
dufluMorning callmepk 01:29
callmepkmorning duflu 01:30
KGB-1gobject-introspection debian/master Janitor * [update] merge request !7: Apply hints suggested by the multi-arch hinter * https://deb.li/3yxUR05:20
KGB-1gobject-introspection debian/master Janitor * [update] merge request !7: Apply hints suggested by the multi-arch hinter * https://deb.li/3yxUR05:21
dokois robert_ancell online?06:08
dufluIt's Friday night for him so unlikely06:17
dokok, didn't see him yesterday either06:32
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers07:18
dufluMorning oSoMoN 07:21
oSoMoNgood afternoon duflu 07:22
didrocksgood morning08:04
dufluMorning didrocks 08:09
didrockshey duflu 08:17
seb128goood morning desktopers08:29
dufluHi seb128 08:30
seb128hey duflu , are you feeling better today?08:31
dufluseb128, going well other than mild food poisoning :/08:31
dufluseb128, how are you? Do you think we should do the meeting today or not?08:31
dufluI'm deep in some difficult problems so would appreciate the extra time08:32
seb128:-( on the food poisoning08:33
seb128duflu, I don't think it's mandatory, if you are in the middle of work you want to finish I would suggest you just keep doing that08:33
seb128technically I'm my friday off but I was away most of the morning yesterday so I will probably do another half day today, I might join but I'm not decided myself08:34
seb128oh, and I'm alright08:34
seb128it's friday and sunny and my stomach feels better :)08:35
didrockshey seb128, ready for a good week-end it seems :)08:43
seb128didrocks, hey, indeed! you?08:46
seb128jamesh, hey, do you know if bug #1902915 was already discussed somewhere?08:46
ubot5bug 1902915 in snapd (Ubuntu) "snapd doesn't ensure portals are available even when they are needed" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190291508:46
* jamesh looks08:46
seb128jamesh, basically we got a report that thunderbird was displaying no fileselector, it turned you that the system didn't have the gtk portal installed08:47
seb128jamesh, it feels like snapd should offer to install it or something in those cases08:47
seb128since we can't really garanty the portals are going to be installed, and some snaps in practice aren't going to be functional without08:48
didrocksseb128: I’m good thanks :) removing one road block after another, so feels progress !08:48
seb128didrocks, great :)08:49
jameshseb128: There has been push-back against making it a dependency of the snapd deb, as portals won't be necessary on server systems.  There isn't currently any code in snapd for prompting to install debs or rpms08:49
marcustomlinsonmorning desktoppers08:49
seb128jamesh, right, I don't think depends would be right as you said08:50
jameshand recommends/suggests don't guarantee it will be installed either08:50
seb128jamesh, do you know if flatpak handle those situations any better?08:51
seb128I don't really see a way out of installing on demand08:51
seb128or at least displaying a dialog saying that the snap isn't going to work without the portal08:51
jameshseb128: flatpak has Recommends: xdg-desktop-portal 08:51
seb128well, Recommends doesn't guarantee it's installed as you said08:52
seb128I meant rather on the software side, do they do anything smart when the portal is missing?08:52
jameshthe decision's a bit easier there, since they're not covering system daemons08:52
seb128or are flatpak just randomnly not working?08:52
jameshI'm not sure.  And I don't know whether it would catch the case of xdg-desktop-portal installed without a backend like x-d-p-gtk08:53
seb128well, recommends are not depends08:54
seb128some distros don't install those by default08:54
seb128some users change their apt config, I mean there are going to be similar cases08:54
seb128anyway it doesn't help us much with the snap case, I was just curious to know what they were doing08:54
seb128jamesh, would it be possible/make sense to have something in the gnome extension that checks if the dbus name is owned and display a warning if it's not?08:56
