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cengiquehi everyone. we're having trouble with Microstack installation on Ubuntu 18.04LTS. is there anyone who has experience?00:52
cengiquewe installed Ussuri v217 and initialized a control node, but when trying to add a compute node with this:00:54
cengiquemicrostack add-compute00:54
cengiquewe get a weird error:00:54
cengiquekeystoneauth1.exceptions.http.BadRequest: The 'expires_at' must not be before n00:54
cengiqueow. The server could not comply with the request since it is either malformed o00:54
cengiquer otherwise incorrect. The client is assumed to be in error. (HTTP 400) (Reques00:54
cengiquet-ID: req-6d714d32-c87e-4fa4-9a36-0986a84a82f4)00:54
sarnoldcengique: hey, it might be worth popping into #ubuntu-server -- microstack's a bit out of the ordinary for this channel00:56
sarnoldcengique: I'd double-check the ntp synchronization of all hosts on the network00:56
cengiquethanks sarnold !00:56
cengiqueI was thinking the same :)00:56
cengiqueoh I missed the ntp comment sarnold . lemme check01:10
cengiqueactually we only have one server01:10
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Squarismi started "software updater" and instead o gettubg a list of packages i get a dialog "Not all packaged can be updated" with options "Partial Upgrade" or "Continue"01:45
Squarism1. is this the 20.04.1 update? 2. Why did I see that disclaimer. I listed 4 reasonens, of which any could be true, but not saying which one.01:47
Squarismim on 20.0401:47
sarnoldSquarism: probably running "apt update && apt upgrade" from a shell will give better indication of what's going on01:47
semiturkeyI'm planning on installing virtualbox on windows 10 and installing ubuntu it it02:07
semiturkeywill i be able to ask questions in here? I.e. ubuntu in VM will mostly act like ubuntu on bare metal02:08
sarnoldsemiturkey: yeah it'll be pretty similar02:11
semiturkeythanks :)02:11
sarnoldsemiturkey: WSL ubuntu is different enough that questions for that ought to be asked somewhere else ..02:11
sarnoldbut most things ought to be pretty similar with the virtualbox version02:12
semiturkeynever heard of WSL before; behind the times02:12
semiturkeyooh looks cool02:12
Bashing-om!qsl | semiturkey02:15
Bashing-om!wsl | semiturkey02:16
ubottusemiturkey: Windows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide02:16
sarnoldsemiturkey: it sounds really cool, but it's got limitations, too; one or the other will be a better fit for most of what you're going to do02:17
sarnoldsemiturkey: (in the same way that the virtualbox approach has limitations)02:17
semiturkeyI just got a new computer and I think that it is finally fast enough to run ubuntu in VM and do average things decently02:18
sarnoldsweeeet, I love new toys02:18
semiturkeyand ##windows has told me they wouldn't help me if I dual booted other times :P02:18
semiturkeyyeah it is cool!02:18
semiturkeyIt can play games in all three dimensions unlike my laptop lol. But I will install ubuntu and see what 20.10 is all about :)02:19
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semiturkeytonyyarusso: you still go here?04:03
bumblefuzzso I'm running plex media server on ubuntu 20.0305:21
bumblefuzzand when I attempt to access the server on port 32400, I get the error connection closed05:21
bumblefuzzhow do I troubleshoot this?05:21
bumblefuzzwhy is a webserver unexpectedly closing the connection?05:26
=== HugLifeTiZ6 is now known as HugLifeTiZ
dpreacherhi, i am using 18.04 that had mate and gnome (using a preconfigured VM provided by IT). I installed i3 on it as I am only comfortable with it. However, since the file open/save dialogs use the dialogs of (am not sure which) either mate or gnome, these dialogs get loaded with 30% from the top off the screen. So i can neither see the title bar to drag it nor look at the location bar to type in my path.06:48
dpreacherplease suggest what to do06:48
jellydpreacher: does i3wm support Alt + Left mouse button to drag windows?07:29
ducassedpreacher: press your mod key and drag the window with the mouse, or use mod + r to resize07:31
ducassebumblefuzz: check with netstat if it is bound to a port and interface07:35
dpreacherducasse: i tried resize but i could only shrink the other 3 sides except the top. the window is not draggable with the mod key pressed if i click and hold on the viewable area. an almost solution/problem mitigation is to use my mod key with F for making the dialog full screen and it seems to show the upper parts of the dialog. can manage but hopefully i can switch these dialogs with that of pcmanfm07:47
dpreacherwhich i use at home.07:47
dpreacherjelly: i am not sure. i will try that later at home. where else is that behavior supported?07:47
dpreacherducasse: bumblefuzz: netstat is still used or i think now some new tool is used right? am still learning the syntax and names. ss is it?07:48
ducassess is now often used, i'm only more familiar with netstat07:49
ducassedpreacher: is it tiled or floating?07:49
ducassedpreacher: https://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html#floating_modifier07:51
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dpreacherducasse: it is not tiled. i tried the mod+w and mod+e shortcuts but they didn't affect the dialog07:54
dpreacherducasse: same here with netstat and ss. i think some distros are dropping netstat or at least not making it available by default.07:56
ducasseit's still in 20.04 at least, but not installed by default07:57
