lotuspsychjegreat you found a solution hylian15:54
hylianlotuspsychje: thanks again for all the help!15:54
lotuspsychjewelcome hylian15:54
wonkoijohnson: yeah, lsd ~/.ssh failes with os error 13 (confined) and lsd ~/.ssh/* works fine15:54
ijohnsonwonko: what distro is this? what's the output of `snap version` for you ?15:54
wonko20.04 LTS (multipass) 2.47.1+20.0415:55
ijohnsonwonko: what snap are you able to do this with? can you show `snap connections` for the snap you are trying this with?15:55
ograijohnson, snap version should probably notify that it is inside a container/vm ...15:58
wonkoijohnson: if you clicked that you can refresh it and I added the output of lsd working and not working15:58
ogra(since that can potentially influence confinement)15:58
ijohnsonogra: we proposed to do that and merged code to do that, but it was reverted because people are relying on specific format of the `snap version` command because ... reasons15:58
ograoh my15:59
ograpolitics ...15:59
ijohnsonwonko: thanks I'll have a look and see if I can reproduce, to be clear this is a full VM with multipass you're running the lsd command with?16:00
ograi wonder if multipass does some bind mount magic for ~/.ssh that could cause this16:01
wonkoI'm pretty sure it doesn't16:01
Habbiewhat is 'lsd'?16:01
wonkobecause this affects all dot folders16:01
wonkoor if it doesn't it's not relevant16:01
ograHabbie, it expands yur conciousness while listing directory contents16:01
ograor so ...16:02
wonkoI can't get the damn icons to work with Windows Terminal so I'm half tempted to just ditch it, but I find this all to be very curious and interesting from a security point of view.16:02
ograHabbie, https://snapcraft.io/lsd16:02
Habbieogra, thanks16:03
ograwonko, if you say windows terminal ... this isnt multipass running in WSL or some such i hope ?16:12
wonkoNo, I replaced WSL with multipass16:12
wonkoWSL was nice, but it was pissing me off too much16:13
ograoh, so it is multipass natively on windows ?16:13
* ijohnson is in meeting, will return soon16:13
wonkothe actual proper hyper-v VM16:13
ograwonko, whats the output of "snap debug confinement" ?16:21
ograwonko, also "snap list lsd" ... does that say "devmode" at the end of the line ?16:28
wonkolsd   0.16.0   62   latest/stable  peltoche   -16:30
ograwonko, seems you found a ral bug then 🙂 i can actually reproduce it on my laptop... (and ian too)16:42
ioriathey suggest the .deb version : https://github.com/Peltoche/lsd/releases16:43
brillopadHi! I've got a Yubikey and I'm looking to set it up so that when I run a command with sudo then it doesn't require a password. The guide here shows me how to set it up so that I need a password AND the Yubikey but I'd like it so that the password isn't required. https://support.yubico.com/hc/en-us/articles/360016649099-Ubuntu-Linux-Login-Guide-U2F16:46
brillopadAny ideas?16:46
ograwell, yeah, something like lsd should be a classic snap ... though this discussion isnt really about lsd itself16:47
ijohnsonwonko: I know what the issue it, and it's not a confinement escape16:50
ijohnsonwonko: try `lsd '~/.ssh/*'` and see what happens16:50
wonkothat also fails16:52
wonkocannot access '~/.ssh/*': No such file or directory (os error 2)16:52
wonkobut differently16:53
ijohnsonwonko: yes, so I guess what I was trying to say is that there is nothing wrong with snap confinement for the `lsd` snap16:53
ijohnsonwhat's happening is that your shell you are running `lsd` in, is expanding `~/.ssh/*` to all those files _before_ running the snap16:54
ijohnsonso your snap actually sees something like this:16:54
ijohnson[pid 44201] 1604422062.123092 execve("/snap/lsd/62/command-lsd.wrapper", ["/snap/lsd/62/command-lsd.wrapper", "/home/ijohnson/.ssh/authorized_keys", "/home/ijohnson/.ssh/config", "/home/ijohnson/.ssh/id_rsa", "/home/ijohnson/.ssh/id_rsa-lxd", "/home/ijohnson/.ssh/id_rsa-lxd.pub", "/home/ijohnson/.ssh/id_rsa.pub", "/home/ijohnson/.ssh/known_hosts", "/home/ijohnson/.ssh/known_hosts.old"], 0xc420178300 /* 95 vars */16:54
ijohnson<unfinished ...>16:54
wonkobut shouldn't confinement deny those based on the path being a dot file in the home dir?16:54
ijohnsonwhere my shell (bash) expanded the * to all those files you see, and then lsd "kinda" works because it knows the names of the files16:54
ijohnsonthen lsd is able to display some info about those files because it uses the `stat` syscall on those filenames which were already provided to it16:55
ijohnsonthe `stat` syscall is always allowed for snaps for any filename, and it is a known information leak, but it is very minimal, since you can't use `stat` to learn other filenames, or read actual content of the data16:55
ijohnsonit can only give you metadata about the filenames that we already tol the lsd snap about16:56
wonkook, so as long as it's not a security breach I guess it's ok16:56
ijohnsonyes it's not a security breach16:56
wonkoit's *very* confusing though so from a UI perspective it's terrible. :)16:56
ijohnsonnow as you and ogra mentioned, maybe lsd should just be a classic snap anyways16:56
ijohnsonbut yes also I agree that this is confusing16:56
ijohnsonunfortunately we don't really have any way of preventing it, short of changing how the shell works16:57
wonkoWell, I just installed the deb version16:57
wonkoso that's the "solution" to this particular problem16:57
ijohnsoneventually some day we may be able to mediate stat syscall arguments using seccomp in which case we can make this fail the way it should under strict confinement, but we are a long way from having that aiui16:57
wonkobut that still seems a bit counter-intuative16:57