seb128warning if zenity type of graphical warning 'your snap might not be functionnal without portals, we recommend you install xdg-desktop-portal'08:56
jameshseb128: the name will still be available if you remove xdg-desktop-portal-gtk08:56
jameshjust some of the APIs will no longer be available (like the file selector)08:57
seb128I wonder if that user had xdg-desktop-portal08:57
seb128I expect he probably had none of the portals08:57
jameshthe bug says "remove xdg-desktop-portal-gtk", which probably means it is still installed08:57
seb128no, that's me who edited the description08:58
seb128the initial report was08:58
seb128'installed thunderbird, clicking add attachement -> no fileselector'08:58
seb128I asked if he had xdg-desktop-portal-gtk and he said no, installed it and it works now08:58
seb128I didn't think about asking if xdg-desktop-portal was installed08:58
jameshfair enough.  That probably caused xdg-desktop-portal to be installed too08:59
seb128in any case we could have cases where those are missing, would be nice to handle that better08:59
seb128like people starting from a minimal install or a flavor not recommending portals08:59
jameshI don't see anything obvious doing a Github code search of the flatpak repo.  09:00
* jamesh wonders what the Fedora packages look like09:01
seb128Laney, hey, happy friday! how are you?09:01
seb128jamesh, I'm probably going to start by suggesting we do the 'check dbus, display warning if missing' thing in the gnome extension09:01
jameshseb128: looks like Fedora used to use Requires: but downgraded to Recommends: https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/flatpak/blob/master/f/flatpak.spec#_6709:02
seb128it's not great but better than nothing and should be easy enough to do09:02
jameshseb128: I thought the code in GTK fell back to an in-process file selector if the portal file selector wasn't available09:02
jameshI'd have to double check that09:03
seb128it does seem to do that09:04
seb128I removed the portals and tried with the portal-test09:05
seb128ah, I forgot to stop the active ones09:07
seb128if I remove -gtk it fails09:07
seb128(portal-test:30804): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:06:59.005: Can't open portal file chooser: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: No such interface “org.freedesktop.portal.FileChooser” on object at path /org/freedesktop/portal/desktop09:07
seb128and no fileselector displayed at all09:07
GunnarHjHi Laney, it looks to me as if this patch can be dropped:09:19
GunnarHjbut your confirmation would be valuable.09:19
Laneyhi seb128 09:20
Laneydoing good, you?09:20
Laneyhi GunnarHj 09:20
Laneywhat makes you think that?09:20
seb128I'm alright! sunny friday09:20
GunnarHjLaney: New upstream code, similar to the patch.09:20
GunnarHj(but not identical)09:21
didrockshey Laney09:22
luna_hey 09:23
LaneyGunnarHj: Basically you can if you want to risk breaking the rules in Ambiance and Radiance which rely/relied on this, or check they still work with this new thing, or maybe they got broken already and nobody noticed or cared09:27
Laneymoin didrocks and luna_ 09:27
GunnarHjLaney: Seems easiest to drop it and see what happens for now (apparently it doesn't apply any longer). And revisit if some issue shows up.09:29
GunnarHjLaney: Is that ok with you?09:30
LaneyThat wasn't any of the options I presented09:30
LaneyIf you want to drop it, do it knowingly and actively IMO09:31
LaneyLike: we are breaking this rule in light-themes, and I've decided that is fine to do09:31
GunnarHjLaney: TBH I don't even know what to look for. Playing with vte2.91 with the goal to be able to upgrade gnome-terminal...09:32
GunnarHjLaney: Would it be an option to keep the additional stuff on top of the new code?09:34
GunnarHjLaney: Or would the patch need to be rewritten completely?09:35
LaneyI dunno, I'll have to look09:36
Laneyto test: open a Unity session (or use Ambiance)09:36
Laneyopen gnome-terminal and check how it looks, upgrade vte2.91 and check again09:36