ducassedpreacher: mod + drag definitely works here, though, is floating_modifier set in your config?08:04
ramsub07Hello. I've a directory with files A.txt, B.txt... etc. I'd like to move all those files into a A/gt.txt, B/gt.txt etc.. where the sub-directories A,B.. are to be created. How do I go about using bash?08:04
ducasseramsub07: try #bash08:05
pavlushkagetting ssh-copy-id: line 260: EOF: command not found on 20.0408:24
pavlushkais it host speicific or guest specific?08:25
mgedminwho's responsible for the fuse mounts on ~/.cache/docs and ~/.cache/gvfs?08:40
mgedminthey interfere with a cron script I have that runs du -x / as root on one of the machines (root has no permissions to access these fuse mounts!)08:41
mgedminI don't have anything mounted on those directories on another machine08:41
pavlushkaok, my one was not a 20.04 guest bug but host specific bug08:44
pavlushkabut took care of it08:44
TJ-mgedmin: gvfs is the gnome virtual file system https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/gvfs/doc08:49
mgedminyes, but what triggers the mounting of ~/.cache/docs?08:50
TJ-mgedmin: it's in the link I gave you08:53
TJ-mgedmin: also "There are several security concerns, the first and most visible is denied access to other UIDs including UID 0"08:53
mgedminis that an old page? it talks about /run/user/<UID>/gvfs and ~/.gvfs, but no ~/.cache/gvfs08:55
mgedminhm, indeed on my main machine the fuse mounts are in /run/user/1000/gvfs08:59
mgedminand on this machine... it's on both?!?!?!?08:59
mgedminooh I launched a GTK application over ssh + sudo a week a go, and this caused dbus activation of an additional copy of gvfsd-fuse09:16
heeenI'm on kde neon and for some reason plasma-discover got uninstalled09:18
heeenit does not seem to be a dep of plasma-desktop09:18
heeenisn't that weird09:18
guivercheeen, kde neon isn't Ubuntu, nor an official flavor of Ubuntu so off-topic here09:19
dpreacherducasse: i have floating modifier set, but what is its correct way of working. i thought you press and hold the mod key the mouse button and then drag, right?09:26
dpreacherand you can press and hold the mouse cursor anywhere in the window right?09:26
speltnerGood morning. Is there a helpful soul around who could give me a working advice on how to mount a zfs drive on another Ubuntu 20.04.1LTS linux endpoint? My xen-hypervisor is stuck in a boot-loop and the only way past that is to edit the grub, which I'm unable to do since I can't figure out how to mount the zfs on to this system.09:31
speltnerI tried the instructions yesterday and it still wouldn't mount.09:32
speltnerI mean, all the stuff is there, but there's like three pools and I have absolutely no clue on the command line parameters.09:32
speltnerThat sure is one caveat of zfs, as a side note. Figuring out how to mount it once you need to slam the drive on another computer to fix up the boot sequence manually.09:33
speltnerApparently I've set i.e. the mount point correctly but zfs list with all the columns gives out the "MOUNTED" column as "no"09:35
speltnerI'll take the risk of upsetting moderators and copypaste a whopping four lines that  I'd need a clarification on.09:36
speltnerMOUNTED  CANMOUNT  MOUNTPOINT  NAME no       off  /mnt/zfs1   bpool no       off  none        bpool/BOOT no        on  /boot       bpool/BOOT/ubuntu_2sc2dt09:36
speltnerWell, that sure was squeezed into one line, I don't know if any of you can make anything out of that, but ... :D09:37
EriC^^!paste | speltner09:46
ubottuspeltner: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:46
EriC^^speltner: you could do "command | nc termbin.com 9999" to paste from the terminal09:46
TinkinerThinkeriI'm trying to install ubuntu or any of its variants on an atome based tablet. But  my keyboard and usb drive won't work at the same time with the 4 way hub.I was wondering if you could emulate a keyboard and usb drive over an actual usb connection to install it?09:50
lotuspsychjeTinkinerThinkeri: try unity desktop on it perhaps, it still has good touch support09:53
TinkinerThinkeri@lotuspsychie I think you are misunderstanding my problem. I'm sorry I should have been more clear I can't use the keyboard and usb drive at the same time. So i want to know if you can emulate it over a physical usb connection from a desktop; to the tablet09:55
TinkinerThinkeriYes, my apologies.09:57
TinkinerThinkeriI suck at explaining myself sometimes09:59
jeremy31TinkinerThinkeri: You might need a hub with external power10:01
mgedminhow can I modify a launcher icon in the dock to open nautilus in a specific directory instead of $HOME?10:10
mgedminhmm, .desktop files can have a Path=...10:11
mgedminbut that doesn't work10:16
mgedminI could change Exec=nautilus --new-window %U to Exec=nautilus --new-window /my/desired/location, but I'm afraid of breaking something10:16
mgedminlike "open containing folder" in other programs that rely on mime types to launch nautilus10:16
mgedminmaybe I should rename the .desktop file and drop the MimeType=... entry?10:17
TinkinerThinkeriunit193 gave me an idea just change the boot options and modify the grub so it times out into the install then just plug in my keyboard10:24
mgedminis there a cache for .desktop files?  how do I make gnome-shell see the updated Exec= line?10:25
mgedminAlt-F2 r was insufficient10:25
TinkinerThinkerican grub customizer be used for altering grub on an iso or just the machine it's running on10:25
jeremy31TinkinerThinkeri: That can just modify an installed version, not an ISO the last I knew10:26
