
Chipacagod  morning!09:24
Chipacawait what09:24
Chipacagoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood  morning!09:24
* Chipaca fixes the script09:24
Chipacai'm going to take a short break and walk the dog09:47
Chipacashe hasn't forgiven me doing a release yesterday instead of walking her then09:47
Chipacaand it sounds fair to me09:48
facubatista¡Muy buenos días a todos!09:54
facubatistahola bthomas10:45
Chipacaoh drat11:50
* Chipaca used to have a morning11:51
* Chipaca ⇝ runch12:13
* Chipaca ⇝ really runch now12:23
* Chipaca ⇝ really *really* runch now12:28
JoseMassonGood morning!12:31
mthaddonI think https://github.com/canonical/operator/issues/156 is addressed by charmcraft's use of requirements.txt isn't it?12:51
* bthomas -> lunch13:34
facubatistahola JoseMasson14:03
JoseMassonBuenas y santas facubatista! ;-P14:04
facubatistareviews appreciated! https://github.com/canonical/charmcraft/pull/17914:55
mupPR charmcraft#179: Added function to load libraries information <Created by facundobatista> <https://github.com/canonical/charmcraft/pull/179>14:55
Chipacafacubatista: standup?16:31
* facubatista bbl17:39
ChipacaEOW from this neck of the woods, folks. See y'all on Tuesday. Have a good one!18:04
* facubatista is back18:34
JoseMasson_"not like others who never come back" ;-)18:46
JoseMasson_Hi facubatista bthomas with justinclark we were talking about standardiring messages here: https://github.com/canonical/graylog-operator/pull/2#pullrequestreview-525374741  what do you think about it?18:57
mupPR graylog-operator#2: Basic pod configuration <Created by justinmclark> <Merged by justinmclark> <https://github.com/canonical/graylog-operator/pull/2>18:57
facubatistaJoseMasson_, I'm not sure I like the idea of having "prebuilt" messages in the OF to be used when setting state; however +1 to standarize all our messages according to "good rules" (for example: they should start with uppercase and end with a dot)19:00
justinclarkfacubatista, should we add documentation about this somewhere so it's clear?19:10
facubatistammm.. that is more "internal to us the team" than a "rule"19:11
justinclarkI see19:12
justinclarkThat makes sense. Thanks19:13
* facubatista eods19:36
facubatistaand eows!19:36
facubatistasee you all on Monday19:37
bthomasI think I am inclined to agree with facubatista that we may standardise as a guideline since IMHO enforcing that through prebuilt messages may lead to situation which we have not anticipated, that may require a different message.19:48
JoseMasson_Thanks facundobatista I agree20:05
bthomasJoseMasson_: with regard to you question on how does one ensure that writes to the MongoDB primary server, my current understanding is that this is taken care of by Graylog itself. As long as the Graylog charm sets the "replica_uri" parameter provided by the MongoDB charm, then Graylog will be able to ensure that writes go to the primary. The replica_uri contains the list of all MongoDB servers, and Graylog should be able to di20:20
bthomaswhich is the primary using the MongoDB API.20:20
* bthomas disappears into the night20:22
JoseMasson_Thanks bthomas!20:22

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