ograyes, the solution wuld be a classic snap ..16:58
wonkook, so there is a roadmap, that helps16:58
ijohnsonwonko: but yes in the short-term I think you should make a request to the lsd snap to have it become a classic snap instead17:00
ijohnsonwonko: there's an email address under `snap info wonko` you could try to ask them to change the confinement17:01
ograijohnson, i think you mean "snap info lsd" 🙂17:02
ijohnsonah sorry yes that is what I mean17:02
wonkolooking at that github issue ioria listed it looks like they know but haven't updated the snap yet (if they ever do)17:02
* ijohnson types too fast for his own good sometimes17:02
ijohnsonis there a github issue for this?17:02
* wonko laughs at snap info wonko17:03
wonkoThey've removed the snap install directions from the README.md as well17:04
wonkothat snap package really needs to be deleted17:04
wonkoThere, I've added a comment asking them to remove it if they aren't going to udpate it17:06
ogramaking it classic would be nicer but well ..17:07
wonkothey don't seem to be intersted in doing that for some reason17:07
ograit is quite some effort since you need to ask for a security review etc17:07
ograso there is paperwork and waiting involved17:08
wonkoah, ok, that's a good reason to not want to do it. :)17:08
ograit really depends if your app is updating usually faster than distros release new versions ... than snaps are always the better choice ...17:09
ograi assume lsd isnt really in that category17:09
wonkoIt doesn't seem to have a fast dev cycle, no17:32
wonkoAlso, thank you so much for helping me figure this out. Nobody was able to help me. :)17:42
ograwell, thanks for showing us that flaw ... that surely made my workday a little more interesting17:43
wonkoogra: more than happy to break things. :) I wonder if there is a way for snap to return a better error though. That error message is......... not useful and very misleading.17:57
ash_worksihow do I increase the number of failed attempts allowed to decrypt a GPG encyrpted file?17:58
ash_worksiI'm using a program called 'password store' which throws up an ubuntu-style dialog box when decrypting a password file asking for my password and attempts are max 3... my guess is that there's a system setting that manages that?18:00
ice9how can I run a privileged command right after login in GDM?18:03
=== ijohnson is now known as ijohnson|lunch
devslashI added a microsoft repo to install SQL Server for linux but I am getting an error that the GPG key is not signed18:16
devslashdoes anyone know how I can fix this18:16
Habbiedevslash, not signed or not trusted?18:16
Habbiedevslash, usually the instructions from a vendor would also tell you how to get the key18:16
devslashi dunno18:16
MaikPPA's and other stuff from outside the official Ubuntu repo's aren't supported here afaik, their usage are at own risk18:19
devslashi fixed it thanks18:20
Maikcool :)18:20
hanshafter installing mono-devel, how do i compile hello_world.cs ?18:25
blahboybazIf mac is unix based and linux is unix based then won't a program for mac be able to run on linux?18:33
KindOneblahboybaz: https://www.darlinghq.org/18:35
Maikblahboybaz: that's not ubuntu support related, better to take that into #ubuntu-offtopic18:36
blahboybazKindOne: Thanks18:38
blahboybazI'm trying to install wine and getting an error when trying to install the keys. I don't know if this error relates to the wine keys or some other applicaiton since it contains the name of an-other application in the output (but the command that was run contained the wine information). How do I know if it was successful or not and whether it's safe to proceed (not make the situation worse)??18:41
leftyfbblahboybaz: what version of ubuntu?18:41
blahboybazleftyfb:  18.0418:42
leftyfbblahboybaz: https://linuxconfig.org/install-wine-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux18:43
MikeRLHi guys. I'm trying to install NVIDIA drivers from the website and not the PPA. I keep getting extraction failed. Tried installing dependencies, stopping GDM, running the .run file as root, nothing works. I've already removed anything related to the drivers from the PPA.18:45
MikeRLDriver version I'm trying to get is 455.38.18:46
blahboybazleftyfb: Since I had already issued a couple commands from here:  https://wine.htmlvalidator.com/install-wine-on-ubuntu-18.04.html    Do you think that if you saw this: https://pastebin.com/CjFgJQmL    you could tell what sort of situation I'm in now?18:46
MikeRL^^ There is the terminal command and output. Simply looks like it failed to extract, but why?18:47
MikeRLForgot to mention OS release is 20.10.18:48
blahboybazMikeRL: From what I see there it appears fine. What gives you the indiaction it failed? Is there something not seen in that paste?18:49
MikeRLIt pasted weird. It expands really long horizontally. Caught me off guard. Says "extraction failed".18:50
g3poandlslMikeRL, check your free disk space, specifically in /tmp18:51
MikeRLI removed a ton of the periods so it is visible now, just to be more clear.18:51
MikeRL"/tmp" shows 512M available, 28k used. Command was "df -h slash tmp"18:54
MikeRLMore of sudo df -h https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SxJBdqt3rF/18:55
MikeRLI do use some of my 16GB of RAM as temp storage. Wonder if there's a conflict there?18:55
MikeRLDoubt it but who knows for sure?18:55
blahboybazEven following the other article at the link given the resulting output is the same (there appears to be some problem but I can't tell if there is one or what it is if there is).18:56