tachikomasTinkinerThinkeri: Only on the machine running. You will need to regenerate the ISO if you want to make this modification.10:26
lotuspsychjemgedmin: isnt it editing org gnome nautilus in /usr/share/applications somehow?10:26
TinkinerThinkeriYes that's what I thought10:27
thneeHmm is /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d ignored when running in the official ubuntu docker container?10:33
mgedminlotuspsychje: no?10:34
mgedmincurrent status: I have a ~/.local/share/applications/my-nautilus.desktop10:34
mgedminwith a different Name=10:35
lotuspsychjemgedmin: arent you on gnome?10:35
mgedminand I've gsettings set org.gnome.shell favorite-apps to include ['my-nautilus.desktop']10:35
mgedminand I see my different Name when I hover10:35
mgedminand the Exec= line is 'Exec=nautilus --new-window /path'10:35
mgedminwhich works when I do it on the command line10:35
mgedminbut when I click the icon in gnome-shell, I still get nautilus showing my damn home folder10:36
mgedminI've tried to comment out DBusActivatable=true, didn't help10:36
lotuspsychjemgedmin: weird, i have no nautilus desktop, just nautilus autorun software and org gnome nautilus desktop10:37
lotuspsychjethe org gnome one shows also 'Exec=nautilus --new-window10:37
lotuspsychjemgedmin: did you edit and save the file with admin:///10:38
mgedminno, I copied /usr/share/applications/org.gnome.Nautilus.desktop into ~/.local/share/applications/my-nautilus.desktop and then edited the copy10:38
mgedminokay, I erased all the contents of the desktop file and left only Name Exec, Icon, Type, and _now_ it works10:44
mgedminand I will never know why10:44
lotuspsychjemgedmin: cool10:45
mgedmin(except yes it works, but when nautilus is running it doesn't show my custom launcher to be active, I get a different nautilus at the end of the dock)10:45
mgedminha, added StartupWMClass=org.gnome.Nautilus and now there's only one icon10:55
mgedminfull success, and only took me one hour (okay, 50 minutes)11:01
mgedminand a lot of hair pulling11:01
pagioshello, i am looking for a monitoring tool that allows me to centralize monitoring of my servers into a single place. For instance i would like to know the load on each of my servers using some agents and then trigger this central monitoring server via apis to get a status and do some actions. Do you recommend any project? Thank you12:19
pagiosopensource preferably12:21
pagioshello, i am looking for a  opensource Linux monitoring tool that allows me to centralize monitoring of my servers into a single place. For instance i would like to know the load on each of my servers using some agents and then trigger this central monitoring server via apis to get a status and do some actions. Do you recommend any project? Thank you12:22
Maikpagios: not really a Ubuntu support question imho. There's something like Nagios i heard about years ago but i'm not sure if that's what you're looking for.12:30
Maikyou could also try to ask in #ubuntu-server or askubuntu12:32
BluesKajHi all12:41
bumblefuzzhow do I check which process is listening on a given port?12:54
BluesKajbumblefuzz, sudo netstat -tap or -tapen13:05
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rapidwaveI keep getting update dialogs for Partial Upgrade. Even if it completes, it just comes up again.13:40
bumblefuzzSo, I recently installed a new wireless network card13:41
EriC^^rapidwave: try "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" in the terminal13:41
bumblefuzzit's a USB wifi card13:41
EriC^^rapidwave: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade13:41
rapidwaveI thought it was just 'apt' these days13:41
bumblefuzzI'm having trouble confirming whether it's connected as USB 2.0 or 3.013:41
bumblefuzzwhen I do 'lsusb -v', bcdUSB shows 2.013:42
bumblefuzzand my transfer speeds are reduced relative to what iwconfig shows13:42
EriC^^rapidwave: same thing13:43
rapidwaveIt's just an allias?13:45
lotuspsychjebumblefuzz: to see all relevant logs about your system; journalctl -f and plug in your device13:45
bumblefuzzso, I just check the parameter for the kernel module13:45
bumblefuzzif you look at the instructions here: https://github.com/aircrack-ng/rtl8812au13:46
EriC^^rapidwave: it's a front-end for apt-get, more user-friendly, colors, etc13:46
bumblefuzzunder USB Mode Switch13:46
bumblefuzzit lists integer values for the USB interface13:46
bumblefuzzthe parameter that's currently loaded is 013:46
bumblefuzzaccording to the instructions, I have to issue 'rmmod' first13:47
bumblefuzzand then change the value with modprove13:47
bumblefuzzwhat I'm concerned about is whether rmmod will disable my wifi13:47
lotuspsychjebumblefuzz: please dont use this channel to describe every step you are doing, focus on your ubuntu question13:47
mgedminbumblefuzz: rmmod of the wifi driver _will_ disable your wifi13:48
mgedminso don't do it remotely13:48
bumblefuzzI thought so13:48
bumblefuzzthat's why I was describing everything13:48
mgedminalso I think it's usually better to use modprobe -r modname instead of rmmod modname, but I don't remember why13:49
bumblefuzzso, before I attempt this, how do I change this parameter ?13:49
mgedminalso also I think some modules allow you to change parameters at runtime by echoing to a file in /sys/13:49
bumblefuzzwell doing any of this is going to potentially disrupt the internet connection13:50
bumblefuzzso I have to know how to navigate this before I attempt anything13:51
bumblefuzz...AND how to put it back together to regain wifi access13:51
