
sil2100rbalint: hey! Were you able to dive into the glibc regression already?09:38
seb128sil2100, he said yesterday that it's a lftp issue, valgrins already showed an error but it was lucking enough to no trip of it fully09:42
seb128sil2100, we should still probably do figure out if upstream fixed it and backport the patch if there is one09:42
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sil2100seb128: +1, thanks10:32
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mitya57LocutusOfBorg: hi! hedgewars built on all architectures but not on ppc64el. Do you know if we have any chances of getting it fixed?17:29
kbrI have a number of packages that are broken in focal due to a build-dep (cargo) having a bug. cargo was fixed in focal-security and focal-updates - do I restrict the build-dep to a fixed version or do I go with a no-change rebuild?18:41
rbalintsil2100, seb128  i've uploaded the fix to be SRU-d19:14
seb128rbalint, thanks!19:35
rbalintseb128, thanks for the heads-up for the issue!19:35
LocutusOfBorgmitya57, me and v_orlon are trying to fix ghc, but no luck from my side20:37
LocutusOfBorghedgewars can be removed on ppc64el FWIW20:37
bryceI'm trying to understand the migration issue for php7.4 on i386...  https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/p/php7.4/hirsute/i38620:54
brycefrom the log it seems to be having trouble finding dependencies < none20:54
bryceI'm wondering if there is some sort of i386 exclusion that needs either strengthened or relaxed, or...?20:55
brycespecific log in question I'm looking at is https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-hirsute/hirsute/i386/p/php7.4/20201101_010233_0de73@/log.gz20:56
brycelatest build against 7.4.9-1ubuntu1.1 fails for a different reason, resource not available.  I've retriggered it hoping that's just network irregularity, maybe that'll be enough...21:00
sil2100rbalint: thanks! I'll review it on Monday o/23:50

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