blahboybaz Since I had already issued a couple commands from here:  https://wine.htmlvalidator.com/install-wine-on-ubuntu-18.04.html    Do you think that if you saw this: https://pastebin.com/CjFgJQmL    you could tell what sort of situation I'm in now?18:57
blahboybaz^^ the output shown in the paste is the same using either article information to do the install18:57
blahboybazPlease note the information in the title of the paste18:58
g3poandlslMikeRL, can you try running `sh ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-455.38.run --extract-only`18:58
MikeRLg3poandlsl, Thanks. Will do.18:59
=== beaver_ is now known as maybe_baby
MikeRLg3poandlsl, That command worked.19:00
g3poandlslMikeRL, you should now have a directory with the installer in it.  Should be able to install from there19:00
ice9how can I run a privileged custom command right after login in GDM?19:01
MikeRLYeah. Think it looks simple from here.19:01
MikeRLSeems to be working thus far. Will post results.19:02
blahboybazHow can I determine if a key was installed correctly?19:03
MikeRLIt worked.19:17
MikeRLThanks g3poandlsl19:17
code-witchi am trying to install enlightenment19:25
code-witchon ubuntu 18.0419:25
code-witchi get the error "PAM is not disabled and not found on non-free+open BSD platforms"19:26
code-witchany help?19:26
goddardwhy when booting it shows my bios image?19:37
Maikgoddard: BIOS image or do you mean vendor image19:39
goddarduh I mean my motherboard's brand image19:39
goddardThis some new uefi thing?19:39
goddardon newer kernels it just shows this image and doesn't ever boot the desktop19:40
Maikgoddard: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2020/03/ubuntu-20-04-oem-boot-splash    you mean that?19:41
goddardya exactly19:42
Maikyep, nothing new. :)19:43
rai-enhey there19:46
goddardokay, but how do you debug the boot process? Usually on boot up it will show me the systemd processes and then I know where a failure happened?19:46
rai-enso i tried to install the jdk19:46
rai-enbut when trying to install the jdk my computer froze and i had to reboot19:46
rai-enwhat should i do?19:46
=== ijohnson|lunch is now known as ijohnson
pavlosrai-en: what release are you on?19:55
pavlosrai-en: there is, sudo apt install default-jdk19:56
rai-eni am on the latest stable release20:03
rai-en"20. something"20:03
rai-enyeah so i tried to purge jdk and it said "unable to locate package"20:04
rai-encomputer froze after walked way from it after doing "sudo apt-get install default jdk"20:04
rai-enand hitting "y"20:05
pavlosrai-en: default-jdk ans a dash20:05
rai-eni didn't include the dash and it started installing though20:06
pavlosrai-en: it tried to install a package named "default" and another package named "jdk"20:07
rai-enok i just did sudo apt-get purge "default-jdk"20:07
rai-enand it found it now20:07
elichai2Hi, how can I get online all the reverse dependencies a package has?20:09
rai-enty so much guys for the assistance20:09
tomreynelichai2: by "online", you mean some website, because you don'T run the ubuntu release you are wondering about?20:10
elichai2tomreyn: yeah, I'm a maintainer of an OSS package that is published in ubuntu's repos and I want to see rev deps20:11
tomreynhmm, i'm not aware of a way to do so without installing it20:11
tomreynelichai2: are you aware of any other distribution which does provides a web interface for quering this information?20:13
Habbiedo 'metadata files on the repo' count as a web interface? :):20:13
Habbieotherwise, it's very easy with docker - elichai2, can i look something up for you?20:13
elichai2tomreyn: Arch does: https://www.archlinux.org/packages/community/x86_64/libsecp256k1/20:14
elichai2(see "Required By")20:14
elichai2Habbie: yes please :) `libsecp256k1`20:14
Habbieelichai2, which ubuntu?20:14
elichai2all? argh I guess 18.04 will prob be the most used20:15
tomreynnc termbin.com 9999 < <(lsb_release -ds; apt rdepends libsecp256k1-0)     #   https://termbin.com/r6zm20:17
Habbieso, 'ring'20:17
Habbie16.04 does not have the package20:18
Habbiefor 20.04: ring, jami20:19
Habbie(jami is the new ring, it appears)20:19
elichai2so just ring/jami? Thanks!20:35
ice9how can I run a privileged custom command right after login in GDM?20:57
EriC^^ice9: you could add the command to the sudoers list, "sudo visudo"21:02
ice9EriC^^, and who it will be executed upon login in GDM?21:03
EriC^^whoever you want, roof by default i guess21:03
oft_gegonghow do you submit ubuntu 18.04 bugs the right way?21:13
oft_gegongbecause the bugs could've been fixed in 20.04+21:13
sarnoldoft_gegong: ubuntu-bug <packagename>21:17
oft_gegongwow it's that easy! cool.21:20
spelterHI there! I'm having a bit of a problem doing a temporary install of Ubuntu 20.04.1LTS from the latest image on to my desktop; installed it successfully on a SSD, and then I managed to accidentally install the LVM package which screwed things up, subsequent trials have failed either on first boot or succeeding boots into grub rescue;21:22
spelterand this is regardless of me erasing the partition; grub is still stored there somewhere even if I wipe all the partitions clean, I think it has something to do with LVM21:23
spelter(and by partitions I mean all of them on the SSD. there's some hang-up with that one. I've been trying to figure out a way, it seems that LVM can "overwrite" the SSD boundaries which makes it prone to destroy things21:24
thegodsquirrelCan you just re-install?21:25
spelterright now I'm writing zeroes at another computer on to the ssd to clear it up. Suggestion to the suggestion box ":-)": Please include a thorough disk format/check-up procedure into the installer21:25
Reset`anyone on?21:25
spelterThat would solve a lot of things21:25