bumblefuzzotherwise my only option will be to wipe and reinstall the entire OS13:51
Kharec'lo there.13:56
lotuspsychjewelcome Kharec13:58
helix_5501Hi, who should I speak to if I think the message in Software Updater about no more upgrades for i386 could be improved for clarity.15:36
gordonjcphelix_5501: local language team I guess?  Or file a bug against the appropriate package15:38
gordonjcphelix_5501: I wonder if Ubuntu Papercuts is still on the go?15:38
helix_5501gordonjcp: How do I know which package it is?15:40
giacoafter plugging my new 4k monitor to my ubuntu laptop, the general feeling of browsing and general desktop usage is bad. There's latency in everything15:43
giacothere's a lag even here, typing into the terminal15:43
giacoscrolling into the brower seems to be back to windows 9815:43
giacoconfiguration is classical for new laptops: intel + nvidia Optimus (so muxless)15:44
giacoI don't care about power management, I want my performance back15:45
giaco(in windows this doesn't happen, the output is attached to the intel card that supports the resolutions and the refresh rates I'm using15:45
speltnerAnyone here with an understanding on zfs?15:49
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krytarikhelix_5501: https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu-release-upgrader/tree/DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeQuirks.py#n309 - and the package name is the same.15:53
thegodsquirrelspeltner: I have set it up on Ubuntu server in the past15:54
speltnerthegodsquirrel: so my problem is that I would need to mount a system drive onto another endpoint to be able to switch xen-hypervisor off from grub's startup (it got accidentaly installed alongside with build-deps and obviously screwed up the entire boot-up)15:57
speltnerthegodsquirrel: any ideas on how to mount a foreign zfs drive onto another ubuntu 20.04.1LTS endpoint so that I get to access it15:57
speltnerotherwise I'll just have to scrub everything (again) and start all over, and that's... a bridge too far, so to speak15:58
thegodsquirrelI imagine you would need to use NFS/CIFS or another protocol to mount that drive remotely15:59
speltnerand even if I do need to scrub the entire thing, I'd prefer to back up what's in there before I do that. I have all the setups scripted so it's not that big of a deal, but now this then, etc.15:59
speltnerthegodsquirrel: well, you're incorrect on that one, see, there is a zfs toolkit for ubuntu16:00
speltnerthegodsquirrel: but it's confusing a.f. to get anything mounted on it16:00
speltnerthegodsquirrel: also, a lot of the zfs disk mount instructions I found online were either unhelpful for this purpose and/or wrong or outdated16:01
helix_5501krytarik: thanks16:01
thegodsquirrelspeltner: yeah, I have never used zfs for this before, sorry16:02
speltnerthegodsquirrel: it's alright, I'm a total zfs noob too. I only chose it as an install option for my 20.04.1LTS build because it looked promising -- in a way that it had the zsys util in it, which is _supposed_ to be able to revert your apt package installs16:03
speltnerthegodsquirrel: You can probably guess how THAT has worked out :D16:03
speltnerright now I'm thinking of trying this one out: https://www.reddit.com/r/zfs/comments/ga9g4g/linux_zfs_gui/ -- will just need to compile it on this machine first16:04
thegodsquirrelgot it16:04
giacoI've found that's fractional scaling that is messing with display performances16:06
giacoif I keep it off I have kinda ok performances16:06
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signofzetagiaco: I've noticed that, too. my options for my 4K screen are too small or too big, unless i turn on fractional scaling, which messes with night mode for some reason.16:34
cybrNautjust installed ubuntu, and i'm getting a "Livepatch" popup.16:40
cybrNauti'm not interested in creating an account on that16:40
cybrNauti just need the popup to stop16:41
cybrNautnvm.. i think it's gone now16:42
=== Black is now known as Benett
fuskariwassup guys :D17:03
fuskariwassup everyone!17:31
Maikfuskari: good you're back again. If you have a Ubuntu support question just ask. Casual talk takes place in #ubuntu-offtopic17:43
fuskarigotcha - thanks :)17:43
The_LoudSpeakerIs there still no support for the fingerprint sensor mentioned here? https://linux-hardware.org/index.php?id=usb:06cb-00be17:48
mgedminthe synaptics 06cb:00bd in my thinkpad x390 works, but it needed a firmware update from lenovo17:54
mgedminplocate made it into groovy!18:10
mgedminalthough an early-ish version with some bugs18:10
* mgedmin contemplates proposing a SRU18:10
* mgedmin decides he's too lazy18:10
jellyeveryone loves plocate18:30
NetI want to script a GUI app. Anyone know of any easy to use accessibility apis or other tools for ubuntu?18:32
Netpyautogui doesn't seem to work for finding things18:32
arch-nemesisNet: xdotool ? but.... I wouldn't.18:34
Netarch-nemesis: xdotool could work, but I want to be able to find ui elements18:35
Netrather than just guess at their coords18:35
Netarch-nemesis: why wouldn't you?18:35
arch-nemesisWell at least not long term, or not for a professional project. I just wouldn't want something I depend on to use that for automation18:38
Netarch-nemesis: ah yeah18:39
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pavlosquestion: ubuntu 20.10 ... mlocate is installed but sudo updatedb says, command not found18:47
Mathisenpavlos, you need to be root to run that18:48
Mathisenpavlos, sudo su18:48
pavlosMathisen: even after sudo su, updatedb ... Command 'updatedb' not found18:51
