
callmepkgoood morning01:27
jameshhi callmepk 01:59
callmepkhey jamesh 02:01
dufluOh hi callmepk and jamesh 03:02
callmepkhey duflu 04:23
=== CarlenWhite_Err is now known as CarlenWhite
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers07:00
dufluMorning oSoMoN 07:07
oSoMoNgood afternoon duflu 07:07
callmepkmorning oSoMoN 07:13
* duflu tries bisecting the kernel while also doing regular mutter work and suddenly needs a lot more CPU cores07:20
oSoMoNhey callmepk 07:21
seb128goood morning desktopers07:27
dufluMorning seb128 07:30
seb128hey duflu , how are you?07:30
dufluseb128, another sinus headache, another change in air pressure but otherwise good. You?07:30
seb128I'm fine, I mostly recovered from my stomach bug now07:31
dufluSounds like good progress07:32
oSoMoNsalut seb128 07:33
callmepkmorning seb128 07:47
didrocksgood morning07:59
dufluHi didrocks 08:01
didrocksgood afternoon duflu 08:03
marcustomlinsonmorning callmepk jamesh duflu oSoMoN seb128 didrocks99908:33
dufluMorning marcustomlinson 08:34
callmepkmorning marcustomlinson didrocks999 08:36
didrocks999hey marcustomlinson, callmepk 08:57
=== didrocks999 is now known as didrocks
marcustomlinsonhey Laney09:02
Laney^sup marcustomlinson 09:08
* cpaelzer hands Laney a few more ^ to use09:09
Laneythanks cpaelzer 09:10
Laneywas just typing them out in case my ^ key breaks and I need to have a few left around09:10
cpaelzerwell corona-time, some gather piles of toilet pager others need some ^ in reserve :-)09:11
seb128hey marcustomlinson , Laney , callmepk 09:12
Laneyah don't remind me of that, first day of the 'second lockdown' here in england today09:12
Laneysup seb128 09:12
seb128sunny day today!09:12
seb128also I'm going to get some old fashioned today!09:13
* seb128 got pointed to https://github.com/chrisglass/ubuntu-old-fashioned yesterday, sounds like what I needed for my ISO builds experiments09:13
dufluMorning Laney09:14
seb128collection of scripts to do ISO building locally the same way they are done in launchpad09:14
seb128you can even use multipass as a backend09:14
callmepkMorning Laney 09:15
Laneyhey duflu callmepk 09:15
Laneyseb128: what are you doing with iso builds?09:15
LaneyI tried that script once, didn't make it work for me, maybe it changed since09:15
seb128Laney, trying to fix the canary build09:15
Laneydon't think it had multipass back then even09:15
callmepkthat old fashioned repository is super helpful I have to say, used it to run test WSL and Hyper-V builds09:16
seb128Laney, we probably want that kind of image for the desktop installer refresh09:16
seb128Laney, no?09:16
didrockshey seb128, Laney 09:16
Laney^hey didrocks 09:17
seb128mut didrocks!09:17
Laneywhere are these ^s coming from09:17
seb128spending the ones you collected earlier? :p09:17
* didrocks feels ^^^^ a little bit too much :p09:17
Laneyseb128: I guess we need *an* image there, dunno if that layer stuff was going to be used there, was that decided?09:17
Laneystill having a target is nice09:17
seb128Laney, we need something that's compatible with the subiquity stack09:18
seb128it was made with that goal in mind and should fit what we need09:19
seb128anyway it's a v0.1 experiment to get started, we can iterate if needed09:19
seb128also people seemed ok with the idea but we don't have really experts on the images topic who were interested to give their input or telling us otherwise09:21
seb128anyyyway, I do plan to play with those scripts today and see if I can get that to work for me :)09:22
Laneyok, I guess I missed the chance to give input, would have asked this question then09:24
Laneygood luck!09:24
seb128GunnarHj, the new issue you are commenting on the pango bug seems clearly a gtk one, I think it would make sense to open a new bug there for the segfault, that's a new problem introduced by the recent commit you cherrypicked13:53
seb128the assertion is from gtkfontchooserwidget 13:54