Laneyyou can see what the rules are about in gtk-3.20/apps/gnome-terminal.css09:36
GunnarHjLaney: I just built it locally without the patch. Will check out what gnome-terminal and Unity look like.09:39
GunnarHjLaney: See nothing weird in gnome-terminal or Unity.09:49
LaneyWeird no, but different?10:00
LaneyScrollbars OK? Transparency OK?10:00
LaneyI expect the terminal will work, but it might lose the theming that we were applying there10:02
GunnarHjLaney: I don't think I'm the right person to evaluate that. Looks the about the same to me, but I don't have the sense for details which would be needed. How about letting me upload to hirsute and then others can easily check it out. (Or I can upload to a PPA.)10:06
LaneyGunnarHj: Here: https://people.canonical.com/~laney/weird-things/terminal-groovy-unity.png10:17
LaneySee how the terminal is transparent a bit, and how the scrollbar looks - that's what I think is made to work by this patch.10:17
Laney(making that transparency happen by default - you can always go change it in the preferences)10:18
Laneyso check that you can see this, and then how it looks in that respect after upgrading10:18
LaneyIf it goes away, then you broke it, and then you can decide if that's something you want to do with your eyes open. :-)10:18
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
Laney(I think it's probably OK to do that though, just that we should do it knowingly)10:21
GunnarHjLaney: Thanks for the screenshot! Hmm.. I think the transparency is gone and the scoll thing is not orange unless active. So things did change. But personally I usually don't notice such things, while others might be very upset. ;)10:32
GunnarHjLaney: OTOH I see no difference when going back to the -release version. Just uploaded to PPA:11:01
GunnarHjPlease install from there and let me know what you think. (I'll be AFK for an hour or so now.)11:01
LaneyGunnarHj: It breaks the default background colour. Under Unity it becomes white and under GNOME Shell it becomes black.11:17
LaneyI think the new version breaks how Yaru is trying to set colours on the terminal too.11:22
LaneyThe background-color and color entries in style_provider should be moved to fallback_style_provider for us I think. And it seems likely that we will need to keep this patch even though upstream has dropped it for 0.63. For us the background colour isn't the same as @text_view_bg but AFAICT they aren't interested in that scenario so we need to keep it downstream (maybe it'd be fine in Debian though).11:32
GunnarHjLaney: Ok, I'll make an attempt to refresh it then.11:41
LaneyAlright. Show me it if you want and I'll check it out. Thanks!11:45
GunnarHjLaney: I uploaded to the PPA again, this time with the refreshed patch:12:56
GunnarHjI still see no difference, so please confirm that this looks right.12:56
LaneyWhy are you seeing no difference?12:57
LaneyTry with a clean user or something.12:57
GunnarHjNo idea.12:57
LaneyThe background goes from purple to black (or white), it should be quite obvious12:58
GunnarHjYeah, maybe clean user..12:58
LaneyGunnarHj: It looks a bit wrong to me though - what I would expect to see now (with this fallback_style_provider) is something looking like this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jn5HTxZPWJ/13:09
LaneyIt's probably a new patch now though with a description something like "Allow background-color and color to be customised via the theme on VteTerminal widgets\n\nYaru and Ambiance/Radiance need this. Move the CSS rules to the fallback style class so that they can be overridden."13:11
GunnarHjLaney: Now I'm confused. Probably better you fix the patch yourself.13:16
GunnarHjLaney: Btw, fresh user didn't help. Can it be that I'm using NVIDIA?13:19
GunnarHjOk. (Hope that was only your answer to the question.)13:21
LaneyFine, I'll do the merge13:24
Laneyfeel like you lured me into doing this :P13:24
GunnarHjLaney: I can upload what I have and leave the refreshing to you.13:25