pavloscompletely purged mlocate, re-installed, now it works.18:57
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pagioshello, is there any way of stress testing my machine to a certain percentage in cpu? say 10%, 25% etc ? the stress command is saturating it to 100% i would like to go gradual19:18
legreffierpagios: system calls are discrete. 10% doesn't really make sense in this context.19:22
rai-enwhat is the new way to edit app permissions in 20.04?19:33
speltnerok, so after spending this evening figuring out the lovely quirks of zfs ...19:37
speltnerand only wanting to grab either my files out of there or do one flag change to grub ...19:37
speltnerand finding a lot of people online who simply have wanted to do just that19:38
speltnerzfs_member remains an unknown filesystem; I can see the bpool and rpool of that drive (freshly installed ubuntu 20.04.1LTS)19:39
speltnernote to devs: you " _might_ " want to have some sort of easier-to-access approach to this19:39
tomreynrai-en: there's an option for editing snap permissions in "Settings"19:40
mgedminsomehow I don't think ubuntu devs lurk in this channel19:42
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speltnerokay so the zfs drive is now visible in zfs list with all my folders using "zfs list", except I CANNOT ACCESS IT. Pardon the caps, two days of this is kinda nerve-wrecking.20:04
mgedminperfectly understandable, wish I could help you20:07
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speltnercannot import 'rpool': a pool with that name already exists20:50
speltneruse the form 'zpool import <pool | id> <newpool>' to give it a new name20:50
speltnerI've tried that, no dice.20:50
speltnerseems to be a common error, he he20:51
speltnerwhen I try to list available pools;20:52
speltner$ sudo zpool import20:52
speltnerno pools available to import20:52
speltner(or rather, to import them)20:52
speltnerJesus, even Reddit's /r/zfs is littered with total confusion over zfs :D20:54
speltnerI swear I'll just grab my crap and nuke the entire build from orbit if I get my damn home directory from there20:54
mgedminthis is probably not the right time to teach the gospel of backups20:55
mgedmin(but losing data is about the only way people learn -- myself included)20:55
speltnermgedmin: no well that's a new build but I spent 2 days on it and was JUST about to get to that point20:55
speltnerwell, in hindsight, now I've spent two days trying to get my trivial crap out of a zpool20:56
speltnerit's right there when i do sudo zpool status ,staring at me in the face20:57
speltnersudo zpool import rpool ==>> "cannot import 'rpool': a pool with that name already exists20:58
speltneruse the form 'zpool import <pool | id> <newpool>' to give it a new name" ==> suzo zpool import rpool cesspool ==>> "cannot import 'rpool': no such pool available" (although it shows up with 'sudo zpool status', and is online.20:58
speltnerhttps://forums.freebsd.org/threads/zpool-unavail.50481/ <<== that also sums it all up pretty well,21:00
speltneralright it's probably the export-import command21:01
speltnerJesus F. Christ, does this always have to go so bass ackwards21:01
speltner(and I don't say the Lord's name in vain!)21:01
qwertuttytyAn error was detected in the system program. Cancellation. Report a problem. https://postimg.cc/PvNP9V58 where to look to understand the problem. This happens right after the start. I don't see what's going wrong. appeared after upgrading to 20.1021:13
dwchan69Quick question21:16
Maikqwertuttyty: simple... if you want to get rid of those messages disable apport21:16
dwchan69does ubuntu has something similar to RedHat Kickstart21:16
dwchan69looking for a simple way to deploy ubnutu without going all out with PXE21:19
PeGaSuSdwchan69: this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KickstartCompatibility ?21:19
dwchan69thank you21:20
dwchan69regarding to this statement21:20
dwchan69Create a boot disk with the kickstart file, or make the kickstart file available on the network.21:20
Maikdwchan69: that sounds familiar to me, haven't you been asking this a while back too?21:20
dwchan69I have not use IRC for years21:20
Maikthen it was someone else21:20
sarnolddwchan69: https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/install/autoinstall-quickstart21:21
dwchan69i still remember mirc21:21
mgedminhttps://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/please-test-autoinstalls-for-20-04/ is also maybe worth checking out21:21
dwchan69i will look through all three of them21:21
qwertuttytyif I want to know what causes this message, it's not feasible?21:21
dwchan69i do recall with redhat, there was something you can do with the install dvd where you point it to the ks.cfg from a floppy21:22
dwchan69not sure if that route or similar route is still available21:22
sarnoldqwertuttyty: if you choose to report the issue, you'll be given a view of what the problem was -- you should be able to cancel submission at that point if you don't want to post the bug21:23
qwertuttytysending nothing doesn't show the window is closing. unless I write about it myself.21:28
speltnerThe problem seems to be with my zfs woes that it is trying to push itself into the root although I thought I specified a mount point:21:29
speltner$ sudo zfs mount -a21:29
speltnercannot mount '/': directory is not empty21:29
sarnoldspeltner: use zpool import -R to specify an alternate root for all the mountpoints?21:31
sarnoldqwertuttyty: you'll need to fix the problem to keep it from returning21:31
