
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
=== CarlenWhite_Err is now known as CarlenWhite
xu-help17wGood morning.07:56
xu-help17wI'm installing Xubuntu in a lot of computers (about 50) using Clonezilla tu clone the same image to every computer and in some computers the clock is not working well. There are some computers where the time is 2 hours more than real time. I checked time clock in BIOS and there is ok. Do you have some idea about what's happening?07:59
xu-help17wBTW this is happening in computers with Xubuntu 18 and 20 version08:00
ubottuHi! I'm #xubuntu's favorite infobot. You can search my brain at https://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | General info and channels at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me, see !botclone08:18
well_laid_lawn!time > xu-help17w08:19
ubottuxu-help17w, please see my private message08:19
well_laid_lawn!time | xu-help17w08:19
ubottuxu-help17w: Information about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)08:19
gnrpxu-help17w: Btw, I know this is not really helpful... but clonezilla is nto really the preferred way of cloning a linux system. While it is good with windows since there the installation process is less transparent, with linux you have other good tools for an automated installation08:44
gnrpIf you want, I can talk more about that, but if you are going to administrate these systems in the long run, it might be worth switching08:45
xu-help17wWell always is good to learn something so I'm open to listen your tips :D08:47
xu-help17wgnrp I forget tou mention you :/08:51
gnrpxu-help17w: Well, long time ago that I did this stuff myself. But there are scripts for automated installation like FAI and also debian has something integrated by now09:08
gnrpand for everything else, when you want to clone settings, you can use orchestration tools like puppet, ansible, etc.09:09
gnrpit is seven years ago that I worked with that, so other tools might be the hot stuff by now, but the principle stays the same. A byte-level clone of a linux system is not really necessary and can make trouble, e.g. with udev rules and MAC addresses09:10
xu-help17wI see, but this is just to automate process like install software etc if I understand it well, but not to clone a operating system so you have to deal with all the OS installation process for each of the computers09:35
gnrpyou would usually combine this with a PXE boot or so09:36
gnrpso the computers boot up the appropriate image (could also be on a CD, or whatever), and the rest of the installation is completely automatic09:36
gnrpthe setup we had back at the time was that on the server delivering the PXE images, we could set the computers to the PXE i mage, so if they boot, they automatically install a new system09:37
gnrpno interaction needed09:37
xu-help17wOk, I will check that. But for now, I need to resolve the problem about the clock xD09:37
gnrpxu-help17w: What timezone are you in?09:41
gnrpand could it be that on some computers the os assumes the time is set to utc, and in the other cases it assumes set to local time? Or rather that the bios times are set accordingly?09:52
gnrpI guess in utc+1 you just recently switched from utc+2 to utc+1?09:52
xu-help17wI didnt change anything. The clock update automaticly. I dont know if the clock assume set to local time or utc, even I dont know whats the difference. But if I change the time manually, after restart the computer the time goes wrong again.10:02
gnrpwhat does /etc/localtime point to?10:13
dwadertgnrp sorry I lost connection and I cant read what you said10:24
gnrpgnrp | what does /etc/localtime point to?10:26
dwadertI Dont know and the computers are switch of at the moment. I will check it later (computers are in shops and I dont have access to them right now)10:28
jamespradaI will take advantage and I will stay with windows7 and I will see11:43
Maikjamesprada: offtopic..... and windows 7 isn't supported anymore by the way11:47
sorinelloHello. Does somebody know if there is an issue with the lightdm gtk greeter in xubuntu 20.10 ? Or am I the only one having issues with it ?13:33
gnrpsorinello: What is your issue?13:47
sorinellognrp, I think that there is some bad blood between lightdm-gtk-greeter and virtualbox13:49
gnrpsorinello: But what is the issue?13:50
sorinellognrp, ok, I am running latest 20.10 Xubuntu instide a VM. After upgrading from 18.10, it seems that my greeter will not start. If I switch to another greeter, everything is fine. I am unable to assess if this is Virtualbox related or we have a bug in migration14:13
sorinello** Message: 16:10:52.835: Starting lightdm-gtk-greeter 2.0.6 (Sep 18 2018, 01:17:10)14:15
sorinello** Message: 16:10:52.838: [Configuration] Reading file: /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf.d/01_ubuntu.conf14:15
sorinello** Message: 16:10:52.838: [Configuration] Reading file: /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf14:15
sorinellolibGL error: MESA-LOADER: failed to open swrast (search paths /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri:\$${ORIGIN}/dri:/usr/lib/dri)14:15
sorinellolibGL error: failed to load driver: swrast14:15
xtaohi. you're not the only one having issues14:17