g3poandlslspelter, did you format the drive, or just delete the partitions? sounds like the MBR is still there21:25
spelterReset`: I am but I am not sure if anyone is listening to me21:25
Reset`hmm i have a problem ith the card reader from laptop21:26
* thegodsquirrel raises hand21:26
Reset`im trying to format it but it doesent let me21:26
spelterg3poandlsl: I tried a multitude of tricks; including reformatting (not deep-level though) on a Windows machine etc.21:26
Reset`also i cant see the card as drive21:26
spelterReset`: you might not have sudo privileges for that?21:26
Reset`i can see it in disk utility but it vill not format21:26
Reset`i do21:26
spelterReset`: make sure nothing is locking it up21:26
spelter(i.e. another process)21:27
Reset`how do i do that21:27
Reset`its not used21:27
Reset`i bought a second sd card to make sure the first was not good21:27
Reset`and same story21:27
Reset`it doesent show and when formatting i get an error21:27
spelterg3poandlsl: But yep, that is very weird in my opinion too, right now I'm just writing zeroes over the entire ssd (a brand new WD Blue) with "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX"21:28
Reset`and when i try to put it on my kids tablet, and connect it via usb, the tablet doesent show21:28
spelterg3poandlsl: (with "X" being the drive id letter)21:28
Reset`im a beginner with linux21:28
spelterReset`: is your reader working as it should?21:29
g3poandlslspelter, and is that the only drive in computer?21:29
Reset`it does show it in disc utilities21:29
spelterReset`: you can take a flashlight and shine it inside of it to see if the pins are aligned.21:29
Reset`so im guessing yes21:29
Reset`hmm let me check21:29
spelterg3poandlsl: Yes. I deliberately disconnected _eveything_ else21:29
spelterg3poandlsl: it did work, like I first mentioned, and did so really well, up until I accidentally managed to grab the lvm1 package, that screwed everything up21:30
Reset`yes i can see the pins are all there21:30
spelterg3poandlsl: 20.04.1LTS installer was basically seeing "ghosts" of the drive's contents21:30
Reset`im using 18.21:31
Reset`only device that i have is a dslr camera, and when using cable, i can see the folder , but not as a drive21:31
spelterg3poandlsl: i.e. when the lvm1 package screwed things up (= would only boot to grub rescue), I tried just to do a new wipe install, but things just got more wonkier...21:31
Reset`and when connecting tablet it doesent see it as a drive21:32
spelterg3poandlsl: I've been googling up the issue and it really seems that grub can leave "traces" of itself especially to SSD's and it has been advised that you just rewrite the entire drive with zeroes21:32
Reset`is there any chance i can plug the tablet in, and be recognised as a drive?21:32
Reset`maybe installing some software that can do that?21:33
Reset`and be able to edit files with that software directly on the tablet?21:33
g3poandlslspelter, I think you maybe on to something with lvm messing with the SSD boundaries21:33
spelterg3poandlsl: Now, it _could_ be beneficial (to understate _and_ underscore a bit :D) that there'd be some kind of disc checkup and a more thorough overwrite procedure when installing ubuntu desktop (mine's the amd64, on intel i7 core), at least have that kind of a thorough format of the system drive as an option etc. ..21:34
spelterg3poandlsl: yes, that's the conclusion I came up with21:34
speltergeez I hate lvm :D21:34
spelterproper zfs support would be = what me worry21:35
g3poandlsllvm2 isn't that bad21:35
Reset`Bus 002 Device 004: ID 0f88:3189 VTech Holdings, Ltd21:37
Reset`it shows in the usb21:37
Reset`but i cant see it to edit files on the sd card21:37
Reset`how do i do that21:37
spelterg3poandlsl: well, perhaps not but I think zfs at least has the data redundancy aspacet thought more thoroughly in it, perhaps it's not optimal for performance but at least you don't slam your OS into a brick wall21:37
spelterReset`: what does 'sudo fdisk -l' show you?21:38
spelteralso, what filesystem did you format it to21:38
Reset`i tried ntfs for transferring files more than 4gb21:39
Reset`then the other21:39
Reset`and it didnt vork21:39
Reset`fat and ntfs21:39
spelterReset`: well there might be your problem, remember that it's a proprietary windows format and you should always use exFAT with large sd cards anyway21:39
spelterReset`: and exfat ?21:39
Reset`im trying nov vith exfat21:40
spelterReset`: regardless of your OS, for large SD-type cards (note: _NOT_ SSD's) = MicroSD's, SDCard, etc., you should use exFAT21:40
spelterspelter: if you had problems that it will not read on other devices it might be exactly due to the format. it's a tricky thing since FAT32 is limited and not even all media box-type devices read exFAT cards21:41
Reset`Disk /dev/mmcblk0: 14.9 GiB, 15931539456 bytes, 31116288 sectors21:42
spelterReset`: yes, that should be your memory card21:42
spelterReset`: you could try mounting it straight from the terminal with 'sudo mount /dev/mmcblk0 /media/yourlocationhere'21:42
Reset`i can format it on camera, and i did, but still doesent shov21:43
Reset`ill try to mount manually21:43
spelterReset`: what Ubuntu version are you using?21:43
spelterReset`: oh... well21:44
Reset`mount: /media/desktop: mount point does not exist.21:44
spelterReset`: rather do this , sudo mkdir /media/mycard21:44
spelterReset`: then:   sudo mount /dev/mmcblk0 /media/mycard21:45