speltnercannot import 'rpool': a pool with that name already exists21:36
speltneruse the form 'zpool import <pool | id> <newpool>' to give it a new name21:36
speltner=> import -R .. wait21:36
speltnernope, that too says that a pool with that name already exists21:37
speltnerI found out that people have had the same problem21:37
speltnerThe zfs is so overcomplicated that this will take me days to clear out21:38
qwertuttytygood. Any logs can show something where to look?21:38
sarnoldspeltner: so, the problem you're trying to solve: you've got multiple pools with colliding names and colliding mountpoints, and you want to mount all of them at once, right?21:39
sarnoldspeltner: the usual approach is to use zpool import to find the ids, then zpool import -R /foo id newnameforpool21:39
sarnoldqwertuttyty: usually the dialog box includes information about which program died, what signal it received, or gives a python stack trace, or C stack trace, etc..21:40
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
speltnersarnold: no21:41
speltnersarnold: the problem I'm trying to solve is I'm trying to get my system drive opened up somehow so that I could at least snatch my files out of there because xen-hypervisor sent me into a boot-loop of death21:41
speltnersarnold: ain't computing fun :)21:41
speltnerI really just want my junk out of there and after that I'm gonna steamroll over that entire zfs, I can't ever recall, in all my years of computing, dealing with such garbled crap, especially since there's no viable management software anywhere, and I've been around almost 40 years and built all kinds of RAID stacks and whatnot21:42
sarnoldspeltner: what error messages do you get when you use zpool import -R /altrootpoint id newpoolname?21:43
speltnerOK, so here's the deal;21:43
speltnerbpool  1.88G   724M  1.17G        -         -     2%    37%  1.00x    ONLINE  -21:43
speltnerAnd that's that21:43
sarnoldspeltner: check demsg for those errors too21:43
speltnerrpool   460G  54.9G   405G        -         -     1%    11%  1.00x    ONLINE  -21:43
speltnerI'm trying to get rpool to mount21:43
sarnoldso, the rpool you want to work with is properly imported?21:44
speltnersarnold: I got bpool to import but it didn't have the droids I was looking for, a.k.a. no magic switch to get rid of the xen-hypervisor, at least to my knowledge, I went thru the grub.cfg's there21:46
niubI have a question about netplan21:46
speltnersarnold: no dmesg errors, both bpool and rpool listed as being online21:46
sarnoldspeltner: I've got no idea on xen, I've avoided that entirely21:46
speltnersarnold: no -- I'm booting from an USB stick install of Ubuntu 20.04.1LTS21:47
speltnersarnold: the files in the screwed up install are visible but they don't mount since "/" is the conflict21:47
qwertuttytyI only see what's in the image21:47
TJ-sarnold: speltner  could that be used as the root-fs for an LXD container, to gain easy access? (or systemd-spawn) ?21:48
speltnersarnold: I'm planning on grabbing my files if I manage to get the rpool mounted and just steamroll the entire install and re-install with ext4fs,21:48
dwchan69dumb question, what is default root password with a ubuntu install?21:48
speltnerdwchan69: don't you have to set it with 'sudo passwd root'21:48
sarnolddwchan69: there is none21:49
EriC^^dwchan69: there's no root password, the user is ubuntu and password is blank21:49
TJ-!root | dwchan6921:49
ubottudwchan69: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo21:49
sarnoldqwertuttyty: and clicking on otprovka coobshenia o probleme doesn't give you details?21:49
EriC^^dwchan69: ah sorry i thought you meant on a live usb21:49
sarnoldqwertuttyty: (sorry, I've got no idea how to type cyrillic)21:49
niubI would like to create multiple virtual interfaces21:50
niubwith iw I would do something along this line21:50
niubiw dev wlan0 interface add wlan0_sta type managed addr 12:34:56:78:ab:cd21:50
speltnersarnold: can you tell me is there like a way to somehow "reset" the pool settings altogether21:50
niubiw dev wlan0 interface add wlan0_foo type managed addr 12:34:56:78:ab:dd21:50
speltnersarnold: would export do it?21:50
qwertuttytynothing shows up after I click to send a message. The window is closing.21:51
niuband then assign an ip address to both of them21:51
sarnoldspeltner: well, you could either export your pools again, then import them again with -R /altroot, or you could use zfs set mountpoint= commands on your datasets21:51
speltnerthe 'rpool' pool is not damaged in any way, it seems, I can still find my zsys steps from there and all21:51
niubis it possible to do so with netplan?21:51
sarnoldqwertuttyty: oh :(21:52
speltnersarnold: alright, sudo zpool export rpool seems to have done something21:52
qwertuttytyI know what information gathering looks like, but this time nothing appears.21:53
sarnoldqwertuttyty: I wonder .. are the permissions on / /var/ and /var/crash all okay?21:53
speltnersarnold: IT WORKED!!!!!!! SIR, YOU SAVED MY DAY! <321:55
speltnersarnold: or ma'am, or entity. THANK YOU <3<3<3<321:55
speltnerAnd remember, kids! ZFS - NOT EVEN ONCE.21:55
mgedminqwertuttyty: look at the files in /var/crash21:55
speltnersarnold: I'll send you 10 euros for beer if you /msg me your paypal :D21:56
sarnoldspeltner: hah, no need, I've learned countless things from others over the years :) just pass along knowledge to someone else in need in the future :)21:57
speltnersarnold: yup that's the spirit. thanks a lot man. this really, you have no idea how big of a boulder just rolled off my shoulders.21:57
