[06:31] looks like that sync happened [06:44] qtox tests triggered [08:09] @RikMills [qtox tests triggered], Thank you! [08:09] ```Laney Just noticed that I missed a spot when fixing the cowboy in autopkgtest-cloud to work for hirsute ... 10:05 … Laney ... 10:05 … Laney i386 tests were running as amd64 ones but just with i386 in the instance name``` [08:10] from Oct 30th on #ubuntu-release ^^ [08:11] "Nice" [08:11] We should probably add force-reset-test trigger then for pyqt5chart? [08:11] I think that is why we got some odd i386 passes! [08:11] so probably explains odd i386 passes [08:11] @mitya57 [We should probably add force-reset-test trigger then for pyqt5chart?], I think so [08:12] I will be able to make a merge proposal in a few hours only. Maybe you can do it now? [08:12] Not right away, so lets see [08:13] Ok, no problem [10:20] @mitya57 [We should probably add force-reset-test trigger then for pyqt5chart?], or maybe just 'force-badtest pyqt5chart/all/i386', as it is not ever expected to pass again. it originally had an i386 build, but no more. [12:57] That will also work. I'm sorry but I will be able to do anything only in ~4 hours. [14:32] libreoffice tests are not hurrying, so now problem [16:25] I think you get stuff from unstable, but just in case: Qt migrated to testing (today?) [16:27] In Ubuntu Qt is also quite close to migration. But it's independent of testing, yes. [17:26] @RikMills [or maybe just 'force-badtest pyqt5chart/all/i386', as it is not ever expected to …], Created https://code.launchpad.net/~mitya57/britney/+git/britney/+merge/393459 [17:26] ty [17:27] hedgewars still can't be built on ppc64el :-( [17:27] hedgewars should probably be removed release pocket if it becomes that last blocker [17:29] Asked LocutusOfBorg on #-devel [17:30] Not sure if that is the last blocker, as we are probably entangled with other transitions [17:31] I think some other things may depend on Qt at the moment, but not the other way [17:33] But we will see that clearly only when it becomes a valid candidate (or at least when it shows on update_output_notest.txt, which is probably not the case yet because of hedgewars). [17:34] @mitya57 [Asked LocutusOfBorg on #-devel], I already asked via DM, and it is probably not soon [17:35] Then let's ask for its removal when LO tests pass [17:35] agreed