GumaHello. I have some LTE USB module that I am trying to communicate with. I am testing it on  latest 20.04. When I plug in the board to my machine I can see four ttyUSB* devices. When I start moserial and try to connect to any of the ttyUSB I get error that I can't open it. I added my used name to dialout and and plugdev. Did logout/login to my account. I can connect as root just fine. But this is not what I want.  When I check permission on all ttyUSB I see21:45
Guma root:dialout rw-rw---. Any ideas what am I missing?21:45
Reset`mount: /media/mycard: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/mmcblk0, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.21:45
spelterGuma: You mean a USB dongle ?21:46
Gumaspelter yes USB dongle :)21:46
spelterReset`: interesting. Well, have you tried the media reader with any other computer?21:46
Reset`is integrated21:46
spelterReset`: oh. hmm, well, it could be it's unsupported or something21:46
Reset`i bought an external one should arrive in couple of days21:47
Reset`but i anted to have access to this to put some cartoons for my kid21:47
Reset`on his tablet21:47
CarlFKReset`: mmcblk0 might  be mmcblk0p121:47
spelterGuma: usb dongles usually have their own dingleberry partition for autoboot and such, even on Ubuntu 18.04 my LTE 4G dongle worked straight out of the box tho21:47
spelterCarlFK: Reset`: yep Carl is right, you should mount the partition point, sorry, it's a bit late back here21:48
Reset`i tried .. is not ...:(21:48
spelterReset`: so does your sudo fdisk -l show _any_ partitions under the /dev/mmcblk0 (i.e. mmcblk0p1 , mmcblk0p2 )21:49
Reset`it gives me permision denied21:49
Gumaspelter Looks like my unit is supported and recognized. All I can to send some AT command right now. But later I will try to write some code to send AT commands programaticly. And if I cn not open the port under my user name I have problem. I do not want to do this as root. Unless there is no way around it.21:50
spelterReset`: what exactly gives you permission denied ?21:50
Reset`disk: cannot open /dev/mmcblk0: Permission denied21:50
spelterGuma: if it's a dongle then there's usually a required login screen before you can go online21:50
spelterReset`:    did you type:   sudo fdisk -l21:51
CarlFKReset`: I love me cli, but also for investigating disks: https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Disks21:51
CarlFKwhich I can't figure out what command launches it.  super key, type disks...21:52
Reset`ill put the code on pastebin21:52
sixechohrmm... just auto-updated from 20.04 to 20.10 and it borked my desktop - boots to text only login - i run startx and just get a blue screen.  not cool.21:52
sixechoonly error i see on startup is `[drm:vmw_host_log [vmwgfx]] *ERROR* Failed to send host log message.`21:52
spelterCarlFK: that's pretty much linux in a nutshell, lol :D "I love it but i can't figure out how it works"21:52
pavloshe said sudo21:52
CarlFKspelter: lol - yep.21:53
pavlosReset`: spelter wrote, sudo fdisk -l21:53
Reset`ohh, i`m so dumb ok i got it nov21:53
spelterGuma: sorry, my brain is drifting, with that I meant that you need to hop via the USB dongle's own "kinda-localhost" and enter your pin code and such, there's usually an admin page-kinda thing21:53
spelterGuma:  but as for me, at least the LTE 4G dongle worked straight out of the box.21:54
Reset`this is vhat it shovs21:55
spelterReset`: that only shows your hdd's21:55
pavlosCarlFK: the "disks" is launched from gnome-disks21:55
Reset`aye only the hdd21:55
CarlFKpavlos: gnome-disks - thanks.  Reset`  .. run gnome-disks21:56
Reset`how do i do that21:56
spelterReset`: hdd/sdd drives are /dev/sdX  , where X is the bleh and the blah, your memory card is /dev/mmcblkX and its partitions are /dev/mmcblkXpY (Y being the partition number of the X)21:56
spelterReset`: it should be showing when the card is in the reader's slot21:56
CarlFKReset`:  type gnome-disks and hit enter.  it is a command21:57
spelterCarlFK: thumbs up for the authoritative answer :D hehe21:57
Reset`it shows there21:57
Reset`i can see it21:57
spelter"don't go into the light!"21:57
Reset`i have format21:57
spelteralright, that was just a pun. sorry.21:58
Reset`so i need to select exfat21:58
spelterReset`: Yes, you should always use it for larger memory cards at the very least.21:59
spelterReset`: in fact, you run into FAT32 restrictions quite quickly with sticks and cards. OBVIOUSLY this does not apply to i.e. Raspberry Pi-type of memory card builds but ... and, if the card/stick is smaller, it can run FAT32 as well21:59
spelterReset`: and take everything I'm saying with a grain of salt because I'm sure there's someone who has a differing view on these things too, that's purely a personal preference of mine :)22:00
Reset`well. does exfat lets you copy files larger than 4 gb?22:01
spelterReset`: yes. according to this site called google.com ; The specifications, features, and requirements of the exFAT file system include: File size limit of 16 exbibytes (264−1 bytes, or about 1019 bytes, which is otherwise limited by a maximum volume size of 128 PiB, or 257−1 bytes), raised from 4 GiB (232−1 bytes) in a standard FAT32 file system.22:01
spelterReset`: Recommended reading: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ExFAT22:02
spelterexFAT can be used where NTFS is not a feasible solution (due to data-structure overhead), but a greater file-size limit than the standard FAT32 file system (i.e. 4 GiB) is required.22:03
spelterexFAT has been adopted by the SD Association as the default file system for SDXC cards larger than 32 GB.22:03
Reset`it sais (udisks-error-quark, 0)22:03
Reset`while formating22:03
Reset`error sincronising after formatting22:03
spelterReset`: no idea on that, but there's this great site called google.com that might help you out, especially if you copypaste that error message in a "<yourerrormessagehere>" type of way22:04
