
ubptgbot<PiecerEdd> ive found dekko to be pretty good and generally working just fine02:32
ubptgbot<PiecerEdd> its one of the better ubports apps IMO02:33
ubptgbotArmankoiek was added by: Armankoiek02:34
ubptgbotPanosMaul86 was added by: PanosMaul8602:50
ubptgbotBrunno Wallace was added by: Brunno Wallace03:52
ubptgbotDigoNad4 was added by: DigoNad404:03
ubptgbot<Danfro> @flatboard [Dekko is really well done, but it does not have all the standards to add other m …], Hm, I do have 5 accounts manually set up. All fine. Pop3 I think does not work. You need to use IMAP. (Note to myself: That should be tested on app side, need ro double check later).05:06
ubptgbot<Danfro> I don't know if dekko can detect email settings because I need to type mine even on evolution or thunderbid.05:06
ubptgbot<Danfro> If you do have 2fa activated for an accout, you need to set up an app password for your device.05:07
ubptgbot<Danfro> [Edit] If you do have 2fa activated for an account, you need to set up an app password for your device.05:08
ccquestion:if my ubtouch iphone and my computer in the same WIFI,i can use ssh connect to ubtouch;05:41
ccbut if they were not in the same net,it cant connect05:41
ubptgbotxxberkay was added by: xxberkay07:45
ubptgbot<Boris Mihailov> Are there any differences between Halium 7 and Halium 9 devices for the end user? In performance or features?09:39
ubptgbot<R_guitarist> @cc [but if they were not in the same net,it cant connect], Are they connected in any way?09:40
ubptgbot<Flohack> @Boris Mihailov [Are there any differences between Halium 7 and Halium 9 devices for the end user …], You could only compare a device which came with Android 7.1 and got an upgrade to 9 later. Idk such a device atm09:55
ubptgbot<Flohack> None of those we are porting I mean09:55
ubptgbot<Boris Mihailov> Well didn't the X got the oem stuff for 9 as well?09:57
ubptgbot<Boris Mihailov> Or in that case I can look into the spare essential ph1 at home09:57
ubptgbot<NotKit> I think the main difference can be fingerprint support on Halium 9, but someone attempted to backport that for 7 as well10:01
ubptgbot<Boris Mihailov> Got it10:01
ubptgbot<Flohack> @NotKit [I think the main difference can be fingerprint support on Halium 9, but someone …], Thats me. Fingerprint registeration hangs still, but it looks promising. Erfan did this ^^10:03
ubptgbot<RAJVMEHTA> well recently i came through ECG sata as rsubstitute to biometric10:15
ubptgbot<☆SHADOW☆> Hi everybody. tell this firmware your application store or is there a gapss? and is there any gpay support?10:25
ubptgbot<Danfro> @☆SHADOW☆ [Hi everybody. tell this firmware your application store or is there a gapss? and …], There is OpenStore https://open-store.io/ for our apps. And there is no support for any Google services.10:26
ubptgbot<amyosx> @dohbee [nah, i just want to complain :P], Damn10:34
ubptgbot<☆SHADOW☆> @Danfro [There is OpenStore https://open-store.io/ for our apps. And there is no support …], I understood. Thank you so much. currently installed Android 11 gsi, on the device Samsung Galaxy J7. I want to try to install this firmware10:37
ubptgbot<ruditimmer> @☆SHADOW☆ [I understood. Thank you so much. currently installed Android 11 gsi, on the devi …], Here you can find witch device is supported for Ubuntu Touch https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/10:47
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @☆SHADOW☆ [I understood. Thank you so much. currently installed Android 11 gsi, on the devi …], Outside of the above list devices need to be ported10:51
ubptgbot<Danfro> 😁 Isn't teamwork nice? Three of us filling in the gaps.10:53
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> Haha true xD10:53
ubptgbot<Danfro> Ubuntu Touch is an separate OS, not compatible with Android. Every phone needs its own adaption due to its 'unique' hardware. Not as standardized as hime vomputrs.10:54
ubptgbotkalube was added by: kalube11:12
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> Hime vom Putrs the standardizer11:12
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> Oh welcome Caleb11:12
ubptgbot<Danfro> [Edit] Ubuntu Touch is an separate OS, not compatible with Android. Every phone needs its own adaption due to its 'unique' hardware. Not as standardized as home computers.11:36