seb128could be from pango where the code you mentioned is but then can reassign there is wanted13:54
hellsworthgood morning desktopers14:42
kenvandinegood morning14:42
marcustomlinsonmorning hellsworth and kenvandine14:42
marcustomlinsonhow's america doing today?14:42
kenvandinesame as yesterday :)14:43
hellsworthwaiting with bated breath..14:43
kenvandinestill nervous :-D14:43
marcustomlinsoni'm hardly as invested and the suspense is killing me14:43
marcustomlinsonso I can only imagine14:44
marcustomlinsonthat came out wrong. I have invested interest in the good of mankind14:44
ogramarcustomlinson, the US is moving from MAGA to MAWA14:46
ogra(amke america wait again)14:46
ogra(and after that hopefilly back to sanity)14:47
marcustomlinsonwell, hopefully indeed14:47
oSoMoNgood morning hellsworth, kenvandine 14:52
hellsworthhi oSoMoN (and marcustomlinson )14:52
hellsworthMAWA - haha well played ogra :)14:52
oSoMoNkenvandine, do you know what the status of the yaru SRU (the one that's blocking the gtk-common-themes update) is?14:56
kenvandinei'll ask14:58
seb128oSoMoN, kenvandine, Trevinho uploaded that to focal a while ago and it's waiting for review, seems like a case where you can nag SRU team. Though Frederik pinged yesterday to ask if we could include https://github.com/ubuntu/yaru/pull/2470 as well in the upload so I don't know if that's worth reuploading15:01
gitbotubuntu issue (Pull request) 2470 in yaru "Focal groovy gtk theme button shadow sync" [Open]15:01
seb128Trevinho, ^ 15:02
oSoMoNthanks seb128 15:02
Trevinhoyeah, taht should be included as well15:03
seb128I would say get another upload up and then we can nag the SRU team15:03
seb128they always say they are fine being pinged about reviewing things people wait on15:03
Trevinhoseb128: problem is still that yaru is blocked by the shell saga...15:10
seb128ah, I didn't know that, they need to go in sync?15:10
seb128we should get the shell unblocked...15:10
Trevinhoseb128: i could revert changes and re-upload but that makes me sad15:10
seb128no, let's go forward15:10
Trevinhoseb128: no there's no dependency actually15:11
Trevinhobut yaru team decided that since we included upstream theme fixes, then....15:11
Trevinhoit was considered as part of the gnome change and so blocked for now15:11
Trevinhoeven though such changes are independent by the code change15:11
seb128can the yaru SRU go before the shell one?15:12
seb128or would it create some visual problems?15:12
Trevinhono problem at all15:12
Trevinhothose are the changes https://github.com/ubuntu/yaru/commit/02e00bed590562a8ec67beebfba782643f6ee93d15:13
Trevinhowhich will fix the visual issues even for previous shell versions, as they are unrelated to the logic changes in js15:14
seb128k, so why is it blocked on the shell to be sorted out?15:14
Trevinhoseb128: well I assume because the changelog mentioned the same SRU bug...15:16
Trevinhoseb128: I've uploaded that though15:16
Trevinhoseb128: see the discussion here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/189633415:17
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1896334 in yaru-theme (Ubuntu) "SRU 3.36.6" [Medium,In progress]15:17
TrevinhoI think i explained that at the time15:17
Trevinhonot sure the explaination that the changes are actually not connected was in a different discussion though15:17
seb128Trevinho, ah, do we need to mention the other SRU?15:19
seb128I didn't notice that15:19
seb128Trevinho, Robie wrote 15:20
seb128'I don't think it makes sense to proceed with yaru-theme either until this is resolved, since I understand that's based on the gnome-shell update that is not concluded yet.'15:20
seb128you didn't reply to say that was not true so he probably still assume that15:20
Trevinhowell, at the time there was no much pressure in having yaru out... but I think we had a private conversation where i said that15:21
seb128k, so I think we want yaru unblock and shell moving but that could take a bit more work15:21