speltnersarnold: nice ~48hr crash course into zfs :D21:58
sarnoldspeltner: that's certainly not the way to learn it! I took a few months reading things before putting a few thousand dollars into the hardware and terabytes of data..21:59
sarnoldspeltner: "omg it's all gone" isn't ideal, hehe21:59
speltner(And sorry about the ramble, although in all honesty I gotta say that XFS is far too complicated for workstation use)21:59
sarnoldxfs is completely different21:59
speltnersarnold: yep well tell me about it, there's a couple of endpoints doing data recovery atm21:59
sarnoldI'm ... on the fence for zfs on workstation... it's been on my laptop, but I made the mistake of making a 512M rpool :( stpuid too-tiny thing22:00
speltnersarnold: yep I mean it has its place obviously, same way RAID does (although people get opinionated on that one too)22:00
sarnoldexactly: I'm *never* touching hardware raid cards again :)22:00
sarnoldspeltner: sweet :D lunch time here, back eventually22:00
speltnersarnold: well it's ... it's more like, how in the hell do you get the data out if it goes bad. and i read something about xfs/zfs that some of the "added guard-rails against bit rot" might actually start to produce catastrophic errors i.e. with broken journals or such22:01
sarnoldqwertuttyty: my guess or theory is permissions somewhere along the way to /var/crash/ or your crash files is busted, keeping those things around22:01
sarnoldspeltner: thankfully, no dead drives here to test that theory, hehe22:01
mgedminqwertuttyty: also, what does /etc/default/apport say about enabled=?22:01
sarnoldmgedmin: ooh good idea, I didn't know there was an easy way to turn it off! that's a solid plan :)22:02
speltnersarnold: it might be really hard to recover data from a screwed-up xfs, I'd reckon22:02
speltnersarnold: "It's too bad that data won't live! But then again, who does!" :D as in Blade Runner.22:03
dwchan69weird, got drop22:03
qwertuttyty"/var владелец "root", группа "root" 755. /var/log владелец "root", группа "whoopsie" 3777. whoopsie??? 3777- its this humor?"22:10
qwertuttyty"/var owner "root," group "root" 755. /var/log owner of "root", group "whoopsie" 3777. whoopsie??? 3777- its this humor?"22:11
qwertuttyty/var/crsh owner of "root", group "whoopsie" 3777. whoopsie??? 3777- its this humor?" not log22:12
qwertuttyty /var/crash/22:12
mgedminwhoopsie is the daemon that uploads crash reports to errors.ubuntu.com22:13
qwertuttyty3777 - ok?22:17
mgedminsticky world-writable directories, e.g. /tmp uses that mode too22:19
mgedminsticky and setgit, so all files in it are owned by the directory's owner22:20
mgedmin(/tmp is actually 1777, sticky but not setgid)22:20
qwertuttytyI correctly understand from the fact that I see the right to eat to process? 3777 this is more than 77722:22
mgedminI don't understand you.  right to eat?22:23
mgedminanyway the directory permissions are correct22:23
mgedminare there any files inside /var/crash/?22:23
qwertuttytyI understand correctly from what I see the rights are for processing have?22:25
qwertuttytychange to 777 is not a problem for me22:27
qwertuttytyU-Mate 20.04 update to 20.1022:32
qwertuttyty3777? change to the 777 or doesn't make sense to change?22:35
mgedmindon't fiddle with directory permissions in /var please22:36
hggdhqwertuttyty: for the record, and just a comment: 3777 is a real bad idea. You will be giving full access to anyone PLUS the special permissions (sticky bit, set gid, set uid)22:36
mgedmindon't mess with things you don't understand if you don't want to break your system22:36
mgedminhggdh: those are the default permissions for /var/crash22:36
mgedminand also 3777 has no setuid bit, just setgit and sticky22:36
hggdh^ right22:37
qwertuttytyand which figure should be? Always been 3777 for/var/crash?22:38
qwertuttytynothing shows up after I click to send a message. The window is closing.22:40
qwertuttytyit's because of 3777 or not because of the 3777 I don't know.22:42
mgedminqwertuttyty: I didn't see your answers to my questions22:42
mgedminwhat's in /etc/default/apport, and what files exist in /var/crash/22:43
qwertuttytyrepeat the question and write with a sign? because of the translation, it's not all 100% clear.22:45
mgedminwhat's in /etc/default/apport, and what files exist in /var/crash/?22:46
qwertuttytyhttps://ibb.co/bFbYyzd apport: enabled=122:57
mgedminhmm, same here, but my crash dialogs provide more information22:57
mgedminI don't know why22:58
mgedminanyway if you want to know what crashed, look at the files inside /var/crash/22:58
mgedminthese are text files with crash information22:58
ekarlsohi guys, anyone had issues with ubuntu 20.10 and nvidia drivers?23:10
tomreynsomeone always has issues with some ubuntu version and some drivers.23:10
ekarlsoWell I thought that nvidia drivers should work at least on vanilla setup?23:11
ekarlso"          include/generated/autoconf.h or include/config/auto.conf are missing."23:12
ekarlsoafter runnin sudo apt install nvidia-driver-45523:12
sarnoldtry uninstalling it again, and running ubuntu-drivers install  ?23:13
ekarlsodone so several times :P23:13
ekarlsosudo apt-get remove --purge "nvidia-*"23:13
tomreynyou're running the default kernel23:14
ekarlso5.8.0-26-generic #27-Ubuntu SMP Wed Oct 21 22:29:16 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux23:14
scakkoi've tried material-shell, does anyone know a good dark gtk theme without rounded corners23:15
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TJ-ekarlso: tomreyn I autoconf.h and auto.conf are in the linux-headers packages23:16