ubptgbot<Danfro> @Fuseteam [Hime vom Putrs the standardizer], Bah. 😝 Corrected. 😉11:36
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> 🤣🤣🤣11:38
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> feel like we could use that name somewhere 🤣11:39
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @Flohack [Thats me. Fingerprint registeration hangs still, but it looks promising. Erfan d …], fingerprint on the Xperia X would be cool … I've been using the camera button to wake up the screen 😅  … I think I was traumatized by the Nexus 5 power button 😂11:53
ubptgbot<Danfro> @Fuseteam [feel like we could use that name somewhere 🤣], 😁 We should tell a story and create a comic book. 😅11:57
ubptgbot<Javacookies> does push notification still work for OTA?12:05
ubptgbot<CW> I am writing this message from my newly flashed Xperia X. Impressive firmware! Everything seems to work out of the box, at least everything what i was used to from my N5. Thank you so much for your endless support, i know it must be daunting.... The problem was finally solved when i updated my ubuntu machine to 20.04 (openjdk dependency for xp12:21
ubptgboteria flashtool) reflashing the stock firmware and finally installing with the newly released ubports installer 5.6beta..... Very conviniant no problems this time :-). Cheers to everybody!12:21
ubptgbot<dave1152000> Whats the difference between the community channel and the arm64 channel when flashing an Xperia X?12:24
ubptgbot<Danfro> @dave1152000 [Whats the difference between the community channel and the arm64 channel when fl …], Community channel is 32bit. The others are 64bit.13:12
ubptgbot<Danfro> @CW [I am writing this message from my newly flashed Xperia X. Impressive firmware! E …], Cool. That's great to hear. Have fun!13:13
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @CW [I am writing this message from my newly flashed Xperia X. Impressive firmware! E …], 🍓🍓🍓13:14
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @Danfro [😁 We should tell a story and create a comic book. 😅], mayyybe 🤣🤣🤣13:36
ubptgbot<dave1152000> @Danfro [Community channel is 32bit. The others are 64bit.], So as Xperia X is 64bit is it better to go for one of the 64bit options and why is there a 32bit option?13:49
ubptgbotArunnidhi Manimaran was added by: Arunnidhi Manimaran13:51
ubptgbot<Danfro> @dave1152000 [So as Xperia X is 64bit is it better to go for one of the 64bit options and why …], Because you can use both with Xperia X. Not all apps are available as 64bit version yet. I am still using 32bit, but that is devel channel. Stable is only available as 64bit. So it is up to you.14:11
ubptgbot<Javacookies> yeah it depends if you use apps that are not yet available for arm64 … some apps like Ubsync, Instagraph has no arm64 yet14:14
ubptgbot<PM5544> have any news for anbox right now?14:15
ubptgbotRoujin13 was added by: Roujin1314:29
ubptgbot<Roujin13> hi everyone I would like I would like to install ubport on my Nexus 5X ... knowing that the official version is not proposed the method may be different14:34
ubptgbot<dohbee> there isn't a working port for 5x14:35
ubptgbot<Roujin13> Ok thank you14:37
ubptgbot<Tom Krol> w15:05
ubptgbot<Javacookies> is there a 1MB limit for images in the forum? … It's always getting an error....15:19
ubptgbotmsrtarit was added by: msrtarit15:41
ubptgbotJs1301 was added by: Js130116:02
ubptgbot<Javacookies> (Photo, 1280x960) https://irc.ubports.com/cSouQ8RB.png17:10
ubptgbot<Javacookies> finally got to see the menu in action 😄17:10
ubptgbot<Javacookies> it's under the launcher though 😅17:10
ubptgbot<PhoenixLandPirate> @Javacookies [<reply to media>], AAAAAAAAAAA 😍17:11
ubptgbot<PhoenixLandPirate> Is this in the openstore version of the app?17:12
ubptgbot<Javacookies> (Photo, 1280x960) https://irc.ubports.com/QaWGxUt0.png17:13
ubptgbot<Javacookies> app menu works well17:13
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @PhoenixLandPirate [Is this in the openstore version of the app?], no this is the desktop version 2048-qt17:13
ubptgbot<Javacookies> I installed it directly in the root so it runs natively instead of xmir17:14