seb128what about you create another bug for yaru only that basically copy the one you just mentioned15:21
seb128so it's clear they don't need to go together15:22
seb128reference that in the changelog, include the new fix, upload15:22
seb128I will go handle the SRU team and getting things unblocked then15:22
seb128Trevinho, ah, you already reuploaded?15:23
seb128let me see if I can convince a SRU member to approve that15:23
Trevinhoyeah, well I can do it again if you remove though15:23
seb128Trevinho, I tried to ping Robie as step 1, let's see15:27
tseliotseb128, Wimpress  just FYI, I have just uploaded fixes for LP: #1872950 (for groovy and hirsute)15:35
ubot5Launchpad bug 1872950 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-340 (Ubuntu Groovy) "Nvidia 340.108 fails to install with kernels 5.5 onward" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187295015:35
seb128tseliot, ah great, thanks!15:37
seb128thanks for taking some time to fix that one despite being busy with other things15:38
seb128tseliot, I'm updating the 'regression potential' section if that's ok with you, SRU team expect 'what could regress' and not 'low' there and they started being more picky about it15:39
tseliotseb128, sure, thanks15:40
seb128Laney, thanks for pushing forward with actual proposed changes on the SRU discussion!15:43
seb128I just crossed some cases of 'low' impact today 15:43
LaneyI think I saw it back when I wrote that stuff too15:46
Laneygood job I had pushed it to Launchpad as I deleted the text on my computer 😬15:46
Laneyneed to stop working in ~/temp/15:46
ricotzhello desktopers16:07
ricotzplease retry amd64 tests of liborcus https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#liborcus16:08
seb128ricotz, hey, done now16:09
ricotzand firebird3.0 https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#firebird3.016:09
ricotzand xmlsec1 https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#xmlsec116:09
ricotzseb128, ty16:09
seb128& the others16:10
seb128kenvandine, shouldn't the portal enablement have been automagic with gnome-3-34?16:13
kenvandineseb128: why?16:14
seb128kenvandine, I modified thunderbird recent to set it remember?16:15
kenvandineoh, i thought that was to update it to gnome-3-34 from gnome-3-2816:15
seb128no, I added env: in the snapcraft16:16
seb128kenvandine, anyway, I think that's the issue/fix, https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3356/files16:16
gitbotsnapcore issue (Pull request) 3356 in snapcraft "extensions: correctly spell the GTK_USE_PORTAL variable" [Open]16:16
seb128kenvandine, I just noticed when testing something else than GTK_USE_PORTAL and GTK_USE_PORTALS were set16:16
seb128using the right spelling should help :)16:17
kenvandineoh my!16:17
marcustomlinsonoh wow16:18
marcustomlinsongood find seb12816:19
seb128kenvandine, also I guess I can delete the removable-media use from thunderbird if it uses portals?16:20
kenvandinein theory you can also remove home16:20
seb128in theory only? ;-)16:22
marcustomlinsonall software is magic16:23
seb128I will try that locally first16:23
seb128hum, how do we handle things like bug #1902915 happening because the portal deb isn't installed? :/16:42
ubot5bug 1902915 in thunderbird (Ubuntu) "(Snap) Cannot add an attachment to the message" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190291516:42
seb128I wonder if we should have a dbus api or something that suggest to install on demand when it's missing, was something like that ever discussed?16:43
kenvandinethat's been seeded by default since 18.0417:00
kenvandineit would be nice to install on demand17:00
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seb128kenvandine, sorry, was away for diner & co, it's seeded by only on Ubuntu, what if people install e.g xubuntu?19:34
=== CarlenWhite_Err is now known as CarlenWhite

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