tomreynekarlso: this looks default. can you show the full output which includes the error message?23:16
tomreynTJ-: oh, good point, so headers aren't installed. that's weird, since those packages should depend on them, i would think23:17
TJ-ekarlso: what does "pastebinit <( apt list --installed linux-* )" show us?23:18
ekarlsoTJ-: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8nhkxkKmrS/23:19
TJ-ekarlso: looks fine there, installed packages as expected23:20
ekarlsoye but it's failing..23:20
TJ-ekarlso: so we need to capture more detailed logs when it does23:20
TJ-ekarlso: I suspect the -455 driver package may not be using the correct search path; we can check that via its source initially23:21
tomreynlinux-modules-nvidia-455-generic-hwe-20.04-edge is normal?23:22
ekarlsohmm, so what I do ?23:22
ekarlsoI even tried the ubuntu-drivers command23:22
tomreynekarlso: logs are usually written somewhere in /var/log23:24
tomreyni assume there can be "ubuntu-driver" logs or "jockey" or maybe this goes directly to systemd-journald, then you can access it with journalctl23:25
TJ-tomreyn: didn't realise nvidia-driver-455 is just full of HTML docs!23:26
TJ-looks like what we need to focus on is nvidia-dkms-45523:26
tomreynTJ-: me neither, so part of the driver is actually open source23:26
TJ-well the DKSM kernel wedge is, always has been, it's the binary blob it interfaces with that is proprietary23:27
TJ-that's why the kernel wedge is needed; to translate between nvidia's cross-platform kernel API and the Linux kernel23:28
TJ-oh ekarlos has gone!23:30
TJ-just when we need to see the ls /var/lib/dkms/nvidia/455.38/5.4.0-52-lowlatency/x86_64/log/make.log23:31
TJ-oh yeah :D23:33
tomreynhe had several leftover 20.04 packages installed, i wonder whether this could be related23:33
TJ-I test built it here on 20.0423:33
fuzzypixelzhello, I had the genius idea of remove a PPA's .list file before 'apt-get remove'ing it, so now apt-get doesn't find in its db23:33
TJ-it ought not; assuming the -header links per-kernel-version were there23:33
fuzzypixelzhow can I fix this?23:33
TJ-fuzzypixelz: put the list file back23:33
fuzzypixelzI _deleted_ it23:35
fuzzypixelzwith 'rm'23:35
TJ-fuzzypixelz: install it again with apt-add ...23:35
fuzzypixelzTJ-: if I remove the package with apt, the repo is deleted automagically right?23:40
mgedminfuzzypixelz: what package?23:41
fuzzypixelzmgedmin: the package I installed from a PPA23:41
fuzzypixelzmgedmin: is the PPA removed?23:42
fuzzypixelzAh so I still have to delete the file?23:42
fuzzypixelzmgedmin: in /etc/apt/sources.list.d23:43
tomreynthe .list file defines a package repository apt can install pacjages from. by removing it, you removed the upgrade patch for any package sinstalled from there (unless other apt repositories you still have configured provide one, too)23:43
tomreyn* upgrade paTH23:43
mgedminfuzzypixelz: sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:...23:44
mgedminfuzzypixelz: or install and use ppa-purge23:44
mgedminbecause yeah it's a bad idea to remove a ppa if you still have packages installed from it23:44
mgedmin(but you can also find those using other methods, like with apt-show-versions)23:44
tomreynor apt-forktracer23:45
fuzzypixelzmgedmin: what do you recommend?23:45
* mgedmin is too sleepy to be making recommendations23:46
tomreynfuzzypixelz: the easiest option is to create the .list file there again, if you can. i guess the second easiest option is to install and run apt-forktracer and remove the packages without  [ square brackets ] on their line (unless you know you still need those, and don't need an upgrade path for them)23:49
davido_This is probably an oft-asked question; it used to be the case that I could use Gnome tweak tool to move application menus off the primary display's top bar back into the application window bar itself. This feature no longer seems to be available in gnome tweaks. How do I get applications to move their menu back to their own window instead of the global desktop menu area?23:51
davido_I found https://askubuntu.com/a/1184284/16772 ... but it no longer seems to apply; my tweak tool doesn't have the highlighted feature.23:52
TJ-davido_: dump gnome and use something more sensible that does what YOU tell it!23:52
* mgedmin frowns at TJ-23:54
davido_That seems rather extreme given Ubuntu ships with Gnome 3.38, and at least as of 2018 (https://blogs.gnome.org/aday/2018/10/09/farewell-application-menus/) the plan was to move the menu back to the windows.23:54
TJ-davido_: there's Xubuntu (xfce4-desktop), Lubuntu (lxqt) and several other flavours23:55
mgedminI think they've done that and you no longer get application menus in the top bar23:55
ubottuRecognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours23:55
mgedmininstead you get the same menu you'd get when right-clicking the launcher icon23:55
mgedmina list of open windows + any custom actions in the .desktop file23:55
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davido_TJ-: I'm probably asking the wrong room then, because I'm asking how to get the desktop that ships with Ubuntu (now Xubuntu, etc) to do what Gnome claims to have migrated to doing two years ago.23:57
davido_I'm not quite ready to throw out the baby with the bathwater.23:58
TJ-davido_: does it happen to a new user account as well?23:59
TJ-davido_: if not, you've got some saved config for your main user23:59
davido_Excellent question.23:59

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