Reset`trust me, ive been doing this for the past half day22:04
Reset`trying to figure it out22:04
Reset`i thought ya guys experts here22:04
Reset`ive been google-ing for 5 hours22:05
spelterReset`: I don't use that part much with GUI stuff. did you already try with gparted ?22:05
spelterReset`: sudo apt install gparted , sudo gparted22:05
spelterthen choose your card and see what it shows up22:05
Reset`with gparted yes22:06
Reset`it can see it22:06
spelterReset`: oh, so. that's interesting22:06
Reset`it says unnalocated space bla bla22:06
spelterReset`: well that means it hasn't formatted it, if you are looking at the right disk, that is22:06
Reset`it says select new partition table type22:06
spelterReset`: please do note that you have to select the "mmcblk0" from the drop-down menu so that you don't accidentally screw up your hdd's22:07
Reset`and default is msdos22:07
Reset`aye is the only one showing22:07
Reset`leave it on msdos?22:07
Reset`it has atari , ax22:08
Reset`amiga, bsd msdos22:08
spelterReset`: good lord, don't touch anything :D22:08
spelterReset`: So, I put your error message about the quarks into these " " quotation marks and put it in this great site called google.com and the first hit was:22:09
spelteroh wow. Sorry22:09
spelterspelter: https://askubuntu.com/questions/377253/unable-to-format-usb-drive-with-disks-udisks-error-quark-022:09
spelterReset`: ^ :D22:09
spelterReset`: ok, you are not alone with your problem. https://askubuntu.com/questions/1035671/sd-card-has-no-partition-table-and-has-no-file-system22:12
Reset`sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblk0 dd: writing to '/dev/mmcblk0': Input/output error22:21
sarnoldcheck dmesg22:22
sarnoldthere's probably sometihng in there about block IO errors22:22
Reset` 8225.857490] mmcblk0: error -110 transferring data, sector 31116167, nr 1, cmd response 0x900, card status 0x0 [ 8225.857496] print_req_error: I/O error, dev mmcblk0, sector 3111616722:24
Reset`i am seriosly thinking to put some gas on it , and set it on fire22:24
Reset`then buy a new one , at this stage22:25
spelterReset`: :D22:25
spelterReset`: you might want to try with air spray and/or isopropanol first (without the fire part)22:25
Reset`i do know the card works cause i can do pics with the dslr , camera sees it and even formats it22:26
spelterReset`: I have no clue what might be the culprit in that one apart from Ubuntu 18.04 either not supporting the card reader properly or the card reader being broken22:26
Reset`something wrong with the reader22:26
spelterspelter: yep it's probably the reader or .. the reader.22:26
Reset`but takin in consideration, if i use it inside the tablet22:26
Reset`yis there any chance to be able to see it as a drive and edit files on the card?22:27
Reset`it does see the tablet when i connect it22:27
MaikReset`: exfat installed?22:27
spelterIt might work on a newer Ubuntu version, but if you're not down to updating from 18.04, then you can skip that advice22:27
Reset`if i upgrade to 2022:28
spelterMaik: Reset`: yep you gotta take that in to consideration22:28
Reset`20 needs more resources than 18?22:28
pavlosReset`: sudo apt install exfat-fuse exfat-utils22:28
spelterReset`: well I've switched to 20.04.1LTS quite a while ago, 18.04LTS is lagging behind at this point to say the least22:28
Reset`i did wanted to cause i got a ,message to update but i was afraid it will lag22:30
spelterReset`: hard to tell, depends on what kind of window manager you run it with22:30
Reset`cause its a piece of crap laptop with i5 procesor22:30
MaikReset`: install exfat first as pavlos showed you and let us know if that worked22:30
Reset`exfat-utils is already the newest version (1.2.8-1)22:31
Reset`ill update and see what happens22:31
Maikbesides that 20.04 isn't more resource hungry compared to 18.0422:32
Reset`this happens with my other 64 gb stick , when i use it on tv, and want to record a show,. i have to format it from tv , and if i plug it in pc, i have to format again, cause it doesent recognise the samsung format22:33
Reset`how do i upgrade from console?22:33
Reset`sudo do-release-upgrade ?22:34
MaikReset`: https://ubuntu.com/blog/how-to-upgrade-from-ubuntu-18-04-lts-to-20-04-lts-today22:34
Maikyou should have had the upgrade notification by now if i'm not mistaken22:35
Reset`i did but i pressed hide when it came22:36
Reset`will follow steps from there22:36
Maikmake sure you backup any important files first22:36
Reset`it will not delete files or folders ?22:36
Reset`why, they gonna delete?22:36
Maikyou have to keep in mind that things can go wrong. Upgrades aren't flaweless for everyone22:37
Maikdifferent kind of setups, hardware etc etc22:37
Maikfor one user it can go well, for the other there might be issues that pop up22:38
Reset`is not like installing the os from scratch , thats what i`m asking22:39
Reset`is like when you get android updated and files still there22:39
Reset`imma do it22:39
Maikgood luck :)22:39
Reset`i have 80gb of pics from when i was 1 till now , ir i loose that, im dead :))22:40
Maikhence i told you to backup important files first22:40
EriC^^it's said a smart person usually learns from their mistakes, a wise person learns from others22:41
MaikReset`: so grab a external HD and copy them over first22:41
Reset`it would had been a great idea22:42
Reset`if i had one22:42
Maikeveryone these days has at least one external HD for storing backup files on22:43
* Maik even has two22:43
Maiki never keep any important files on my machines22:43
EriC^^no backup is a dusaster waiting to happen22:43