xtaoi've done a clean install of 20.10 on to my laptop so no upgrade cruft at all, and i find that lightdm-gtk-greeter crashes on startup 50% of the time. sometimes it works, other times it keeps throwing up errors about being out of memory (it's not) and unable to load pixmaps etc. systemd tries to restart it several times and then gives up leaving me with a black screen14:18
xtaoctrl-alt-del it and let it reboot, and it quite often then comes up and works fine and lets me login14:18
xtaodidn't do this on 20.04.114:18
sorinelloxtao, hey, remember me, we discussed about this issue 2 weeks ago I think14:19
xtaoyes. though that was a different issue. that was missing icons14:19
xtaoi fixed the missing icon issue by doing the clean install. now the icons are working14:19
xtaobut it still crashes randomly14:19
sorinelloyeah ... I wonder how come we are the only 2 with this issue14:20
sorinelloyou're running on bare metal, I am running inside a VM14:20
xtaoyes. i'd expect more people to say they have issues. especially as i see this on clean install bare metal14:20
sorinello***MEMORY-ERROR***: lightdm-gtk-greeter[1198]: GSlice: failed to allocate 2032 bytes (alignment: 2048): Cannot allocate memory14:20
sorinelloi have my VM plenty of memory, including 128M for video14:21
xtao(lightdm-gtk-greeter:1180): Pango-WARNING **: 08:52:25.710: scaled_font status is: out of memory14:21
xtaosame here14:21
xtaothere seems to be some serious issue with memory allocation14:21
xtaodon't know what to suggest though other than finding other people who have same issue who are more in the know14:22
sorinelloxtao, I had total success using another greeter instead of the default one. 0 issues with another greeter14:22
xtaoi could try that. it's just odd that sometimes it works, othertimes it fails. so currently all i'm doing is rebooting it until it shows the login prompt14:23
QuantosI'm running XUbuntu 20.04 LTS x64 with XFCE4 - Everytime I start it up the DE resolution is wrong, it won't make a persistent change in settings>display14:23
QuantosDoes anyone know what I should be looking at?14:24
xtaoi don't personally i'm afraid. the default resolution it did on install works for me. will leave that for somebody else14:26
QuantosWhen it installed it had a decent resolution, didn't take up my entire second screen14:28
QuantosBut when I reboot the VM the resolution is just wonkers14:28
QuantosThanks for the reply though xtao14:28
sorinelloxtao, when you get tired of this, try sudo apt-get -y install slick-greeter and remove lightdm-gtk-greeter14:29
sorinelloI still don't understand how come nobody has this issue besides us :))14:29
xtaook. thanks14:30
xtaoyes. i was waiting to see if anyone else came in here asking about it. i don't know if it's just us having the issue, or if we're the only people that have upgraded to 20.10 which seems unlikely14:30
sorinelloI only upgraded 2 VM's. The VMware one had the icon issue. The VirtualBox becomes unusable with the default greeter14:31
QuantosOh, you guys must've upgraded to the Quantos variant - it's full of oddball problems  ;)14:31
QuantosSorry, I just couldn't resist that14:31
xtaomy icon issue went away when i did a clean install, so there must be something about the upgrade and that one14:32
sorinelloxtao, check https://github.com/Xubuntu/lightdm-gtk-greeter/issues/7714:36
sorinellocheck last comment from bluesabre14:36
sorinelloI cannot understand much from the source code, but it seems we are not the only ones14:37
xtaooh that's interesting "but eventually starts after 2-3 minutes". i don't give it that long before hitting reboot :)14:37
xtaoi guess systemd doesn't give up then and continues after a while14:37
sorinello  Installed: (none)14:38
sorinello  Candidate: 2.0.6-0ubuntu114:38
xtaoso yes. we just need an update of the lightdm-gtk-greeter package then14:38
sorinelloand the fix is in 2.0.7, which is not yet available in the repositories14:38
sorinellothis was happening 9 days ago, I wonder what is the process of getting the updated version14:39
sorinelloxtao, https://launchpad.net/lightdm-gtk-greeter I am trying to see if we can download the deb file from here, but my knowledge is very limited in how ubuntu is built and how updates are sent on channels14:43
sorinelloseems that this greeter is part of Xubuntu's repo, so not part of Xfce ? I am really confused here14:43
xtaoi'm not expert here. i've only used ubuntu on my laptop for the last 2 months or so. before that I was using freebsd + xfce on it14:44
brainwashsorinello: it's not part of Xfce14:47
brainwashfor post-release updates see14:48
ubottuStable Release Update information is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates14:48
sorinellothanks brainwash .. the rabbit hole deepens :))14:50
sorinellobrainwash, I am able to see the package in the SRU list ... hope it will make it soom on the update channels14:52
Maiksorinello: not sure if this is related <seb128> could someone from the SRU team consider downgrading the recent bionic systemd out of updates back to proposed? <seb128> it's bricking user systems on derivative using some of the lightdm greeter14:54
Maikfrom the ubuntu-release channel14:54
xtaoso claiming that it's actually a systemd issue?14:55
brainwashso, it's bug 189039414:55
ubottubug 1890394 in lightdm-gtk-greeter (Ubuntu Groovy) "Lightdm-gtk-greeter coredump during boot with recent systemd versions" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189039414:55
