
stickupkidachilleasa, https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1225310:47
achilleasastickupkid: what's up with the linter in ^11:22
stickupkidachilleasa, ah, it's because the first argument to printf is a var11:23
stickupkidi'll fix11:23
stickupkidachilleasa, fixed11:40
stickupkidachilleasa, I think you're right here, I might be worth ammending the patch of #12250 with your comment12:13
mupBug #12250: Latest evolution not installable due to libcamel problems. <evolution (Ubuntu):Fix Released by seb128> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/12250>12:13
stickupkidbad bot12:13
achilleasastickupkid: I will open a PR against 2.8 with the wait-for-service-files-to-appear helper and then forward port12:19
achilleasathere seems to be a similar issue on 2.8 as well12:19
stickupkidI didn't see your comment until I merged it12:19
achilleasahttps://jenkins.juju.canonical.com/job/test-hooks-lxd/446/console: Expected one remaining reboot monitor state file after subordinate removal; got 212:19
achilleasaremoval is async (done by the deployer worker) so it may take a few moments for the file to be removed12:20
achilleasastickupkid: got a question on 1225312:31
stickupkidachilleasa, or we drop the first line from the output?13:29
stickupkidI'm not really sure if series is valuable to check here13:29
achilleasastickupkid: either works. This test is only interested in the overlay bits so we could cut on '---' and compare the second half13:30
stickupkidthat is not a bad idea13:30
stickupkidachilleasa, updated the pr...14:38
achilleasastickupkid: what is \f? vertical tab?14:45
stickupkidform feed14:45
stickupkidi'm abusing sed here14:45
stickupkidi.e. sed doesn't work over multiple lines, so force \n to be \f and then remove and revert14:45
achilleasahmmm I am pretty sure it can work in multi-line mode (you can do a match and print that works across lines).14:47
stickupkidyeah, but that's a hack also14:47
stickupkidthis one's not as bad imo14:47
achilleasastickupkid: you can simplify: pipe the bundle to: "grep 'overlay.yaml' -A 200 | tail +1"14:50
stickupkidachilleasa, mine ensures that you always get the right overlay, even if the bundle output changes14:52
achilleasathis one still does. it is basically a split on the separator (you can replace the grep with "---" to be more consistent) and then prints everything below that14:53
achilleasaI don't think we will ever want to output multiple overlays so that should always work, right?14:54
stickupkidachilleasa, k14:59
achilleasastickupkid: if you still want sed though:  "| sed -n '/---/,$p' | tail +1"14:59
achilleasathis one is even more generic14:59
stickupkidthe latter one is better14:59
erik_eloxHOw do I get the unit public ip address using the operator framework? (self.unit.   ????)22:28
wallyworlderik_elox: you want to use the "network-get" information. See the Network class in https://github.com/canonical/operator/blob/master/ops/model.py23:56
wallyworldpublic ip as a concenpt is deprecated23:56
wallyworldnetwork-get will give you ingress addresses23:56
erik_eloxOn AWS I get two possible addresses: (172.x.y.z) and internet facing addresses (typically something like 35.x.y.z) I need to access the former (35.x.y.z)23:58
erik_elox... and I still don't understand from the model.py how to access the unit/host "Network" in my code.23:59
wallyworldyou then need to use spaces and endpoint bindings to model what you want to do23:59

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