MaikEriC^^: yep, i agree22:44
spelterReset`: trust me, backup.22:44
spelterReset`: right now I'm fishing out stuff from a broken sdd with a _really_ expensive piece of software22:45
spelterat one of my endpoints22:45
spelterno up like backup22:45
MaikReset`: it's your call, you can't blame us if things go wrong and you loose your 80GB of pics22:45
spelterMaik: 100% yes.22:45
FreeBDSMhi, what the shit is this? https://i.imgur.com/rI3dgm2.png22:45
Reset`hdds are more ok , cause if something goes wrong, you can still save data from them22:45
Reset`but if a ssd is toasted22:45
spelterReset`: Yep don't do it before you back up your stuff22:45
Gumaspammy Did you get you dongle working with Modem Mnager? Or did you configured it manually to get internet? I will be using it on my IoT project that does not have ModemManager. So I am also looking for HowTo set this dongle manually.22:46
spelter Reset`: in many cases yes, but not in all cases.22:46
Gumaspelter Sorry it was for you :)22:46
Reset`Guma you want to use wifi dongle?22:47
spelterGuma: hah, I've only tried my 4G dongle with distros on the Raspberry Pi 3B and 4B22:47
spelterGuma: they've worked just straight on, starting from ubuntu 18.04 => 20.04.122:47
GumaMy dongle is 4G only22:48
Reset`you mean a 4g modem22:48
MaikFreeBDSM: that doesn't look like 'shit' to me..... ;)22:50
FreeBDSMMaik: why split a set of driver-related packages of 1 version into 2 sets of different versions?22:50
FreeBDSMwhat's the logic here?22:50
Maiki don't know22:51
FreeBDSMthat's the partial output of `sudo apt update`22:51
FreeBDSMand it makes no sense to me22:51
spelterGuma: have you tried it out with any other computer, god forbid on a Mac or Windows PC ?23:01
spelterGuma: there's usually a partition that's intended for the autorun procedure for logging in; an interesting fact btw, at least all of LTE's 4G dongles have a built-in "mini-server" in them, don't know how tweakable that is but23:03
spelterGuma: https://askubuntu.com/questions/462421/is-there-a-list-of-usb-4g-modems-that-work-as-is-in-ubuntu23:03
spelterGuma: " Raspbian treats it as eth1, and no special drivers are required." <= that's the experience I've had with mine in Ubuntu as well23:04
GumaYes The unit works. I do not have problem with they unit itself. So here is my two points. One is I will in the end be using this module on system that might not have Modem Manager so I will have to configure it on boot manually to get  internet.23:05
spelterGuma: oh well I think you can set it to not to require a PIN once connected23:06
spelterGuma: that might be the key, now that I think of it, once it's set to autoconnect mode, it should roll straight out of the box. and yes, I've always used mine on a Raspi3B or 4B23:06
Gumathe other one is that I will try to write python code to open ttyUSB1 to read GPS data. So I do not want to run my program as root. So I am testing with moserial to see if I can open that device.23:06
spelter( in addition to laptop etc use on Windows-etc. machines )23:07
GumaI can open that device when I am root but not when I am just regular user23:07
spelterGuma: you probably need to be in a certain group as a user to access it23:07
spelterGuma: type in groups <username>23:08
GumaWell I should be  in dialout. And I am. This is how I always setup various ttUSB* devices and it works. I just did lsof /dev/ttyUSB1 and ModemManager has it open23:09
Gumaand it s running as root23:09
spelterGuma: so if you're using it on an IoT device I'd think by that you mean it's gonna be on a lighter OS variation ?23:10
spelterGuma: and probably on arm64 or so ?23:10
GumaSo I am in dialout group. My 'id" shows I am in it. the /dev/ttyUSB1 is cow-re----23:10
GumaYes it will. I did not decided which one yet. That is why I want to find out how to set this modem up manually23:11
spelterGuma: you could try some workaround privileges, i.e. like what you get with wireshark ?23:11
GumaI have access not from my ubuntu machine. So SIM and everything is working using ModemManager23:12
=== Into_the_Pit is now known as Frickelpit
spelterGuma: uh, so .... what seems to be the main issue23:13
GumaI was thinking that I could write small daemon and run it as root and then router program would use some IPC to communicate wit hit23:13
GumaBut I prefer not to do this unless I have to23:13
spelterGuma: suid was what I was after ;  https://www.linux.com/training-tutorials/what-suid-and-how-set-suid-linuxunix/23:14
spelterGuma: SUID (Set owner User ID up on execution) is a special type of file permissions given to a file. Normally in Linux/Unix when a program runs, it inherits access permissions from the logged in user. SUID is defined as giving temporary permissions to a user to run a program/file with the permissions of the file owner rather that the user who runs it. In simple words users will get file owner’s23:14
spelterpermissions as well as owner UID and GID when executing a file/program/command.23:14
GumaHmmm :)23:14
spelterGuma: look up wireshark if you haven't already, it recommends to be run as a suid install where you create a group with elevated privileges who get to do stuff in that context23:15
sarnoldI haven't been paying attention to the problem being solved, but there has to be a better way to solve it than setuid bits on files23:15
sarnoldsetuid executables are very difficult to program correctly23:15
Gumasarnold tx for your input. What would you suggest.23:16
GumaLet m start from beginning. Lets forget ubuntu23:16
spelterGuma: :D that's a quote good enough to be the channel topic, lmao :DD23:17