GunnarHjLaney: Done. https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/vte2.91/-/tree/ubuntu/master13:28
KGB-0vte2.91 signed tags c18ea6d Iain Lane ubuntu/0.62.1-1ubuntu1 * vte2.91 Debian release 0.62.1-1ubuntu1 * https://deb.li/0goC13:45
LaneyGunnarHj: There you go13:45
KGB-0vte2.91 ubuntu/master d251047 Iain Lane debian/patches/ 91_keep_fds.patch series Allow-background-color-and-color-on-VteTerminal-widgets-t.patch 0001-Add-the-style-context-provider-with-FALLBACK-priorit.patch * Fix CSS changes * https://deb.li/iiPrG13:45
KGB-0vte2.91 ubuntu/master 65d2028 Iain Lane debian/changelog * Update changelog * https://deb.li/j3il13:45
KGB-0vte2.91 ubuntu/master 1b87a2d Iain Lane debian/changelog * Finalise changelog * https://deb.li/3DPcI13:46
GunnarHjLaney: Great, thanks! (The "remaining changes" part has the old patch name, though.)13:55
GunnarHjLaney: Now I see the purple background in gnome-terminal at least. :)14:30
LaneyYou can fix that when you backport it to Debian. :-)14:52
Laneyoh I see, it was your remaining change, not mine.14:54
GunnarHjLaney: I can add that patch in Debian if you like, but it doesn't motivate a separate upload, does it?15:11
LaneyGunnarHj: Probably not15:12
GunnarHjLaney: As a member of ubuntu-desktop I thought I could upload gnome-terminal, but that seems not to be the case. Any chance you can sponsor the uploads to hirsute and groovy? (The repo is done.)16:01
=== hellswor1 is now known as hellsworth
hellsworthgood morning desktopers!16:02
GunnarHjo/ hellsworth16:05
hellsworthhey there oSoMoN 16:08
oSoMoNgood morning hellsworth :)16:09
LaneyGunnarHj: We'll see if I can squeeze it in today16:23
Laneymorning hellsworth 16:23
GunnarHjseb128: The reason why I needed to bother with hirsute too for the bug #1900729 groovy fix of gnome-terminal is simply the version string. So now I have prepared a hirsute merge and a groovy revert. I asked L_aney to sponsor, but he will probably not be too unhappy if you do that instead. :)16:26
ubot5bug 1900729 in gnome-terminal (Ubuntu Groovy) "gnome-terminal font settings show only italic version of ubuntu mono" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190072916:26
hellsworthhey Laney GunnarHj 16:38
seb128GunnarHj, I don't understand the version string issue? a SRU can be version differently19:40
GunnarHjseb128: It's currently the same version in groovy and hirsute. So if we would upload to groovy only, the version string would be lower than the one in hirsute, which I suppose would make the archive admins (including you?) unhappy.19:42
GunnarHjseb128: But this is not a problem since I also proposed a merge with Debian for hirsute.19:43
seb128GunnarHj, that's not a problem if we have confidence the version is going to be higher before the end of the cycle19:45
seb128which isn't likely to be an issue there19:45
GunnarHjseb128: Ah, didn't know that. Thought it always needed to follow 'the rule'.19:50
seb128it's better but the SRU team is reasonable if you explain why it's not an issue19:51
GunnarHjGood to know going forward.19:51
GunnarHjseb128: But please feel free to still sponsor the hirsute merge. :)19:52
seb128it just needs uploading?19:54
GunnarHjseb128: Yes.19:57
seb128GunnarHj, Laney, g-t uploaded now20:29
GunnarHjseb128: Thanks, but I don't see it in the groovy queue.20:31
seb128GunnarHj, you said 'feel free to still sponsor the hirsute merge. :)'20:32
seb128which is what I did20:32
seb128so no it's not in groovy...20:32
GunnarHjseb128: Sorry, I meant *also*. groovy, i.e. bug #1900729, is the main goal. :)20:34
ubot5bug 1900729 in gnome-terminal (Ubuntu Groovy) "gnome-terminal font settings show only italic version of ubuntu mono" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190072920:34
seb128GunnarHj, uploaded20:41
GunnarHjThanks seb128!20:41
seb128GunnarHj, thank you for working on the fixes!20:47
GunnarHjseb128: N.p. It proved to be much more into it than anticipated, but that tends to be the normal...20:49

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