
Maikjamesprada: may i remind you that this channel is a support channel for Xubuntu. Windows 7 doesn't belong here and we asked you a couple of times in a kind way to take it to the offtopic channel. Either do that or just leave it.00:34
* Maik tickles Unit19300:45
Maiki hope you agree? ^^00:45
john2020Hello, does anyone know how to change the lock screen from xfce4-screensaver to light locker? Manjaro Xfce has this by default and I prefer it since it allows for more customisation of the lockscreen through the lightdm greeter settings02:38
Unit193Sure thing, it's had some glitches in the past but basically just deinstall xfce4-screensaver and install light-locker.  That's it.02:40
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
sorinelloxtao, ping07:16
xu-irc97wCan someone help me08:09
xu-irc97wI installed xubuntu on virtualbox but everytime on start up there's this blank screen with an underscore blinking08:10
xu-irc97wI reinstalled it, it's of no use08:11
xtaosorinello: pong08:38
sorinelloxtao, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm-gtk-greeter/+bug/1890394?comments=all read the last 2 comments. Maybe (if you have an account) you could comment as well, so that the fix will be released08:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1890394 in lightdm-gtk-greeter (Ubuntu Groovy) "Lightdm-gtk-greeter coredump during boot with recent systemd versions" [Undecided,Fix committed]08:40
xtaoi don't have an account but ok. i'll take a look after some morning coffee08:41
xtaoalso i've only tested it twice so far, only just booted the laptop for the second time now this morning, but yes, so far it seems to be fixed08:55
xtaoi'll register an account and comment in a bit08:55
xtaook done09:19
hans__i have an Xubuntu 18.04, update-manager says "computer is up to date, but 20.04 is available. do you want to upgrade?", and when i press the Upgrade button, update-manager just exits, but in stderr it prints: hans@xDevAd:~$ update-manager13:26
hans__WARNING:root:can not import unity GI Namespace Dbusmenu not available13:26
hans__Checking for a new Ubuntu release13:26
hans__Please install all available updates for your release before upgrading.13:26
hans__... so update-manager think i have all updates available, until i press the Upgrade button..?13:26
hans__anyway, how do i upgrade from 18.04 to 20.04 ?13:27
hans__(i did it successfully with an 18.04 system like 14 days ago, but back then i just kinda hack-ily replaced all instances of "bionic" with "focal" in /etc/apt/*13:28
hans__i'm guessing that's not the correct way to do it, got some errors, but it worked-ish anyway13:29
hans__ohh i think i get it, The following packages have been kept back:13:30
hans__  wine-stable winehq-stable13:30
hans__so update manager probably want me to update those 2 before going 20.0413:30
hans__bleh, "unmet dependencies".. whatever, i don13:32
hans__don't even need wine, ill just remove it13:32
hans__neat, after uninstalling "*wine*", the "Upgrade" button started working :)13:34
hans__.. the update-manager devs could do a better job there, instead of just exiting, update-manager should have said something along the line of "can't upgrade to 20.04 because the following packages have been held back: (...)" before exiting, imo ^^13:36
quarxhi, can i ask?13:39
hans__quarx, no, you must keep quiet13:41
hans__do not disturb the silence13:41
hans__quarx, just kidding. so what do you want help with?13:41
quarxxubuntu groovy shows broken icons and themes both on live cd and install, only on my netbook (acer aspire es1-111m-c8tm, it has a emmc disk) but on my other laptops everything is fine, i already tried all secure boot options, i even tried to disable it but nothing changes, any clue? thanks13:42
hans__how old is the netbook?13:44
hans__or rather, the model?13:45
quarxi wrote, anyway is a 2015 model, but xubuntu works on older laptops i have13:45
quarxthe fact is13:45
quarxthat all other distros with xfce or other ubuntu flavors have not any problem like this13:46
hans__other ubuntu flavors such as?13:46
quarxubuntu, kubuntu, ubuntu mate etc13:47
quarxso this problem is xubuntu related13:47
hans__that's odd, unfortunately you came at a bad time, the people who might be able to help you debug that issue is not available now afaik ^^ maybe you'd have better luck if you try again in ~5-6 hours13:48
quarxwell is he even here now so i write in private?13:50
hans__it's not a singular "he", it's plural, and many here don't like to be PM'ed, so.. rather you didn't13:51
quarxokay i think i will use the forums13:52
quarxthanks anyway13:52
hans__good luck ^^13:52
=== dax is now known as housecat
PeGaSuShi folks. I'm starting to lose my mind. every time I close my laptop lid (old Packard Bell from around 2012 perhaps) and reopen it, the "Configure a new display" dialog pops up. what should I disable/edit so this behaviour disappears? TIA20:23
diogenes_PeGaSuS, probably to untick 'Configure new display when connected' in display settings.20:27
PeGaSuSdiogenes_: Display > Advanced has all unticked20:29
diogenes_PeGaSuS, is 'session save' enabled?20:30
PeGaSuSdiogenes_: you mean when you click the whiskers menu and chose the "Power button"?20:31
diogenes_that too but also in settings editor > xfce4-session- SaveOnExit20:33
PeGaSuSSaveOnExit doesn't have any box checked20:35
diogenes_and in Session and Startup?20:37
PeGaSuSon General only "Prompt on logout" is checked20:37
diogenes_in any case try: rm ~/.cache/sessions/*20:38
PeGaSuSshould I logout and login after that?20:39
PeGaSuSsame behaviour :/20:41
diogenes_is it intel GPU?20:41
PeGaSuSI have two dialogs open when I reopen the lid. probably one when I close and one when I reopen it? and yes, it's a Intel Atom20:42
PeGaSuSoutput of "cat /proc/cpuinfo/": https://termbin.com/6tty20:44
diogenes_lspci -nnk | grep VGA -A320:44
diogenes_just tell me the driver20:44
PeGaSuSKernel driver in use: gma50020:46
diogenes_run: cat .xsession-errors | nc termbin.com 999920:52
diogenes_share the url.20:52
PeGaSuSdiogenes_: https://termbin.com/b03w20:53
PeGaSuSI need to go AFK for 5 minutes, to do something. brb20:59
xu-help89wMy nephew downloaded Xubuntu on my other laptop and Is not available to assist me.  He also loaded Firefox as the internet provider.  When I try to access the internet  (computer shows I'm am connected).  Any site I try to connect to it says "We can't connect to the server - try again later, check your network connection and if you are connected21:09
xu-help89wbut behind a firewall, check that Firefox has permission to access the Web.  Where do I go to allow Firefox to access the Web?21:09
PeGaSuSusually that should happen automatically?21:10
xu-help89wCan I download a different web provider?21:12
PeGaSuSif you can't access the web, I don't see how you can download another browser21:13
PeGaSuSif anyone could come up with ideas to fix the annoying "Configure new display" whenever I close and reopen my desktop lid, I'd be very grateful21:16
xu-help89whow to I find the firewall?  What do I need to do to allow Firefox to access the Web?21:16
PeGaSuShonestly, that's beyond my knowledge. I've installed Xubuntu in my laptop and it worked out of the box21:16

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