GumaIf I have some linux (debian based) most recent and I want to run headless (init 3) I want to enable this LTE dongle on boot and establish LTE connection and also read GPS23:17
GumaAnd there is no Modem Manager on it which is what makes it easy to configure on Ubuntu23:18
spelterGuma: just a quick question about the GPS side of things, does your dongle have a built-in GPS or where do you expect to get the GPS data from?23:18
GumaIf I need to write some script/service where would be best to place to execute on boot23:18
Gumaspelter it does have GPS on it23:19
spelterGuma: cool. can you access it oknp?23:19
GumaReading documentation ttyUSB3 is for AT commands and ttyUSB1 is to read GPS string23:19
spelterGuma: I don't know if mine has a GPS in it23:19
spelter(never tried out that functionality either)23:20
GumaSo I am experimenting on my workstation now since I prefer not to do cross compilation since this I should be able to do just fine on my worksatation23:21
spelterGuma: if you're planning on running it headless, I assume it's not going to boot into a window manager?23:21
GumaBut any one here had experience with configuring such USB dongle on boot without  Network Manager?23:22
Gumaspelter You are very correct. That is why I indicated init 323:22
Gumaor level 323:22
spelterGuma: Like i've already answered to you, me. AND with Raspi 3B+4B's23:22
speltereven with those trials on wm side of ubuntu, it was still a plug-and-play thing23:23
spelterand I didn't have a network manager23:23
GumaHmm let me boot it up on my board I will be running. Maybe like you stated it will work?23:23
sarnoldGuma: you can configure network-manager to run things at boot23:24
spelterGuma: Well ... https://askubuntu.com/questions/462421/is-there-a-list-of-usb-4g-modems-that-work-as-is-in-ubuntu <= like I posted earlier23:24
sarnoldGuma: you could also write systemd-networkd rules -- the netplan.io tool provides a friendlier interface to those files, if you use it23:24
spelterGuma: "Raspbian treats it as eth1, and no special drivers are required." -- and that's with Raspbian. It's worked the same way on Ubuntu on Raspberry Pi's for me23:25
Gumasarnold Will read on that. Ok let me do some poking around. Tx guys. Will be back little later23:25
spelterGuma: Godspeed!23:26
spelterand I'm trying to re-install that 20.04.1LTS desktop on amd64 now ... just flushed the ssd with 'dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda23:28
spelter(I joined here originally to point out the installer flaw that leads you to a grub rescue landmine on 20.04.1LTS ...)23:29
spelterany opinions on zfs? I know it's still marked as "experimental" in 20.04.1LTS's installer, but ...23:31
spelterI feel like it could be of good use, especially on an SSD, or are there any pitfalls with its not-so-final state? (it's still marked as an experimental feature in the installer)23:32
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sarnoldspelter: I did a zfs-on-root by hand on a previous release and what I did has mostly worked okay; overlayfs (or overlay? I can't recall) doesn't work 'on top' of zfs, so I've not been able to use the simple schroot build methods on my laptop23:35
Reset`manage to make it upgrade23:38
speltersarnold: hmm, okay, thanks for the heads up. that's one drawback, but I would hope to think it doesn't affect me too much. I'm more worried about the implementation of the zfs filesystem altogether if it's in experimental phase23:38
Reset`after some hustle23:38
spelterReset`: took so little of a time that I doubt you didn't back up those 80 gigs of pics or did you ?23:39
Reset`authenticate 'focal.tar.gz' against 'focal.tar.gz.gpg'  Authentication failed Authenticating the upgrade failed. There may be a problem with the network or with the server.23:39
Reset`i didnt no23:39
Reset`but its ok cause they are not on main partition23:39
Reset`i had to type this to make it upgrade23:40
Reset`sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-keyring23:40
sarnoldspelter: oh, that should be pretty solid; I've been using zfs for storage of a few hundred million files on 18.04; I did run into a funny problem with send / receive on that, but it's only prevented me from sending that one specific dataset from my laptop to my backup server23:41
speltersarnold: hehe, of course it's solid, dear friend, it's from SUN MICROSYSTEMS! :)23:41
speltersarnold: (RIP)23:41
speltersarnold: :D23:41
spelterno but they did some real good stuff back in the ay23:41
spelterday, even.23:41
Reset`do the files in the download and desktop , remain there after upgrade?23:44
spelteranyway; I'm installing ubuntu 20.04.1LTS on this one workstation atm just as a kind of pastime as the original system drive that was running windoze took a dump23:44
spelterWoo-hee, does it run fast in comparison to some of the winsnooze stuff23:45
sarnoldwoohoo :)23:45
speltersome of the same baselevel programs that I was running on that one that I also did run on Windows side on the same workstation run at times about 1/10th of the cpu load in comparison to winduhs23:46
spelterwill be interesting when there's gonna be a workstation change in the upcoming weeks, to see if I could get Looking Glass working so that I could basically jump between OS's more or less seamlessly23:47
spelterAnyone here tried out Looking Glass or similar virtualization environments?23:51
sarnoldspelter: oh, hah, I thought you were talking about https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Looking_Glass_server and I just sort of expected that linux was of course going to be available :)23:57
sarnoldi didn't think it'd be a virtualization thingy23:57

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