ubptgbot<dohbee> i miss the old qml one17:14
ubptgbot<Javacookies> which one? for UT?17:15
ubptgbot<Javacookies> there's 8192 which still works well17:16
ubptgbot<PhoenixLandPirate> Oh, fair enough, I hope more apps add the menu soon, I wanna see how well it works in mobile mode to!17:16
ubptgbot<Javacookies> that's what I'll test next..later when I unplugged my nexus 517:22
ubptgbot<Javacookies> I've been trying to add it to my apps just to try it out but it just gives errors17:23
ubptgbot<Javacookies> (Photo, 1920x1080) https://irc.ubports.com/uRemybVh.png17:27
ubptgbot<Javacookies> teleports isn't usable on a monitor anymore...I guess because of the fixes made for the pinephone17:27
ubptgbot<Javacookies> I mean it's usable but doesn't lookd good17:28
ubptgbot<PhoenixLandPirate> @Javacookies [I mean it's usable but doesn't lookd good], I don't think the text is big enough17:28
ubptgbot<PhoenixLandPirate> @Javacookies [I've been trying to add it to my apps just to try it out but it just gives error …], I cant wait until your trails become successes!!!17:29
ubptgbot<Javacookies> I'm just happy that my slimport adapter and Nexus 5 became friends again and it's actually pretty reliable now. No disconnection or whatsoever on my monitor and plugging and unpluggin works almost all of the time 😄17:35
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @Javacookies [<reply to media>], what app is that? and is the menu visible in staged mode?17:41
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Javacookies [teleports isn't usable on a monitor anymore...I guess because of the fixes made …], is that the same scale it would be on the phone?17:41
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Fuseteam [what app is that? and is the menu visible in staged mode?], in landscape it should be in the top panel on the left side, yes17:42
ubptgbot<dohbee> and depending on GU setting it will appear in portrait on phones too i guess17:43
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> i mean i have yet to see an app make use of the menu so far17:43
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Fuseteam [i mean i have yet to see an app make use of the menu so far], it should show for any legacy apps in libertine, which have menus17:43
ubptgbot<dohbee> generally, if you need a menu bar, then your app is probably approaching a level of complexity that is beyond responsive design useful on a phone :P17:44
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @Fuseteam [what app is that? and is the menu visible in staged mode?], 2048-qt, installed in the root so running on mir  😄17:46
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @dohbee [generally, if you need a menu bar, then your app is probably approaching a level …], maybe maybe not, i mean the menubar could take the function of the hamburger menu :p17:46
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @Javacookies [2048-qt, installed in the root so running on mir  😄], niiice17:46
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> btw kugi do you have an arm64 ut device?17:47
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @dohbee [is that the same scale it would be on the phone?], no, it's fine on the phone … I think it's really those apps that use qqc2 that don't use auto scaling that has this problem on external displays i.e. Authenticator and Seabass 217:47
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @Fuseteam [btw kugi do you have an arm64 ut device?], my xperia x17:47
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> nice imma pm you about something i found17:48
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Javacookies [no, it's fine on the phone … I think it's really those apps that use qqc2 that don …], probably an issue in qtubuntu then17:48
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @dohbee [it should show for any legacy apps in libertine, which have menus], it doesn't seem to show in libertine apps though, I was expecting that too17:48
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @dohbee [probably an issue in qtubuntu then], yeah, probably17:48
ubptgbot<Javacookies> if my slimport continues to work, maybe my next contributions  and fixes would be related to external display support AKA "not convergence" 😆17:49