Maikxtao: ask them, i have no experience with it. I just follow that channel a bit.14:56
brainwashohh. the github issue mentions the LP report already.14:56
sorinellobrainwash, please, could you translate a bit ? so the issue was fixed by bluesabre on the greeters official github repo14:57
sorinelloand then, seb128 took the fix and proposed that this new version to be pushed in our update channel ?14:58
sorinellonew version of the greeter14:58
brainwashthe fix was applied to 21.04 (current dev release)14:58
brainwashand soon to 20.1014:58
sorinelloaaah, I see, becvause since 20.10 is already released, the need do to some sort of backport14:59
sorinelloand that backport needs to be tested/validated/approved14:59
brainwashthe SRU wiki article explains it14:59
xtaowell if there's no other issues with the newer systemd then it makes sense to just update the greeter to the fixed version and leave systemd alone15:00
xtaobut glad to see it's all in progress. will just await a fix :)15:00
sorinellosystemd is ... huge15:00
brainwashthe updated package is available in the -proposed repository/channel15:01
brainwashfor testing15:01
xtaoah-ha. so i could add that15:01
brainwashif you want to test it and confirm that it works15:01
xtaowill do15:01
brainwashit just needs to be enabled via the Software & Updates GUI15:01
sorinellointeresting. I did not know that there is a proposed repository. Not that I'd know how to add that :)15:01
xtaoyes. now i'm googling to find out how to add it :)15:02
xtaosomething in sources.list. just need to find the something.....15:02
brainwashideally, you only want to update the lightdm-gtk-greeter package from that repository15:02
brainwashand skip all the other ones which are pending there15:02
sorinellobrainwash, are you talking about pre-released updates (groovy-proposed) from the software center ?15:03
brainwashuhm yeah15:04
brainwashthat fits the description pretty well, doesn't it? :P15:04
sorinelloso if I enable this channel, and  run an apt update, I guess that all the packages from this proposed repo will be offered  for upgrade, right ?15:04
xtaoprobably want to do it manually using apt though, i guess software centre would do it with all packages, and we don't want that15:04
sorinellobut I only need to install de greeter15:05
brainwashsudo apt install lightdm-gtk-greeter15:05
sorinellobut how can you install only ONE package from a specific channel/source ?15:05
sorinelloI see15:05
brainwashit should install version 2.0.6-0ubuntu215:05
sorinelloand after I install it, I disable the proposed channel, right ?15:05
brainwashnotice the "2" at the end15:06
brainwashbest to disable it afterwards15:06
sorinellobrainwash, thanks. xtao, I await for your confirmation, since I am already using another greeter :)15:06
xtaotrying it now15:07
xtaook that installed15:08
xtaook. disabled the channel. will reboot and see what happens15:09
xtaothat worked. greeter started first time15:11
xtaowill see how it goes over next few days :)15:11
xtaothanks guys!15:11
sorinelloxtao, donna try the fix on the VM which has the boken icons15:11
sorinellomayge they are related15:11
xtaoi think they could be. as with the missing icons it was also saying out of memory errors in the greeter log15:12
sorinelloyeah, this is what I am thinking too15:12
sorinellorebooting the VM now15:13
sorinelloxtao, icon/wallpaper issue has been fixed as well :D So it was an issue regarding the memory15:18
sorinellothanks brainwash for all the help. I learned some new things today :)15:38
brainwashyou're welcome sorinello15:40
xtaoyes. thank you very much for your help there brainwash. i too have learnt some things today15:47
pjstirlinghi, I seem to have enabled some kind of accessibility mode where my screen is zoomed, how do I disable that?16:03
xtaoi get that if i use two finger gestures on the touchpad whilst the alt key is held down16:04
pjstirlingah, thanks, that was it16:04
xtaoyes. i've done exactly that before accidently16:04
QuantosI'm having resolution issues with XFCE4 on XUbuntu 20.0416:39
QuantosWhen the xserver starts up I have a resolution of 1903x100016:39
QuantosI have edited ~/.profile to include the following two lines16:39
Quantosxrandr --newmode "1360x768_60.00" 84.75 1360 1432 1568 1776 768 771 781 798 -hsync +vsync16:39
Quantosxrandr --addmode Virtual1 "1360x768_60.00"16:39
QuantosNow when the xserver starts it has the 1360x768 resolution, but after about 30 seconds it reverts to 1903x100016:39
QuantosI'll brb, I'm just trying one more thing16:42
QuantosAnd no joy16:47
QuantosYes, it's a VM16:51
QuantosThat's how xrandr identifies the display - as Virtual116:52
diogenes_i mean i don't consider virtual machine issues as Xubuntu issues.16:53
QuantosThat's too bad for you16:53
QuantosI don't really care what you consider, not meaning to be rude, but...16:54
=== CarlenWhite_Err is now known as CarlenWhite
=== cass is now known as dax
xu-irc97wHello, does anyone know how to change the lock screen from xfce4-screensaver to light locker? Manjaro Xfce has this by default and I prefer it since it allows for more customisation of the lockscreen through the lightdm greeter settings23:15
=== xu-irc97w is now known as john2020
jamespradahi guys23:46
jamespradathis windows 7 runs quite nice... and my Toshiba P100 looks like Mercedes 300D23:47

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