ubptgbotAkhil was added by: Akhil17:49
ubptgbotThesadic was added by: Thesadic18:10
ubptgbot<Thesadic> hello friends there is the Ubuntu rom for the wayne or mi 6x.18:12
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @dohbee [generally, if you need a menu bar, then your app is probably approaching a level …], I kind of disagree. I feel like it'll be good for phone apps to put features and functions that would be too overwhelming putting into a proper UI in small form factor. Actually, what I have in mind is the HUD. I still think it's great for de18:20
ubptgbotsktop and can be great for mobile devices as well.18:20
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Javacookies [I kind of disagree. I feel like it'll be good for phone apps to put features and …], odd to say you disagree and then immediately follow with a sentence that is directly in agreement with what i said in the message you're replying to :P18:22
ubptgbot<Javacookies> you are right 😆 … my bad, I misunderstood your message … What I got from what you said at first was that you think if an app has to use menu then it shouldn't be on phones 😅18:32
ubptgbot<Javacookies> (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/7PGVZj3g.png18:33
ubptgbot<Javacookies> (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/ZzILyc0a.png18:33
ubptgbot<Javacookies> (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/O1PW9lcR.png18:33
ubptgbot<Javacookies> Here's how it looks on the phone18:33
ubptgbot<dohbee> definitely there's nothing in a 2048 app that should require menus though18:34
ubptgbot<Javacookies> looks really simple right now but I think it works fine. Maybe the indicators should follow the same UI In windowed and staged mode.18:34
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @dohbee [definitely there's nothing in a 2048 app that should require menus though], yeah but this was intended for desktops so it has them...I guess before, you have to have a menu even if it only has Quit/Exit 😂18:35
ubptgbotabmyii was added by: abmyii19:04
ubptgbot<dave1152000> @Danfro [Because you can use both with Xperia X. Not all apps are available as 64bit vers …], Tried flashing a couple of the arm64 channels - all failed to install.19:34
ubptgbot<Danfro> @dave1152000 [Tried flashing a couple of the arm64 channels - all failed to install.], Hm. Should work. I know people who are on 64bit. But I did not try it myself, so I am afraid I can't give you much help here.19:38
ubptgbot<fredldotme> @dave1152000 [Tried flashing a couple of the arm64 channels - all failed to install.], How did they fail, was there a special error message?19:51
ubptgbotsrnafi was added by: srnafi20:32
ubptgbot<dave1152000> @fredldotme [How did they fail, was there a special error message?], Icon Error Error 722:10
ubptgbot<fredldotme> @dave1152000 [Icon Error Error 7], The icon load error on the device can be ignored. Is there an error message in the installer though? You need to provide detailed information.22:12
ubptgbot<CSmartly> latest version the 14 days Android 9 support? what does it mean?22:42
ubptgbot<CSmartly> [Edit] latest version the 14 says Android 9 support? what does it mean?22:43
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> It includes fixes for the Volla Phone and other Android 9 devices22:44
ubptgbot<lduboeuf> So theorically we should be able to run gimp on pinephone ? https://twitter.com/nixcraft/status/1324799521205923842?s=2023:18
ubptgbotFränk Hernández was added by: Fränk Hernández23:46
ubptgbot<Fränk Hernández> Hello. If I install Ubuntu Phone in a locked phone will the installation be able to unlock the phone?23:47
ubptgbot<Fränk Hernández> I want to use another carrier23:48
ubptgbot<dohbee> No, it won't break carrier lock23:50
ubptgbot<Fränk Hernández> :-/ Then I have a paperweight...23:51
ubptgbot<dave1152000> @fredldotme [The icon load error on the device can be ignored. Is there an error message in t …], Stops at Recovery Screen in the Android log it says update failed, please reboot and start again No /cashe partition found23:59
ubptgbot<Fränk Hernández> ç23:59

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